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Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones were ordered for thephysical mapping of rice chromosome 2, the last of the 12 ricechromosomes to be assigned YACs by the Rice Genome ResearchProgram. A total of 128 restriction fragment length polymorphismmarkers and 4 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers located onour high-density genetic map were used for YAC clone landing.By colony/Southern hybridization and polymerase chain reactionscreening, a total of 239 individual YACs were selected fromour YAC library of 6934 clones covering six genome equivalents.The YACs located on the corresponding marker positions in thelinkage map formed 43 contigs and islands and were estimatedto encompass about 50% of the length of rice chromosome 2.  相似文献   

First efforts for physical mapping of rice chromosomes 8 and9 were carried out by ordering YAC clones of a rice genomicDNA library covering six genome equivalents with mapped DNAmarkers. A total of 79 and 74 markers from chromosomes 8 and9, respectively, were analyzed by YAC colony and Southern hybridizationusing RFLP markers of cDNA and genomic clones, and by polymerasechain reaction (PCR) screening using PCR-derived and sequence-taggedsite (STS) markers. As a result, 252 YAC clones were confirmedto contain the mapped DNA fragments on both chromosomes. A contigmap was constructed by ordering these YAC clones and about 53%and 43% genome coverage was obtained for chromosomes 8 and 9,respectively, assuming a YAC clone size of 350 kb and overlapbetween neighboring YACs of 50%. A continuous array of YAC cloneswith minimum overlap gave a total size of 18.9 Mb for chromosome8 and 15.6 Mb for chromosome 9, which are close to previousestimates. These contig maps may provide valuable informationthat can be useful in understanding chromosome structure andisolating specific genes by map-based cloning.  相似文献   

Physical Mapping of Rice Chromosomes 4 and 7 Using YAC Clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physical maps of rice chromosomes 4 and 7 were constructed bylanding yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) along our high-densitymolecular linkage map. Using 114 DNA markers, 258 individualYACs were located on chromosome 4. Sixty-two out of 258 YACscarried two or more DNA marker positions and formed 16 contigswhich covered a total length of 17.1 cM. The other YACs werearranged to 23 positions. On chromosome 7, 203 individual YACswere landed on 109 DNA markers. Sixty-four out of 203 YACs formed15 contigs which covered a total length of 21.8 cM and 139 YACswere localized to 26 positions. Chromosomes 4 and 7 were coveredwith minimum tiling paths of 45 and 48 YACs, respectively. Takingthe average size of YAC insert DNA to be 350 kb and the entiregenome size to be 430 Mb, about 16–18 Mb of each chromosomeor an estimated 50% of their total lengths have been coveredwith YACs. Physical maps of these 2 chromosomes should be ofgreat help in identifying useful trait genes and unravelinggenetic and biological characteristics in rice.  相似文献   

A physical map of rice chromosome 5 was constructed with yeastartificial chromosome (YAC) clones along a high-resolution molecularlinkage map carrying 118 DNA markers distributed over 123.7cM of genomic DNA. YAC clones have been identified by colonyand Southern hybridization for 105 restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism (RFLP) markers and by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) screening for 8 sequence-tagged site (STS) markers and5 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Of 458YACs, 235 individual YACs with an average insert length of 350kb were selected and ordered on chromosome 5 from the YAC library.Forty-eight contigs covering nearly 21 Mb were formed on thechromosome 5; the longest one was 6 cM and covered 1.5 Mb. Thelength covered with YAC clones corresponded to 62% of the totallength of chromosome 5. There were many multicopy sequencesof expressed genes on chromosome 5. The distribution of manycopies of these expressed gene sequences was determined by YACSouthern hybridization and is discussed. A physical map withthese characteristics provides a powerful tool for elucidationof genome structure and extraction of useful genetic informationin rice.  相似文献   

Saturation mapping of a very small genomic region is indispensable for map-based cloning. We applied a method based on sub-cloning and the Southern-hybridization technique for generating RFLP markers directly from yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs). Two YACs overlapping each other and covering the locus of the rice blast resistance gene, Pi-b, were used to construct a plasmid sub-library. Rice-specific and single-copy clones suitable as probes for RFLP analysis were selected from this sub-library by hybridization to the blots of digested DNAs of rice, YACs, and yeast. As a result, 22 markers were produced within a small chromosomal region including Pi-b. This case study shows that overlapping YACs known to cover the gene of interest are very useful in fine-scale physical mapping leading to map-based cloning of the target gene. Received: 2 May 1996 / Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

着丝粒、端粒和复制起点是保持染色体在有丝分裂时稳定性的重要组分,利用酵母染色体的这些组分,1983年人们首次成功地构建了酵母人工染色体(YAC).此后,生物学家对于构建以人类为代表的哺乳动物的人工染色体产生了极大的兴趣,并于1997年成功地构建了第一条人类人工染色体(HAC).人工染色体具有极其重要的理论和实际意义,不仅可以作为研究必需组分的基础,还为基因治疗开辟了一条新的途径.目前,人们正致力于人工染色体的实际应用的研究,并期望在包括绿色植物的更多物种中构建人工染色体,前景十分广阔.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones were arranged on thepositions of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)and sequence-tagged site (STS) markers already mapped on thehigh-resolution genetic maps of rice chromosomes 3 and 11. Froma total of 416 and 242 YAC clones selected by colony/Southernhybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis,238 and 135 YAC clones were located on chromosomes 3 and 11,respectively. For chromosomes 3 and 11, 24 YAC contigs and islandswith total coverage of about 46% and 12 contigs and islandswith coverage of about 40%, respectively, were assigned. Althoughmany DNA fragments of multiple copy marker sequences could notbe mapped to their original locations on the genetic map bySouthern hybridization because of a lack of RFLP, the physicalmapping of YAC clones could often assign specific locationsof such multiple copy sequences on the genome. The informationprovided here on contig formation and similar sequence distributionrevealed by ordering YAC clones will help to unravel the genomeorganization of rice as well as being useful in isolation ofgenes by map-based cloning.  相似文献   

The major QTL for submergence tolerance was locate in the 5.9 cM interval between flanking RFLP markers. To narrow down this region, a physical map was constructed using YAC and BAC clones. A 400-kb YAC was identified in this region and later its end fragments were used to screen a rice BAC library. Through chromosome walking, 24 positive BAC clones formed two contigs around linked-RFLP markers, R1164 and RZ698. Using one YAC end, six BAC ends and three RFLP markers, a fine-scale map was constructed of the 6.8-cM interval of S10709-RZ698 on rice chromosome 9. The submergence tolerance and related trait were located in a small, well-defined region around BAC-end marker 180D1R and RFLP marker R1164. The physical-to-map distance ratio in this region is as small as 172.5 kb/cM, showing that this region is a hot spot for recombination in the rice genome.  相似文献   

东乡野生稻双元细菌人工染色体(BIBAC)文库的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双元细菌人工染色体(binarybacterialartificialchromosome,BIBAC)是能直接将大片段DNA转入植物的载体,是植物基因图位克隆和构建植物基因嵌入突变体库的重要工具。该研究以东乡野生稻为材料,构建其BIBAC文库。该文库由14592个克隆组成,平均插入片段大小为65kb,覆盖率为2倍基因组。稳定性检测结果表明,东乡野生稻基因组DNA能够在BIBAC载体中稳定存在。  相似文献   

水稻核基因组DNA的YAC克隆和鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将EcoRI部分消化的水稻(Oryza sativa L.)细胞核高分子量DNA电泳分部,回收大于200kb的片段,与内切酶消化过的酵母人工染色体(YAC)双质粒载体pJs97。pJS98DNA连接,转化酵母YPH252感受态原生质球,用ura-,TrP-双选择培养基直接筛选转化子,已获得2 000多个克隆。转化子DNA的southern杂交显示插入片段在200~820kb范围。  相似文献   

Physical mapping of the rice genome with BACs   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Zhang  Hong-Bin  Wing  Rod A. 《Plant molecular biology》1997,35(1-2):115-127
The development of genetics in this century has been catapulted forward by several milestones: rediscovery of Mendel's laws, determination of DNA as the genetic material, discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA and its implications for genetic behavior, and most recently, analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Each of these milestones has generated a huge wave of progress in genetics. Consequently, our understanding of organismal genetics now extends from phenotypes to their molecular genetic basis. It is now clear that the next wave of progress in genetics will hinge on genome molecular physical mapping, since a genome physical map will provide an invaluable, readily accessible system for many detailed genetic studies and isolation of many genes of economic or biological importance. Recent development of large-DNA fragment (>100 kb) manipulation and cloning technologies, such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) cloning, has provided the powerful tools needed to generate molecular physical maps for higher-organism genomes. This chapter will discuss (1) an ideal physical map of plant genome and its applications in plant genetic and biological studies, (2) reviews on physical mapping of the genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana, and man, (3) large-insert DNA libraries: cosmid, YAC and BAC, and genome physical mapping, (4) physical mapping of the rice genome with BACs, and (5) perspectives on the physical mapping of the rice genome with BACs.  相似文献   

水稻抗白叶枯病基因Xa4位点跨叠BAC克隆群的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻白叶枯病抗性基因Xa4已被定位于第11染色体长臂末端的分子标记VG181和L1044之间,并与抗性基因同源序列片段RS13共分离。利用这3个标记筛选IRBB56的BAC文库,共得到128个阳性BAC克隆,其中RS13获得18个阳性克隆,这18个克隆中有4个和6个我隆分别同时为G181和L1044的阳性克隆,选其中的12克隆进行分析,构建了一个从G181到L1044区间的BAC跨叠克隆,全长420kb,并且56M22、106P13和104B153个BAC克隆可覆盖整个跨叠克隆群。这一研究结果为进一步分离Xa4基因打下基础。  相似文献   

水稻双元细菌人工染色体载体系统转化体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通双元载体己被广泛碰用于农杆菌介导的植物转化,但这类载体通常只能转移5~20kb的外源DNA片段;而双元细菌人工染色体(BIBAC)载休可以弥补普通双元裁体的不足,通过它已在烟草、番茄等双子叶植物中实现了大片段DNA(150kb)的转移。BIBAC载体在单子叶植物转化中的应用尚未见报道。面于单、双子叶植物间以及大、小片段转化间的转化体系存在明显差异,常规的农杆菌介导的水稻转化体系不能适应BIBAC系统转化的要求。因此,建立适于BIBAC系统的水稻转化体系是十分必要的。通过比较不同的受体材料,不同的预培养、其培养条件,不同的去除农杆菌及选择阳性愈伤的方式等对转化效率的影响,建矿了适合水稻BIBAC系统的转化体系。该体系的技术要点包括:以水稻品种H1493为转化受体:以含毒性辅助质粒pCH32的LBA4404菌株(HP4404)为侵染菌株;预培养的培养拱pH5.6:以N6A代替AAM悬浮农杆菌:侵染菌液浓度为OD600=1.0;共培养温度为24℃;采用过渡(Resting)培养除去农杆菌;采用二步法进行选择等。基于PCR检测、Southern印迹分析的结果表明,BIBAC载体所携带的插入片段及标记基因已整合到转化植株的基因组中。这个体系的建立为在水稻中利用BIBAC系统进行大片段DNA转化奠定基础。  相似文献   

Chromosome landing at the barley Rar1 locus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The barley Rar1 gene is an essential component of the race-specific, Mla-12-specified powdery mildew resistance reaction. As part of a map-based cloning strategy designed to isolate Rar1, five barley yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) have been identified, ranging in size from 300 to 1100 kb. PCR-based YAC end-specific markers have been established and were employed to construct a local YAC contig. Four out of five YAC clones were found to be non-colinear with the source DNA. High-resolution genetic mapping of the YAC ends demonstrated that the set of five overlapping YAC clones encompasses the barley Rar1 gene. Received: 9 June 1998 / Accepted: 15 July 1998  相似文献   

Magnaporthe grisea(Hebert) Barr causes rice blast, one of the most devastating diseases of rice (Oryza sativa) worldwide. This fungus is an ideal organism for studying a number of aspects of plant–pathogen interactions, including infection-related morphogenesis, avirulence, and pathogen evolution. To facilitateM. griseagenome analysis, physical mapping, and positional cloning, we have constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from the rice infecting strain 70-15. A new method was developed for separation of partially digested large-molecular-weight DNA fragments that facilitated library construction with large inserts. The library contains 9216 clones, with an average insert size of 130 kbp (>25 genome equivalents) stored in 384-well microtiter plates that can be double spotted robotically on to a single nylon membrane. Several unlinked single-copy DNA probes were used to screen 4608 clones in the library and an average of 13 (minimum of 6) overlapping BAC clones was found in each case. Hybridization of total genomic DNA to the library and analysis of individual clones indicated that ≈26% of the clones contain single-copy DNA. Approximately 35% of BAC clones contained the retrotransposon MAGGY. The library was used to identify BAC clones containing a adenylate cyclase gene (mac1). In addition, a 550-kbp contig composed of 6 BAC clones was constructed that encompassed two adjacent RFLP markers on chromosome 2. These data show that the BAC library is suitable for genome analysis ofM. grisea.Copies of colony hybridization membranes are available upon request.  相似文献   

用RAPD标记对栽培稻F1花粉不育基因座S-b定位   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
S-b是栽培稻F1花粉不育基因座痊之一,在S-b基因座,台中65的基因型为Sj/Sj,而台中65(简称T65)的近等基因系TISL2的基因型为Si/Si,通过F2群体和BC1F1群体的遗传分析表明,台中65和TISL2的F1花粉不育性由一个基因座控制,S-b基因座的等位基因s^i和S^j相互作用,导致携带S^j基因的花败败育,产生染败花粉,用187个RFLP标记和500个RAPD引物分析 了T65和TISL2间的多态性,结果只有2个RAPD扩增片段H08-1300和Y09-H08-1300转化为RFLP标记,经F2群体的共分离分析表明,H08-1300和Y09-1500在F2群体中呈明显的偏态分离,用MAPMAKER/EXP3.0计算,H08-1300和Y09-1500与S-b基因座间的遗传 1.3cM和6.6cM,克隆和测定了H08-1300两侧的部分DNA序列,经同源性分析发现,右末端580bp的序列中有101bp 的序列与水稻第五染色体的克隆P0033D06(注册号:AC079357)有94%的同源性,左末端中540bp的序列中P0033D06有86%的同源性,由于P0033D06为由位于水稻第五染色体定位18.8cM处的标记R3166锚定,结果说明S-b基因座位于水稻第五染色体上,与R3166的遗传距离为1.3cM,同时还讨论了对于应用基因组测序的结果进行RAPD标记染色体定位的方法。  相似文献   

人基因组百万碱基级巨型YAC的构建戴长虹,柴建华(复旦大学遗传学研究所,上海200433)关键词人基因组;酵母人工染色体(YAC);百万碱基;巨型YAC人类的全部遗传信息包含在3x10'核着酸对(hp)中,共编码50000~100000个基因。人类基...  相似文献   

利用脉冲电泳(PulsedFieldGelElectrophoresis,PFGE)分析了酵母菌A364a的电泳核型,以5号染色体专一探针确定了该染色体在电泳核型中的位置,以内切酶BamHI对该染色体DNA进行部分酶切后,与整合型载体YIp5连接获得了一个染色体专一的基因文库,其转化子数目超过了理论要求值。从文库中筛选与已知探针有同源性的片段并用内切酶BamHI,EcoRI,HindII,PstI和SalI分析这些插入片段,获得了一个覆盖A364a5号染色体(其长度估计为620kb)9.4%的精细物理图谱。利用边界克隆和菌落杂交将使我们能够对整条染色体进行进一步的“步查”  相似文献   

用万能引物PCR法从YAC中分离制备荧光原位杂交探针的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史庆华  黄浩杰 《遗传学报》1998,25(5):403-408
报道了一种从微量且未知碱基顺序的YAC DNA中制备FISH探针的新方法——万能引物PCR(UP PCR),即把复性后的UP-Linker连接于PFGE分离后经Alu Ⅰ酶切的YAC DNA上,再用UP对其进行PCR扩增和标记。由于Alu Ⅰ的广谱性和UP与Linker长度不同等,使该法能根据PCR效率调节扩增产物的广泛性向特异性的转变,且产物能覆盖YAC嵌入DNA的全长。此法制备的人21号染色体FISH探针,特异性强,杂交信号明亮,21号染色体的检出率高。该法稳定简便。  相似文献   

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