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为了评价新型转基因棉花在长江生态区对棉田生态环境安全性的影响, 2013-2015年作者以新型转RRM2基因棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)为材料, 以其亲本‘中棉所12’为对照, 在安徽省沿江棉区系统研究了转基因棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的结构与组成、个体数量、群落特征参数及其季节性动态变化。结果表明: 转RRM2基因棉田的主要类群组成、优势类群与非转基因棉田没有差异, 但在2013年转RRM2基因棉田棉蚜个体数量显著高于非转基因棉田, 叶螨类、棉铃虫和其他鳞翅目的个体数量显著低于非转基因棉田, 在其他年份没有显著差异; 其他类群的个体数量在两类棉田间没有显著差异。在棉田害虫发生量大的年份, 转RRM2基因棉田的昆虫群落个体数量较非转基因棉田增加, 物种丰富度较非转基因棉田减少, 但差异不显著, 而两类棉田年度间均差异显著。转RRM2基因棉田昆虫群落和害虫亚群落的全生育期多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势集中性指数与非转基因棉田没有显著差异; 其天敌亚群落的三个指数在2013年与非转基因棉田差异显著, 其他年份没有显著差异; 两类棉田年度间差异均不显著。转RRM2基因棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落个体数量、群落特征参数的时序动态与非转基因棉田较一致, 具季节性波动; 在群落个体数量高峰期, 群落多样性指数和均匀度指数处于低谷, 而优势集中性指数则相反; 昆虫群落、害虫亚群落的季节波动明显, 天敌亚群落的季节性变化较平缓。因此, 转RRM2基因棉花对棉田昆虫群落的结构与组成、群落特征参数及其时序动态没有显著影响, 但在气候适宜年份, 转RRM2基因棉田的害虫发生量可能增大。  相似文献   

RNA结合蛋白通过特异识别RNA底物发挥重要的生物学作用。指数富集的配体系统进化(Systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment,SELEX)技术是一种体外筛选核酸底物的基本方法,SELEX技术通过重复多轮筛选从随机核酸序列库中筛选出特异性与靶物质高度亲和的核酸底物,本研究将利用该技术与二代高通量测序(NGS)相结合,体外合成含有20个随机碱基的RNA文库,将所要研究的蛋白构建到带有可被链亲和酶素磁珠捕获的SBP标记的载体上去,显著提高筛选效率,仅需1轮筛选即可获得所需RNA底物motif。通过该方法获得了人的hn RNP A1的UP1结构域特异识别AGG和AG二种RNA序列,并通过EMSA实验证实其可以与获得的RNA motif结合。这一方法的建立对于研究RNA结合蛋白识别底物的序列特异性,并进一步了解其在生物体内的调控机制有重要意义。  相似文献   

The hnRNP fiber is the substrate on which pre-mRNA processing occurs. The protein moiety of the fiber (hnRNP proteins) constitutes a broad family of RNA binding proteins that revealed, upon molecular analysis, a number of interesting features.Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 is a major component of the human hnRNP complex. In recent years this protein has attracted great attention because of several emerging evidences of its direct involvement in pre-mRNA processing and it has become one of the best characterized RNA binding proteins. Detailed knowledge of the structure of protein A1 has laid the basis for the understanding of its function, and for this reason A1 can be considered as a model polypeptide for the investigation of a large number of RNA binding proteins.In this work we report recent findings regarding the binding properties of protein A1 as well as new data on the gene structure of A1 and of its closely related hnRNP protein A2. Our results show that a single A1 molecule contains the determinants for simultaneous binding of two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules and we demonstrate that the glycine-rich domain of A1, isolated from the rest of the molecule, is capable of sustaining protein-protein interactions. These features probably account for the reannealing activity of the protein and for its capacity to modulate the binding of snRNPs to intron sequencesin vitro. Comparison of A1 and A2 gene sequences revealed a remarkable conservation of the overall structural organization, suggesting important functions for the different structural elements.  相似文献   

The essential pre-mRNA splicing factor, U2 auxiliary factor 65KD (U2AF(65)) recognizes the polypyrimidine tract (Py-tract) consensus sequence of the pre-mRNA using two RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), the most prevalent class of eukaryotic RNA-binding domain. The Py-tracts of higher eukaryotic pre-mRNAs are often interrupted with purines, yet U2AF(65) must identify these degenerate Py-tracts for accurate pre-mRNA splicing. Previously, the structure of a U2AF(65) variant in complex with poly(U) RNA suggested that rearrangement of flexible side-chains or bound water molecules may contribute to degenerate Py-tract recognition by U2AF(65). Here, the X-ray structure of the N-terminal RRM domain of U2AF(65) (RRM1) is described at 1.47 A resolution in the absence of RNA. Notably, RNA-binding by U2AF(65) selectively stabilizes pre-existing alternative conformations of three side-chains located at the RNA interface (Arg150, Lys225, and Arg227). Additionally, a flexible loop connecting the beta2/beta3 strands undergoes a conformational change to interact with the RNA. These pre-existing alternative conformations may contribute to the ability of U2AF(65) to recognize a variety of Py-tract sequences. This rare, high-resolution view of an important member of the RRM class of RNA-binding domains highlights the role of alternative side-chain conformations in RNA recognition.  相似文献   

为了评估新型转基因棉花的育种价值, 评价其对棉田生态环境安全性的影响, 2012-2013年连续2年以新型转RRM2基因棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)为材料, 以其亲本‘中棉所12’为对照, 系统研究了棉田节肢动物群落的结构与组成、群落特征参数及其季节性动态变化, 同时结合气候条件分析比较了转基因棉花和非转基因棉花的生长势和产量构成因素。结果表明: 相同年份新型转RRM2基因棉田昆虫群落、害虫亚群落和天敌亚群落的结构与组成、多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势集中性指数及棉花生长期相对丰度动态变化均与对照无显著差异; 与2012年相比, 2013年转基因棉田和非转基因棉田节肢动物群落、棉花生长及产量构成因素的各项指标总体上呈下降趋势; 转基因棉田和非转基因棉田优势天敌功能团动态均滞后于优势害虫功能团, 因此棉花生长前期应适时防治棉花害虫。  相似文献   

T-cell-restricted intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1) regulates alternative pre-mRNA splicing in the nucleus, and mRNA translation in the cytoplasm, by recognizing uridine-rich sequences of RNAs. As a step towards understanding RNA recognition by this regulatory factor, the X-ray structure of the central RNA recognition motif (RRM2) of human TIA-1 is presented at 1.95 Å resolution. Comparison with structurally homologous RRM-RNA complexes identifies residues at the RNA interfaces that are conserved in TIA-1-RRM2. The versatile capability of RNP motifs to interact with either proteins or RNA is reinforced by symmetry-related protein-protein interactions mediated by the RNP motifs of TIA-1-RRM2. Importantly, the TIA-1-RRM2 structure reveals the locations of mutations responsible for inhibiting nuclear import. In contrast with previous assumptions, the mutated residues are buried within the hydrophobic interior of the domain, where they would be likely to destabilize the RRM fold rather than directly inhibit RNA binding.  相似文献   

T cell intracellular antigen-1 (TIA-1), an apoptosis promoting factor, functions as a splicing regulator for the Fas pre-mRNA. TIA-1 possesses three RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) and a glutamine-rich domain. The second RRM (RRM2) is necessary and sufficient for tight, sequence-specific binding to the uridine-rich sequences buried around the 5' splice sites. In the present study, we solved the solution structure of the murine TIA-1 RRM2 by heteronuclear-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The TIA-1 RRM2 adopts the RRM fold (betaalphabetabetaalphabeta) and possesses an extra beta-strand between beta2 and beta3, which forms an additional beta-sheet with the C-terminal part of beta2. We refer to this structure as the beta2-beta2' beta-loop. Interestingly, this characteristic beta-loop structure is conserved among a number of RRMs, including the U2AF65 RRM2 and the Sex-lethal RRM1 and RRM2, which also bind to uridine-rich RNAs. Furthermore, we identified a new sequence motif in the beta2-beta2' beta-loop, the DxxT motif. Chemical shift perturbation analyses of both the main and side chains upon binding to the uridine pentamer RNA revealed that most of the beta-sheet surface, including the beta2-beta2' beta-loop, is involved in the RNA binding. An investigation of the chemical shift perturbation revealed similarity in the RNA recognition modes between the TIA-1 and U2AF65 RRMs.  相似文献   

RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) constitute versatile macromolecular interaction platforms. They are found in many components of spliceosomes, in which they mediate RNA and protein interactions by diverse molecular strategies. The human U11/U12-65K protein of the minor spliceosome employs a C-terminal RRM to bind hairpin III of the U12 small nuclear RNA (snRNA). This interaction comprises one side of a molecular bridge between the U11 and U12 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) and is reminiscent of the binding of the N-terminal RRMs in the major spliceosomal U1A and U2B″ proteins to hairpins in their cognate snRNAs. Here we show by mutagenesis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays that the β-sheet surface and a neighboring loop of 65K C-terminal RRM are involved in RNA binding, as previously seen in canonical RRMs like the N-terminal RRMs of the U1A and U2B″ proteins. However, unlike U1A and U2B″, some 30 residues N-terminal of the 65K C-terminal RRM core are additionally required for stable U12 snRNA binding. The crystal structure of the expanded 65K C-terminal RRM revealed that the N-terminal tail adopts an α-helical conformation and wraps around the protein toward the face opposite the RNA-binding platform. Point mutations in this part of the protein had only minor effects on RNA affinity. Removal of the N-terminal extension significantly decreased the thermal stability of the 65K C-terminal RRM. These results demonstrate that the 65K C-terminal RRM is augmented by an N-terminal element that confers stability to the domain, and thereby facilitates stable RNA binding.  相似文献   

Human heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H (hnRNP H) regulates alternative splicing of HIV-1 Tat pre-mRNA. The structure of the first N-terminal domain (residues 1–104) of hnRNP H was solved and its binding to an exonic splicing silencer (pESS2) studied. For this, all backbone and 85% of side-chain resonance frequencies were assigned.  相似文献   

RNA recognition motif (RRM) domains bind both nucleic acids and proteins. Several proteins that contain two closely spaced RRM domains were previously found in protein complexes formed by the cap region of human topoisomerase I, a nuclear enzyme responsible for DNA relaxation or phosphorylation of SR splicing proteins. To obtain molecular insight into specific interactions between the RRM proteins and the cap region of topo I we examined their binary interactions using the yeast two-hybrid system. The interactions were established for hnRNP A1, p54(nrb) and SF2/ASF, but not for hnRNP L or HuR. To identify the amino acid pattern responsible for binding, experimental mutagenesis was employed and computational modelling of these processes was carried out. These studies revealed that two RRM domains and six residues of the consensus sequence are required for the binding to the cap region. On the basis of the above data, a structural model for the hnRNP A1-topoisomerase I complex was proposed. The main component of the hnRNP A1 binding site is a hydrophobic pocket on the beta-surface of the first RRM domain, similar to that described for Y14 protein interacting with Mago. We demonstrated that the interaction between RRM domains and the cap region was important for the kinase reaction catalyzed by topoisomerase I. Together with the previously described inhibitory effect of RRM domains of SF2/ASF on DNA cleavage, the above suggests that the binding of RRM proteins could regulate the activity of topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

Y-box-binding protein 1 (YB-1) is an animal multifunctional DNA/RNA-binding protein that is involved in reproduction, storing, and expression of genetic information. YB-1 accompanies mRNA throughout its life, from synthesis to degradation, and has a high specific and nonspecific affinity for RNA. In the nucleus YB-1 regulates mRNA processing. In the cytoplasm YB-1 is responsible for global and selective regulation of protein synthesis, as well as the mRNA life. This review focuses on the role of YB-1 in regulating translation. The possible mechanisms of the positive and negative effects of YB-1 on this process are considered. The recent original data are described, supporting the role of YB-1 as a major structural component of mRNP. Data about specific interactions of YB-1 with RNA are summarized for the first time.  相似文献   

The yeast pre-mRNA retention and splicing complex counteracts the escape of unspliced pre-mRNAs from the nucleus and activates splicing of a subset of Mer1p-dependent genes. A homologous complex is present in activated human spliceosomes. In many components of the spliceosome, RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) serve as versatile protein-RNA or protein-protein interaction platforms. Here, we show that in the retention and splicing complex, an atypical RRM of the Snu17p (small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated protein 17) subunit acts as a scaffold that organizes the other two constituents, Bud13p (bud site selection 13) and Pml1p (pre-mRNA leakage 1). GST pull-down experiments and size exclusion chromatography revealed that Snu17p constitutes the central platform of the complex, whereas Bud13p and Pml1p do not interact with each other. Fluorimetric structure probing showed the entire Bud13p and the N-terminal third of Pml1p to be natively disordered in isolation. Mutational analysis and tryptophan fluorescence confirmed that a conserved tryptophan-containing motif in the C terminus of Bud13p binds to the core RRM of Snu17p, whereas a different interaction surface encompassing a C-terminal extension of the Snu17p RRM is required to bind an N-terminal peptide of Pml1p. Isothermal titration calorimetry revealed 1:1 interaction stoichiometries, large negative binding entropies, and dissociation constants in the low nanomolar and micromolar ranges for the Snu17p-Bud13p and the Snu17p-Pml1p interactions, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the noncanonical Snu17p RRM concomitantly binds multiple ligand proteins via short, intrinsically unstructured peptide epitopes and thereby acts as a platform that displays functional modules of the ligands, such as a forkhead-associated domain of Pml1p and a conserved polylysine motif of Bud13p.  相似文献   

TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) is a major component within ubiquitin-positive inclusions of a number of neurodegenerative diseases that increasingly are considered as TDP-43 proteinopathies. Identities of other inclusion proteins associated with TDP-43 aggregation remain poorly defined. In this study, we identify and quantitate 35 co-aggregating proteins in the detergent-resistant fraction of HEK-293 cells in which TDP-43 or a particularly aggregate prone variant, TDP-S6, were enriched following overexpression, using stable isotope-labeled (SILAC) internal standards and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). We also searched for differential post-translational modification (PTM) sites of ubiquitination. Four sites of ubiquitin conjugation to TDP-43 or TDP-S6 were confirmed by dialkylated GST-TDP-43 external reference peptides, occurring on or near RNA binding motif (RRM) 1. RRM-containing proteins co-enriched in cytoplasmic granular structures in HEK-293 cells and primary motor neurons with insoluble TDP-S6, including cytoplasmic stress granule associated proteins G3BP, PABPC1, and eIF4A1. Proteomic evidence for TDP-43 co-aggregation with paraspeckle markers RBM14, PSF and NonO was also validated by western blot and by immunocytochemistry in HEK-293 cells. An increase in peptides from methylated arginine-glycine-glycine (RGG) RNA-binding motifs of FUS/TLS and hnRNPs was found in the detergent-insoluble fraction of TDP-overexpressing cells. Finally, TDP-43 and TDP-S6 detergent-insoluble species were reduced by mutagenesis of the identified ubiquitination sites, even following oxidative or proteolytic stress. Together, these findings define some of the aggregation partners of TDP-43, and suggest that TDP-43 ubiquitination influences TDP-43 oligomerization.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) plays a pivotal role in transporting proteins to cell membranes. In higher eukaryotes, SRP consists of an RNA molecule and six proteins. The largest of the SRP proteins, SRP72, was found previously to bind to the SRP RNA. A fragment of human SRP72 (72c') bound effectively to human SRP RNA but only weakly to the similar SRP RNA of the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii. Chimeras between the human and M. jannaschii SRP RNAs were constructed and used as substrates for 72c'. SRP RNA helical section 5e contained the 72c' binding site. Systematic alteration within 5e revealed that the A240G and A240C changes dramatically reduced the binding of 72c'. Human SRP RNA with a single A240G change was unable to form a complex with full-length human SRP72. Two small RNA fragments, one composed of helical section 5ef, the other of section 5e, competed equally well for the binding of 72c', demonstrating that no other regions of the SRPR RNA were required. The biochemical data completely agreed with the nucleotide conservation pattern observed across the phylogenetic spectrum. Thus, most eukaryotic SRP RNAs are likely to require for function an adenosine within their 5e motifs. The human 5ef RNA was remarkably resistant to ribonucleolytic attack suggesting that the 240-AUC-242 "loop" and its surrounding nucleotides form a peculiar compact structure recognized only by SRP72.  相似文献   

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