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The army ant Eciton burchellii is one of the most conspicuous ant species in New World tropical forests, but studies of colony life histories have been hampered by the nomadic lifestyle of these ants, which alternate between a nomadic phase when the colony relocates frequently, and a statary phase when the colony remains at a fixed site. Here we report on a colony from Venezuela that we studied continuously for six weeks, from the time that the queen produced a reproductive brood until the adult reproductives emerged and the colony entered the next cycle. Our findings support the contention that reproductive larvae develop faster than worker larvae, and that the nomadic phases of colonies with reproductive broods are significantly shorter than those of colonies with worker broods. This strongly suggests that the onset of pupation is linked to the onset of the statary phase. We used microsatellite genotyping to accurately identify male and queen larvae and we describe how they can be distinguished morphologically. Using the same genetic markers, we determined the parentage of 81 males produced by this colony. Only one of the males had a genotype that could not be directly derived from the observed queen genotype, but this mismatch is most probably due to a single mutation at one of the microsatellite loci, rather than this male being a worker son. We therefore conclude that this colony provides no evidence that workers lay eggs that develop into adult males in the presence of the queen, confirming the results of an earlier study on male parentage in an Old World army ant. Received 16 November 2006; revised 15 January 2007; accepted 16 January 2007.  相似文献   

  1. Vineyards are economically valuable agroecosystems that have spread to all continents. As such, sustainable management of their pests is an important goal. Mealybugs are serious pests of vines with Planococcus ficus (VMB) being the most problematic worldwide. Mealybugs are attended by different ant species, whose trophobiotic relationship is often considered damaging since some ant species may offer effective protection from natural enemies in exchange for honeydew.
  2. We tested whether this trophobiosis can be used as a VMB monitoring tool, developing a protocol to evaluate infestation on the plants based on ant behaviour (Ant method). We compared this new protocol with the conventional one, consisting in visual counting of VMBs on infested leaves (Leaf method).
  3. Our results demonstrated that the Ant method yielded significant advantages over the Leaf method by: (i) allowing to detect VMB infestation on individual plants much earlier; and (ii) allowing to keep track of VMB presence after pest treatments.
  4. The Ant method is proposed as a valid complementary tool for integrated pest management in vineyards and its successful achievement encourage searching for further agricultural contexts in which ants may be revaluated as a monitoring tool.

Ants are dominant members of many terrestrial ecosystems and are regarded as indicators of environmental changes. However, little is known about the effects of invasive alien plants on ant populations, particularly as regards the density, spatial distribution and size of ant colonies, as well as their foraging behaviour. We addressed these questions in a study of grassland ant communities on five grasslands invaded by alien goldenrods (Solidago sp.) and on five non-invaded grasslands without this plant. In each grassland, seven 100 m2 plots were selected and the ant colonies counted. Ant species richness and colony density was lower in the plots on the invaded grasslands. Moreover, both of these traits were higher in the plots near the grassland edge and with a higher number of plant species in the grasslands invaded by goldenrods but not in the non-invaded ones. On average, ant colony size was lower on the invaded grasslands than the non-invaded ones. Also, ant workers travelled for longer distances to collect food items in the invaded areas than they did in the non-invaded ones, even after the experimental removal of some ant colonies in order to exclude the effect of higher colony density in the latter. Our results indicate that invasive alien goldenrods have a profound negative effect on grassland ant communities which may lead to a cascade effect on the whole grassland ecosystem through modification of the interactions among species. The invasion diminishes a major index of the fitness of ants, which is a colony’s size, and probably leads to increased foraging effort of workers. This, in turn, may have important consequences for the division of labour and reproductive strategies within ant colonies.  相似文献   

Division of labour (DoL) is a fundamental organisational principle in human societies, within virtual and robotic swarms and at all levels of biological organisation. DoL reaches a pinnacle in the insect societies where the most widely used model is based on variation in response thresholds among individuals, and the assumption that individuals and stimuli are well-mixed. Here, we present a spatially explicit model of DoL. Our model is inspired by Pierre de Gennes' 'Ant in a Labyrinth' which laid the foundations of an entire new field in statistical mechanics. We demonstrate the emergence, even in a simplified one-dimensional model, of a spatial patterning of individuals and a right-skewed activity distribution, both of which are characteristics of division of labour in animal societies. We then show using a two-dimensional model that the work done by an individual within an activity bout is a sigmoidal function of its response threshold. Furthermore, there is an inverse relationship between the overall stimulus level and the skewness of the activity distribution. Therefore, the difference in the amount of work done by two individuals with different thresholds increases as the overall stimulus level decreases. Indeed, spatial fluctuations of task stimuli are minimised at these low stimulus levels. Hence, the more unequally labour is divided amongst individuals, the greater the ability of the colony to maintain homeostasis. Finally, we show that the non-random spatial distribution of individuals within biological and social systems could be caused by indirect (stigmergic) interactions, rather than direct agent-to-agent interactions. Our model links the principle of DoL with principles in the statistical mechanics and provides testable hypotheses for future experiments.  相似文献   

Ant colony optimisation (ACO) for classification has mostly been limited to rule-based approaches where artificial ants walk on datasets in order to extract rules from the trends in the data, and hybrid approaches which attempt to boost the performance of existing classifiers through guided feature reductions or parameter optimisations. A recent notable example that is distinct from the mainstream approaches is PolyACO, which is a proof-of-concept polygon-based classifier that resorts to ACO as a technique to create multi-edged polygons as class separators. Despite possessing some promise, PolyACO has some significant limitations, most notably, the fact of supporting classification of only two classes, including two features per class. This paper introduces PolyACO+, which is an extension of PolyACO in three significant ways: (1) PolyACO+ supports classifying multiple classes, (2) PolyACO+ supports polygons in multiple dimensions enabling classification with more than two features, and (3) PolyACO+ substantially reduces the training time compared to PolyACO by using the concept of multi-levelling. This paper empirically demonstrates that these updates improve the algorithm to such a degree that it becomes comparable to state-of-the-art techniques such as SVM, neural networks, and AntMiner+.  相似文献   

The dominant paradigm to explain asymmetries in the spatialdistribution of foraging animals is that they track the spatialheterogeneity of their environment. However, in social insects,endogenous spatial asymmetries can emerge within a uniformenvironment as an outcome from the self-organizing processof trail recruitment. We studied how self-organized asymmetries contribute to the exploitation of different food sources (carbohydrateor proteins) in colonies of the aphid-tending ant Lasius nigervarying in their nutritional needs (presence or absence ofbrood). Colonies with brood fed on sucrose sources exhibita higher mobilization of foragers than the other experimentalgroups. Foraging patterns differ greatly according to food type: colonies strongly focus their activity on only one dropletof sucrose, whereas they show a rather homogeneous distributionof foragers between proteinaceous sources. In addition, thepresence of brood in the colony enhances the asymmetry of collectiveforaging for both types of food. These spatial differencesin self-organized foraging patterns allow efficient exploitationof natural resources and play a role in the competitive strategy of this widespread palearctic ant.  相似文献   

Liu CB  Li Y  Pan F  Shi ZP 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(5):4184-4190
In this work, generalised additive models (GAMs) were used for the first time to model the fermentation of glutamate (Glu). It was found that three fermentation parameters fermentation time (T), dissolved oxygen (DO) and oxygen uptake rate (OUR) could capture 97% variance of the production of Glu during the fermentation process through a GAM model calibrated using online data from 15 fermentation experiments. This model was applied to investigate the individual and combined effects of T, DO and OUR on the production of Glu. The conditions to optimize the fermentation process were proposed based on the simulation study from this model. Results suggested that the production of Glu can reach a high level by controlling concentration levels of DO and OUR to the proposed optimization conditions during the fermentation process. The GAM approach therefore provides an alternative way to model and optimize the fermentation process of Glu.  相似文献   

Ant colonies emigrate frequently from one nest site to another. Emigrations, however, are dangerous, particularly for colonieswith a single queen. The queen is a "vital organ" of the colony,and emigrations expose her to grave peril. The optimal strategyfor a monogynous ant colony, therefore, should be that thequeen moves during the middle of the emigration so that sheis transferred swiftly from the protection of half of the colony in the old nest to the protection of the other half colony inthe new nest. In the ant Leptothorax albipennis, the queenis carried during colony emigration. We tested the null hypothesisthat the queen has a random position in the sequence of transportevents during an emigration. The result of 32 emigrations demonstrated,for the first time, that the transport serial number of thequeen [calculated relative to the total number of all transportevents (i.e., of brood and adult ants together), brood transportevents, or adult ant transport events] is not random and furthermoreoccurs in the middle of the transport sequence. This resultrepresents a colony strategy because we found that the relativetransport serial number of the queen was related neither to emigration distance nor to colony size. Transporting queensin the middle of emigrations is a strategy probably favoredby selection and is an aspect of colonies behaving as group-leveladaptive units.  相似文献   

We studied the prey specialization of Plectroctena minor, a ponerine ant known to capture mostly millipedes. We compared the prey spectrum of the hunting workers from large colonies with that of the founding queens. The hunting workers captured all kinds of tested prey, but hunted mostly millipedes. Founding queens, which avoided relatively large prey, including the millipedes tested, captured mostly isopods under experimental conditions. We also verified that the presence of millipedes in the diet of the larvae of large colonies was necessary for the production of winged females and strongly enhanced the production of workers, permitting us to assert that P. minor is a predatory species specialized in the capture of millipedes. In contrast, the presence of millipedes had no impact on the production of males. We thus assert that millipedes constitute the 'essential prey' of P. minor, while other arthropod taxa are therefore 'alternative prey'.  相似文献   

Insect societies headed by multiple queens (polygyny) raise evolutionary questions, such as how does genetic heterogeneity among colony members affect in-nest interactions; or, are all queens equally reproductive or equally treated by workers? Answering such questions requires intensive and continuous observations of in-nest behavior. Here, we addressed these questions in the polygyne supercolonial ant, Cataglyphis niger, using a barcoding system that enables the tracking of individual interactions, together with polymorphic DNA microsatellite markers that indicate the matriline and patriline of all individuals. Our findings that both queens and workers have low interrelatedness corroborate earlier reports regarding the supercolony structure of C. niger. Ovary inspection and worker genotyping revealed that all the queens contribute similarly to nest demography. Tracking positions of individual workers through time revealed that only a small proportion of them are constantly engaged in tending the queens and can be considered as retinue workers. However, genotyping these workers and the attended queens revealed no relationship to genetic relatedness, again typical of a true polygyne and supercolonial species. Unlike invasive supercolonial species, C. niger is native to Israel, enabling us to address questions regarding the driving forces, other than kin selection, that stabilize this society.  相似文献   

A deeper understanding of biomechanical behaviour of human hands becomes fundamental for any human hand-operated activities. The integration of biomechanical knowledge of human hands into product design process starts to play an increasingly important role in developing an ergonomic product-to-user interface for products and systems requiring high level of comfortable and responsive interactions. Generation of such precise and dynamic models can provide scientific evaluation tools to support product and system development through simulation. This type of support is urgently required in many applications such as hand skill training for surgical operations, ergonomic study of a product or system developed and so forth. The aim of this work is to study the contact behaviour between the operators' hand and a hand-held tool or other similar contacts, by developing a novel and precise nonlinear 3D finite element model of the hand and by investigating the contact behaviour through simulation. The contact behaviour is externalised by solving the problem using the bi-potential method. The human body's biomechanical characteristics, such as hand deformity and structural behaviour, have been fully modelled by implementing anisotropic hyperelastic laws. A case study is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

The evolution of queens that rear their first brood solely using body reserves, i.e. fully claustral, is viewed as a major advance for higher ants because it eliminated the need for queens to leave the nest to forage. In an apparently unusual secondary modification, the seed-harvester ant Pogonomyrmex californicus displays obligate queen foraging, i.e. queens must forage to garner the resources necessary to survive and successfully rear their first brood. I examined the potential benefits of queen foraging by comparing ecological and physiological traits between P. californicus and several congeners in which the queen can rear brood using only body reserves. The primary advantage of foraging appears to lie in providing the queens of P. californicus with the energy to raise significantly more brood than possible by congeners that use only body reserves; the workers reared in the first brood were also heavier in mass than that predicted by their head width. Other correlates of queen foraging in P. californicus relative to tested congeners included a significantly lower total fat content for alate queens, a small queen body size, and a low queen to worker body mass ratio. Queens also forage in several other well-studied species of Pogonomyrmex, suggesting the possibility that queen foraging may be more common than previously thought in higher ants.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of autonomic cardiovascular control (ACVC) may provide a key to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying postflight orthostatic hypotension. The central substrate of human ACVC is not directly accessible to measurements and observation in space research. Modelling--supporting inference and physiological reasoning--is a valuable tool to disclose its involvement We are currently determining the suitability of artificial neural networks (ANN's) as a model of the central substrate of ACVC. Having conducted a number of experiments with simulated tilt test data to clarify the choice of input coding and of architectural biases in network training we will now report on the approximation of data obtained from human subjects during preparation of the German MIR'97 and D-2 missions.  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared two models based on Monte Carlo simulations with the spacing patterns of resting adults of the mosquito Cx pipiens L. (form molestus ) (Diptera, Culicidae). The comparison with the first model which assumed a distribution of complete spatial randomness showed that there was a tendency for mosquitoes to repel other mosquitoes which were too close, resulting in high local regularity. The second model took this repulsion into account. A final test of global patchiness using Model 2 indicated that the spacing behaviour of Cx pipiens was not sufficiently described by local regularity only, but also required a gregarious element. This supports the hypothesis that the molestus form of Cx pipiens shows spaced-out gregariousness in the sense of Kennedy & Crawley (1967).  相似文献   

Ant queens exhibit two primary strategies to initiate nests, independent colony founding (ICF) by solitary queens and dependent colony founding (DCF) when the queen starts a nest with a group of workers that disperse on foot from the parent nest. Numerous ant species have wingless (ergatoid) queens, and it is generally assumed that these species exhibit obligate DCF because their lack of wing musculature provides them with few resources to divert towards producing their first brood of workers. Thus, ICF by ergatoid queens is viewed as maladaptive because these queens need to take additional dangerous foraging trips to garner sufficient food to rear their first brood of workers. Contrary to this prediction, I document ICF by ergatoid queens for three species of harvester ants in the genus Pogonomyrmex (subfamily Myrmicinae), P. cunicularius cunicularius, P. cunicularius pencosensis, and P. huachucanus. Queens of P. huachucanus were obligate foragers, i.e., no minim workers could be produced without external food, and one queen of P. cunicularius pencosensis was observed foraging in the field. Abundant and/or predictable food resources likely select for the evolution of semi-claustral nest founding and ICF by these ergatoid queens. Under these conditions, foraging time would be minimized and the number and size of minim workers would be maximized. These benefits should increase founding success, which could compensate for loss of long-range dispersal. Overall, this study demonstrates that care should be taken before concluding that ant colonies employ DCF based solely on queen morphology.  相似文献   

Tree root systems, which play a major role in below-ground carbon (C) dynamics, are one of the key research areas for estimating long-term C cycling in forest ecosystems. In addition to regulating major C fluxes in the present conditions, tree root systems potentially hold numerous controls over forest responses to a changing environment. The predominant contribution of tree root systems to below-ground C dynamics has been given little emphasis in forest models. We developed the TRAP model, i.e. Tree Root Allocation of Photosynthates, to predict the partitioning of photosynthates between the fine and coarse root systems of trees among series of soil layers. TRAP simulates root system responses to soil stress factors affecting root growth. Validation data were obtained from two Belgian experimental forests, one mostly composed of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and the other of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). TRAP accurately predicted (R = 0.88) night-time CO2 fluxes from the beech forest for a 3-year period. Total fine root biomass of beech was predicted within 6% of measured values, and simulation of fine root distribution among soil layers was accurate. Our simulations suggest that increased soil resistance to root penetration due to reduced soil water content during summer droughts is the major mechanism affecting the distribution of root growth among soil layers of temperate Belgian forests. The simulated annual rate of C input to soil litter due to the fine root turnover of the Scots pine was 207 g C m–2 yr–1. The TRAP model predicts that fine root turnover is the single most important source of C to the temperate forest soils of Belgium.  相似文献   

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