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The Le(a+b+) phenotype in Polynesians   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence of the rare Lewis phenotype Le(a+b+) is reported in various Polynesian groups, including Maoris, Samoans, Cook Islanders, Nuieans and Tokelau Islanders. The phenotype was found in Polynesians of all blood groups and the frequency was significantly increased in group 0 persons. The phenotype was not significantly associated with H reactivity in group A donors and showed no correlation with age or sex.  相似文献   

A Japanese girl was diagnosed as true hermaphroditism with 46,X,+mar/46,XY and the marker chromosome was determined on the short arm of chromosome 22 without alpha-satellite by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and spectral karyotyping (SKY) methods. At birth, she showed intersexual external genitalia, urethral-vaginal fistula and right inguinal hernia. The right gonad was revealed as an ovotestis, and the left was as an undifferentiated testis. The gonadal mosaicism was demonstrated directly in gonadal tissue by interphase FISH.  相似文献   

We report evidence of an XX/XY sex chromosome system in the snake eel Ophisurus serpens (Anguilliformes: Ophichthidae). We characterized the male and female karyotypes by C-, replication- and HaeIII-bandings. The 45S and 5S ribosomal gene families were located using dual fluorescence in situ hybridization, which showed that the 5S rDNA sites were present on the X chromosome, beside an autosome pair. FISH with a telomeric peptide nucleic acid probe enabled recognition of Interstitial Telomeric Sequences (ITSs), likely remnants of chromosomal rearrangements, in five chromosome pairs, including the rDNA-bearing ones. Possible mechanisms of the origin of sex chromosomes in this species are discussed, considering the presence of a sex-linked marker and ITSs.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal analysis of lymphocytes and fibroblasts in a slightly retarded 7-month-old female infant with some minor malformations showed a mosaicism 45,XX,G-/46,XX,Gr. The ring chromosome was identified as No. 21 by banding technique.
Zusammenfassung Chromosomenuntersuchungen an Lymphocyten und Fibroblasten bei einem 7 Monate alten Mädchen mit leichter statomotorischer Entwicklungsverzögerung und degenerativen Stigmata zeigten ein Mosaik 45,XX,G-/46,XX,Gr. Durch die Bandentechnik mit Trypsinbehandlung konnte das Ringchromosom als Nr.21 identifiziert werden.

Karyotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of catfish Harttia carvalhoi (Paraíba do Sul River basin, S?o Paulo State, Brazil) were investigated using differential staining techniques (C-banding, Ag-staining) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S and 5S rDNA probes. The diploid chromosome number of females was 2n = 52 and their karyotype was composed of nine pairs of metacentric, nine pairs of submetacentric, four pairs of subtelocentric and four pairs of acrocentric chromosomes. The diploid chromosome number of males was invariably 2n = 53 and their karyotype consisted of one large unpaired metacentric, eight pairs of metacentric, nine pairs of submetacentric, four pairs of subtelocentric, four pairs of acrocentric plus two middle-sized acrocentric chromosomes. The differences between female and male karyotypes indicated the presence of a sex chromosome system of XX/XY1Y2 type, where the X is the largest metacentric and Y1 and Y2 are the two additional middle-sized acrocentric chromosomes of the male karyotype. The major rDNA sites as revealed by FISH with an 18S rDNA probe were located in the pericentromeric region of the largest pair of acrocentric chromosomes. FISH with a 5S rDNA probe revealed two sites: an interstitial site located in the largest pair of acrocentric chromosomes, and a pericentromeric site in a smaller metacentric pair of chromosomes. Translocations or centric fusions in the ancestral 2n = 54 karyotype is hypothesized for the origin of such multiple sex chromosome systems where females are fixed translocation homozygotes whereas males are fixed translocation heterozygotes. The available cytogenetic data for representatives of the genus Harttia examined so far indicate large kayotype diversity.  相似文献   

True hermaphroditism in humans usually is associated with a 46,XX karyotype or with mosaicism in which admixtures of cells with an XX and an XY karyotype are seen. However, the mechanisms that cause such mosaicisms are poorly understood. To date, with rare exceptions, analyses of hermaphrodites have been limited mostly to cytogenetic investigations. In this report, we describe a 5-year-old patient with true hermaphroditism and a 46,XX/46,XY karyotype (ratio 38:12) in lymphocytes, suggesting involvement of two fertilization events. Microsatellite DNA polymorphisms distributed throughout the genome were analyzed, to investigate the origin of the cell lines concerned. The results are consistent with double paternal and single maternal genetic contributions. Possible mechanisms that would explain these findings are discussed. The most likely mechanism involves a single haploid ovum dividing parthenogenetically into two haploid ova, followed by double fertilization and fusion of the two zygotes into a single individual, at the early embryonic stage.  相似文献   

Summary Report on mosaicism of an additional deleted chromosome 8 in a 12-year-old girl. She exhibits several typical but minor features of the trisomy-8 syndrome. Her IQ is 77 (Hawik).  相似文献   

Summary We documented a new case of chi 46,XX/46,XY true hermaphroditism substantiated by the evaluation of chromosomal heteromorphism in banded preparations. The patient, a 12-year-old Japanese boy with ambiguous external genitalia, was seen because of abnormal breast development. Surgical exploration showed the right gonad to be an ovotestis and the left gonad to be an ovary. Cytogenetic studies revealed cell admixtures of 46,XX and 46,XY karyotypes in peripheral lymphocytes, skin fibroblasts, and gonadal fibroblasts. From the pedigree studies, the paternal double genetic contributions were evidenced by the differences of sex chromosomes and the blood group types for the ABO and MNSs systems in the two cell lines of the patient. The maternal double genetic contributions were confirmed by the inheritance of Q-fluorescent markers on chromosomes 13 and 22 and by alleles for the Kidd blood group system.  相似文献   

The mosaicism 46,XX/46,XX,del(10)(p13)/47,XX, +r/47,XX,del(10)(p13), +r was found in the lymphocytes and the fibroblasts of a patient with the following : profound mental retardation; craniofacial dysmorphism with frontal bossing, fine eyebrows, a large hypoplastic nasal bridge, prognathism of the upper jaw, thick lips; a long and thin neck; congenital heart disease; skeletal malformations, with club feet; and hypotonia and lax ligaments. These malformations, compatible with the trisomy 10p syndrome, suggest that the supernumerary ring chromosome was composed of 10p material. An increase of HK1 and GOT1 activities was found. This is in favour of a partial trisomy of chromosome 10. The relative frequencies of the clones constituting the mosaic vary from tissue to tissue and with time.  相似文献   

A non-mongoloid boy born to a mongoloid mother is described. He showed aplasia of the left 5th finger and some clinical and dermatoglyphic features frequently found in Down's syndrome. Chromosome analysis revealed few hyperdiploid but no G-trisomic cells. An undetected G-trisomy mosaic, or a mechanism of extrachromosomal inheritance, and an embryonic development in a pathological milieu are discussed.  相似文献   

Red cell Lewis antigens are carried by glycosphingolipids passively absorbed from plasma. Plasma was collected from a spectrum of individuals with normal and unusual Lewis/secretor phenotypes in order to investigate the glycolipid basis for the unusual phenotypes. Samples were obtained from: a Le(a+b–) ABH nonsecretor who secreted Lewis substances; a Le(a+b–) partial secretor; Le(a+b+) partial secretors; Le(a+b+) secretors; and a full range of normal Lewis/secretor phenotypes as controls. The Le(a+b+) samples represented Polynesian, Asian and Réunion Island ethnic backgrounds. Nonacid glycolipids were prepared, separated by thin-layer chromatography, and then immunostained with potent monoclonal antibodies of known specificity. Despite different serological profiles of the Le(a+b–) and Le(a+b+) Polynesian samples, their plasma glycolipid expressions were very similar, with both Lea and Leb co-expressed. The copresence of Lea and Leb in Le(a+b+) samples is in marked contrast to Caucasians with normal Lewis phenotypes, who have predominantly either Lea or Leb. These results suggest that there is a range of the secretor transferases in different individuals, possibly due to different penetrance or to several weak variants. We also show that Lewis epitopes on longer and/or more complex core chains appear to be predominant in the Polynesian Le(a+b+) samples. The formation of these extended glycolipids is compatible with the concept that in the presence of reduced secretor fucosyltransferase activity, increased elongation of the precursor chain occurs, which supports the postulate that fucosylation of the precursor prevents or at least markedly reduces chain elongation.Abbreviations CBA chromatogram binding assay - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

Inheritance of ring chromosomes is reported infrequently. The authors report on a phenotypically and mentally normal mother with ring chromosome 18 mosaic with a normal cell line and her polymalformed son with non-mosaic 46,XY,r(18) karyotype.  相似文献   

The testis-determining gene SRY (sex determining region, Y) is located on the short arm of the Y chromosome and consists of a single exon, the central third of which is predicted to encode a conserved motif with DNA binding/bending properties. We describe the screening of 26 patients who presented with 46,XY partial or complete gonadal dysgenesis for mutations in both the SRY open reading frame (ORF) and in 3.8 kb of Y-specific flanking sequences. DNA samples were screened by using the fluorescence-assisted mismatch analysis (FAMA) method. In two patients, de novo mutations causing complete gonadal dysgenesis were detected in the SRY ORF. One was a nonsense mutation 5′ to the HMG box, whereas the other was a missense substitution located at the C terminus of the conserved motif and identical to one previously detected in an unrelated patient. In addition, two Y-specific polymorphisms were found 5′ to the SRY gene, and a sequence variant was identified 3′ to the SRY polyadenylation site. No duplications of the DSS region in 20 of these patients were detected. Received: 18 November 1996 / Revised: 13 December 1996  相似文献   

We identified an infant male pigtail macaque monkey with a bizarre karyotype which, to the best of our knowledge, has never before been reported in any species. Examination of 107 nuclei from cultured lymphocytes revealed 81 (75.7%) to be trisomic, but with the supernumerary chromosome varying from cell to cell, trisomy 16 being the most common. A small percentage (11.2%) of the nuclei had a normal 42,XY karyotype, and the balance, with the exception of one apparent monosomic (possibly a technical artifact), had multiple chromosome abnormalities. Examination of cultured skin fibroblasts revealed a similar karyotype. We called this karyotype a mosaic variegated trisomy. At birth, the animal had a cleft lip and palate and situs inversus of the heart. He subsequently showed significant developmental delay and apparent mental retardation. There were no clinical symptoms of hematological malignancy, which often have associated acquired chromosome abnormalities such as those described here. The animal survived for 2 yr and 8 mo under intensive care.  相似文献   

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