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为探讨群居型西藏飞蝗Locusta migratoria tibetensis Chen地理种群数量性状关系,从青藏高原9个地区采集到不同地理种群,以数值分析对形态指标及其比值进行了分析。结果表明,前翅长度(E)、后足股节长度(F)、头宽(C)形态指标和E/F、F/C两个比值可以作为分析种群关系的参数。聚类分析和主成分分析结果相似,能够较好地说明青藏高原9个种群的地理变异和种群相互关系,9个地理种群可以分三个类群,即第Ⅰ类群包括百巴(BB)与八美(BM)种群;第Ⅱ类群包括普兰(PL)、扎囊(ZN)、洛须(LX)种群;第Ⅲ类群包括噶尔(GE)、香孜(XZ)、日土(RT)、那嘎(NG)种群。  相似文献   

中国散居型飞蝗地理种群数量性状变异的分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
康乐  李鸿昌 《昆虫学报》1989,32(4):418-426
本文用模糊聚类分析、系统聚类分析和主成分分析的方法对中国21个散居型飞蝗Locusta migratoria L.Phase Solitaria地理种群的形态测量数据进行了数值分析.这3种分析方法所得的结果是相似的.结果较好地说明了我国21个飞蝗地理种群的地理变异、种群相互关系及亚种的地位.初步确定了我国飞蝗三个亚种的自然地理分界线.陕北的地理种群与陕中、南和华北平原的地理种群非常接近,应认为是东亚飞蝗 L. m. manilensis(Meyen)的一个地理种群.发生基地的散居型飞蝗与一般发生区或扩散区的飞蝗形态特征存在明显差异,作者认为,这是由于发生基地种群密度和生存条件经常处于不稳定状态的结果.主成分分析说明,内蒙古西部的地理种群是介于亚洲飞蝗L. m. migratoria L.和东亚飞蝗L. m. manilensis(Meyen)之间的过渡性种群,但更接近新疆和甘肃的亚洲飞蝗.作者还将E/F、F/C和P/C 3个比值投入运算,这不仅输入了体形的信息,而且也起到给前翅长E、后足股节长F和头宽C加权的作用.作者认为,当在空间和时间上大量连续取样的情况下,飞蝗形态测量学的方法对于确定亚种的地位是比较困难的,这是因为该种固有的多变性和散居型飞蝗在水平和垂直分布上的连续性所造成的.但对于分析地理种群的相互关系方面则显示出优越性.  相似文献   

本文对亚洲飞蝗Locusta migratoria migratoria(L.)发声器的结构及鸣声的时域特征进行了研究.亚洲飞蝗主要的发声方式为前翅中闰脉-后足股节型,即前翅中闰脉的发声齿与后足股节内侧隆线相互摩擦发出鸣声.应用扫描电子显微镜技术对发声器的结构进行观察,结果表明,亚洲飞蝗前翅中闰脉具有单排规则排列的发声...  相似文献   

为研究中华稻蝗形态特征与地理特征的关系,选取中华稻蝗体长(LB)、头长(LH)、前胸背板长(LP)、前胸背板宽(WP)、前胸背板侧片长(LLP)、前胸背板侧片高(HLP)、前翅长(LEL)、后足股节长(LF)、后足股节宽(WF)和后足胫节长(LT)等10个性状,采用电子游标卡尺测量其长度进行比较,使用SPSS11.5统计软件进行体长方差分析、各个性状在不同种群间的多重方差分析以及各性状间与海拔高度间的相关性分析。结果显示:9个中华稻蝗种群分为南方组、北方组及一个过渡种群,雌雄虫中北方种群的体长均明显小于南方种群;各性状测量值呈现出随纬度增加而减少的趋势;10个性状中除前胸背板长、前翅长、后足股节长和后足胫节长与海拔高度之间的相关性不显著之外,其余性状均与海拔高度呈现显著的正相关。结果表明,秦岭的分隔是造成南北方种群形态特征产生差异的主要原因;体型较大、后腿股节较宽的中华稻蝗更有利于在高海拔环境生存。  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟体重和体型的地理变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探明亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis体重和体型地理变异,我们详细比较了来自4个不同地理种群(海南乐东18.8°N, 109.2°E),广西阳朔24.8°N, 110.5°E),江西南昌28.8°N, 115.9°E)和河北廊坊39.5°N, 116.7°E))亚洲玉米螟的体重、体型大小及其与采集地纬度的关系。结果表明:不同地理种群的亚洲玉米螟卵重随纬度的升高而逐渐增大,符合贝格曼法则(Bergmann’s law), 而雌雄蛹重及成虫体长、后足腿节长和前翅长均随纬度的升高而逐渐减小, 符合反贝格曼法则(Converse Bergmann’s law)。雌虫的前翅显著长于雄虫, 其性体型二型性符合任希法则(Rensch’s rule),即在雌虫体型较大的种群中,雄虫前翅比雌虫前翅增长幅度相对较大。本文结果进一步揭示了即使在同一种类昆虫中,其各个虫态体重和体型的地理变异也可能不同。  相似文献   

本文探讨了广西十万大山荒坡草丛、湿地、林间小溪、河滩沙石、灌木丛、阔叶林、针叶林、混交林共8个生境的蚱类昆虫种类组成、分布规律、蚱类昆虫对不同生境的选择以及蚱类形态对生境的适应特性。结果表明:蚱类昆虫种类数量灌木丛阔叶林荒坡草丛湿地混交林林间小溪河滩沙石针叶林;蚱类昆虫对生境不但有较大的偏好性而且有着严格的选择性;生活在林间小溪的蚱类具有长的前胸背板和后翅。光照强度对日本蚱(Tetrix japonica)的前胸背板长度、前足股节长度、中足股节长度以及后足胫节长度有显著影响;露点温度对肩宽、后翅长度和后足股节长度产生显著的影响;湿度对前翅长度产生显著的影响。推测光照强度、露点温度和湿度3个环境因子不同程度对日本蚱的不同形态性状产生显著影响,是导致日本蚱型变呈多样化的关键原因。  相似文献   

[目的]为明确豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum虫龄的鉴别特征,以期达到准确快速识别豌豆蚜龄期的目的.[方法]采用显微成像技术观察并测定不同翅型、不同虫龄个体的体长、体宽、头宽、腹管长度、尾片长度、触角长度和后足胫节长度7项指标.[结果]不同龄期豌豆蚜形态特征存在差异,无翅型与有翅型个体的腹管长度在各龄期间均...  相似文献   

记述采自东北黑龙江省及吉林省蝗总科2新种,即网翅蝗科的北安雏蝗Chorthippus beianensis sp.nov..新种近似于琼根河雏蝗Chorthippus genheensis Li et Yin,主要区别为触角中段一节的长度为宽度的2.5倍;前翅中脉域宽为肘脉域宽的4倍(♂);后翅仅达前翅长的1/2;雌性前翅仅到达第3腹节背板后缘;后足股节仅上膝侧片黑色.另1新种为剑角蝗科的宽肘迷蝗Confusacris amplicubitus sp.nov.,该种近似于短翅迷蝗Confusacris brachypterus Yin et LI,主要区别为触角中段一节的长度为宽度的3~4倍(♂)或2倍(♀);中胸腹板侧叶间中隔最狭处宽与长度相等(♂)或为长的1.4倍(♀);前翅超过后足股节中部;前翅肘脉域宽为中脉域宽的2.3倍;雌性前翅径脉域黑色,不具淡色纹;后足股节膝侧片及胫节基部非黑色.模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

[目的]为明确豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum虫龄的鉴别特征,以期达到准确快速识别豌豆蚜龄期的目的.[方法]采用显微成像技术观察并测定不同翅型、不同虫龄个体的体长、体宽、头宽、腹管长度、尾片长度、触角长度和后足胫节长度7项指标.[结果]不同龄期豌豆蚜形态特征存在差异,无翅型与有翅型个体的腹管长度在各龄期间均无重叠,可作为豌豆蚜龄期鉴定的重要指标.后足胫节和触角长度,可以作为龄期划分的辅助指标.此外,触角节数可以用来区分1龄和2龄若蚜,翅基发育程度可以用来区分有翅型豌豆蚜3龄与4龄,尾片的发育程度可作为区分若蚜与成蚜的典型形态特征.[结论]以个体的腹管长度作为豌豆蚜龄期鉴定的主要指标,配合后足胫节长、触角长度、触角节数、尾片与翅基的发育程度,可达到快速鉴定豌豆蚜各个龄期的目的.  相似文献   

研究了我国实姬蜂属Strongylopsis Brauns,1896,描述1新种,西藏实姬蜂Strongylopsis xizangensis sp.nov.,并附有特征图.根据Kasparyan(1974)的检索表,对世界实姬蜂属分种检索表进行了改编.模式标本保存在浙江大学膜翅目标本馆.西藏实姬蜂,新种Strongylopsis xizangensis sp.nov.(图1~11)鉴别特征 本种与中华实姬蜂S.chinensis He相似,但可从以下特征与后者区别:1)前翅小翅室近五边形(后者四边形);2)前翅1m-cu脉中央有1脉桩(后者1m-cu脉平滑,无脉桩);3)后足第3跗节短于第5节(后者等长);4)后足黑色(后者后足褐色,仅基节和转节黑色);5)后单眼间距与单复眼间距等长(后者后单眼间距短于单复眼间距).正模♀,西藏莫格(29°31 ′N,96°34′E;海拔3 772 m),2009-06-11,谭江丽采,编号200907053.分布:中国西藏.词源:新种种名源自模式标本采集地地名.中华实姬蜂Strongylopsis chinensis He,1996(图12~21)鉴别特征 本种与斑翅实姬蜂S.belua Kuzin非常相似,不同之处在于本种:1)前翅小翅室受纳2m-cu脉与端部0.28处(后者在中央处);2)前翅1cu-m脉无脉桩(后者有);3)前翅无暗斑(后者前翅在径室处有暗斑).研究标本:正模♀,青海玉树(32° 56′N,97°16′E),1981-08,邱应章采,编号820291.分布:中国青海.  相似文献   

The effects of a neurohormone, [His(7)]-corazonin, on phase-related morphological traits (F/C and E/F ratios; F = length of the hind femur, C = maximum width of the head; E = length of fore wing) were re-examined in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria Forsk?l. The F/C ratio was significantly different between adults with five and six nymphal instars, respectively, indicating that they need to be analysed separately. Injections of the synthesized peptide (1 nmol) into individually-reared (solitary) nymphs at the second and third instars caused a shift in classical morphometric ratio towards the value typical for crowded (gregarious) individuals in both sexes. The E/F ratio, which is smaller in solitary locusts than in gregarious ones, was also influenced significantly by injections of [His(7)]-corazonin into individually-reared locusts. The effect of [His(7)]-corazonin on E/F ratios was shown more clearly when the nymphs were injected at a higher dose (2 nmol) at the beginning of the third instar. Single injections of the peptide into individually-reared nymphs at different instars revealed that the earlier the injection the larger the 'gregarizing' effects of the peptide on F/C and E/F ratios. The same tendency was also detected in Locusta migratoria Linnaeus. These results supported the hypothesis that [His(7)]-corazonin plays an important role in the control of phase polymorphism in locusts.  相似文献   

An albino strain, which had originated from Okinawa, Japan, and a normally coloured strain, which had originated from West Africa, have been used to study density‐dependent morphometric phase characteristics and their changes in adults of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria (L.). By repeated crossings we also obtained congenic albinos and normal phenotypes and investigated their morphometrics with increasing West African genome, eventually reaching 99.6% West African and 0.4% Okinawa gene pool. The data were analysed by the classical morphometric ratios (F/C and E/F; F = length of the hind femur, C = maximum width of the head, E = length of the fore wings), as well as by canonical discriminant (multivariate) analysis. The latter was based on measurements of F, C and E (as above), as well as of M (minimum width of the pronotum) and H (maximum height of the pronontum). Okinawa albinos showed more solitarious morphometrics and a smaller amplitude of morphometric phase change than West African normal phenotypes. Both the morphometric ratios and the canonical discriminant analysis demonstrated clearly that these differences were caused primarily by the strain (Okinawa vs. West African). However, the pigmentation (albino vs. normal colouration) also affected morphometric phase differences; albinos showed more solitarious morphometrics and somewhat more restricted morphometric phase change than congenic normal phenotypes. The effect of the pigmentation was considerably smaller than that of the strain. The results refute Nolte's claim that albino locusts constitute an extreme solitarious phase, even under crowding. However, Nolte's less extreme claim, that albino locusts have more solitarious morphometrics than normally coloured locusts, is validated by the present results.  相似文献   

A new species, Chorthippus(Altichorthippus) qixingtaiensis sp. nov. from China is described in this paper. The new species is similar to C.(A.) changtunensis Yin, 1984, but different by: prozona longer than metazoan, maximum width of medial area of tegmen about 2 times as maximum width of cubital area in male, base of hind femur without dark sloping stripe on inner side and length of interspace of mesosterum shorter than minimum width in female. A new combination Magaulacobothrus tianshanensis(Zheng, Ma Ren, 2009) comb. nov. is reported. The type specimens are deposited in the College of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong, China.  相似文献   

运用形态测量学分析方法,对蚁属Formica中的光亮黑蚁F.candida、亮腹黑褐蚁F.gagatoides、北京凹头蚁F.beijingensis和满洲蚁F.manchu 4种共296头蚂蚁标本进行研究。选取头长(HL)、头宽(HW)、复眼最大直径(ED)、触角柄节长(SL)、并腹胸长(AL)、前胸背板宽(PW)、并胸腹节宽(DPW)和体长(TL)8个度量数据为变量进行相关性、配对T检验、均值±SD与主成分散点分布图分析,探讨形态测量学方法在蚁科昆虫分类中的应用。结果表明:形态测量学方法能够将4种蚂蚁进行有效识别区分,可作为形态分类学研究的一种有效、快速的辅助方法。  相似文献   

内蒙古草原蝗虫个体大小及生活型划分的探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
颜忠诚  陈永林 《生态学报》1997,17(6):666-670
根据内蒙古锡林河流域草原蝗虫的形态测量指标,对23种蝗虫进行了个体大小及生活型量化划分的探讨,结果表明,23种蝗虫可以划分为大、中、小3个类群,生活型表现为从典型的地栖型到典型的植栖型的渐为特征。个体在小与生活型紧密相关,个体大的种类常为地本型,而个体小的种类多为植栖型。  相似文献   

不同地理种群烟蚜形态特征差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵冲  王秀芳  陈丹  王新伟  薛冬  任广伟 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1452-1463
烟蚜Myzus persicae是一种世界性的重要农业害虫。为探讨我国不同地理种群烟蚜形态特征变异情况, 本研究测量了我国18个地理种群烟蚜的体长、 体宽、 头宽、 各足腿节长、 各足胫节长等18个形态性状度量特征和Q值, 并进行方差分析和基于欧氏距离与地理距离和海拔差距的Mantel Test, 利用各形态特征与体长的比值构成的比例特征进行系统聚类和主成分分析。结果表明: 部分地理种群烟蚜的形态性状差异显著。系统聚类和主成分分析表明, 18个烟蚜地理种群中贵州贞丰种群(ZF-GZ)与其他种群相比差异最大, 陕西南泥湾(NNW-SX)、 湖南慈利(CL-HN)、 安徽谯城(QC-AH)和重庆武隆(WL-CQ)种群差异最小, 其他种群间的差异程度介于这两者之间。Mantel Test显示欧氏距离与地理距离、 海拔高度差距都不具有相关性。烟蚜种群的形态分化不符合地理隔离模式, 地理气候条件对种群形态有一定影响, 种群形态差异的形成是多种因素综合作用的结果, 但具体作用机制尚不明确。  相似文献   

The neurohormone, [His7]-corazonin is known to induce dark color in the cuticle and epidermis of Locusta migratoria. In the present study, we examined the effects of this hormone on development and morphometrics in two strains, albino and normal, of this locust under isolated conditions. Injection of [His7]-corazonin induced dark color in both strains. In either strain, [His7]-corazonin injected at the second and third instars did not affect duration of nymphal development or the number of nymphal instars. The shape of the pronotum was more convex in isolated-reared animals than in crowd-reared ones, and injection of [His7]-corazonin caused isolated-reared animals to develop a less convex pronotum in the normal strain injected at a high dose (1 nmol×2) but not in the albino strain injected at a low dose (50 pmol×2). [His7]-corazonin injected into isolated-reared nymphs caused a shift in classical morphometric ratios (F/C and E/F; F=length of the hind femur, C=maximum width of the head, E=length of the fore wings) towards values typical for crowd-reared (gregarious) individuals of the two strains. This study demonstrated for the first time that [His7]-corazonin affected morphometric characteristics in L. migratoria.  相似文献   

印象初  陈珍珍  印展 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1203-1207
记述了我国辽秃蝗属Liaopodisma 3个种, 包括2新种: 台中辽秃蝗Liaopodisma taichungensis sp. nov.和台湾辽秃蝗Liaopodisma taiwanensis sp. nov.。台中辽秃蝗L. taichungensis sp. nov.同千山辽秃蝗L. qianshanensis Zheng, 1990近似, 不同之处为黑色眼后带不明显, 前胸背板中隆线几乎不见, 雄性前翅长为宽的1.8倍, 雄性中胸腹板中隔向后渐宽大, 雄性后足胫节外侧具10刺。台湾辽秃蝗L. taiwanensis sp. nov.的后足股节下侧红色, 前翅中部不加宽且前、 后缘几乎平行, 可与本属其余2已知种区别。并附辽秃蝗属种检索表。  相似文献   

Abstract.  The neuropeptide [His7]-corazonin, present in the central nervous system and corpus cardiacum, is known to mimic a 'gregarizing' effect on phase-related morphometric ratios (hind femur length/maximum head width and fore wing length/hind femur length) when injected into locusts reared in isolation. However, an albino strain is known to exhibit phase-specific changes in these ratios in response to rearing density, although it is deficient in [His7]-corazonin. To examine whether there is a second factor responsible for this phenomenon, perhaps a corazonin-like factor that has lost its dark-colour inducing activity, methanol extracts of corpora cardiaca taken from crowd-reared albino nymphs of Locusta migratoria are injected into isolated-reared second-stadium albino nymphs and reared to adults in isolation. The hind femur length/maximum head width and fore wing length/hind femur length ratios are significantly different from those of control oil-injected counterparts, and shift significantly towards the values typical for crowd-reared gregarized individuals. The results indicate that the corpora cardiaca contain a factor similar to [His7]-corazonin, although it has no dark-colour inducing activity.  相似文献   

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