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How fast does a population evolve from one fitness peak to another? We study the dynamics of evolving, asexually reproducing populations in which a certain number of mutations jointly confer a fitness advantage. We consider the time until a population has evolved from one fitness peak to another one with a higher fitness. The order of mutations can either be fixed or random. If the order of mutations is fixed, then the population follows a metaphorical ridge, a single path. If the order of mutations is arbitrary, then there are many ways to evolve to the higher fitness state. We address the time required for fixation in such scenarios and study how it is affected by the order of mutations, the population size, the fitness values and the mutation rate.  相似文献   

In two populations of Patella vulgata in the Isle of Man foraging activity is restricted to daytime high waters, with about 75 per cent of the population foraging on any one day. Movement commences as the tide covers the limpets, and they travel an average of 0·4 m from their home sites to which they return at least an hour before the falling tide exposes them again. The mean speed on the outward and return journey is around 0·60 cm min?, and during the intervening browsing period about 0·08 cm min?. This behaviour contrasts with that of the same species in Alderney, where foraging is limited to nocturnal low waters: there is possibly a geographical trend in behaviour. P. vulgata, especially in the Isle of Man, is one of the more mobile limpets.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of chloroplast and mitochondrial large subunit rRNA genes from over 75 green algae disclosed 28 new group I intron-encoded proteins carrying a single LAGLIDADG motif. These putative homing endonucleases form four subfamilies of homologous enzymes, with the members of each subfamily being encoded by introns sharing the same insertion site. We showed that four divergent endonucleases from the I-CreI subfamily cleave the same DNA substrates. Mapping of the 66 amino acids that are conserved among the members of this subfamily on the 3-dimensional structure of I-CreI bound to its recognition sequence revealed that these residues participate in protein folding, homodimerization, DNA recognition and catalysis. Surprisingly, only seven of the 21 I-CreI amino acids interacting with DNA are conserved, suggesting that I-CreI and its homologs use different subsets of residues to recognize the same DNA sequence. Our sequence comparison of all 45 single-LAGLIDADG proteins identified so far suggests that these proteins share related structures and that there is a weak pressure in each subfamily to maintain identical protein–DNA contacts. The high sequence variability we observed in the DNA-binding site of homologous LAGLIDADG endonucleases provides insight into how these proteins evolve new DNA specificity.  相似文献   

To assess the repeatability of an ecological study, this study both partially replicates and extends a previous study on the site fidelity and homing ability of two abundant and ecologically important species of rocky intertidal sculpin fishes, Oligocottus maculosus and Oligocottus snyderi. A traditional mark and recapture approach was utilized and found that both of these species display high site fidelity to a home range of tidepools and homing ability to these pools, confirming the findings of previous work. Unlike the previous study, however, there was no effect of body size on homing ability and a modelling approach that incorporates encounter probability provided evidence for a sex effect on homing ability. In addition, this study extends the maximum homing ability of O. snyderi to 179 m and O. maculosus to 218 m, which were the maximum displacement distances for each species in this study, suggesting they may be capable of even greater homing distances. This work, however, finds that homing success was negatively related to displacement distance. These findings suggest adult sculpin populations are likely to be highly sub‐structured geographically, possibly contributing to the exceptionally high species richness of the group.  相似文献   

Common species of kelp-bed fishes including adult blacksmith Chromis punctipinnis , adult senorita Oxyjulis californica , and sub-adult kelp bass Paralabrax clathratus were collected from two separate and isolated rocky reefs at Santa Catalina Island, California, U.S.A. where giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera was present. After tagging, groups of fishes were either returned to their initial collection site or displaced to an alternative kelp-bed site to measure site fidelity and homing behaviour. No tagged fishes that were returned to their initial collection sites and subsequently resighted, exhibited any movement to another reef suggesting that these fishes have a limited home range, and handling during capture and tagging had no effect on site fidelity. Of fishes translocated to alternative kelp-bed sites, up to 80% of tagged senorita and 100% of tagged blacksmith that were resighted had returned to the site of their initial collection, indicating that these species are motivated and able to relocate previously utilized areas when displaced. However, when young-of-the-year and juvenile kelp bass were displaced, none were ever seen again suggesting that disruption of the relationship between a young kelp bass and its home site may influence its survival.  相似文献   

铁锈笠螺是地中海最濒危的海洋无脊椎动物,对其生物学知之甚少,缺少对其活动节律和采食行为的了解。使用环氧树脂Eporai1127(原位标记了20个不同外壳长度的个体,并在每个外壳上标有不同的数字,作者在白昼或黑夜的高潮和低潮期收集了有关数据。可能由于云斑厚纹蟹(Pachygrapsus marmoratus)的捕食影响,铁锈笠螺白天的活动和运动多于夜间,但铁锈笠螺采食行为似乎仅限于高潮期。此外,汹涌的海面条件诱导了铁锈笠螺的活动和运动。  相似文献   

Kolm  N. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):234-235
Homing is a common feature in fish, where for instance many freshwater species return to their place of birth to reproduce. Homing in marine species is, however, less understood. Such homing behaviour may be explained by fitness advantages from staying in a known physical environment as well as a known social environment. Cardinalfish of the family of Apogonidae are small, schooling fish, common in shallow waters in temperate and tropical seas. They form apparently stable group structures both in space and time and it has been shown that they may return to their home site after being experimentally removed up to several kilometres. In order to disentangle whether this homing behaviour in one such cardinalfish species, the Banggai cardinalfish, is driven by preference for the home locality or their original social group, I performed a two part field experiment. Firstly, individuals were allowed to choose between known individuals from their original group and unknown individuals from another group. Secondly, individuals were allowed to choose between their original location inhabited by unknown individuals from another group, and a new location inhabited by individuals from their original group. I discuss the evolution of homing behaviours in fish in light of these experiments.  相似文献   

The additive genetic variation (VA) of fitness in a population is of particular importance to quantify its adaptive potential and predict its response to rapid environmental change. Recent statistical advances in quantitative genetics and the use of new molecular tools have fostered great interest in estimating fitness VA in wild populations. However, the value of VA for fitness in predicting evolutionary changes over several generations remains mostly unknown. In our study, we addressed this question by combining classical quantitative genetics with experimental evolution in the model organism Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle) in three new environmental conditions (Dry, Hot, Hot-Dry). We tested for potential constraints that might limit adaptation, including environmental and sex genetic antagonisms captured by negative genetic covariance between environments and female and male fitness, respectively. Observed fitness changes after 20 generations mainly matched our predictions. Given that body size is commonly used as a proxy for fitness, we also tested how this trait and its genetic variance (including nonadditive genetic variance) were impacted by environmental stress. In both traits, genetic variances were sex and condition dependent, but they differed in their variance composition, cross-sex and cross-environment genetic covariances, as well as in the environmental impact on VA.  相似文献   


This review focuses on two related outcomes of hybridization sensu lato (i.e. findings from both natural and experimental hybrids are discussed): (1) the production of hybrid genotypes with various fitnesses, and (2) the origin/transfer of adaptations in the Louisiana Iris species complex. Since effects on fitness, and the origin or transfer of adaptations, are of fundamental evolutionary importance, the examples discussed in this review reflect some of the most significant phenomena deriving from the transfer of genetic material via natural hybridization.  相似文献   

To understand selection on recombination, we need to consider how linkage disequilibria develop and how recombination alters these disequilibria. Any factor that affects the development of disequilibria, including nonrandom mating, can potentially change selection on recombination. Assortative mating is known to affect linkage disequilibria but its effects on the evolution of recombination have not been previously studied. Given that assortative mating for fitness can arise indirectly via a number of biologically realistic scenarios, it is plausible that weak assortative mating occurs across a diverse set of taxa. Using a modifier model, we examine how assortative mating for fitness affects the evolution of recombination under two evolutionary scenarios: selective sweeps and mutation-selection balance. We find there is no net effect of assortative mating during a selective sweep. In contrast, assortative mating could have a large effect on recombination when deleterious alleles are maintained at mutation-selection balance but only if assortative mating is sufficiently strong. Upon considering reasonable values for the number of loci affecting fitness components, the strength of selection, and the mutation rate, we conclude that the correlation in fitness between mates is unlikely to be sufficiently high for assortative mating to affect the evolution of recombination in most species.  相似文献   

Abstract The evolution of fitness is central to evolutionary theory, yet few experimental systems allow us to track its evolution in genetically and environmentally relevant contexts. Reverse evolution experiments allow the study of the evolutionary return to ancestral phenotypic states, including fitness. This in turn permits well‐defined tests for the dependence of adaptation on evolutionary history and environmental conditions. In the experiments described here, 20 populations of heterogeneous evolutionary histories were returned to their common ancestral environment for 50 generations, and were then compared with both their immediate differentiated ancestors and populations which had remained in the ancestral environment. One measure of fitness returned to ancestral levels to a greater extent than other characters did. The phenotypic effects of reverse evolution were also contingent on previous selective history. Moreover, convergence to the ancestral state was highly sensitive to environmental conditions. The phenotypic plasticity of fecundity, a character directly selected for, evolved during the experimental time frame. Reverse evolution appears to force multiple, diverged populations to converge on a common fitness state through different life‐history and genetic changes.  相似文献   

Theory concerning the evolution of life history (the schedule of reproduction and survival) focuses on describing the life history which maximises fitness. Although there is an intuitive link between life history and fitness, there are in fact several measures of the 'black box' concept of fitness. There has been a debate in the bio-mathematical literature on the predictive difference between the two most commonly used measures; intrinsic rate of increase r and net reproductive ratio R0. Although both measures aim to describe fitness, models using one of the measures may predict the opposite of similar models using the other measure, which is clearly undesirable. Here, I review the evolution of these fitness measures over the last four decades, the predictive differences between these measures and the resulting shift of the fitness concept. I focus in particular on some recent developments, which have solved the dilemma of predictive differences between these fitness measures by explicitly acknowledging the game-theoretical nature of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

The evolution of pathogens presents a paradox. Pathogenic species are often absolutely dependent on their host species for their propagation through evolutionary time, yet the pathogenic lifestyle requires that the host be damaged during this dependence. It is clear that pathogenic strategies are successful in evolutionary terms because a diverse array of pathogens exists in nature. Pathogens also evolve using a broad range of molecular mechanisms to acquire and modulate existing virulence traits in order to achieve this success. Detailing the benefit of enhanced selection derived through virulence and understanding the mechanisms through which virulence evolves are important to understanding the natural world and both have implications for human health.  相似文献   

My purpose here is to provide a coherent account of inclusive fitness techniques, accessible to a mathematically literate graduate student in evolutionary biology, and to relate these to standard one-locus genetic models. I begin in Sect. 2 with a general formulation of evolutionary stability; in Sect. 3 and Sect. 4 I interpret the basic stability conditions within genetic and inclusive fitness models. In Sect. 5 I extend these concepts to the case of a class-structured population, and in Sect. 6 I illustrate these notions with a sex ratio example. In Sect. 7 I give a proof of the result that under additive gene action and weak selection, an inclusive fitness argument is able to verify an important stability condition (2.5) for one-locus genetic models. Most of these results have been published.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of biological organisms is their ability to integrate disparate information sources to optimize their behavior in complex environments. How this capability can be quantified and related to the functional complexity of an organism remains a challenging problem, in particular since organismal functional complexity is not well-defined. We present here several candidate measures that quantify information and integration, and study their dependence on fitness as an artificial agent ("animat") evolves over thousands of generations to solve a navigation task in a simple, simulated environment. We compare the ability of these measures to predict high fitness with more conventional information-theoretic processing measures. As the animat adapts by increasing its "fit" to the world, information integration and processing increase commensurately along the evolutionary line of descent. We suggest that the correlation of fitness with information integration and with processing measures implies that high fitness requires both information processing as well as integration, but that information integration may be a better measure when the task requires memory. A correlation of measures of information integration (but also information processing) and fitness strongly suggests that these measures reflect the functional complexity of the animat, and that such measures can be used to quantify functional complexity even in the absence of fitness data.  相似文献   

Changes in the membrane properties of the oocyte of the mollusk, Patella vulgata, were analyzed following the induction of meiosis reinitiation by paleopedial ganglia extract or by the weak base ammonia. During maturation it was possible to distinguish between an early phase characterized by an initial hyperpolarization and a late phase consisting of a depolarization which triggers an action potential with a long-term overshoot (20 minutes) of the membrane potential. Major changes in individual ionic permeabilities were studied using both current and voltage clamp conditions. The depolarizing phase appears to depend on decreases in K+ membrane permeability. Finally we observed that the overshoot did not appear to be directly related to germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) since it was absent in Na-deprived artificial sea water and could be elicited in the presence of TEA bromide, which did not induce maturation. This last observation suggests that it may result from a change in specific K+ ion permeability due to the possible activation of stretch channels.  相似文献   

Many populations live in environments subject to frequent biotic and abiotic changes. Nonetheless, it is interesting to ask whether an evolving population''s mean fitness can increase indefinitely, and potentially without any limit, even in a constant environment. A recent study showed that fitness trajectories of Escherichia coli populations over 50 000 generations were better described by a power-law model than by a hyperbolic model. According to the power-law model, the rate of fitness gain declines over time but fitness has no upper limit, whereas the hyperbolic model implies a hard limit. Here, we examine whether the previously estimated power-law model predicts the fitness trajectory for an additional 10 000 generations. To that end, we conducted more than 1100 new competitive fitness assays. Consistent with the previous study, the power-law model fits the new data better than the hyperbolic model. We also analysed the variability in fitness among populations, finding subtle, but significant, heterogeneity in mean fitness. Some, but not all, of this variation reflects differences in mutation rate that evolved over time. Taken together, our results imply that both adaptation and divergence can continue indefinitely—or at least for a long time—even in a constant environment.  相似文献   

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