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Summary Restriction patterns of chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA in Brassica napus rapeseed reveal the alloplasmic nature of cytoplasmic male sterility in this crop. Both the Shiga and Bronowski systems probably exploit cytoplasmic diversity in B. napus cultivars arising from introgression of cytoplasm from the other rapeseed species, B. campestris. Nuclear genes specific to these systems do not cause sterility in maintainers (Bronowski and Isuzu-natane) because they have a campestris cytoplasm, but give rise to sterility in napus cytoplasms. In the course of hybridization to napus cultivars a line with the triazine resistant cytoplasm (a campestris cytoplasm) has undergone an alteration in the mt genome rendering its restriction pattern more similar than previously to that of napus. The alteration may be an inversion between 7.2 and 3.4 kb in length.  相似文献   

Large scale purification of rapeseed proteins (Brassica napus L.)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cruciferin (12S globulin), napin (2S albumin) and lipid transfer proteins (LTP) were purified at a multi-g scale. The procedure developed was simple, rather fast and resolutive; it permitted the recovery of these proteins with a good yield, such as 40% for cruciferin and 18% for napin. Nanofiltration eliminated the major phenolic compounds. The remaining protein fraction was fractionated by cation exchange chromatography (CEC) on a streamline SP-XL column in alkaline conditions. The unbound neutral cruciferin was polished by size exclusion chromatography. The alkaline napin isoforms and LTP, adsorbed on the beads, were eluted as a whole fraction and further separated by an other CEC step at acidic pH. Napins were polished by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). The fractions were characterized by reverse phase HPLC, electrophoresis, N-terminal sequencing and mass spectrometry. All the fractions contained less than 5% of impurities.  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described for cryopreservation of isolated microspores of rapeseed in liquid nitrogen without loss of embryogenic capacity (i.e. embryogenes is can still be induced following freezing). Microspores frozen in Lichter's (1982) medium with 13% sucrose produced ca. 10% of the embryos yielded by an unfrozen control. Microspores frozen in Lichter's medium with 13% sucrose, and supplemented with 0.5 M glycerol and 0.5 M DMSO produced no embryos. Regeneration of embryos obtained from frozen microspores yielded 88% diploid and 12% haploid plants, while embryos from unfrozen controls produced 7% diploids and 93% haploids. The potential to increase the efficiency of the rapeseed haploidy system using cryopreservation is discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

The properties of the alkaline lipase activity (EC that was recovered almost completely from a microsomal membrane fraction of 4-d-old rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) cotyledons were studied employing a titrimetric test procedure. The apparent KM was 6.5 mmol l-1, with emulgated sunflower oil as the substrate. The products of triglyceride hydrolysis in vitro were glycerol, free fatty acids, and minor amounts of mono- and diglycerides. Maximum lipase activity depended on the preincubation of the lipolytic membrane fraction in 0.15 mol l-1 NaCl and on the presence of at least 0.1 mol l-1 NaCl in the test mixture. Desoxycholate and up to 0.1 mol l-1 CaCl2 also activated the enzyme while EDTA and detergents such as trito x-100, digitonin, tween 85, and sodium dodecylsulfate were inhibitory. The rapeseed lipase displayed a conspicuous substrate selectivity among different plant triglycerides; the activity was inversely correlated with the oleic acid content of the oils. Water-soluble triacetin and the phospholipid lecithin were not hydrolyzed. Increasing amounts of free fatty acids reduced lipase activity; erucic acid, a major component of rapeseed oil, exhibited the strongest effect, suggesting a possible role in the regulation of lipase activity in vivo. The data demonstrate that the lipolytic membrane fraction houses a triglyceride lipase with properties similar to other plant and animal lipases. It can both qualitatively and quantitatively account for the fat degradation in rapeseed cotyledons. The evidence that provides further reason to acknowledge the membranous appendices of the spherosomes as the intracellular site of lipolysis is discussed.  相似文献   

Yield is one of the most important traits for rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) breeding, but its genetic basis remains largely ambiguous. Association mapping has provided a robust approach to understand the genetic basis of complex agronomic traits in crops. In this study, a panel of 192 inbred lines of B. napus from all over the world was genotyped using 451 single-locus microsatellite markers and 740 amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Six yield-related traits of these inbred lines were investigated in three consecutive years with three replications, and genome-wide association studies were conducted for these six traits. Using the model controlling both population structure and relative kinship (Q + K), a total of 43 associations (P < 0.001) were detected using the means of the six yield-related traits across 3 years, with two to fourteen markers associated with individual traits. Among these, 18 markers were repeatedly detected in at least 2 years, and 12 markers were located within or close to QTLs identified in previous studies. Six markers commonly associated with correlated traits. Conditional association analysis indicated that five of the associations between markers and correlated traits are caused by one QTL with pleiotropic effects, and the remaining association is caused by linked but independent QTLs. The combination of favorable alleles of multiple associated markers significantly enhances trait performance, illustrating a great potential of utilization of the associations in rapeseed breeding programs.  相似文献   

Transgenic hairy roots of Brassica napus (cv. Omega) have been developed, using Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain AR 25, for use as a model system in the investigation of physiological and morphological differences between transgenic and normal roots. The basic parameters of growth and normal or altered gravitropical behaviour of hairy roots are for the first time presented in this paper together with an ultrastructural and morphological analysis of the root statocytes. The results obtained also represented the basis for the TRANSF0RM-experiment on the IML-2 mission performed onboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. Typical hairy root traits such as hormone-autonomous growth high growth rate, lateral branching, and changed/absence of gravitropism were detected. The transformed nature of the roots was confirmed by Southern blot analyses. The gravitropical behaviour of apices from hairy root cultures of this clone has been compared with root tips from normal seedlings. While the wild type roots curved progressively with increasing stimulation angles, the transformed roots showed no curvature when stimulated at 45 degrees, 90 degrees or 135 degrees on the ground. The morphology and ultrastructure of the root tip regions were examined by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. At the ultrastructural level no major differences could be detected between the roots studied. There was, however, a slight reduction in the starch content of most of the amyloplasts of the transgenic root tips, and the root cap was more V-shaped in the transgenic roots than in the wild type. Preliminary results from the Shuttle experiment TRANSFORM show a random distribution of amyloplasts in the root cells of both transformed and wild type root caps after 14 h on a 1xg centrifuge followed by 37 h in microgravity.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,43(2):115-124
Multidimensional gel electrophoretic procedures have been employed to studythe polypeptide composition of the 12 S globulin (cruciferin) from rapeseed (Brassica napus L. cv. Tandem). Cruciferin was shown to consist of three main groups of proteins with Mr in the range of 60-52 (A group), 37-35 and 31-29 (respectively B1 and B2 groups) and 24-22 (C group). When reduced the A protein group gave rise to two classes of polypeptide constituents. The larger had Mr and isoelectric points (6.4–7.1) corresponding to those of B protein groups whereas the smaller were essentially composed of Mr 22 and a specific 25 kilodaltons (kD) polypeptide with basic isoelectric points. The initial B and C protein groups were unaltered by reducing conditions. These results support the notion that native cruciferin is composed of subunits with large and small polypeptides linked by disulphide bonds and of similar or closely-related polypeptides which are not covalently bonded.  相似文献   

Non-isothermal thermogravimetric method was applied to rapeseed to investigate its thermal reactivity under both individual dynamic atmospheres of nitrogen, steam, carbon dioxide and dry air, and under several mixtures of these gases (nitrogen+steam), (steam+dry air), and (nitrogen+carbon dioxide+steam). In this method, the sample was heated from ambient to 1273 K with a constant heating rate of 20 K/min. The trend of the TGA curves and the derived DTG profiles were interpreted regarding the conversion yields and the reactivity of the samples. Conversion yields of biomass to gaseous products changed in the range of 75-94% on original basis, with respect to the atmosphere under which the experiment was carried out. The maximum rates of the mass losses from the sample were found between 2.6 and 4.3 mg/min. The activation energies were calculated using the method of Coats-Redfern, and varied between 21.3 and 96.0 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Summary Hard seededness in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a quantitative trait that affects the germination rate, viability, and quality of stored seeds. We have used 72 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to identify genomic regions containing quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting hard seededness in a segregating population from a G. max by a Glycine soja (Sieb. & Zucc.) cross. Five independent RFLP markers were found to be associated with variation in the hard-seeded trait. These markers and the epistatic interactions between them explain 71% of the variation for hard seededness. A genomic region associated with the i locus accounted for 32% of the variation in this segregating population. This study illustrates one approach to physiological genetic studies in plants.Journal Paper No. J-13557 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA, Project No. 2763  相似文献   

A cross-reactivity between animal and plant lipases was determined, using immunological techniques. It was shown by ELISA and dot-blotting that these antibodies react with lipases in the rapeseed crude extract and in the different cellular fractions obtained by differential centrifugation. Pre-incubation of the antiserum with the rapeseed crude extract affects the amount of antibodies binding to the porcine pancreatic lipase. Antibodies were able to precipitate lipase activity from 3-day-old rapeseed crude extract. These epitopes seem to be located in the catalytic site, suggesting that a consensus sequence exists in oleaginous lipases and that it will be universal.  相似文献   

A linear plasmid molecule about 11 kb in length is present in the mitochondria of some varieties of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). This plasmid can be inherited from the male parent, through the pollen, as well as by the usual maternal route, although the main mitochondrial genome is maternally inherited in rapeseed. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of this plasmid DNA and clarified its genetic organization. The length of the linear plasmid is 11,640 bp. At the termini of the plasmid molecule are inverted repeats of 327 bp. The GC content of the plasmid DNA is 30.9%; thus, the plasmid is quite AT-rich compared to the main mitochondrial genome in higher plants. The plasmid has six ORFs, two of which encode a phage-type DNA polymerase and a phage-type RNA polymerase, respectively. RT-PCR analyses revealed that all six ORFs are transcribed, and all four ORFs on the minus strand are probably cotranscribed from a single promoter located in the terminal inverted repeat. We also show here that at least three of the six ORFs are translated into proteins in rapeseed mitochondria, and expressed at relatively high levels in flowers, as shown by Western analysis. These results suggest that this linear DNA molecule is able to replicate as an autonomous replicon and to express the genes it carries in rapeseed mitochondria.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (AACC) is a recent allotetraploid species evolved through hybridization between two diploids, B. rapa (AA) and B. oleracea (CC). Due to extensive genome duplication and homoeology within and between the A and C genomes of B. napus, most SSR markers display multiple fragments or loci, which limit their application in genetics and breeding studies of this economically important crop. In this study, we collected 3,890 SSR markers from previous studies and also developed 5,968 SSR markers from genomic sequences of B. rapa, B. oleracea and B. napus. Of these, 2,701 markers that produced single amplicons were putative single-locus markers in the B. napus genome. Finally, a set of 230 high-quality single-locus SSR markers were established and assigned to the 19 linkage groups of B. napus using a segregating population with 154 DH individuals. A subset of 78 selected single-locus SSR markers was proved to be highly stable and could successfully discriminate each of the 45 inbred lines and hybrids. In addition, most of the 230 SSR markers showed the single-locus nature in at least one of the Brassica species of the U’s triangle besides B. napus. These results indicated that this set of single-locus SSR markers has a wide range of coverage with excellent stability and would be useful for gene tagging, sequence scaffold assignment, comparative mapping, diversity analysis, variety identification and association mapping in Brassica species.  相似文献   

Ten flavone compounds, including three new flavonoid glycosides, were isolated from defatted rapeseed, and their protective antioxidant effect on H2O2-induced oxidative damage in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (ECV-304) was investigated. Three new flavonoid glycosides were identified as kaempferol-3-O-[(6-O-sinapoyl)-β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1  2)-β-d-glucopyranoside]-7-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (8), kaempferol-3,7-di-O-β-d-glucopyranoside-4'-O-(6-O-sinapoyl)-β-d-glucopyranoside (9), and kaempferol-3-O-[(3-O-sinapoyl)-β-d-glucopyranosyl-(1  2)-β-d-glucopyranoside]-7-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (10). The protective effects of all of the isolated compounds on H2O2-induced oxidative damage were assessed, and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured. All of compounds had a protective effect on H2O2-induced oxidative damage in ECV-304 cells and the presence of a substituted sinapoyl group and its position in the structures were used to elucidate the activity differences.  相似文献   

Summary Results from a diallel mating of two rapeseed lines with distinctly different linolenic acid concentration show that this trait is mainly under control of nuclear genes of the embryo. However, significant differences in reciprocal F1, BC1 and BC2 indicate maternal control, which is realized by interaction between maternal genotype and nuclear genes of the embryo. Additionally, temperature exerts considerable influence on the degree of maternal control. Since no reciprocal differences are detectable in F2, cytoplasmic factors seem not to be involved in the inheritance of linolenic acid concentration. Hypotheses on the physiological nature of maternal control of this trait are discussed.  相似文献   

Cai CC  Tu JX  Fu TD  Chen BY 《Genetika》2008,44(3):381-388
The objective of this study was to dissect the genetic control of days to flowering (DTF) and photoperiod sensitivity (PS) into the various components including the main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs), epistatic QTLs and QTL-by-environment interactions (QEs). Doubled haploid (DH) fines were produced from an F1 between two spring Brassica napus cultivars Hyola 401 and Q2. DTF of the DH lines and parents were investigated in two locations, one location with a short and the other with a long photoperiod regime over two years. PS was calculated by the delay in DTF under long day as compared to that under short day. A genetic linkage map was constructed that comprised 248 marker loci including SSR, SRAP and AFLP markers. Further QTL analysis resolved the genetic components of flowering time and PS into the main-effect QTLs, epistatic QTLs and QEs. A total of 7 main-effect QTLs and 11 digenic interactions involving 21 loci located on 13 out of the 19 linkage groups were detected for the two traits. 3 main-effect QTLs and 4 pairs of epistatic QTLs were involved in QEs conferring DTF. One QTL on linkage group (LG) 18 was revealed to simultaneously affect DTF and PS and explain for the highest percentage of the phenotypic variation. The implications of the results for B. napus breeding have been discussed.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium was investigated in canola quality winter rapeseed to analyze (1) the prospects for whole-genome association analyses and (2) the impact of the recent breeding history of rapeseed on linkage disequilibrium. A total of 845 mapped AFLP markers with allele frequencies ≥0.1 were used for the analysis of linkage disequilibrium in a population of 85 canola quality winter rapeseed genotypes. A low overall level of linkage disequilibrium was found with a mean r 2 of only 0.027 over all 356,590 possible marker pairs. At a significance threshold of P = 2.8 × 10−7, which was derived by a Bonferroni correction from a global α-level of 0.1, only 0.78% of the marker pairs were in significant linkage disequilibrium. Among physically linked marker pairs, the level of linkage disequilibrium was about five times higher with more than 10% of marker pairs in significant linkage disequilibrium. Linkage disequilibrium decayed rapidly with distance between linked markers with high levels of linkage disequilibrium extending only for about 2 cM. Owing to the rapid decay of linkage disequilibrium with distance association analyses in canola quality rapeseed will have a significantly higher resolution than QTL analyses in segregating populations by interval mapping, but much larger number of markers will be necessary to cover the whole genome. A major impact of the recent breeding history of rapeseed on linkage disequilibrium could not be observed.  相似文献   

 Self-incompatibility (SI) in Brassica is a sporophytic system, genetically determined by alleles at the S-locus, which prevents self-fertilization and encourages outbreeding. This system occurs naturally in diploid Brassica species but is introduced into amphidiploid Brassica species by interspecific breeding, so that in both cases there is a potential for yield increase due to heterosis and the combination of desirable characteristics from both parental lines. Using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based analysis specific for the alleles of the SLG (S-locus glycoprotein gene) located on the S-locus, we genetically mapped the S-locus of B. oleracea for SI using a F2 population from a cross between a rapid-cycling B. oleracea line (CrGC-85) and a cabbage line (86-16-5). The linkage map contained both RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Similarly, the S-loci were mapped in B. napus using two different crosses (91-SN-5263×87-DHS-002; 90-DHW-1855-4×87-DHS-002) where the common male parent was self-compatible, while the S-alleles introgressed in the two different SI female parents had not been characterized. The linkage group with the S-locus in B. oleracea showed remarkable homology to the corresponding linkage group in B. napus except that in the latter there was an additional locus present, which might have been introgressed from B. rapa. The S-allele in the rapid-cycling Brassica was identified as the S29 allele, the S-allele of the cabbage was the S 5 allele. These same alleles were present in our two B. napus SI lines, but there was evidence that it might not be the active or major SI allele that caused self-incompatibility in these two B. napus crosses. Received: 7 June 1996/Accepted: 6 September 1996  相似文献   

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