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The influence of the positively charged amphiphilic compound cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) on palmitate- and laurate-induced uncoupling and on carboxyatractylate and glutamate recoupling effects in liver mitochondria have been studied. CTAB (40 M) in the presence of 3 mM MgCl2 had little (if any) effect on the palmitic acid-stimulated respiration of mitochondria; the glutamate recoupling effect increased, and the carboxyatractylate recoupling effect decreased to the same degree with the combined effect (about 80%) remaining unchanged. Thus, CTAB decreases the ADP/ATP antiporter involvement and increases to the same extent the aspartate/glutamate antiporter involvement in the fatty acid-induced uncoupling. The carboxyatractylate and glutamate recoupling effects were less pH dependent in the presence of CTAB than in its absence. These data could be interpreted with the assumption that fatty acid anions are more accessible to the ADP/ATP antiporter and their neutral forms are more accessible to the aspartate/glutamate antiporter, and that CTAB changes the relative anion carrier involvement in the fatty acid-induced uncoupling as it forms neutral complexes with fatty acid anions.  相似文献   

Palmitate-induced uncoupling, which involves ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters, has been studied in liver mitochondria of old rats (22-26 months) under conditions of lipid peroxidation and inhibition of oxidative stress by antioxidants--thiourea, Trolox, and ionol. It has been shown that in liver mitochondria of old rats in the absence of antioxidants and under conditions of overproduction of conjugated dienes, the protonophoric uncoupling activity of palmitate is not suppressed by either carboxyatractylate or aspartate used separately. However, the combination of carboxyatractylate and aspartate decreased uncoupling activity of palmitate by 81%. In this case, palmitate-induced uncoupling is limited by a stage insensitive to both carboxyatractylate and aspartate. In the presence of antioxidants, the palmitate-induced protonophoric uncoupling activity is suppressed by either carboxyatractylate or aspartate used separately. Under these conditions, palmitate-induced uncoupling is limited by a stage sensitive to carboxyatractylate (ADP/ATP antiporter) or aspartate (aspartate/glutamate antiporter). In the absence of antioxidants, the uncoupling activity of palmitate is not suppressed by ADP either in the absence or in the presence of aspartate. However, in the presence of thiourea, Trolox, or ionol ADP decreased the uncoupling activity of palmitate by 38%. It is concluded that in liver mitochondria of old rats the development of oxidative stress in the presence of physiological substrates of ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters (ADP and aspartate) results in an increase of the protonophoric uncoupling activity of palmitate.  相似文献   

In liver mitochondria, the phosphate carrier is involved in protonophoric uncoupling effect of fatty acids together with ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters (Samartsev et al. 2003. Biochemistry (Moscow). 68, 618–629). Liver mitochondria depleted of endogenous oxidation substrates (exhausted mitochondria) have been used in the present work. In these mitochondria, like in the intact liver mitochondria, the specific inhibitor of ADP/ATP antiporter (carboxyatractylate) and the substrate of aspartate/glutamate antiporter (aspartate) suppress the uncoupling activity of palmitic acid. It is shown that in exhausted mitochondria the substrate of phosphate carrier (inorganic phosphate) and its nonspecific inhibitor mersalyl partially suppress palmitic acid-induced uncoupling due to decrease in the component of uncoupling activity sensitive to carboxyatractylate and aspartate. In the presence of inorganic phosphate or mersalyl, carboxyatractylate and aspartate added separately subsequent to palmitic acid do not suppress its uncoupling activity. They are effective only when added jointly. In the presence of thiourea or pyruvate, such effects of inorganic phosphate and mersalyl are not observed. It is supposed that in the presence of inorganic phosphate or mersalyl and under the condition of oxidation of critical SH-groups in mitochondria, the phosphate carrier, ADP/ATP antiporter, and aspartate/glutamate antiporter are involved in uncoupling function together with the general fatty acid pool as an uncoupling complex. The role of phosphate carrier in this complex may consist in facilitation of lateral transfer of the fatty acid molecules from one antiporter to another.  相似文献   

It has been found that the protonophoric specific uncoupling activity of palmitic acid in rat liver mitochondria does not change as its concentration increases from 5 to 40 μM. Under these conditions, the component of the specific uncoupling activity that describes the participation in uncoupling of the ADP/ATP antiporter (sensitive to carboxyatractylate) increases, and the component of specific uncoupling activity that characterizes the participation in the uncoupling of the aspartate/glutamate antiporter (sensitive to glutamate) decreases by the same value. A kinetic model of the fatty acid-induced uncoupling activity with the participation of ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters has been developed. According to the model, these carriers can exist in two forms: active, i.e., participating in the uncoupling, and inactive. The interaction of a fatty acid with the regulator site of the ADP/ATP antiporter translates it from the inactive to the active form, while the interaction of a fatty acid with the regulator site of the aspartate/glutamate antiporter, on the contrary, translates it from the active form to inactive. The velocity of transport of a fatty acid anion by the antiporter from the internal monolayer of the inner membrane to the external monolayer is proportional to the product of the concentration of the fatty acid and the active form of this carrier. A good conformity of the model to experimentally obtained data is shown provided that (a) ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters, being completely in active state, transfer fatty acid anions with the same velocity; (b) the equilibrium dissociation constants of a complex of the carrier with the fatty acid in these antiporters are equal.  相似文献   

It has been found that the protonophoric specific uncoupling activity of palmitic acid in rat liver mitochondria does not change as its concentration increases from 5 to 40 microM. Under these conditions, the component of the specific uncoupling activity, which describes the participation in uncoupling of the ADP/ATP antiporter (sensitive to carboxyatractylate), increases, and the component of specific uncoupling activity, which characterizes the participation in the uncoupling of the aspartate/glutamate antiporter (sensitive to glutamate), decreases by the same value. A kinetic model of the fatty acid-induced uncoupling activity with the participation of ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters has been developed. According to the model, these carriers can exist in two forms: an active, i.e., participating in the uncoupling, and an inactive. The interaction of a fatty acid with the regulator site of the ADP/ATP antiporter translates it from the inactive to the active form, while the interaction of a fatty acid with the regulator site of the aspartate/glutamate antiporter, on the contrary, translates it from the active form to inactive. The velocity of transport of a fatty acid anion by the antiporter from the internal monolayer of the internal membrane to the external monolayer is proportional to the product of the concentration of the fatty acid and the active form of this carrier. A good conformity of the model to experimentally obtained data is shown provided that (a) ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters, being completely in an active state, transfer fatty acid anions with the same velocity; (b) the equilibrium dissociation constants of a complex of the carrier with the fatty acid in these antiporters are equal.  相似文献   

In experiments on isolated kidney and liver mitochondria, it is shown that oleate hydroperoxide induces a much smaller increase in the controlled respiration rate and DeltaPsi decrease than the same concentrations of oleate. Palmitate appears to be less efficient than oleate but more efficient than oleate hydroperoxide. In all cases, GDP and CAtr cause some recoupling, CAtr being more effective. Addition of 0.2 mM GDP before CAtr does not prevent further DeltaPsi increase by subsequent CAtr addition. On the other hand, GDP added after CAtr is without any effect. GDP partially prevents the DeltaPsi lowering by ADP at the State 4--State 3 transition if small amounts of CAtr are present. The data are consistent with the suggestion of F. Goglia and V.P. Skulachev (FASEB J. 17, 1585-1591, 2003) that fatty acid anions are translocated by mitochondrial anion carriers much better than their hydroperoxides. As to GDP recoupling, it cannot be regarded as a specific probe for uncoupling by UCPs since it can be mediated by the ATP/ADP antiporter.  相似文献   

The influence of various SH-reagents on the aspartate/glutamate carrier was investigated in the reconstituted system. When liposomes carrying partially purified carrier protein were treated with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) or N-ethylmaleimide, antiport activity was strongly reduced. Several mercury compounds exerted a dual effect. They completely blocked the antiport and, in addition, induced an efflux pathway for internal aspartate. The maximum rate of this unidirectional flux was comparable to the original antiport activity. Induction of efflux always was coupled to inhibition of antiport. Efflux was neither due to unspecific leakage of proteoliposomes nor to a possible contamination by porin, but depended on active carrier protein, as elucidated by the sensitivity to proteinases and protein-modifying reagents. Besides efflux of aspartate, HgCl2 and mersalyl also induced a slow efflux of ATP from liposomes carrying coreconstituted aspartate/glutamate and ADP/ATP carrier. The two efflux activities could be discriminated taking advantage of the differential effectiveness of several inhibitors and proteinases. Although basic carrier properties were changed by the applied mercurials (Dierks, T., Salentin, A. and Kr?mer, R. (1990) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1028, 281), aspartate and ATP efflux could clearly be correlated with the aspartate/glutamate and the ADP/ATP carrier, respectively. When purifying these two translocators the respective efflux activity copurified with the antiporter, thus elucidating that the two different transport functions are mediated by the same protein. These results argue for a participation of the aspartate/glutamate and the ADP/ATP carrier in the generally observed increase of mitochondrial permeability after treatment with SH-reagents.  相似文献   

Study of the uncoupling effect of various saturated fatty acids (from caprylic to palmitic) revealed that the glutamate recoupling effect was more pronounced in the case of short chain fatty acids, whereas recoupling of mitochondria by carboxyatractylate was more effective in the case of long chain fatty acids. The overall recoupling effect, however, did not depend on the fatty acid chain length. Besides carboxyatractylate, glutamate and aspartate also exhibited a recoupling effect under uncoupling by lauryl sulfate. The uncoupling effect of lauryl sulfate was markedly weaker in the presence of DNP or laurate (but not FCCP) which were added in concentrations causing twofold increase in mitochondrial respiration. In the presence of lauryl sulfate the uncoupling action of laurate and DNP was insensitive to carboxyatractylate and glutamate. With laurate and DNP as uncouplers increasing the pH from 7.0 to 7.8 potentiated the recoupling effect of carboxyatractylate and attenuated the recoupling effect of glutamate. In the case of uncoupling by lauryl sulfate similar changes in the recoupling effect of carboxyatractylate and glutamate were observed only in the presence of 10 microM tetraphenylphosphonium. Thus, when uncoupling is induced by fatty acids, DNP, and lauryl sulfate, the ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters function as two parallel and independent pathways for mitochondrial membrane potential dissipation. We suggest that the role of the ADP/ATP antiporter in uncoupling includes proton capture from the intermembrane space with subsequent protonation of uncoupler anions, their transport as neutral molecules on the internal side, and deprotonation followed by proton release into the matrix and transfer of the uncoupler anion in the reverse direction. During uncoupling the aspartate/glutamate antiporter cyclically carries the uncoupler anion with simultaneous proton transfer from the intermembrane space into the matrix.  相似文献   

The parameters of energy coupling of mitochondria isolated from the livers of hibernating and awakening gophers were studied. The ATP/ADP-antiporter inhibitor carboxyatractylate slowed down the respiration rate, increased delta psi and decreased the ionic conductivity of the inner mitochondrial membrane as measured by the rate of the delta psi decline after addition of cyanide (in the presence of oligomycin and EGTA). A similar effect was produced by BSA, carboxyatractylate being fairly ineffective in the presence of BSA. In hibernating gophers the maximal rate of the uncoupled respiration and the ionic conductivity of the inner mitochondrial membrane were markedly decreased as compared with awakening gophers. The data obtained suggest that in awakening animals fatty acids induce the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by the ATP/ADP-antiporter, this process being simultaneous with the activation of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

One of the major evolutionary events that transformed endosymbiotic bacterium into mitochondrion was an acquisition of ATP/ADP carrier in order to supply the host with respiration-derived ATP. Along with mitochondrial carrier, unrelated carrier is known which is characteristic of intracellular chlamydiae, plastids, parasitic intracellular eukaryote Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and the genus Rickettsia of obligate endosymbiotic alpha-Proteobacteria. This non-mitochondrial ATP/ADP carrier was recently described in rickettsia-like endosymbionts - a group of obligate intracellular bacteria, classified with the order Rickettsiales, which have diverged after free-living alpha-Proteobacteria but before sister groups of the Rickettsiaceae assemblage (true rickettsiae) and mitochondria. Published controversial phylogenetic data on the non-mitochondrial carrier were reanalysed in the present work using both DNA and protein sequences, and various methods including Bayesian analysis. The data presented are consistent with classic endosymbiont theory for the origin of mitochondria and also suggest that even last but one common ancestor of rickettsiae and organelles may have been an endosymbiotic bacterium in which ATP/ADP carrier has first originated.  相似文献   

In liver mitochondria fatty acids act as protonophoric uncouplers mainly with participation of internal membrane protein carriers — ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters. In this study the values of recoupling effects of carboxyatractylate and glutamate (or aspartate) were used to assess the degree of participation of ADP/ATP and aspartate/glutamate antiporters in uncoupling activity of fatty acids. These values were determined from the ability of these recoupling agents to suppress the respiration stimulated by fatty acids and to raise the membrane potential reduced by fatty acids. Increase in palmitic and lauric acid concentration was shown to increase the degree of participation of ADP/ATP antiporter and to decrease the degree of participation of aspartate/glutamate antiporter in uncoupling to the same extent. These data suggest that fatty acids are not only inducers of uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, but that they also act the regulators of this process. The linear dependence of carboxyatractylate and glutamate recoupling effects ratio on palmitic and lauric acids concentration was established. Comparison of the effects of fatty acids (palmitic, myristic, lauric, capric, and caprylic having 16, 14, 12, 10, and 8 carbon atoms, respectively) has shown that, as the hydrophobicity of fatty acids decreases, the effectiveness decreases to a greater degree than the respective values of their specific uncoupling activity. The action of fatty acids as regulators of uncoupling is supposed to consist of activation of transport of their anions from the internal to the external monolayer of the internal membrane with participation of ADP/ATP antiporter and, at the same time, in inhibition of this process with the participation of aspartate/glutamate antiporter.  相似文献   

We show that Ca2+ loading of mitochondria substantially augments the myristate-induced decrease in the transmembrane electric potential difference (deltapsi). Such a Ca2+ action is without effect on the respiration rate and is not accompanied by the high-amplitude swelling when low concentrations of Ca2+ and myristate are used. The myristate-induced deltapsi decrease is prevented and reversed by cyclosporin A (CsA); the decrease is prevented and transiently reversed by nigericin. To explain these effects, we suggest that myristate induces opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore at a low-conductance state. Addition of carboxyatractylate (CAtr) after myristate induces the CsA-sensitive uncoupling, but when added after myristate and CsA, CAtr produces a decrease in deltapsi, if the interval between myristate and CsA addition is sufficiently long. The CAtr effect is completely reversed by EGTA and transiently reversed by nigericin. This suggests that the ADP/ATP-antiporter participates in the CsA-sensitive uncoupling when present as a pore complex constituent. ADP/ATP-antiporter that does not take part in the pore complex formation is involved in the CsA-insensitive uncoupling.  相似文献   

The action of ATP/ADP-antiporter inhibitors upon the uncoupling effect of palmitate, detergents and 'classical' uncouplers has been studied. The uncoupling effect was estimated by stimulation of succinate oxidation and of H+ permeability of rat liver mitochondria in the presence of oligomycin. It is shown that carboxyatractylate (CAtr) and pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) suppress the uncoupling induced by palmitate and the anionic detergents SDS and cholate, but do not affect that induced by the cationic detergents CTAB, by the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100, as well as by the 'classical' uncouplers FCCP and DNP. The results are discussed in terms of a concept assuming that the ATP/ADP-antiporter facilitates the electrophoretic export of hydrophobic anions from mitochondria.  相似文献   

One of the major evolutionary events that transformed an endosymbiotic bacterium into a mitochondrion was the acquisition of the ATP/ADP carrier (AAC) in order to supply the host with respiration-derived ATP. Along with the mitochondrial carrier, an unrelated carrier is known, which is characteristic of intracellular chlamydiae, plastids, parasitic intracellular eukaryote Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and the genus Rickettsia of obligate endosymbiotic α-proteobacteria. This nonmitochondrial carrier was recently described in rickettsia-like endosymbionts (RLE), a group of obligate intracellular bacteria classified with the order Rickettsiales, which have diverged after free-living α-proteobacteria but before sister groups of the Rickettsiaceae assemblage (true rickettsiae) and mitochondria. Published controversial phylogenetic data on nonmitochondrial AAC were re-analyzed in the present work, using both DNA and protein sequences and various methods including Bayesian analysis. The data presented are consistent with the classic endosymbiont theory for the origin of mitochondria and suggest that even the last but one common ancestor of rickettsiae and organelles was an endosymbiotic bacterium, in which AAC first originated.  相似文献   

A concise review is given of the research in our laboratory on the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) and the uncoupling protein (UCP). Although homologous proteins, their widely different functions and contrasts are stressed. The pioneer role of research on the AAC, not only for the mitochondrial but also for other carriers, and the present state of their structure-function relationship is reviewed. The function of UCP as a highly regulated H+ carrier is described in contrast to the largely unregulated ADP/ATP exchange in AAC. General principles of carrier catalysis as derived from studies on the AAC and UCP are elucidated.  相似文献   

The effects of ATP/ADP-antiporter inhibitors on the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by palmitic acid, detergents and protonophore FCCP in liver mitochondria were studied. The uncoupling activity of these compounds was estimated by their stimulating effect on succinate oxidation and H+ conductivity of the inner mitochondrial membrane in the presence of oligomycin. Carboxyatractylate and pyridoxal 5-phosphate suppressed the uncoupling effects of palmitic acid and anionic detergents but had no effect on the uncoupling action of the nonionic detergent Triton X-100, the cationic detergent CTAB and FCCP. The data obtained are discussed in terms of the putative role of the ATP/ADP-antiporter in the electrophoretic transport of hydrophobic anions from the mitochondria.  相似文献   

The effect of thyroid-hormone application on cytosolic and mitochondrial ATP/ADP ratio was investigated in rat liver in vivo and in the isolated perfused organ. In vivo the ATP/ADP ratio in livers from hypothyroid rats was 0.84 +/- 0.08 in the mitochondrial matrix and 5.6 +/- 0.9 in the cytosol, as was observed in euthyroid controls. In contrast, hyperthyroidism was followed by a significant decrease in the mitochondrial and by an increase in the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio (to 0.34 +/- 0.06 and 11.3 +/- 2.8 respectively). In the perfused liver from hypothyroid animals, addition of L-3,3',5-tri-iodothyronine in the perfusate also provoked, within 2 h, a significant decrease in the mitochondrial ATP/ADP ratio, whereas the cytosolic ratio was unaffected. From these and previous data in the isolated perfused liver and in isolated mitochondria from hypothyroid and tri-iodothyronine-treated rats it is concluded that thyroid hormones increase mitochondrial respiration and ATP regeneration, which is associated with an acceleration of mitochondrial adenine nucleotide transport and significant alterations in the mitochondrial and cytosolic ATP/ADP ratios.  相似文献   

Nutrient surplus and consequent free fatty acid accumulation in the liver cause hepatosteatosis. The exposure of free fatty acids to cultured hepatocyte and hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines induces cellular stress, organelle adaptation, and subsequent cell death. Despite many studies, the mechanism associated with lipotoxicity and subsequent cell death still remains poorly understood. Here, we have used the proteomics approach to circumvent the mechanism for lipotoxicity using hepatocellular carcinoma cells as a model. Our quantitative proteomics data revealed that ectopic lipids accumulation in cells severely affects the ubiquitin-proteasomal system. The palmitic acid (PA) partially lowered the expression of deubiquitinating enzyme USP7 which subsequently destabilizes p53 and promotes mitotic entry of cells. Our global phosphoproteomics analysis also provides strong evidence of an altered cell cycle checkpoint proteins’ expression that abrogates early G2/M checkpoints recovery with damaged DNA and induced mitotic catastrophe leading to hepatocyte death. We observe that palmitic acid prefers apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) mediated cell death by depolarizing mitochondria and translocating AIF to the nucleus. In summary, the present study provides evidence of PA-induced hepatocellular death mediated by deubiquitinase USP7 downregulation and subsequent mitotic catastrophe.Subject terms: Apoptosis, Protein-protein interaction networks  相似文献   

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