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S. P. C. Groot  C. M. Karssen 《Planta》1987,171(4):525-531
The germination of seeds of tomato [Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) Mill.] cv. Moneymaker has been compared with that of seeds of the gibberellin-deficient dwarf-mutant line ga-1, induced in the same genetic background. Germination of tomato seeds was absolutely dependent on the presence of either endogenous or exogenous gibberellins (GAs). Gibberellin A4+7 was 1000-fold more active than commercial gibberellic acid in inducing germination of the ga-1 seeds. Red light, a preincubation at 2°C, and ethylene did not stimulate germination of ga-1 seeds in the absence of GA4+7; however, fusicoccin did stimulate germination independently. Removal of the endosperm and testa layers opposite the radicle tip caused germination of ga-1 seeds in water. The seedlings and plants that develop from the detipped ga-1 seeds exhibited the extreme dwarfy phenotype that is normal to this genotype. Measurements of the mechanical resistance of the surrounding layers showed that the major action of GAs was directed to the weakening of the endosperm cells around the radicle tip. In wild-type seeds this weakening occurred in water before radicle protrusion. In ga-1 seeds a similar event was dependent on GA4+7, while fusicoccin also had some activity. Simultaneous incubation of de-embryonated endosperms and isolated axes showed that wild-type embryos contain and endosperm-weakening factor that is absent in ga-1 axes and is probably a GA. Thus, an endogenous GA facilitates germination in tomato seeds by weakening the mechanical restraint of the endosperm cells to permit radicle protrusion.Abbreviations GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GA3 gibberellic acid  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglycosylases (XETs) modify xyloglucans, major components of primary cell walls in dicots. A cDNA encoding an XET (LeXET4) was isolated from a germinating tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seed cDNA library. DNA gel blot analysis showed that LeXET4 is a single-copy gene in the tomato genome. LeXET4 mRNA was strongly expressed in germinating seeds, was much less abundant in stems, and was not detected in roots, leaves or flower tissues. During germination, LeXET4 mRNA was detected in seeds within 12 h of imbibition with maximum mRNA abundance at 24 h. Tissue prints showed that LeXET4 mRNA was localized exclusively to the endosperm cap region. Expression of LeXET4 was dependent on exogenous gibberellin (GA) in GA-deficient (gib-1 mutant) tomato seeds, while abscisic acid, a seed germination inhibitor, had no effect on LeXET4 mRNA expression in wild-type seeds. LeXET4 mRNA disappeared after radicle emergence, even though degradation of the lateral endosperm cell walls continued. The temporal, spatial and hormonal regulation pattern of LeXET4 gene expression suggests that XET has a role in endosperm cap weakening, a key process regulating tomato seed germination.  相似文献   

The role of abscisic acid (ABA) in the weakening of the endosperm cap prior to radicle protrusion in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Moneymaker) seeds was studied. The endosperm cap weakened substantially in both water and ABA during the first 38 h of imbibition. After 38 h the force required for endosperm cap puncturing was arrested at 0.35 N in ABA, whereas in water a further decrease occurred until the radicle protruded. During the first 2 d of imbibition endo-beta-mannanase activity was correlated with the decrease in required puncture force and with the appearance of ice-crystal-induced porosity in the cell walls as observed by scanning electron microscopy. Prolonged incubation in ABA resulted in the loss of endo-beta-mannanase activity and the loss of ice-crystal-induced porosity, but not in a reversion of the required puncture force. ABA also had a distinct but minor effect on the growth potential of the embryo. However, endosperm cap resistance played the limiting role in the completion of germination. It was concluded that (a) endosperm cap weakening is a biphasic process and (b) inhibition of germination by ABA is through the second step in the endosperm cap weakening process.  相似文献   

Screening of 10 000 Arabidopsis transgenic lines carrying a gene-trap (GUS) construct has been undertaken to identify markers of seed germination. One of these lines showed GUS activity restricted to the endosperm, at the micropylar end of the germinating seed. The genomic DNA flanking the T-DNA insert was cloned by walking PCR and the insertion was shown to be located 70 bp upstream of a 2285 bp open reading frame (AtEPR1) sharing strong similarities with extensins. The AtEPR1 open reading frame consists of 40 proline-rich repeats and is expressed in both wild-type and mutant lines. The expression of the AtEPR1 gene appears to be under positive control of gibberellic acid, but is not downregulated by abscisic acid during seed germination. No expression was detected in organs other than endosperm during seed germination. The putative role of AtEPR1 is discussed in the light of its specific expression in relation to seed germination.  相似文献   

Development of galactomannan-hydrolyzing activity, that is involved in the weakening of the mechanical restraint of the endosperm, was followed at pre-germinative stages in tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) seed. Prior to germination the activity developed exclusively in the endosperm portion just adjacent to the radicle tip. In other parts of the endosperm, the activity developed only after germination occurred. Under the conditions where germination was suppressed (far-red light- or ABA-treatment). no activity was detected in the endosperm at the pre-germinative stages. Under the conditions where the inhibition of germination was alleviated (far-red + red or ABA + GA3), the activity developed prior to germination in the endosperm part in front of the radicle tip. Thus, a clear parallel relationship was observed between germinability of the seed and the pre-germinative development of activity in the part of the endosperm portion adjacent to the radicle tip.  相似文献   

We recently isolated two genes (OsGA3ox1 and OsGA3ox2) from rice (Oryza sativa) encoding 3beta-hydroxylase, which catalyzes the final step of active gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis (H. Itoh, M. Ueguchi-Tanaka, N. Sentoku, H. Kitano, M. Matsuoka, M. Kobayashi [2001] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98: 8909-8914). Using these cloned cDNAs, we analyzed the temporal and spatial expression patterns of the 3beta-hydroxylase genes and also an alpha-amylase gene (RAmy1A) during rice seed germination to investigate the relationship between GA biosynthesis and alpha-amylase expression. Northern-blot analyses revealed that RAmy1A expression in the embryo occurs before the induction of 3beta-hydroxylase expression, whereas in the endosperm, a high level of RAmy1A expression occurs 1 to 2 d after the peak of OsGA3ox2 expression and only in the absence of uniconazol. Based on the analysis of an OsGA3ox2 null mutant (d18-Akibare dwarf), we determined that 3beta-hydroxylase produced by OsGA3ox2 is important for the induction of RAmy1A expression and that the OsGA3ox1 product is not essential for alpha-amylase induction. The expression of OsGA3ox2 was localized to the shoot region and epithelium of the embryo, strongly suggesting that active GA biosynthesis occurs in these two regions. The synthesis of active GA in the epithelium is important for alpha-amylase expression in the endosperm, because an embryonic mutant defective in shoot formation, but which developed epithelium cells, induced alpha-amylase expression in the endosperm, whereas a mutant defective in epithelium development did not.  相似文献   

Seed priming is a technique of controlled hydration and drying that results in more rapid gemination when the seeds are reimbibed. Advancement of radicle meristem cells into the S and G2 phases of the cell cycle, increasing the percentage of nuclei having a 4C DNA content, has been reported to occur during priming. It has been suggested that the efficiency of priming is related to the accumulation of 4C nuclei in the radicle meristem, but the extent of cell cycle activity varied among different treatments and seed lots. A wide range of priming treatments across temperatures, water potentials and durations can be compared on a common basis using the hydrothermal priming time model. Flow cytometry was used to monitor cell cycle activity in a number of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seed lots during priming in relation to the accumulation of hydrothermal priming time and the subsequent germination rate response. In some seed lots, the percentage of 4C nuclei in the radicle meristems prior to emergence increased in proportion to accumulated hydrothermal priming time, while in other lots, no increase in nuclear DNA content was detected. All lots, however, demonstrated rapid radicle emergence following priming. Thus, replicative DNA synthesis in radicle meristem nuclei often occurred during seed priming, but an increase in the percentage of 4C nuclei was not essential for germination advancement.  相似文献   

Completion of germination (radicle emergence) by gibberellin (GA)-deficient (gib-1) mutant tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seeds is dependent upon exogenous GA, because weakening of the endosperm tissue enclosing the radicle tip requires GA. To investigate genes that may be involved in endosperm weakening or embryo growth, differential cDNA display was used to identify mRNAs differentially expressed in gib-1 seeds imbibed in the presence or absence of GA(4+7). Among these was a GA-responsive mRNA encoding the 16-kD hydrophobic subunit c of the V(0) membrane sector of vacuolar H(+)-translocating ATPases (V-ATPase), which we termed LVA-P1. LVA-P1 mRNA expression in gib-1 seeds was dependent on GA and was particularly abundant in the micropylar region prior to radicle emergence. Both GA dependence and tissue localization of LVA-P1 mRNA expression were confirmed directly in individual gib-1 seeds using tissue printing. LVA-P1 mRNA was also expressed in wild-type seeds during development and germination, independent of exogenous GA. Specific antisera detected protein subunits A and B of the cytoplasmic V(1) sector of the V-ATPase holoenzyme complex in gib-1 seeds only in the presence of GA, and expression was localized to the micropylar region. The results suggest that V-ATPase plays a role in GA-regulated germination of tomato seeds.  相似文献   



Seed germination is inherently related to seed metabolism, which changes throughout its maturation, desiccation and germination processes. The metabolite content of a seed and its ability to germinate are determined by underlying genetic architecture and environmental effects during development.


This study aimed to assess an integrative approach to explore genetics modulating seed metabolism in different developmental stages and the link between seed metabolic- and germination traits.


We have utilized gas chromatography-time-of-flight/mass spectrometry (GC-TOF/MS) metabolite profiling to characterize tomato seeds during dry and imbibed stages. We describe, for the first time in tomato, the use of a so-called generalized genetical genomics (GGG) model to study the interaction between genetics, environment and seed metabolism using 100 tomato recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between Solanum lycopersicum and Solanum pimpinellifolium.


QTLs were found for over two-thirds of the metabolites within several QTL hotspots. The transition from dry to 6 h imbibed seeds was associated with programmed metabolic switches. Significant correlations varied among individual metabolites and the obtained clusters were significantly enriched for metabolites involved in specific biochemical pathways.


Extensive genetic variation in metabolite abundance was uncovered. Numerous identified genetic regions that coordinate groups of metabolites were detected and these will contain plausible candidate genes. The combined analysis of germination phenotypes and metabolite profiles provides a strong indication for the hypothesis that metabolic composition is related to germination phenotypes and thus to seed performance.

The endosperm is a barrier for radicle protrusion of many angiosperm seeds. Rupture of the testa (seed coat) and rupture of the endosperm are two sequential events during the germination of Lepidium sativum L. and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heyhn. Abscisic acid (ABA) specifically inhibits the endosperm rupture of these two closely related Brassicaceae species. Lepidium seeds are large enough to allow the direct measurement of endosperm weakening by the puncture force method. We found that the endosperm weakens prior to endosperm rupture and that ABA delays the onset and decreases the rate of this weakening process in a dose-dependent manner. An early embryo signal is required and sufficient to induce endosperm weakening, which afterwards appears to be an organ-autonomous process. Gibberellins can replace this embryo signal; de novo gibberellin biosynthesis occurs in the endosperm and weakening is regulated by the gibberellin/ABA ratio. Our results suggest that the control of radicle protrusion during the germination of Brassicaceae seeds is mediated, at least in part, by endosperm weakening. We propose that Lepidium is an emerging Brassicaceae model system for endosperm weakening and that the complementary advantages of Lepidium and Arabidopsis can be used in parallel experiments to investigate the molecular mechanisms of endosperm weakening.  相似文献   

Expression of a heterologous expansin in transgenic tomato plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rochange SF  McQueen-Mason SJ 《Planta》2000,211(4):583-586

Most cultivars of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum, are sensitive to low (chilling) temperatures (0–15 °C) during seed germination; however, genetic sources of cold (chilling) tolerance have been identified within the related wild species. The purpose of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that contribute to cold tolerance during germination in tomato using a backcross population of an interspecific cross between a cold-sensitive tomato line (NC84173, recurrent parent) and a L. pimpinellifolium accession (LA722) that germinates rapidly under low temperatures. A total of 119 BC1 individuals were genotyped for 151 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and a genetic linkage map was constructed. The parental lines and 119 BC1S1 families (self-pollinated progeny of the BC1 individuals) were evaluated for germination at a low temperature (11±0.5 °C). Germination was scored visually as radicle protrusion at 8 h intervals for 28 consecutive days. Germination response was analyzed by the survival analysis and the times to 25, 50 and 75% germination were calculated. In addition, a germination index (GI) was calculated as the weighted mean of the time from imbibition to germination for each family/line. Two QTL mapping techniques, interval mapping (using MAPMAKER/QTL) and single-point analysis (using QGENE), were used to identify QTLs. The results of both methods were similar and two chromosomal locations (3–5 putative QTLs) with significant effects on low temperature germination were identified. The L. pimpinellifolium accession had favorable QTL alleles on chromosomes 1 and NC84173 had favorable QTL alleles on chromosome 4. The percentage of phenotypic variation explained (PVE) by individual QTLs ranged from 11.9% to 33.4%. Multilocus analysis indicated that the cumulative action of all significant QTLs accounted for 43.8% of the total phenotypic variance. Digenic epistatic interactions were evident between two of the QTL-linked markers and two unlinked markers. Transgressive phenotypes were observed in the direction of cold sensitivity. The results indicate that low temperature germination of tomato seed can be improved by marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Seed germination of an aurea mutant of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is promoted by continuous irradiation with red, far-red or long-wavelength far-red (758 nm) light as well as by cyclic irradiations (5 min red or 5 min far-red/25 min darkness). Far-red light applied immediately after each red does not change the germination behaviour. Seed germination of the isogenic wild-type, cv. UC-105, is promoted by continuous and cyclic red light while it is inhibited by continuous and cyclic far-red light and by continious 758 nm irradiation. Far-red irradiation reverses almost completely the promoting effect of red light. The promoting effect (in the aurea mutant) and the inhibitory effect (in the wild-type) of continuous far-red light do not show photon fluence rate dependency above 20 nmol m−2 s−1. It is concluded that phytochrome controls tomato seed germination throgh low energy responses in both the wild type and the au mutant. The promoting effect of continuous and cyclic far-red light in the au mutant can be attributed to a greater sensitivity to Pfr.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing concentrations of boron (0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 20 mM) as boric acid on the rate of germination and polyphenol oxidase activities in embryo and endosperm tissues of maize seeds (Zea mays L. cv. Arifiye) were studied. The germination percentage of maize seeds was not affected by boron concentrations up to 10 mM, and decreased by 20 mM. Distilled water and lower boron concentrations (0.1 and 1 mM) increased polyphenol oxidase activities at the beginning of germination up to 12 h whereas its excess levels (10 and 20 mM) decreased polyphenol oxidase activities in embryos and endosperm during germination. Polyphenol oxidase activities with o-diphenolic substrates (caffeic acid, catechol and dopa) were found to be higher than with a monophenolic substrat (tyrosine) in both embryos and endosperms. Further, caffeic acid oxidizing polyphenol oxidase was found to show more activity in embryos of the seeds germinating in distilled water when compared to other substrates.  相似文献   

Far-red light (FR) inhibition of seed germination of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) was studied with the phytochrome (phy)-hypersensitive mutants, hp-1w, hp-1w,fri1, a phyA-deficient double mutant, and hp-1w,tri1, a phyB1-deficient double mutant. Seeds of all mutants germinated readily in the dark at 25 degrees C, and the germination was retarded by a single 100-s FR pulse given 1-3 h after sowing. The effect of an FR pulse was red-light reversible in all mutants used. After 24 h where a single FR pulse was no longer effective, prolonged FR exposure or hourly FR pulses suppressed germination in hp-1w and hp-1w,tri1, whereas in hp-1w,fri1 the suppressive effect of FR was almost absent. The effect of the prolonged FR was greater than that of the hourly 3-min FR pulses having equal photon fluence, and was fluencerate dependent. Thus we conclude that the germination inhibition by FR in tomato seed consists of a low-fluence response and a high irradiance response (HIR); the latter is controlled by phyA, but not phyB1. This is the first indication of phyA being involved in the HIR of seed germination inhibition.  相似文献   

Environmental stresses at particularly vulnerable stages during crop development may severely diminish productivity. At temperature of 10 °C or below cultivated tomato germinate slowly if at all. In this study, seven tomato genotypes bred at the Research Institute of Vegetable Crops were evaluated for germination time at 10 °C. Analysis identified that one genotype which has L. chilense in its pedigree, germinated most rapidly while four other genotypes germinated slower. After 21 days, four out of five of the genotypes resulted in seed germination from 81 to 98 %.  相似文献   

Expansins are plant proteins that have the capacity to induce extension in isolated cell walls and are thought to mediate pH-dependent cell expansion. J.K.C. Rose, H.H. Lee, and A.B. Bennett ([1997] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 5955-5960) reported the identification of an expansin gene (LeExp1) that is specifically expressed in ripening tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit where cell wall disassembly, but not cell expansion, is prominent. Expansin expression during fruit ontogeny was examined using antibodies raised to recombinant LeExp1 or a cell elongation-related expansin from cucumber (CsExp1). The LeExp1 antiserum detected expansins in extracts from ripe, but not preripe tomato fruit, in agreement with the pattern of LeExp1 mRNA accumulation. In contrast, antibodies to CsExp1 cross-reacted with expansins in early fruit development and the onset of ripening, but not at a later ripening stage. These data suggest that ripening-related and expansion-related expansin proteins have distinct antigenic epitopes despite overall high sequence identity. Expansin proteins were detected in a range of fruit species and showed considerable variation in abundance; however, appreciable levels of expansin were not present in fruit of the rin or Nr tomato mutants that exhibit delayed and reduced softening. LeExp1 protein accumulation was ethylene-regulated and matched the previously described expression of mRNA, suggesting that expression is not regulated at the level of translation. We report the first detection of expansin activity in several stages of fruit development and while characteristic creep activity was detected in young and developing tomato fruit and in ripe pear, avocado, and pepper, creep activity in ripe tomato showed qualitative differences, suggesting both hydrolytic and expansin activities.  相似文献   

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