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Phyllanthus lunifolius sp. nov., a completely prostrate dwarf shrub from limestone rocks in the coastal part of central Somalia, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

A small succulent, spiny Euphorbia is described as a new species, E. patentispina , endemic to Somalia, with a limited distribution in the northeast region of Bari. Its relationship to other species of the same group—those producing subsessile capsules and a single spine from each spine shield—occurring in northern Somalia is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary   Croton imbricatus L. R. Lima & Pirani from Bahia, C. muellerianus L. R. Lima from Paraná and C. pygmaeus L. R. Lima from Rio Grande do Sul are described and illustrated. They are included in Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax because they are much branched subshrubs or shrubs, bearing leaves with a lepidote indumentum (at least in part), inflorescences lacking bisexual cymules, and pistillate flowers with bifid styles.
Résumé   Croton imbricatus L. R. Lima & Pirani da Bahia, C. muellerianus L. R. Lima do Paraná e C. pygmaeus L. R. Lima do Rio Grande do Sul s?o descritas e ilustradas. Elas s?o representantes de Croton section Lamprocroton (Müll. Arg.) Pax e tal posicionamento sistemático é devido ao hábito arbustivo ou subarbustivo bastante ramificado, com indumento da folhagem lepidoto pelo menos em parte, inflorescências sem címulas bissexuadas e flores pistiladas com estiletes uma vez bífidos.

Two species of Monadenium, M. gillettii related to M. ellenbeckii , and M. lindenii related to M. virgatum are described as new endemics of Somalia.  相似文献   

The new species Jatropha miskatensis , from limestone slopes of the Cal Miskaat Range in north-eastern Somalia, and J. marmorata , from bushland on shallow soil over limestone just south of the Nugaal valley in north-eastern Somalia, are described. An illustration is provided for J. miskatensis.  相似文献   

Croton rzedowskii is described, the type being from San Luis Potosí. The species ranges from San Luis Potosi westward to Zacatecas, thence southeastward to Oaxaca.  相似文献   

Andrachne fragilis is described from north-facing limestone rocks of the escarpment in NE Somalia.  相似文献   

Euphorbia spissa, sp. nov., a tree known from a single population on a rocky limestone slope in northern Somalia, is described and illustrated. The species is compared with the widespread E. tirucalli, as well as with E. cameronii and E. bariensis (endemics in Somalia), E. arbuscula (endemic on Socotra), and E. uzmuk (endemic in northern Yemen).  相似文献   

Eighteen new species of Euphorbia subgenus Euphorbia are described and their relationships discussed. All are endemic to Somalia, with limited distributions in the northern Regions. One, E. phillipsioides , has been identified mistakenly for some time as E. phillipsiae , which is shown to be conspecific with E. golisana. E. xylacantha , considered by N. E. Brown to be synonymous with E. monacantha , is reinstated as a distinct but variable species.  相似文献   

Emily J. Lott 《Brittonia》1987,39(2):302-305
Croton chamelensis Lott, known from the Estación de Biología, Chamela, Jalisco, and surrounding area, is described and illustrated. It appears to be most closely related to C. ramillatus Croizat of Veracruz.  相似文献   

A new species ofCroton,C. dissectistipulatus, is described from Amazonian Brazil. This species is superficially similar toC. timandroides from northeastern and southeastern Brazil, but differs in having petiolate leaves with glandular margins, persistent stipules, conspicuous racemose inflorescences, staminate flowers having externally glabrous sepals and 3 stamens, and pedicellate pistillate flowers. The systematic position ofC. dissectistipulatus relative to the sections ofCroton is discussed.  相似文献   

A small prostrate herb, Euphorbia salsicola , a woody shrublet with curious tubers, E. scatorhiza , and a small tree with decorative bracts, E. thulinii , are described as new species of Euphorbia. Within subgenus Lyciopsis the morphological variability of E. cuneata in Somalia is discussed and a new subspecies cretacea is described. E. gypsophila , a closely related but distinct species found only on gypsum is also described as new, together with E. dunensis , a shrublet from the coastal dunes and E. tripartita , another shrub in the same subgenus related to E. matabelensis. As far as present records show, all the new taxa are endemic in Somalia.  相似文献   

Two small species of succulent, spiny Euphorbia are described as new, both with limited distributions, E. ammophila from the coastal plain of eastern Somalia, and E. densispina from the mountain ranges of the northeast.  相似文献   

Croton balsensis (Euphorbiaceae), a new species endemic to the Balsas Depression of southern Mexico, is described and illustrated. It occurs in the states of Guerrero, Morelos, and Puebla, growing in tropical deciduous forest at elevations from 450 to 1850m. It is best accommodated inCroton sect.Cascarilla. The Mexican species of this section are often quite similar, butC. balsensis is readily separated from related species by the possession of echinate ovaries and fruits.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustraCroton balsensis. Es endémica de la cuenca del río Balsas en el sur de México. Crece en los estados de Guerrero, Morelos y Puebla a altitudes de 450 a 1850 m en bosque tropical caducifolio. Pertenece aCroton sect.Cascarilla. Las especies mexicanas de esta sección por lo general son parecidas yC. balsensis se distingue por tener ovarios y frutos equinados.

Cyphostemma cornus-africani , sp. nov., from rocky limestone slopes in north-eastern Somalia, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Farsetia frutkans , sp. nov., from a limestone escarpment of NE Somalia is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The new species Polycarpaea basaltica , from an area of basalt rocks at the coast of northern Somalia, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Rhytidocaulon baricum, sp. nov., from open rocky limestone slopes in northeastern Somalia, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The new species Scutellaria somalensis, from limestone slopes in north-eastem Somalia, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

A new species from gypsum plains in northern Somalia, Otostegia ericoidea Ryding is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

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