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Greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and Geoffroy’s bats (Myotis emarginatus) are two sympatric species that have undergone a serious population decline in Central Europe. In both species, population decline is likely to have been caused by habitat deterioration and habitat loss resulting in a decrease of carrying capacity. We examined the spatial ecology, habitat use and key landscape features in vital populations in R. ferrumequinum and M. emarginatus in the northern part of their current European distribution in Luxembourg. In total, 3,559 fixes from 26 radiotracked individuals were calculated. The tracked individuals of both species showed commuting flights along hedgerows, streams and small-forested patches. Maximum flight distances, home range sizes and habitat diversity did not differ between species, but R. ferrumequinum had significantly larger foraging ranges than adult M. emarginatus. Contrary to other studies, both bat species preferred semi-open, but richly structured traditional farmland habitats such as orchards, pastures and parkland habitats instead of available large broad-leaved deciduous forests. M. emarginatus frequently preyed on abundant arthropod resources in cowsheds, sometimes even exclusively throughout the night. The landscape configuration around the buffered radio fixes of adult R. ferrumequinum and M. emarginatus differed significantly from that around analysed random buffers. Radio fixes were concentrated in a landscape characterised by higher habitat diversity than in the surrounding region. Our results support the concept of a ‘biocultural link’ between traditional land use and biodiversity, and we therefore strongly recommend the conservation of extensive traditional land use practices, which will help to preserve both endangered bat species along with the local biodiversity.  相似文献   

People in industrialized nations live in an environment of ubiquitous electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure, both natural and anthropogenic. The intensity, variety, and geographic distribution of anthropogenic EMF exposures have grown dramatically since the mid 20th century, with many uses serving, and in close proximity to, human populations, such as electric power distribution, radio and television transmission, and more recently, personal cell phone communication units and transmitting towers. Thus, it is reasonable to ask if this EMF exposure could cause alterations in the physiology of developing organisms, since they are generally assumed to be the most sensitive to chemical stressors. In this report, we review work published beginning in the late 1980s. Initial reports indicated that exposure of chicken eggs during embryonic development to power-line electric fields of 50 and 60 Hz, at 10 V/m in air (which is frequently in locations inhabited by humans), could cause the brain tissues of the hatched chickens to respond differently in a particular test. More recently, an anecdotal report of human sensitivity to EMF has appeared that shows a health-related influence of prior exposure history to particular power-line frequencies in chemically sensitized individuals. These reports open the question of whether the ambient electromagnetic environment can leave an imprint on developing organisms and if such imprint changes have the potential for health consequences.  相似文献   

In dryland ecosystems and other harsh environments, a large part of the vegetation is often clustered, appearing as ‘islands’. If ‘independent’ species, usually colonizers, can be distinguished from species which are ‘dependent’ on the presence of the colonizing species for successful establishment and/or persistence, the type of spatial pattern of the association ‐ isotropic (spatially symmetric) or anisotropic (spatially asymmetric) ‐ can give information on the underlying environmental factors driving the process of association. Modified spatial pattern analysis based on Ripley's K‐function can be applied to bivariate clustered patterns by cardinal direction in order to detect possible anisotropy in the pattern of association. The method was applied to mapped distribution patterns of two types of semi‐arid shrubland in southeastern Spain. In shrubland of Retama sphaerocarpa, low shrubs of Artemisia barrelieri were significantly clustered under the canopy of the Retama shrubs in all four cardinal directions, suggesting an isotropic facilitation effect. In low shrubland dominated by Anthyllis cytisoides and Artemisia barrelieri, Anthyllis shrubs occurred more frequently than expected on the eastern side (and downslope) of an Artemisia shrub. The possible environmental factors driving the two association patterns are discussed and recommendations for further applications of the analytical method are given.  相似文献   

Plant growth and development are controlled by the concerted action of many signaling pathways that integrate information from environmental signals with that from developmental and metabolic cues. Physiological studies have demonstrated that abscisic acid and sugars have both similar and antagonistic effects on diverse processes, including seed development, germination, and seedling growth. Recent genetic studies have identified several loci that are involved in both sugar and hormonal responses. It is rarely clear whether these apparent linkages reflect direct or indirect interactions between sugar and hormone signaling pathways, but the identification of gene products that are encoded at these loci is allowing these possibilities to be tested.  相似文献   

It is shown that a long experience of defeats in daily zoosocial collisions (ZC) elicits changes in the structure of submissive behaviour. Male mice of C57BL/6J line after 20 defeats demonstrated poses of passive subordination instead of active defence and run away which they manifested in the first ZC. Moreover, new immobile poses appeared which were rare in the first ZC. Submissive animals (CA) demonstrated a decrease of travels in the open field test and an increase of immobility time in the Porsolt test. Chronic administration of imipramine (10 mg/kg, i.p., twice a day during two weeks against the background of repeated ZC) prevented an increase of depressivity, estimated in Porsolt test. Changes were noted in the content of serotonin and 5-HIAA in some brain structures of subordinated mice in comparison to control animals (five days of isolation). The data are discussed from a position of the development of depression in SA of C57BL/6J line as a result of a long nonavoided zoosocial stress.  相似文献   

Early development of protein biotherapeutics using recombinant DNA technology involved progress in the areas of cloning, screening, expression and recovery/purification. As the biotechnology industry matured, resulting in marketed products, a greater emphasis was placed on development of formulations and delivery systems requiring a better understanding of the chemical and physical properties of newly developed protein drugs. Biophysical techniques such as analytical ultracentrifugation, dynamic and static light scattering, and circular dichroism were used to study protein–protein interactions during various stages of development of protein therapeutics. These studies included investigation of protein self-association in many of the early development projects including analysis of highly glycosylated proteins expressed in mammalian CHO cell cultures. Assessment of protein–protein interactions during development of an IgG1 monoclonal antibody that binds to IgE were important in understanding the pharmacokinetics and dosing for this important biotherapeutic used to treat severe allergic IgE-mediated asthma. These studies were extended to the investigation of monoclonal antibody–antigen interactions in human serum using the fluorescent detection system of the analytical ultracentrifuge. Analysis by sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation was also used to investigate competitive binding to monoclonal antibody targets. Recent development of high concentration protein formulations for subcutaneous administration of therapeutics posed challenges, which resulted in the use of dynamic and static light scattering, and preparative analytical ultracentrifugation to understand the self-association and rheological properties of concentrated monoclonal antibody solutions.  相似文献   

We tested a novel hypothesis that recreational use of neurotoxic plants helps defend against parasites. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between smoking and helminthiasis among the Aka, a remote population of Central African foragers who are avid tobacco smokers, suffer high rates of helminthiasis, and have little-to-no access to commercial anthelmintics. Two hundred and six healthy Aka men provided saliva and stool samples. Saliva samples were assayed for cotinine, a nicotine metabolite; a subsample was genotyped for the CYP2A6 enzyme, which metabolizes nicotine. Stool samples were assayed for intestinal helminth eggs as an index of worm burden. After 1 year, a subsample of participants was located and provided additional saliva and stool samples. We found (1) an exceptionally high prevalence of tobacco use, (2) a significant negative correlation between cotinine (a nicotine metabolite) and worm burden, (3) that treating helminths with albendazole, a commercial anthelmintic, reduced cotinine concentration two weeks later, compared to placebo controls, (4) among treated participants, higher cotinine concentrations in year 1 predicted less reinfection by year 2, and (5) younger and older participants with slow nicotine-metabolizing CYP2A6 alleles had lower worm burdens compared to those with extensive metabolizing alleles. These results provide the first evidence of a link between helminthiasis and smoking. They also suggest that, in populations where intestinal helminths are endemic, tobacco use might protect against helminth infection and reduce worm burden among infected individuals, and that individuals modulate nicotine exposure in response to infection. The results thus support the hypothesis that substance use helps defend against parasites.  相似文献   

Ribosome subunit assembly in bacteria is assisted by several non‐ribosomal proteins, the absence of which leads to assembly defects. The two DEAD‐box RNA helicases SrmB and DeaD/CsdA are required for efficient assembly of the ribosome large subunit, in particular at low temperature, but their sites of action on rRNA were not known until now. In this issue of Molecular Microbiology, Proux et al. show that SrmB acts far away from its tethering site on the assembly intermediate particle. A genetic screen identified mutations in complementary sequences of 23S and 5S rRNA that help to bypass SrmB deficiency, partially correcting the large subunit assembly defect. The results suggest that 5S rRNA and 23S rRNA can interact via base‐pairing, forming a non‐native structure that needs to be corrected. The authors discuss attractive hypotheses on SrmB acts during large subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Evidence is increasing suggesting that adding progestins to estrogen replacement therapy may be more harmful then beneficial, however it is debatable whether all progestins act equally on breast epithelial cells.

Experimental data with the comparison of various progestins in the same in vitro model present a rather high evidence that there may be differences between the various progestins regarding breast cancer risk. Especially of concern may be to differentiate between primary and secondary risk i.e. between benign and malignant breast epithelial cells.

The epidemiological studies and especially the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial, so far the only prospective placebo-controlled interventional study, demonstrate an increased risk under combined estrogen/progestin therapy, but they have the limitations that they up to now cannot discriminate between the various progestins mostly due to too small or not comparable patient numbers in the subgroups with the various progestins. However, there is evidence that the natural progesterone, possibly also the transdermal usage of synthetic progestins, may avoid an increased risk, but this must be proven in further clinical trials.  相似文献   

Neurofilament phosphorylation in development. A sign of axonal maturation?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Monoclonal antibodies to the 200K neurofilament (NF) protein selectively decorated axons in tissue sections. Dilution of the antibodies in phosphate buffer and digestion with phosphatase abolished the stain. With conventional monoclonal and polyclonal NF antibodies, i.e. antibodies decorating NF regardless of their location (axons, perikarya and dendrites), the staining was not affected by this treatment. With all antibodies, axon-specific and conventional, the staining was abolished by trypsin digestion. Subsequent digestion with phosphatase did not restore the staining. Compared with conventional NF antibodies, staining with axon-specific anti-NF 200K was a late phenomenon in chick embryo development. NF 200K immunoreactivity was first observed in peripheral nerves and in the anterior columns of the spinal cord on day 10. Sensory ganglia and optic nerve fibers were negative. With conventional NF antibodies these structures were stained on days 4 and 5, respectively. In the following days of development the study was confined to the retina, optic nerves, cranial peripheral nerves and sensory ganglia. Up to day 16, bundles of thin peripheral nerve fibers, strongly decorated by conventional NF antibodies, did not stain with anti-NF 200K in double labelling experiments. Nerve bundles emerging from the ganglia were also negative, although some thick nerve fibers within the ganglia were stained. NF 200K immunoreactivity was first observed on day 17 in the optic nerve and in the layer of optic nerve fibers. At this time, staining was confined to the bundle emerging from the temporal side of the retina. In newborn chicken, only few fibers stained with anti-NF 200K in the nasal bundle, while the temporal bundle was well stained. It is suggested that the NF 200K antibodies reacted with a phosphorylated epitope in the axon, and that NF phosphorylation is a late event in ontogenesis probably related to axonal maturation.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were: 1) To determine the effects of a 12-week recreational soccer training programme and continuous endurance running on body composition of young adult men and 2) to determine which of these two programmes was more effective concerning body composition. Sixty-four participants completed the randomized controlled trial and were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a soccer training group (SOC; n=20), a running group (RUN; n=21) or a control group performing no physical training (CON; n=23). Training programmes for SOC and RUN lasted 12-week with 3 training sessions per week. Soccer sessions consisted of 60 min ordinary five-a-side, six-a-side or seven-a-side matches on a 30-45 m wide and 45-60 m long plastic grass pitch. Running sessions consisted of 60 min of continuous moderate intensity running at the same average heart rate as in SOC (~80% HRmax). All participants, regardless of group assignment, were tested for each of the following dependent variables: body weight, body height, body mass index, percent body fat, body fat mass, fat-free mass and total body water. In the SOC and RUN groups there was a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in body composition parameters from pre- to post-training values for all measures with the exception of fat-free mass and total body water. Body mass index, percent body fat and body fat mass did not differ between groups at baseline, but by week 12 were significantly lower (p < 0.05) in the SOC and RUN groups compared to CON. To conclude, recreational soccer training provides at least the same changes in body composition parameters as continuous running in young adult men when the training intensity is well matched.  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - Between the initial colonization of North America and the European settlement period, Indigenous American land use practices shaped North American landscapes...  相似文献   

We know that even young children are proficient tool users, but until recently, little was known about how they make tools. Here, we will explore the concepts underlying tool making, and the kinds of information and putative cognitive abilities required for children to manufacture novel tools. We will review the evidence for novel tool manufacture from the comparative literature and present a growing body of data from children suggesting that innovation of the solution to a problem by making a tool is a much more challenging task than previously thought. Children''s difficulty with these kinds of tasks does not seem to be explained by perseveration with unmodified tools, difficulty with switching to alternative strategies, task pragmatics or issues with permission. Rather, making novel tools (without having seen an example of the required tool within the context of the task) appears to be hard, because it is an example of an ‘ill-structured problem’. In this type of ill-structured problem, the starting conditions and end goal are known, but the transformations and/or actions required to get from one to the other are not specified. We will discuss the implications of these findings for understanding the development of problem-solving in humans and other animals.  相似文献   

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