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The effects of nitrogen and phosphate in batch and continuous AEB fermentations were tested. Both nitrogen- and phosphate-limited fermentations favored acid formation but not solvent production. A coupled two-stage continuous fermentation was performed for 30 days with a nitrogen-limited first stage fermentation for enhanced acid production. The bacteria from the acidogenic phase (first stage) fermentation were continuously pumped into a 14-l second stage fermentor with supplemental glucose and nitrogen for solvent production. The second stage fermentor had a maximum butanol productivity of 0.4 g l−1 h−1 (total solvent production was 0.6 g l−1 h−1) at a dilution rate of 0.06 h−1.  相似文献   

Summary A stable continuous culture of Clostridium acetobutylicum on a complex medium containing 40 g/l glucose has been maintained for two months. At an optimal dilution rate fo 0.06 h–1, the fermentation yields 13 g/l acetone-butanol-ethanol, which corresponds to a maximal productivity of 0.75 g/l.h solvents. Due to the toxic effect of butanol, the longevity of the continuous culture is reduced at higher levels of solvents.  相似文献   

Cells of Clostridium acetobutylicum were immobilized by adsorption onto bonechar, and used in a two-stage continuous reactor for solvent production from whey permeate. Gas-stripping (N2 gas), an adsorbent resin (XAD-16) and a molecular sieve (silicalite) were evaluated for their use in between-stages solvent removal. All three techniques removed significant quantities of solvents, but not lactose, and allowed increases in sugar utilization and solvent productivity in the second stage. Gas stripping was the most successful technique, possibly because it removed only volatile solvents and not essential nutrients.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of temperature on the solvent production byClostridium acetobutylicum has been studied in the range 25 to 40°C. It was found that the solvent yield decreased with increasing temperature; seemingly because of a reduction in acetone production. It appeared that the yield of the other major solvent, butanol, was not affected by the temperature. Considering total solvent yield and productivity only, the optimum fermentation temperature is 35°C.  相似文献   

A stable continuous culture has been maintained for 30 days at a high 20 g/l solvent concentration. This substantial increase in the stability of the continuous culture ofClostridium acetobutylicum at the maximal solvent level was achieved by using a two-stage process with a dilution rate of 0.1 h–1 in the first fermentor and 0.04 h–1 in the second fermentor. The two-stage continuous fermentation allows an optimal growth of cells and induction of solvent metabolism in the first stage, and a maximal production yield of solvents in the second stage.  相似文献   

Summary The optimal residence time in the inducing reactor of a continuous two-stage system has been studied in order to maximize the yield in such a process. The attention has been focused on the case in which the product (or one of its forms) appears in the culture only transiently after the induction. Whereas in some cases the two-stage system is able to improve the yield and to allow a continuous product concentration in the outgoing stream, in others, and depending on how the product is accumulated in the induced culture, no optimal residence time can be found, and a higher productivity will be achieved by using the one-stage continuous strategy or a batch fermentation.  相似文献   

Various methods of continuous flow culture of Clostridium acetobutylicum NCIB 8052 were investigated, with the aim of obtaining prolonged production of acetone and butanol. In ammonia-limited chemostat culture, maximal concentrations of solvents were obtained at pH 5–5 at a relatively high biomass concentration of 1.3–2.0 g/1 dry weight maintained at a dilution rate of 0.06/h. Similar dependence of solvent production on the sustenance of a relatively high cell density was observed in magnesium- or phosphate-limited chemostat cultures. Solvent production was always transient, however, with a shift to production of only acetic and butyric acids being observed after 4–16 volume changes. Longer term solvent production was obtainable under conditions of glucose limitation but the solvent yield was low. Cultivation in a pH-auxostat permitted solvent production in reasonably high yield over at least 70 volume changes with no signs of culture degeneration. Although none of the continuous flow cultures achieved a true steady state, we conclude that turbidostat or pH-auxostat culture are the methods of choice for continuous solvent production by Cl. acetobutylicum NCIB 8052.  相似文献   

Summary Using a defined medium in chemostat culture, an inverse relationship between the biomass concentration and the specific butanol productivity has been observed. It is suggested that this is due to the cell population not being homogeneous, and that a change in the nutrient balance leads to a cha in the relative proportions of acidogenic, solventogenic and inert cells (spores).  相似文献   

Summary When continuous, steady-state, glucose-limited cultures ofClostridium acetobutylicum were sparged with CO, the completely or almost completely acidogenic fermentations became solventogenic. Alcohol (butanol and ethanol) and lactate production at very high specific production rates were initiated and sustained without acetone, and little or no acetate and butyrate formation. In one fermentation, strong butyrate uptake without acetone formation was observed. Growth could be sustained even with 100% inhibition of H2 formation. Although CO gasing inhibited growth up to 50%, and H2 formation up to 100%, it enhanced the rate of glucose uptake up to 300%. TheY ATP was strongly affected and mostly reduced with respect to its steady-state value. The results support the hypothesis that solvent formation is triggered by an altered electron flow.  相似文献   

W oolley , R.C. & M orris , J.G. 1990. Stability of solvent production by Clostridium acetobutylicum in continuous culture: strain differences. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 69 , 718–728.
Several strains of Clostridium acetobutylicum , including strains ATCC 824 and DSM 1731, continue to produce solvents during prolonged periods of chemostat culture. In such cultures, dominance is established by asporogenous mutant(s) that retain the ability to produce solvents. Strain NCIB 8052 (which is not identical with ATCC 824) behaved differently in that its chemostat cultures invariably became acidogenic due to ultimate selection of asporogenous mutant(s) unable to produce solvents, incapable of synthesizing granulose, and demonstrating enhanced sensitivity to environmental stresses of various types. These mutants spontaneously reverted, at a low but measurable frequency, to the parental phenotype, indicating thai their multiple loss of capacities was the pleiotropic consequence of a lesion in some global regulatory gene. Their resemblance to previously described cls mutants of strain P262 and the possible nature of the affected regulatory gene are discussed. A simple tetrazolium blue plate assay procedure is described which allows visual discrimination between solvent-producing and non-solventogenic colonies of Cl. ocetobutylicum .  相似文献   

Summary A minimal medium was used to investigate the triggers regulating the initiation of solvent production and differentiation in Clostridium acetobutylicum P262. The accumulation of acid end-products caused the inhibition of cell division and the initiation of solvent production and cell differentiation. Initiation only occurred with a narrow pH range. Glucose or ammonium limited cultures failed to achieve the necessary threshold of acid end-products and solvent production and differentiation were not initiated. The addition of acid end-products or ammonium to cultures containing suboptimal levels of glucose or nitrogen respectively, enhanced solvent production. Resuspension of cells in media containing the threshold level of acid end-products and residual glucose induced endospore formation. Glucose or ammonium limitation did not induce sporulation and there was a requirement for glucose and ammonium during solventogenesis and endospore formation. Initiation of solvent production and clostridial stage formation were essential for sporulation. The induction of endospore formation in C. acetobutylicum P262 differs from that in the aerobic endospore forming bacteria where sporulation is initiated by nutrient starvation.  相似文献   

The concurrent production of acids and solvents and the production of acetone during continuous culture in a product-limited chemostat indicated that the culture contained a mixture of acid- and solvent-producing cells. Periodic oscillations in the yield of end products and the specific growth rate of the culture were ob served during undisturbed continuous culture at a constant dilution rate. The increased specific growth rate was associated with an increased acid yield and an increase in the rate of cell division and the proportion of short rods. The decreased specific growth rate was as sociated with an increase in the solvent yield and a decrease in the rate of cell division, resulting in the production of elongated rods. It is proposed that the oscillatory behavior observed during continuous culture is an inherent characteristic related to the shift from primary to secondary metabolism. A major consequence of the oscillation of the specific rates of growth and division in cultures containing acid- and solvent-producing cells is that it precludes the attainment of a true steady state during continuous culture.  相似文献   

In this study, we report on a butanol production process by immobilized Clostridium acetobutylicum in a continuous packed bed reactor (PBR) using Tygon® rings as a carrier. The medium was a solution of lactose (15–30 g/L) and yeast extract (3 g/L) to emulate the cheese whey, an abundant lactose-rich wastewater. The reactor was operated under controlled conditions with respect to the pH and to the dilution rate. The pH and the dilution rate ranged between 4 and 5, the dilution rate between 0.54 and 2.4 h?1 (2.5 times the maximum specific growth rate assessed for suspended cells). The optimal performance of the reactor was recorded at a dilution rate of 0.97 h?1: the butanol productivity was 4.4 g/Lh and the selectivity of solvent in butanol was 88%w.  相似文献   

The acetone–butanol (AB) fermentation process in the anaerobic endospore-forming Gram-positive bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum is useful as a producer of biofuels, particularly butanol. Recent work has concentrated on trying to improve the efficiency of the fermentation method, either through changes in the environmental conditions or by modifying the genome to selectively favour the production of one particular solvent over others. Fermentation of glucose by C. acetobutylicum occurs in two stages: initially the acids acetate and butyrate are produced and excreted and then, as the external pH falls, acetate and butyrate are ingested and further metabolised into the solvents acetone, butanol and ethanol. In order to optimise butanol production, it is important to understand how pH affects the enzyme-controlled reactions in the metabolism process. We adapt an ordinary differential equation model of the metabolic network with regulation at the genetic level for the required enzymes; parametrising the model using experimental data generated from continuous culture, we improve on previous point predictions (S. Haus, S. Jabbari, T. Millat, H. Janssen, R.-J. Fisher, H. Bahl, J. R. King, O. Wolkenhauer, A systems biology approach to investigate the effect of pH-induced gene regulation on solvent production by Clostridium acetobutylicum in continuous culture, BMC Systems Biology 5 (2011)) [1] both by using a different optimisation approach and by computing confidence intervals and correlation coefficients. We find in particular that the parameters are ill-determined from the data and that two separate clusters of parameters appear correlated, reflecting the importance of two metabolic intermediates. We extend the model further to include another aspect of the clostridial survival mechanism, sporulation, and by computation of the Akaike Information Criterion values find that the there is some evidence for the presence of sporulation during the shift.  相似文献   

Summary Levels of intracellular NAD, NADH, ADP, and ATP were measured in batch and continuous cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum. ATP levels during glucose-sufficient (non-glucose limited), solvent-producing steady states were five to eight times as high as in glucose-limited (acidogenic) steady state cultures (4.8 mole/g versus 0.9 mole/g). NADH was also higher in glucose-sufficient cultures, although the increase was not as pronounced as with ATP. When glucose-limited cultures were sparged with CO, the resulting shift to solvent production was accompanied by three- or four-fold increases in NADH and ATP levels. In batch cultures, NADH and ATP levels were relatively high at all times compared to levels in continuous cultures. Although the levels of these nucleotides showed systematic trends during normal batch fermentations, there was no significant change with the onset of solvent production.  相似文献   

Summary When Clostridium acetobutylicum was grown in continuous culture under phosphate limitation (0.74 mM) at a pH of 4.3, glucose was fermented to butanol, acetone and ethanol as the major products. At a dilution rate of D=0.025 h–1 and a glucose concentration of 300 mM, the maximal butanol and acetone concentrations were 130 mM and 74 mM, respectively. 20% of the glucose remained in the medium. On the basis of these results a two-stage continuous process was developed in which 87.5% of the glucose was converted into butanol, acetone and ethanol. The cells and minor amounts of acetate and butyrate accounted for the remaining 12.5% of the substrate. The first stage was run at D=0.125 h–1 and 37° C and the second stage at D=0.04 h–1 and 33° C. High yields of butanol and acetone were also obtained in batch culture under phosphate limitation.  相似文献   



Clostridium acetobutylicum is an anaerobic bacterium which is known for its solvent-producing capabilities, namely regarding the bulk chemicals acetone and butanol, the latter being a highly efficient biofuel. For butanol production by C. acetobutylicum to be optimized and exploited on an industrial scale, the effect of pH-induced gene regulation on solvent production by C. acetobutylicum in continuous culture must be understood as fully as possible.  相似文献   

Truly continuous solid-state fermentations with operating times of 2-3 weeks were conducted in a prototype bioreactor for the production of fungal (Penicillium glabrum) tannase from a tannin-containing model substrate. Substantial quantities of the enzyme were synthesized throughout the operating periods and (imperfect) steady-state conditions seemed to be achieved soon after start-up of the fermentations. This demonstrated for the first time the possibility of conducting solid-state fermentations in the continuous mode and with a constant noninoculated feed. The operating variables and fermentation conditions in the bioreactor were sufficiently well predicted for the basic reinoculation concept to succeed. However, an incomplete understanding of the microbial mechanisms, the experimental system, and their interaction indicated the need for more research in this novel area of solid-state fermentation.  相似文献   

Ethanol production in a continuous fermentation/membrane pervaporation system   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The productivity of ethanol fermentation processes, predominantly based on batch operation in the U.S. fuel ethanol industry, could be improved by adoption of continuous processing technology. In this study, a conventional yeast fermentation was coupled to a flat-plate membrane pervaporation unit to recover continuously an enriched ethanol stream from the fermentation broth. The process employed a concentrated dextrose feed stream controlled by the flow rate of permeate from the pervaporation unit via liquid-level control in the fermentor. The pervaporation module contained 0.1 m2 commercially available polydimethylsiloxane membrane and consistently produced a permeate of 20%–23% (w/w) ethanol while maintaining a level of 4%–6% ethanol in a stirred-tank fermentor. The system exhibited excellent operational stability. During continuous operation with cell densities of 15–23 g/l, ethanol productivities of 4.9–7.8 gl–1 h–1 were achieved utilizing feed streams of 269–619 g/l glucose. Pervaporation flux and ethanol selectivities were 0.31–0.79 lm–2 h–1 and 1.8–6.5 respectively.  相似文献   

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