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The ultrastructure of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila and Stylonychia were compared in whole-mount spread preparations. In Drosophila the chromomeres appear as dense, unresolvable structures interconnected by 10-nm interband fibers. In contrast, chromomeres of Stylonychia polytene chromosomes are formed by aggregates of 30-nm loops laterally attached to 10-nm interband fibers. It is suggested that the polytene chromosomes in these two species are analogous rather than homologous structures.  相似文献   

The exceptional cytology provided by polytene chromosomes has made Drosophila melanogaster a premier model for chromosome studies, but full exploitation of polytene cytology is impeded by the difficulty in preparing high-quality chromosome spreads. Here we describe use of high pressure to produce formaldehyde-fixed chromosome spreads, which upon light-microscopy examination reveal structural detail previously observed only in electron microscopy preparations. We demonstrate applications to immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Surface-spread polytene (SSP) chromosomes of salivary glands from late third-instar larvae were used for the construction of an electron microscopic (EM) photo map of the entire genome of D. hydei. In comparison with the light microscopic chromosome map of Berendes (1963), based on squash preparations, the EM micrographs depict some 40%–50% more bands. — Two different types of chromosome constrictions are described. One type is assumed to be caused by differential distribution of chromosomal proteins; the other one appears to represent underreplicated sections in the salivary gland chromosomes.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. H.J. Becker on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Fluorochrome-labeled RNA allows the rapid detection of in situ hybrids without the need for long exposure times as in the autoradiographical hybridisation methods. Resolution is high because of the high resolving power of fluorescence microscopy. The application of a previously reported method for the hybrido-cytochemical detection of DNA sequences to polytene chromosomes of Drosophilia is described. — The specificity and sensitivity of the method are demonstrated by the hybridisation with polytene chromosomes of 1) rhodamine-labeled 5S RNA, to the 5S rRNA sites of D. melanogaster (56F) and D. hydei (23 B), 2) rhodamine-labeled RNA complementary to a plasmid containing histone genes, to the 39DE region of D. melanogaster, 3) rhodamine-labeled D. melanogaster tRNA species (Gly-3 and Arg-2), to their respective loci in D. melanogaster, 4) rhodamine-labeled RNA complementary to the insert of plasmid 232.1 containing part of a D. melanogaster heat shock gene from locus 87 C, to D. hydei heat shock locus 2-32A. In the latter instance it was possible to demonstrate the labeling of a double band which escaped unambiguous detection by autoradiography in the radioactive cytochemical hybridisation procedure because of the low topological resolution of autoradiograms. — The sensitivity of the fluorochrome-labeled RNA method is compared with the radioactive methods which use 3H- or 125I-labeled RNAs. The factors governing the sensitivity and the number of bound fluorochrome molecules to be expected are discussed.Dedicated to Professor W. Beermann in honour of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The following rules of the polytene chromosome mapping at the submicroscopical level are proposed: 1) using anhydrous mixtures of alcohol with acetic acid for fixation of salivary glands which permits to avoid artifacts in the structure of large bands; 2) using sections 120-150 nm thick which improves the revealing of faint bands; 3) including in the analysis larvae being at different stages, since different bands display puffing at different regions; 4) reproducibility of banding pattern in serial sections of some chromosomes. The use of these rules permits to interpret more strictly the observed pictures of the polytene chromosome banding pattern and to avoid possible mistakes of the mapping.  相似文献   

The method of ultrathin sections of unsquashed salivary gland polytene chromosomes of Ch. thummi was applied to their ultrastructural mapping. There was a good agreement between electron micrographs and Hägele's light microscopic map (1970) with respect to the pattern and number of bands. 94% of bands were identified in larval and prepupal chromosomes. In Ch. thummi, band thickness varied from 0.05–0.5 m. Most characteristic were 0.2–0.3 m bands. Morphologically, bands were classified as: continuous (frequently with holes and gaps), discrete, dotted and continuous-discrete, discrete-dotted.Band morphology is related to band size, such that smaller bands, as a rule, were also dotted. Bands beginning to puff likewise became dotted. Interbands in unsquashed chromosome sections were from 0.05–0.15 m. The smallest interbands contained only fibrils, in the larger interbands few granules could be observed. This makes interbands distinguishable from a typical puff with many such granules.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for the identification of single copy genes in Drosophila melanogaster polytene chromosomes, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We demonstrate the detection of white (w) , a gene previously mapped to 1-1.5 region of the linkage map, and to 3C2 region of the cytogenetic map of X chromosome. Squash preparations of polytene chromosomes from salivary glands dissected out from third instar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster were denatured and subjected to hybridization with a digoxigenin labeled probe, corresponding to mini-white gene. The preparations were then washed and incubated with antidigoxigenin-fluorescein antibodies. After removal of the nonspecifically bound antibodies, the polytene chromosomes were counterstained with propidium iodide. Fluorescence microscopy revealed white locus in the X chromosome in a subterminal location, in agreement with the above mentioned maps. The protocol is efficient and adaptable for simultaneously multiple signal detection.  相似文献   

Structural paradox of polytene chromosomes   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
C D Laird 《Cell》1980,22(3):869-874
The observation of thick chromatin fibers in interbands of Dipteran polytene chromosomes suggests that there should be 5 to 10 times more mass and DNA in interbands than is commonly thought to be present. To resolve this paradox, the chromatin content of interbands was estimated, using whole-mounted polytene chromosomes from Drosophila melanogster. Densitometry of high voltage electron microscopic negatives provides an estimate of less than 4:1 for the average ratio of cross-sectional dry mass (or mass per unit chromosome length) of bands relative to interbands. This ratio, combined with an estimate of the length of chromosome composed of interbands, indicates that at least 26% of chromosome mass is contributed by interband chromatin. Since DNA comprises a similar proportion of chromatin mass in bands and interbands (Laird et al., 1980b), these data imply that DNA sequences in interbands represent at least 26% of the euchromatic genome of D. melanogaster. This result calls for reinterpretation of some of the genetic and molecular data from Diptera. The discrepancy between this higher estimate of interband mass and DNA, and previous estimates of 3-5%, is discussed. One possibility is that previous measurements were made on prominent interbands, which are proposed here to be in regions that are delayed in DNA replication. Such interbands would be reduced in polyteny and DNA content compared with the average interband region. The concept of local variations in polyteny is also used here to explain major differences in the cross-sectional mass of bands. This leads to a revised model of polytene chromosomes in which at least three levels of polyteny, rather than one or two levels, can be present within one euchromatic region.  相似文献   

This is a review summarizing work carried out at the Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics in recent years. Problems of genetic organization of bands, interbands and puffs as well as intercalary heterochromatin and position effect variegation are discussed from the point of view of the dynamic model of polytene chromosome organization.  相似文献   

RNA polymerase B (or II) was localized by immunoelectron microscopy in ultrathin sections of polytene chromosomes isolated from larval salivary glands of Chironomus tentans. The enzyme was found at decondensed sites (puffs and interbands), whereas no detectable RNA polymerase B was present in condensed loci (bands). Within each of the large puffs the highest enzyme concentration was observed wherever the chromatin was in the most decondensed state. Otherwise the enzyme appeared homogeneously distributed within puffs and interbands. This immunoelectron microscopic study, along with the recently published immunofluorescent and autoradiographic analysis of isolated Chironomus chromosomes (Sass, 1982) unequivocally demonstrates that RNA polymerase B is present in most, if not all interbands.  相似文献   

It is reported that chromatin can be prepared from highly purified polytene nuclei from the salivary glands of third instar larvae of Drosophila hydei; such chromatin differs from that of diploid nuclei mainly by deficiencies in certain nonhistone chromosomal proteins. It is suggested that these proteins are important components of constitutive heterochromatin, which is severely underrepresented in polytene chromosomes. Chromosome morphology, including the pattern of induced puffs, is maintained throughout the mass isolation of glands and sucrose gradient purification of nuclei, as indicated by studies on temperature-shocked and control larvae. No significant alteration in the chromosomal proteins following puff induction by heat shock could be detected on analysis of the isolated protein fractions by disc gel electrophoresis. More sensitive techniques must be developed to study the apparent rearrangement or accumulation of protein at puff sites, and to elucidate the role of this protein in gene activation.  相似文献   

Locations of Z-DNA in polytene chromosomes   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
In polytene chromosomes of Drosophila hydei and D. melanogaster, Z-DNA was identified in varying distribution after different conditions for fixation were used. When salivary glands were fixed and squashed in 50% acetic acid alone, Z-DNA was found in the less dense DNA regions, such as interbands, some puffs, and a few of the less dense bands. Prefixation that combined ethanol and acetic acid exposure led to prominent immunofluorescent staining of the bands, generally but not strictly correlating with the total DNA content. Separate exposure to ethanol and acetic acid did not cause this band to stain, but if residual ethanol was present after ethanol fixation, subsequent exposure to acid did cause it. Under the more selective acid fixation conditions, Z-DNA reactivity was seen in portions of certain ecdysone-inducible puffs in the induced but not in the resting state; in other inducible regions, the Z-DNA immunoreactivity was not changed on induction. Z-DNA was also identified in polytene chromosomes within isolated nuclei that had been frozen and fixed in ethanol without exposure to acid; this Z-DNA was present in regions of low DNA density.  相似文献   

Summary The cytochemical properties of a guanine-specific synthetic fluorescent analogue of actinomycin D, 7-amino-actinomycin D, have been studied in fixed and living preparations of L cells and polytene chromosomes of salivary glands ofChironomus thummi thummi andDrosophila lummei (Hackman).7-Amino-actinomycin D has been shown to bind to DNA-containing structures, thereby inducing in them a bright red fluorescence. No specific fluorescence has been found in RNA-containing structures treated with this fluorescent probe.The fluorescence pattern of some regions of polytene chromosomes with a known nucleotide composition was analysed. It has been established that 7-amino-actinomycin D induces a very weak fluorescence in GC-poor chromosome regions of theDrosophila lummei toromere structure. Data indicating a nonlinear dependence between the fluorescence intensity of a stained chromosome region and the GC content in its DNA have been obtained. The influence of DNA nucleotide composition in a chromosome region on the fluorescence of 7-amino-actinomycin D is discussed. In combination with quinacrine staining and the Feulgen fluorescence reaction, treatment with 7-amino-actinomycin D provides useful information about the distribution of GC base pairs in the chromosome region under study.  相似文献   

Summary When polytene chromosomes are subjected to a clupein treatment, their properties of basophilia and anisotropy are affected. The basophilia is deeply reduced, except in the nucleolar zones, puffs and sites of RNA accumulation. On the other hand, the chromosome birefringence increases. The phenomenon of anomalous dispersion of birefringence usually observed on polytene chromosomes stained with toluidine blue solutions turns into a normal negative dispersion of birefringence, when staining is preceded by clupein treatment. It is concluded that the clupein molecules attach orderly and preferentially to sequential DNA phosphates unbound to chromosome proteins, accentuating DNA anisotropic characteristics. The clupein molecules appear not attaching to RNA phosphates.  相似文献   

Salivary-gland nuclei ofDrosophila hydei were pulse-labeledin vitro with3H-thymidine and studied autoradiographically in squash preparations. The distribution of radioactive label over the length of the polytene chromosomes was discontinuous in most of the labeled nuclei; in some nuclei the pattern of incorporation was continuous. Comparison of the various labeling patterns of homologous chromosome regions in different nuclei showed that specific replicating units are replicated in a specific order. By combining autoradiography with cytophotometry of Feulgen-stained chromosomes, it was possible to correlate thymidine labeling of specific bands with their DNA content. The resulting data indicate that during the S-period many or perhaps all of the replicating units in a salivary-gland nucleus start DNA synthesis simultaneously but complete it at different times. Furthermore, the data support the hypothesis that the chromomere is a unit of replication or replicon. The DNA content of haploid chromomeres was found to be about 5×10-4 pg for the largest bands inDrosophila hydei. From the results of H3-thymidine autoradiography and Feulgen-cytophotometry on neuroblast and anlage nuclei it was concluded that during growth of the polytenic nucleus heterochromatin is for the most part excluded from duplication. The results of DNA measurements in interbands of polytene chromosomes do not agree with a multistrand structure for the haploid chromatid. A chromosome model is proposed which is in accordance with the reported results and with current views concerning the replicative organization of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Electron microscopical analysis of Drosophila polytene chromosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data are presented of electron microscopic (EM) analysis of consecutive developmental stages of Drosophila melanogaster complex puffs, formed as a result of simultaneous decondensation of several bands. EM mapping principles proposed by us permitted more exact determination of the banding patterns of 19 regions in which 31 puffs develop. It is shown that 20 of them develop as a result of synchronous decondensation of two bands, 7 of three and 4 of one band. Three cases of two-band puff formation when one or both bands undergo partial decondensation are described. In the 50CF, 62CE, 63F and 71CF regions puffing zones are located closely adjacent to each other but the decondensation of separate band groups occurs at different puff stages (PS). These data are interpreted as activation of independently regulated DNA sequences. The decondensation of two or three adjacent bands during formation of the majority of the puffs occurs simultaneously in the very first stages of their development. It demonstrates synchronous activation of the material of several bands presumably affected by a common inductor. Bands adjacent to puffing centres also lose their clarity as the puff develops, probably due to "passive" decondensation connected with puff growth. The morphological data obtained suggest a complex genetic organisation of many puffs.  相似文献   

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