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Drought or water stress is a serious agronomic problem resulting in maize (Zea mays L.) yield loss throughout the world. Breeding hybrids with drought tolerance is one important approach for solving this problem. However, lower efficiency and a longer period of breeding hybrids are disadvantages of traditional breeding programs. It is generally recognized that applying molecular marker techniques to traditional breeding programs could improve the efficiency of the breeding of drought‐tolerant maize. To provide useful information for use in studies of maize drought tolerance, the mapping and tagging of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for yield and its components were performed in the present study on the basis of the principle of a mixed linear model. Two hundred and twenty‐one recombinant inbred lines (RIL) of Yuyu 22 were grown under both well‐watered and water‐stressed conditions. In the former treatment group, plants were well irrigated, whereas those in the latter treatment group were stressed at flowering time. Ten plants of each genotype were grown in a row that was 3.00 m × 0.67 m (length × width). The results show that a few of the QTL were the same (one additive QTL for ear length, two additive QTL and one pair of epistatic QTL for kernel number per row, one additive QTL for kernel weight per plant), whereas most of other QTL were different between the two different water treatment groups. It may be that genetic expression differs under the two different water conditions. Furthermore, differences in the additive and epistatic QTL among the traits under water‐stressed conditions indicate that genetic expression also differs from trait to trait. Major and minor QTL were detected for the traits, except for kernel number per row, underwater‐stressed conditions. Thus, the genetic mechanism of drought tolerance in maize is complex because the additive and epistatic QTL exist at the same time and the major and minor QTL all contribute to phenotype under water‐stressed conditions. In particular, epidemic QTL under water‐stressed conditions suggest that it is important to investigate the drought tolerance of maize from a genetic viewpoint. (Managing editor: Wei Wang)  相似文献   

The major objective of the research is to identify and locate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in the Yugoslav maize population. The plants (F2) were selected for the analysis at seedling stage and were selfed to obtain F3 generation. The analysis covered about 15 enzymes controlled by about 30 loci. The seeds of F3 family planted in the greenhouse for measuring some quantitative traits, recorded tasselling and silking during vegetation. At the end of vegetation grain yield, and some other quantitative traits of grain in F3 family were assessed. The relationship between marker loci and the loci for quantitative traits (QTLs) were estimated by computerized statistical method.  相似文献   

The first objective of this study was to map and characterize quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain yield (GY) and for secondary traits under varying nitrogen (N) supply. To achieve this objective, a segregating F2:3 population previously developed for QTL mapping under water-limited conditions was used. The population was evaluated in Mexico under low N conditions in the dry winter season and under low and high N conditions in the wet summer season. From eight QTLs identified for GY under low N conditions, two were also detected under high N conditions. Five QTLs were stable across the two low N environments and five co-localized with QTLs identified for the anthesis-silking interval (ASI) or for the number of ears per plant (ENO) under low N conditions. The percentage of the phenotypic variance expressed by all QTLs for ASI and ENO was quite different when evaluated under low N conditions during the dry winter (40% for ASI and 22% for ENO) and the wet summer seasons (22% for ASI and 46% for ENO). The results suggest optimizing different breeding strategies based on selection index depending on the growing season. Good QTL colocalization was observed for ASI (four QTLs) and ENO (three QTLs) when looking at QTL identified under low N and water-limited conditions in the same population. The results suggest that that both secondary traits can be used in breeding programs for simultaneous improvement of maize against low N and drought stresses.  相似文献   

A population of 294 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from Yuyu22, an elite maize hybrid extending broadly in China, has been constructed to investigate the genetic basis of grain yield, and associated yield components in maize. The main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTL), digenic epistatic interactions, and their interactions with the environment for grain yield and its three components were identified by using the mixed linear model approach. Thirty-two main-effect QTL and forty-four pairs of digenic epistatic interactions were detected for the four measured traits in four environments. Our results suggest that both additive effects and epistasis (additive × additive) effects are important genetic bases of grain yield and its components in the RIL population. Only 30.4% of main-effect QTL for ear length were involved in epistatic interactions. This implies that many loci in epistatic interactions may not have significant effects for traits alone but may affect trait expression by epistatic interaction with the other loci.  相似文献   

Phytate, being the major storage form of phosphorus in plants, is considered to be an anti-nutritional substance for human, because of its ability to complex essential micronutrients. In the present study, we describe the genetic analysis of phytate and phosphate concentrations in Brassica rapa using five segregating populations, involving eight parental accessions representing different cultivar groups. A total of 25 quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting phytate and phosphate concentrations in seeds and leaves were detected, most of them located in linkage groups R01, R03, R06 and R07. Two QTL affecting seed phytate (SPHY), two QTL affecting seed phosphate (SPHO), one QTL affecting leaf phosphate and one major QTL affecting leaf phytate (LPHY) were detected in at least two populations. Co-localization of QTL suggested single or linked loci to be involved in the accumulation of phytate or phosphate in seeds or leaves. Some co-localizing QTL for SPHY and SPHO had parental alleles with effects in the same direction suggesting that they control the total phosphorus concentration. For other QTL, the allelic effect was opposite for phosphate and phytate, suggesting that these QTL are specific for the phytate pathway.  相似文献   

Plénet  D.  Mollier  A.  Pellerin  S. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(2):259-272
Biomass accumulation by crops depends on both light interception by leaves and on the efficiency with which the intercepted light is used to produce dry matter. Our aim was to identify which of these processes were affected for maize (Zea mays L., cv Volga) field crops grown under phosphorus (P) deficiency. In the preceding paper (Plénet et al., 2000), it was shown that P deficiency severely reduced leaf growth. In this paper, the effect of P deficiency on the radiation-use efficiency (RUE) was investigated. The experimental work was carried out in 1995, 1996 and 1997 on a long-term P fertilisation trial located on a sandy soil in the south-west of France. Three P fertilisation regimes have been applied since 1972: no- P (P0 treatment) and different rates of P fertiliser (P1.5: 1.5 times the grain P export and P3: 3 times the grain P export). These fertilisation regimes have led to contrasted levels of soil P supply. Only slight differences were observed between the P1.5 and P3 treatment for above-ground biomass accumulation and grain yield. Conversely the grain yield was significantly reduced in P0 (–11%). Above-ground biomass production was severely reduced, with the maximum difference between treatment (–60% in P0) occurring between 400 and 600 °C days after sowing. The lower biomass production in P0 was accounted for by the reduced amount of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorbed by the canopy, which was itself the consequence of the reduced leaf area index (see Plénet et al., 2000). The calculated RUE were found to depend on the plant stage, especially during the pre-flowering period, and on the average air temperature. No effect of P deficiency was observed on the calculated RUE, even during the period when above-ground biomass accumulation was the most severely reduced. These results obtained in field crop conditions strengthen the idea that P deficiency affects plant growth, especially leaf growth, earlier and to a greater extent than photosynthesis per unit leaf area.  相似文献   

A group of 224 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was derived from a narrow cross between 2 cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) lines, namely, S94 (Northern China type with weak lateral branch growth potential and early lateral branch sprouting time) and S06 (Northern European type with strong lateral branch growth potential and late lateral branch sprouting time). These lines were then used for investigating lateral branch-related traits. A total of 36 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) were detected for the following 4 lateral branch-related traits: lateral branch average length (LBAL), lateral branch total length (LBTL), lateral branch number (LBN), and first lateral branch node (FLBN). Further, each QTL explained 3.1% (lbtl2.1, spring) to 32.3% (lbn2.3, spring) of the observed phenotypic variance. Eleven QTLs (lbal1.1, lbtl1.1, lbn1.2, flbn1.2, etc.) for different traits were found to be clustered on the e23m18d-ME23EM6c section (7.4 cM) of linkage group (LG) 1; further, 15 QTLs (lbal2.1, lbtl2.1, lbn2.1, flbn2.1, etc.) were found to be clustered on the S94A1-ME4SA4a section (13.9 cM) of LG2. Twenty-one QTLs explained more than 10% of the phenotypic variance. Moreover, lbtl1.3 (autumn, 26.2%, logarithm of odds (LOD) = 17.4; spring, 26.9%, LOD = 17.9) had stable position and contribution in both seasons. Several se-quence-anchor markers (CMBR40, F, CS30, S94A1, CSWTA11B, etc.) were closely linked with some QTLs for LBAL, LBTL, LBN, and FLBN, which can be used for the marker-assisted selection to improve the plant architecture in cucumber breeding.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for grain yield, dry matter content and test weight were identified in an F2 segregating population derived from a single cross between two elite maize lines (B73 and A7) and testcrossed to two genetically divergent in breds. Most of the QTLs inferred were consistent across locations, indicating that the expression of the genes influencing the traits under investigation was largely independent of the environment. By using two different tester lines we found that QTLs exhibited by one tester may not necessarily be detected with the second one. Only loci with larger effects were consistent across testers, suggesting that interaction with tester alleles may contribute to the identification of QTLs in a specific fashion. Analysis across both testers revealed four significant QTLs for grain yield that explained more than 35% of the phenotypic variation and showed an overall phenotypic effect of more than 2t/ha. The major QTL for grain yield, located in the proximity of the Nucleolus Organiser Region, accounted for 24.5% of the phenotypic variation for grain yield and showed an average effect of allele substitution of approximately 1 t/ha. Marker-assisted introgression of the superior A7 allele at this locus in the B73 genetic background will not differ from qualitative trait introgression and will eventually lead to new lines having superior testcross performance.  相似文献   

采用SSR标记连锁图谱和复合区间作图法在山西灌溉和干旱胁迫条件下,对玉米(Zea mays L.)自交系黄早四×掖107组合的F_3群体雌雄开花间隔天数(ASI)、结穗率和籽粒产量进行了数量性状位点(QTL)定位及基因效应分析。结果表明,在两种水分处理下,ASI、结穗率与籽粒产量的相关性均达到显著水平(P<0.05)。在灌溉和干旱胁迫卜,分别检测到3个和2个控制ASI的QTL,位于第1、2、3和第2、5染色体上。在灌溉条件下,在第3和第6染色体上各检测到1个控制结穗率的QTL,基因作用方式呈加性或部分显性,可解释19.9%的表型变异;在干旱条件下,在第3、7、10染色体上共检测到4个控制结穗率的QTL,基因作用方式为显性或部分显性,可解释60.4%的表型变异。在灌溉和干旱胁迫下,控制产量的QTL分别定位在第3、6、7和第1、2、4、8染色体上,基因作用方式均以加性或部分显性为主,可解释的表型变异为7.3%~22.0%。在干旱条件下,借助连锁分子标记和基因效应分析,可构建包含ASI、结穗率和产量QTL的选择指数,用于分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used for monitoring Al-induced changes in polypeptide composition of membrane proteins isolated from 3-d-old maize seedlings subjected to aluminium stress. Analysis of peripheral membrane proteins isolated from maize root showed an Al-induced increase in accumulation of 14 polypeptides with apparent molecular mass from 10 to 135 kDa. Qualitative differences were found between peripheral membrane proteins isolated from root tip (increased accumulation of 4 polypeptides with Mr 42 000 – 135 000) and from root base (increased accumulation of 10 polypeptides with Mr 10 000 – 59 000). On the other hand, no Al-induced changes were observed in peripheral membrane proteins isolated from maize coleoptile and integral membrane proteins isolated either from root or coleoptile. These results indicate that peripheral membrane proteins undergo considerable changes during 24-h Al treatment while integral membrane proteins pattern is stable.  相似文献   

A study was initiated to determine the number, chromosomal location, and magnitude of effect of QTL (quantitative trait loci or locus depending on context) controlling protein and starch concentration in the maize (Zea mays L.) kernel. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was performed on 100 F3 families derived from a cross of two strains, Illinois High Protein (IHP), X Illinois Low Protein (ILP), which had been divergently selected for protein concentration for 76 generations as part of the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment. These families were analyzed for kernel protein and starch in replicated field trials during 1990 and 1991. A series of 90 genomic and cDNA clones distributed throughout the maize genome were chosen for their ability to detect RFLP between IHP and ILP. These clones were hybridized with DNA extracted from the 100 F3 families, revealing 100 polymorphic loci. Single factor analysis of variance revealed significant QTL associations of many loci with both protein and starch concentration (P < 0.05 level). Twenty-two loci distributed on 10 chromosome arms were significantly associated with protein concentration, 19 loci on 9 chromosome arms were significantly associated with starch concentration. Sixteen of these loci were significant for both protein and starch concentration. Clusters of 3 or more significant loci were detected on chromosome arms 3L, 5S, and 7L for protein concentration, suggesting the presence of QTL with large effects at these locations. A QTL with large additive effects on protein and starch concentration was detected on chromosome arm 3L. RFLP alleles at this QTL were found to be linked with RFLP alleles at the Shrunken-2 (Sh2) locus, a structural gene encoding the major subunit of the starch synthetic enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. A multiple linear regression model consisting of 6 significant RFLP loci on different chromosomes explained over 64 % of the total variation for kernel protein concentration. Similar results were detected for starch concentration. Thus, several chromosomal regions with large effects may be responsible for a significant portion of the changes in kernel protein and starch concentration in the Illinois Long Term Selection Experiment.  相似文献   

Two hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) differing in resistance to drought, were grown in chernozem soil in a greenhouse and were fertilized with two different forms of nitrogen: Ca(NO3)2 and (NH4)2SO4 in concentrations corresponding to 100 kg of N ha-1. After emergence of the 4th leaf, plants were exposed to drought. During the drought period, the parameters of plant water status (water potential, osmotic potential, turgor pressure and relative water content) and chlorophyll a+b concentration were monitored every two days. N and K concentration and accumulation over the drought period were also monitored.Next to differences in adaptability of the two hybrids to drought, the results demonstrate different adaptability of NH4 and NO3-treated plants within each hybrid. NH4-plants of each hybrid maintain higher turgor pressure during the drought by better osmotic adaptation. Especially significant differences appear between chlorophyll (a+b) values of NH4 and NO3-treated plants and as affected by drought. Chlorophyll concentrations of NH4-plants are higher than those of NO3-plants both in control and droughted plants. NH4 plants show a characteristic initial chlorophyll increase at the beginning of the drought period while in NO3 plants chlorophyll constantly decreases throughout the whole drought period. The influence of the nitrogen form on chlorophyll concentration changes during drought does not appear to be affected by regulation of the K concentration.  相似文献   

Summary We report that plant height quantitative trait loci (QTLs) identified in a given small population are not consistent with QTLs identified in other small populations, and that most QTLs are in close proximity to mapped qualitative genetic loci. These observations provide evidence to support the hypothesis that qualitative genetic loci are the same loci that affect quantitative traits, and affirm that these modest experiments probably identify real QTLs.  相似文献   

Summary An understanding of the genetic nature underlying tolerance to low-phosphorus (low-P) stress could aid in the efficient development of tolerant plant strains. The objective of this study was to identify the number of loci in a maize (Zea mays L.) population segregating for tolerance to low-P stress, their approximate location, and the magnitude of their effect.Seventy-seven restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were identified and scored in a maize F2 population derived from a cross between line NY821 and line H99. The F2 individuals were self-pollinated to produce F3 families. Ninety F3 families were grown in a sand-alumina system, which simulated diffusion-limited, low-P soil conditions. The F3 families were evaluated for vegetative growth in a controlled-environment experiment. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying tolerance to low-P stress, the mean phenotypic performances of the F3 families were contrasted based on genotypic classification at each of 77 RFLP marker loci.Six RFLP marker loci were significantly associated with performance under low-P stress (P<0.01). One marker locus accounted for 25% of the total phenotypic variation. Additive gene action was predominant for all of the QTLs identified. Significant marker loci were located on four separate chromosomes representing five unlinked genomic regions. Two marker loci were associated with an additive by additive epistatic interaction. A multiple regression model including three marker loci and the significant epistatic interaction accounted for 46% of the total phenotypic variation. Heterozygosity per se was not predictive of phenotypic performance.  相似文献   

种植方式和密度对夏玉米光合特征及产量的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张倩  张洪生  宋希云  姜雯 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1235-1241
为探明种植方式和密度对玉米光合特征及产量的影响,以郑单958为材料,在不同种植密度水平(67500株/hm2和82500株/hm2)下,以常规等行距种植方式为对照,设置3种不同缩行宽带种植方式(三行一带、四行一带、五行一带)进行比较研究。结果表明:与对照相比,无论高密度还是中等密度下,各缩行宽带种植方式均使玉米穗位上第1叶茎叶夹角显著减小,其中中三行一带种植方式穗位上两叶叶夹角值均最小;各缩行宽带种植方式光合速率(Pn)均不同程度高于对照,子粒产量显著增加,其中三行一带、四行一带、五行一带种植方式分别比对照增加16.7%、6.1%、10.7%(2011年)和17.2%、12.1%、10.6%(2012年)。所有处理中,三行一带种植方式高密度处理2011年和2012年籽粒产量均最高,因此可推荐为黄淮海夏玉米高产高效种植新方式。  相似文献   

Due to severe water resource shortage, genetics of and breeding for DT (drought tolerance) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) have become one of the hot research topics. Identification of grain yield QTLs (quantitative trait loci) directly related to the DT trait of rice can provide useful information for breeding new drought‐resistant and water‐saving rice varieties via marker‐assisted selection. A population of 105 advanced BILs (backcross introgression lines) derived from a cross between Zhenshan97B and IRAT109 in Zhenshan97B background were grown under drought stress in a field experiment and phenotypic traits were investigated. The results showed that in the target interval of RM273‐RM255 on chromosome 4, three main‐effect QTLs related to panicle length, panicle number, and spikelet number per panicle were identified (LOD [logarithm of the odds] > 2.0). The panicle length‐related QTL had two loci located in the neighboring intervals of RM17308‐RM17305 and RM17349‐RM17190, which explained 18.80% and 20.42%, respectively, of the phenotypic variation, while the panicle number‐related QTL was identified in the interval of RM1354‐RM17308, explaining 11.47% of the phenotypic variation. As far as the spikelet number per panicle‐related QTL was concerned, it was found to be located in the interval of RM17308‐RM17305, which explained 28.08% of the phenotypic variation. Using the online Plant‐GE query system, a total of 13 matched ESTs (expressed sequence tags) were found in the target region, and of the 13 ESTs, 12 had corresponding predicted genes. For instance, the two ESTs CB096766 and CA765747 were corresponded to the same predicted gene LOC_Os04g46370, while the other four ESTs, CA754286, CB000011, CX056247, and CX056240, were corresponded to the same predicted gene LOC_Os04g46390.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜遗传图谱的构建及单株产量构成因素的QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王峰  官春云 《遗传》2010,32(3):271-277
采用常规品系04-1139与高产多角果品系05-1054构建的F2代群体为作图群体, 运用SSR(Simple sequence repeat)和SRAP(Sequence-related amplified polymorphism)构建分子标记遗传图谱并对甘蓝型油菜单株产量构成因素进行QTL分析。遗传图谱包含200个分子标记, 分布于19个连锁群上, 总长度1 700.23 cM, 标记间的平均距离8.50 cM。采用复合区间作图法(Composite interval mapping, CIM)对单株产量构成因素(单株有效角果数、每果粒数和千粒重)进行QTL分析, 共检测到12个QTL: 其中单株有效角果数4个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为35.64%、12.96%、28.71%和34.02%; 每果粒数获得5个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为8.41%、7.87%、24.37%、8.57%和14.31%; 千粒重获得3个QTL, 分别解释表型变异为2.33%、1.81%和1.86%。结果表明: 同一性状的等位基因增效作用可以同时来自高值亲本和低值亲本; 文章中与主效QTL连锁的标记可用于油菜产量性状的分子标记辅助选择和聚合育种。  相似文献   

Jin  Ming-Xian  Li  De-Yao  Mi  Hualing 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(4):581-586
Temperature dependence (25–50 °C) of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence induction, far-red radiation (FR)-induced relaxation of the post-irradiation transient increase in apparent F0, and the trans-thylakoid proton gradients (pH) was examined in maize leaves. Temperatures above 30 °C caused an elevation of F0 level and an enhancement of F0 quenching during actinic irradiation. Millisecond delayed light emission (ms-DLE), which reflects the magnitude of pH, decreased strikingly above 35 °C, and almost disappeared at 50 °C. It indicates that the heat-enhanced quenching of F0 under actinic irradiation could not be attributed mainly to the mechanism of pH-dependent quenching. The relaxation of the post-irradiation transient increase in apparent F0 upon FR irradiation could be decomposed into two exponential components (1 = 0.7–1.8 s, 2 = 2.0–9.9 s). Decay times of both components increased with temperature increasing from 25 to 40–45 °C. The bi-phasic kinetics of FR-induced relaxation of the post-irradiation transient increase in apparent F0 and its temperature dependence may be related to plastoquinone (PQ) compartmentation in the thylakoid membranes and its re-organisation at elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Growth,yield, and yield components of ethephon-treated corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Field studies were conducted during 1985 and 1986 to study the effect of stage and rate of ethephon application on growth, combine-harvested yield, and yield components of three corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids at two densities. Ethephon was applied at four rates from 0 to 560g ha–1 at three growth stages: tassel elongation (TE 3mm), TE + 6d, and Ear elongation (EE 3mm). The greatest rate of ethephon decreased lodging by 85% in 1985 and 93% in 1986. Reduction in yield at the greatest rate of ethephon was 6% and 2% of the control in 1985 and 1986, respectively. Brace-root rating in 1986 was increased 20%, when comparing the greatest application rate with the control. In the same year, weight per seed was reduced 2%, which was equivalent to the percentage yield reduction. Plant and ear heights generally decreased in a linear fashion with increasing rate of ethephon. The growth stage at the time of ethephon application significantly altered all variables except grain moisture. Grain yield, seed weight, and lodging decreased as ethephon application was delayed. Decrease in seed weight probably caused the yield decrease with delayed application. Stages of application interacted with rate such that ear height was reduced less as ethephon application was delayed. The greatest rate of ethephon applied at the beginning of EE resulted in the best lodging control. However, reduction in lodging did not result in higher yield. Also, ethephon applied at the TE stage mainly affected elongation of internodes below the ear; at the EE stage, elongation of internodes above the ear was affected.  相似文献   

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