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Schuessler, Thomas F., Stewart B. Gottfried, and Jason H. T. Bates. A model of the spontaneously breathing patient: applications to intrinsic PEEP and work of breathing.J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1694-1703, 1997.Intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEPi) and inspiratory work ofbreathing (WI) are important factors in the management of severe obstructive respiratory disease. Weused a computer model of spontaneously breathing patients with chronicobstructive pulmonary disease to assess the sensitivity of measurementtechniques for dynamic PEEPi(PEEPi dyn) andWI to expiratory muscle activity(EMA) and cardiogenic oscillations (CGO) on esophageal pressure.Without EMA and CGO, bothPEEPi dyn andWI were accurately estimated(r = 0.999 and 0.95, respectively). Addition of moderate EMA causedPEEPi dyn andWI to be systematically overestimated by 141 and 52%, respectively. Furthermore, CGOintroduced large random errors, obliterating the correlation betweenthe true and estimated values for bothPEEPi dyn(r = 0.29) andWI (r = 0.38). Thus the accurateestimation of PEEPi dyn andWI requires steps to be taken toameliorate the adverse effects of both EMA and CGO. Taking advantage ofour simulations, we also investigated the relationship betweenPEEPi dyn and staticPEEPi(PEEPi stat). ThePEEPi dyn/PEEPi statratio decreased as stress adaptation in the lung was increased,suggesting that heterogeneity of expiratory flow limitation isresponsible for the discrepancies betweenPEEPi dyn andPEEPi stat thathave been reported in patients with severe airwayobstruction.


A computational model for the mitochondrial respiratory chain that appropriately balances mass, charge, and free energy transduction is introduced and analyzed based on a previously published set of data measured on isolated cardiac mitochondria. The basic components included in the model are the reactions at complexes I, III, and IV of the electron transport system, ATP synthesis at F1F0 ATPase, substrate transporters including adenine nucleotide translocase and the phosphate–hydrogen co-transporter, and cation fluxes across the inner membrane including fluxes through the K+/H+ antiporter and passive H+ and K+ permeation. Estimation of 16 adjustable parameter values is based on fitting model simulations to nine independent data curves. The identified model is further validated by comparison to additional datasets measured from mitochondria isolated from rat heart and liver and observed at low oxygen concentration. To obtain reasonable fits to the available data, it is necessary to incorporate inorganic-phosphate-dependent activation of the dehydrogenase activity and the electron transport system. Specifically, it is shown that a model incorporating phosphate-dependent activation of complex III is able to reasonably reproduce the observed data. The resulting validated and verified model provides a foundation for building larger and more complex systems models and investigating complex physiological and pathophysiological interactions in cardiac energetics.  相似文献   

A model of the overall control of the breathing pattern is presented. The model has the structure of a two-level optimization problem where the lower level criteria determine the shape of the airflow during inspiration and expiration and the higher level criterion determines the values of the other control variables. The model's general formulation makes it possible to obtain predictions of far greater accuracy than before because the previous restrictive assumptions have been avoided by increasing the number of independent control variables. In this model the control variables are the inspiratory time, expiratory time, duration of the end expiratory pause, change in the end expiratory lung volume, the dead space volume, the tidal volume, and the airflow pattern during the cycle. The model's optimization problem has clear and unique minima with respect to each control variable over a wide range of parameter values. Thus the model can be used to predict the effects of various environmental changes.  相似文献   

The authors consider the respiratory centre to be the regulator of the respiratory system and to consist of 3 main functional blocks: chemoregulator, respiratory rhythm autogenerator and mechanoregulator, functions of which are provided by the neurons of medulla oblongata. The main aim of chemoregulator block is to maintain the level of ventilation volume speed, which is necessary to compensate the difference between the signals of setting and the firing from the chemoreceptors. The main aim of mechanoregulator block is to provide the functioning of the regulation loop of the respiratory muscles comparing the signals which come from the respiratory autogenerator, and the firing of the mechanoreceptors. The generator unit of the respiratory centre is a set of rhythm-forming associations, the system of 4 neurons (early and late inspiratory and expiratory) are typical among them. The neurons are connected by recurrent inhibitory bonds: the neuron of each rhythm-forming group, successively becoming excited, inhibits the two preceding neurons in the cycle; for all this the neuron of the successive group is released from inhibition and in such a way the rhythmogenesis occurs. The respiratory centre forms a common unit for chemo- and mechanoreceptor loops, through which the circuits of feedback for both loops are connected, providing the regulation of breathing.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are important organelles not only as efficient ATP generators but also in controlling and regulating many cellular processes. Mitochondria are dynamic compartments that rearrange under stress response and changes in food availability or oxygen concentrations. The mitochondrial electron transport chain parallels these rearrangements to achieve an optimum performance and therefore requires a plastic organization within the inner mitochondrial membrane. This consists in a balanced distribution between free respiratory complexes and supercomplexes. The mechanisms by which the distribution and organization of supercomplexes can be adjusted to the needs of the cells are still poorly understood. The aim of this review is to focus on the functional role of the respiratory supercomplexes and its relevance in physiology. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Dynamic and ultrastructure of bioenergetic membranes and their components.  相似文献   

The English bulldog: a natural model of sleep-disordered breathing   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
To establish a natural model of sleep-disordered breathing, we investigated respiration during wakefulness and sleep in the English bulldog. This breed is characterized by an abnormal upper airway anatomy, with enlargement of the soft palate and narrowing of the oropharynx. During sleep, the animals had disordered respiration and episodes of O2 desaturation. These were worst in rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, with most bulldogs having O2 saturations of less than 90% for prolonged durations. In contrast, control dogs never desaturated. In REM sleep, the bulldogs had episodes of both central and obstructive apnea, the latter being associated with paradoxical movements of the rib cage and abdomen. During wakefulness, the bulldogs were hypersomnolent as evidenced by a shortened sleep latency (mean of 12 min compared with greater than 150 min for controls). This animal model should facilitate studies of the natural history of the sleep apnea syndrome and its complications.  相似文献   

The interaction of forces that produce chest wall motion and lung volume change is complex and incompletely understood. To aid understanding we have developed a simple model that allows prediction of the effect on chest wall motion of changes in applied forces. The model is a lever system on which the forces generated actively by the respiratory muscles and passively by impedances of rib cage, lungs, abdomen, and diaphragm act at fixed sites. A change in forces results in translational and/or rotational motion of the lever; motion represents volume change. The distribution and magnitude of passive relative to active forces determine the locus and degree of rotation and therefore the effect of an applied force on motion of the chest wall, allowing the interaction of diaphragm, rib cage, and abdomen to be modeled. Analysis of moments allow equations to be derived that express the effect on chest wall motion of the active component in terms of the passive components. These equations may be used to test the model by comparing predicted with empirical behavior. The model is simple, appears valid for a variety of respiratory maneuvers, is useful in interpreting relative motion of rib cage and abdomen and may be useful in quantifying the effective forces acting on the rib cage.  相似文献   

Spontaneous high-frequency, low-amplitude and low-frequency, high-amplitude efferent bursting patterns of cranial and spinal motor nerve activity in the in vitro brainstem preparation of the bullfrog tadpole Rana catesbeiana have been characterized as fictive gill and lung ventilation, respectively (Gdovin MJ, Torgerson CS, Remmers JE). Characterization of gill and lung ventilatory activity in cranial nerves in the spontaneously breathing tadpole Rana catesbeiana, FASEB J 1996;10(3):A642; Gdovin MJ, Torgerson CS, Remmers JE. Neurorespiratory pattern of gill and lung ventilation in the decerebrate spontaneously breathing tadpole, Respir Physiol 1998;113:135 146; Pack AI, Galante RJ, Walker RE, Kubin LK, Fishman AP. Comparative approach to neural control of respiration, In: Speck DF, Dekin MS, Revelette WR, Frazier DT, editors. Respiratory Control Central and Peripheral Mechanisms. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1993:52-57). In addition, the ontogenetic dependence of central respiratory chemoreceptor stimulation on fictive gill and lung ventilation has been previously described (Torgerson CS, Gdovin MJ, Remmers JE. Fictive gill and lung ventilation in the pre- and post-metamorphic tadpole brainstem, J Neurophysiol 1998, in press). To investigate the neural substrates responsible for central respiratory rhythm generation of gill and lung ventilation in the developing tadpole, we recorded efferent activities of cranial nerve (CN) V, VII, and X and spinal nerve (SN) II during changes in superfusate PCO2 before and after multiple transection of the in vitro brainstem. The brainstem was transected between CN VIII and IX and the response to changes in PCO2 was recorded. A second transection was then made between the caudal margin of CN X and rostral to SN II. Preliminary data reveal that robust gill ventilation was recorded consistently only if the segment of brainstem included CN X, whereas the loci capable of eliciting fictive lung bursting patterns appeared to differ depending on developmental stage. These data demonstrate that the neural substrate required for fictive gill and lung ventilation exists in anatomically separate regions such that the gill central pattern generator (CPG) is located in the caudal medulla at the level of CN X throughout development, whereas the location of the lung CPG is located more rostrally at the level of CN VII in the post-metamorphic larva. Both in vivo and in vitro studies revealed two distinct neural bursting patterns associated with gill and lung ventilation. Sequential activation of CN V, VII, X were observed during gill ventilation of in vivo and fictive gill ventilation in vitro, whereas these nerve activities, along with SN II displayed more synchronous bursting patterns of activation during lung ventilation and fictive lung breaths.  相似文献   

A minimal mathematical model of human periodic breathing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Numerous mathematical models of periodic breathing (PB) currently exist. These models suggest mechanisms that may underlie many known causes of PB. However, each model that has been shown to simulate PB under reasonable conditions contains greater than 15 physiological parameters. Because some parameters exhibit a wide range of values in a population, such simulations cannot test a model's ability to account for the breathing patterns of individuals. Furthermore it is impractical to perform a direct experimental validation study that would require the estimation of each of 15 or more parameters for each subject. A minimal model of PB is presented that is suitable for direct validation. Analytic expressions are given that define the conditions for PB in terms of the following: 1) CO2 sensitivity, 2) Cardiac output, 3) Mixed venous CO2, 4) Circulation time, and 5) Mean lung volume for CO2. This model is shown to be consistent with previous models and experimental data regarding the degree of hypoxia or congestive heart failure required to produce PB. A quantitative measure of relative stability is defined as a metric of comparison to the human studies described in the accompanying paper (J. Appl. Physiol. 65: 1389-1399, 1988).  相似文献   

Indirect methods of measuring ventilation, such as the respiratory inductive plethysmograph (RIP), operate on the assumption that the respiratory system possesses two degrees of freedom of motion: the rib cage and abdomen. Accurate measurements have been obtained in many patients with pulmonary disease who possess additional degrees of freedom. Since calibration and validation of the RIP was carried out during quiet breathing in these patients, the amount of asynchronous or paradoxic breathing was presumably similar during the calibration and validation runs. Conversely, accuracy might be lost if following the initial calibration procedure the magnitude of chest wall distortion increased during subsequent validation runs. We calibrated the RIP during quiet breathing and examined its accuracy while subsequently breathing against resistive loads that required the generation of 20-80% of the subject's maximum inspiratory mouth pressure (Pmmax). We compared the relative accuracy of three commonly employed calibration methods: isovolume technique, least-squares technique, and single position loop-area technique. Up to 60% of Pmmax, 89% of the RIP values with the least-squares technique were within +/- 10% of simultaneous spirometric (SP) measurements and 100% were within +/- 20% of SP, compared with 63 and 91%, respectively, for the loop-area technique and 19 and 54%, respectively, for the isovolume technique. At 70 and 80% of Pmmax accuracy deteriorated. Accuracy of respiratory timing was judged in terms of fractional inspiratory time (TI/TT).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The control system regulating breathing in man   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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