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Considerable advances in microscopy, biophysics, and cell biology have provided a wealth of imaging data describing the functional organization of the cell nucleus. Until recently, cell nuclear architecture has largely been assessed by subjective visual inspection of fluorescently labeled components imaged by the optical microscope. This approach is inadequate to fully quantify spatial associations, especially when the patterns are indistinct, irregular, or highly punctate. Accurate image processing techniques as well as statistical and computational tools are thus necessary to interpret this data if meaningful spatial-function relationships are to be established. Here, we have developed a thresholding algorithm, stable count thresholding (SCT), to segment nuclear compartments in confocal laser scanning microscopy image stacks to facilitate objective and quantitative analysis of the three-dimensional organization of these objects using formal statistical methods. We validate the efficacy and performance of the SCT algorithm using real images of immunofluorescently stained nuclear compartments and fluorescent beads as well as simulated images. In all three cases, the SCT algorithm delivers a segmentation that is far better than standard thresholding methods, and more importantly, is comparable to manual thresholding results. By applying the SCT algorithm and statistical analysis, we quantify the spatial configuration of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies with respect to irregular-shaped SC35 domains. We show that the compartments are closer than expected under a null model for their spatial point distribution, and furthermore that their spatial association varies according to cell state. The methods reported are general and can readily be applied to quantify the spatial interactions of other nuclear compartments.  相似文献   

Despite rapid advances in high-throughput microscopy, quantitative image-based assays still pose significant challenges. While a variety of specialized image analysis tools are available, most traditional image-analysis-based workflows have steep learning curves (for fine tuning of analysis parameters) and result in long turnaround times between imaging and analysis. In particular, cell segmentation, the process of identifying individual cells in an image, is a major bottleneck in this regard.Here we present an alternate, cell-segmentation-free workflow based on PhenoRipper, an open-source software platform designed for the rapid analysis and exploration of microscopy images. The pipeline presented here is optimized for immunofluorescence microscopy images of cell cultures and requires minimal user intervention. Within half an hour, PhenoRipper can analyze data from a typical 96-well experiment and generate image profiles. Users can then visually explore their data, perform quality control on their experiment, ensure response to perturbations and check reproducibility of replicates. This facilitates a rapid feedback cycle between analysis and experiment, which is crucial during assay optimization. This protocol is useful not just as a first pass analysis for quality control, but also may be used as an end-to-end solution, especially for screening. The workflow described here scales to large data sets such as those generated by high-throughput screens, and has been shown to group experimental conditions by phenotype accurately over a wide range of biological systems. The PhenoBrowser interface provides an intuitive framework to explore the phenotypic space and relate image properties to biological annotations. Taken together, the protocol described here will lower the barriers to adopting quantitative analysis of image based screens.  相似文献   



To develop a robust tool for quantitative in situ pathology that allows visualization of heterogeneous tissue morphology and segmentation and quantification of image features.

Materials and Methods

Tissue excised from a genetically engineered mouse model of sarcoma was imaged using a subcellular resolution microendoscope after topical application of a fluorescent anatomical contrast agent: acriflavine. An algorithm based on sparse component analysis (SCA) and the circle transform (CT) was developed for image segmentation and quantification of distinct tissue types. The accuracy of our approach was quantified through simulations of tumor and muscle images. Specifically, tumor, muscle, and tumor+muscle tissue images were simulated because these tissue types were most commonly observed in sarcoma margins. Simulations were based on tissue characteristics observed in pathology slides. The potential clinical utility of our approach was evaluated by imaging excised margins and the tumor bed in a cohort of mice after surgical resection of sarcoma.


Simulation experiments revealed that SCA+CT achieved the lowest errors for larger nuclear sizes and for higher contrast ratios (nuclei intensity/background intensity). For imaging of tumor margins, SCA+CT effectively isolated nuclei from tumor, muscle, adipose, and tumor+muscle tissue types. Differences in density were correctly identified with SCA+CT in a cohort of ex vivo and in vivo images, thus illustrating the diagnostic potential of our approach.


The combination of a subcellular-resolution microendoscope, acriflavine staining, and SCA+CT can be used to accurately isolate nuclei and quantify their density in anatomical images of heterogeneous tissue.  相似文献   

目的:建立一套稳定、简便、快捷,可靠的细菌活的非可培养状态(VBNC)荧光显微镜观察方法。利用市售的黑色钢笔墨水着染微孔滤膜,然后采用手动压片方式,将经LIVE/DEAD BacLightTM Bacterial Viability Kit(13152)染色的细菌样本固定在滤膜上,用落射荧光显微镜直接观察。结果:该法所得的荧光图像背景无光亮且黑暗,菌体荧光、形态、排列等均清晰可见,而且呈现绿色荧光的活菌与呈现红色荧光的死菌较易分辨。与现行技术相比,还能缩短染色时间近12~16h。结论:建立的VBNC细菌荧光观察方法能有效地克服现有技术存在的适用范围狭窄、取材困难、观察结果不准确、操作时间长等缺点,可为细菌VBNC研究提供值得借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) is widely applied to obtain quantitative information from fluorescence signals, particularly using Förster Resonant Energy Transfer (FRET) measurements to map, for example, protein-protein interactions. Extracting FRET efficiencies or population fractions typically entails fitting data to complex fluorescence decay models but such experiments are frequently photon constrained, particularly for live cell or in vivo imaging, and this leads to unacceptable errors when analysing data on a pixel-wise basis. Lifetimes and population fractions may, however, be more robustly extracted using global analysis to simultaneously fit the fluorescence decay data of all pixels in an image or dataset to a multi-exponential model under the assumption that the lifetime components are invariant across the image (dataset). This approach is often considered to be prohibitively slow and/or computationally expensive but we present here a computationally efficient global analysis algorithm for the analysis of time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) or time-gated FLIM data based on variable projection. It makes efficient use of both computer processor and memory resources, requiring less than a minute to analyse time series and multiwell plate datasets with hundreds of FLIM images on standard personal computers. This lifetime analysis takes account of repetitive excitation, including fluorescence photons excited by earlier pulses contributing to the fit, and is able to accommodate time-varying backgrounds and instrument response functions. We demonstrate that this global approach allows us to readily fit time-resolved fluorescence data to complex models including a four-exponential model of a FRET system, for which the FRET efficiencies of the two species of a bi-exponential donor are linked, and polarisation-resolved lifetime data, where a fluorescence intensity and bi-exponential anisotropy decay model is applied to the analysis of live cell homo-FRET data. A software package implementing this algorithm, FLIMfit, is available under an open source licence through the Open Microscopy Environment.  相似文献   

A fluorescence technique has been developed for observing starch granules in plant tissues. Sections are stained with a mixture of dyes which we have named F.A.S.G.A. from the initials of the Spanish names of its components (fucsina, alcian blue, safranina, glicerina, agua), and viewed by epifluorescence microscopy. The starch granules fluoresce greenish yellow, allowing the degradative state to be observed. Cell structures which do not fluoresce are also differentiated. The stain permits identification of other structures when examined by visible light microscopy and is relatively resistant to fading over time.  相似文献   

We introduce a method for large scale reconstruction of complex bundles of neural processes from fluorescent image stacks. We imaged yellow fluorescent protein labeled axons that innervated a whole muscle, as well as dendrites in cerebral cortex, in transgenic mice, at the diffraction limit with a confocal microscope. Each image stack was digitally re-sampled along an orientation such that the majority of axons appeared in cross-section. A region growing algorithm was implemented in the open-source Reconstruct software and applied to the semi-automatic tracing of individual axons in three dimensions. The progression of region growing is constrained by user-specified criteria based on pixel values and object sizes, and the user has full control over the segmentation process. A full montage of reconstructed axons was assembled from the ∼200 individually reconstructed stacks. Average reconstruction speed is ∼0.5 mm per hour. We found an error rate in the automatic tracing mode of ∼1 error per 250 um of axonal length. We demonstrated the capacity of the program by reconstructing the connectome of motor axons in a small mouse muscle.  相似文献   

Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) functions as a non-destructive microtome and microscope that uses a plane of light to optically section and view tissues with subcellular resolution. This method is well suited for imaging deep within transparent tissues or within whole organisms, and because tissues are exposed to only a thin plane of light, specimen photobleaching and phototoxicity are minimized compared to wide-field fluorescence, confocal, or multiphoton microscopy. LSFMs produce well-registered serial sections that are suitable for three-dimensional reconstruction of tissue structures. Because of a lack of a commercial LSFM microscope, numerous versions of light sheet microscopes have been constructed by different investigators. This review describes development of the technology, reviews existing devices, provides details of one LSFM device, and shows examples of images and three-dimensional reconstructions of tissues that were produced by LSFM.  相似文献   

The basic research in cell biology and in medical sciences makes large use of imaging tools mainly based on confocal fluorescence and, more recently, on non-linear excitation microscopy. Substantially the aim is the recognition of selected targets in the image and their tracking in time. We have developed a particle tracking algorithm optimized for low signal/noise images with a minimum set of requirements on the target size and with no a priori knowledge of the type of motion. The image segmentation, based on a combination of size sensitive filters, does not rely on edge detection and is tailored for targets acquired at low resolution as in most of the in-vivo studies. The particle tracking is performed by building, from a stack of Accumulative Difference Images, a single 2D image in which the motion of the whole set of the particles is coded in time by a color level. This algorithm, tested here on solid-lipid nanoparticles diffusing within cells and on lymphocytes diffusing in lymphonodes, appears to be particularly useful for the cellular and the in-vivo microscopy image processing in which few a priori assumption on the type, the extent and the variability of particle motions, can be done.  相似文献   

We describe here a procedure to improve contrast and resolution in fluorescence microscopy of sectioned tissues. Tissue fragments were fixed in ethanol-glacial acetic acid, embedded in diethylene glycol distearate, and semithin sectioned. This method maintains tissue antigenicity while preserving the structure of cells and tissues. The thinness of the sections eliminates scattered and emitted light from tissue structures outside the plane of focus. The procedure is simple and quick, and works excellently with fluorescein-conjugated lectins and antibodies.  相似文献   

In certain image acquisitions processes, like in fluorescence microscopy or astronomy, only a limited number of photons can be collected due to various physical constraints. The resulting images suffer from signal dependent noise, which can be modeled as a Poisson distribution, and a low signal-to-noise ratio. However, the majority of research on noise reduction algorithms focuses on signal independent Gaussian noise. In this paper, we model noise as a combination of Poisson and Gaussian probability distributions to construct a more accurate model and adopt the contourlet transform which provides a sparse representation of the directional components in images. We also apply hidden Markov models with a framework that neatly describes the spatial and interscale dependencies which are the properties of transformation coefficients of natural images. In this paper, an effective denoising algorithm for Poisson-Gaussian noise is proposed using the contourlet transform, hidden Markov models and noise estimation in the transform domain. We supplement the algorithm by cycle spinning and Wiener filtering for further improvements. We finally show experimental results with simulations and fluorescence microscopy images which demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Electron Microscopy (EM) image (or volume) segmentation has become significantly important in recent years as an instrument for connectomics. This paper proposes a novel agglomerative framework for EM segmentation. In particular, given an over-segmented image or volume, we propose a novel framework for accurately clustering regions of the same neuron. Unlike existing agglomerative methods, the proposed context-aware algorithm divides superpixels (over-segmented regions) of different biological entities into different subsets and agglomerates them separately. In addition, this paper describes a “delayed” scheme for agglomerative clustering that postpones some of the merge decisions, pertaining to newly formed bodies, in order to generate a more confident boundary prediction. We report significant improvements attained by the proposed approach in segmentation accuracy over existing standard methods on 2D and 3D datasets.  相似文献   



Fluorescence microscopy is the standard tool for detection and analysis of cellular phenomena. This technique, however, has a number of drawbacks such as the limited number of available fluorescent channels in microscopes, overlapping excitation and emission spectra of the stains, and phototoxicity.


We here present and validate a method to automatically detect cell population outlines directly from bright field images. By imaging samples with several focus levels forming a bright field -stack, and by measuring the intensity variations of this stack over the -dimension, we construct a new two dimensional projection image of increased contrast. With additional information for locations of each cell, such as stained nuclei, this bright field projection image can be used instead of whole cell fluorescence to locate borders of individual cells, separating touching cells, and enabling single cell analysis. Using the popular CellProfiler freeware cell image analysis software mainly targeted for fluorescence microscopy, we validate our method by automatically segmenting low contrast and rather complex shaped murine macrophage cells.


The proposed approach frees up a fluorescence channel, which can be used for subcellular studies. It also facilitates cell shape measurement in experiments where whole cell fluorescent staining is either not available, or is dependent on a particular experimental condition. We show that whole cell area detection results using our projected bright field images match closely to the standard approach where cell areas are localized using fluorescence, and conclude that the high contrast bright field projection image can directly replace one fluorescent channel in whole cell quantification. Matlab code for calculating the projections can be downloaded from the supplementary site: http://sites.google.com/site/brightfieldorstaining  相似文献   

A protocol is given that uses NaOH, benzene, acetone and methanol to extract epoxy resins from semithin sections. Such sections appear superior to paraffin or unsectioned materials for fluorescence microscopic observations. Use of ultrarapid films (e.g., Kodak T-Max P3200) at ISO 3200 minimizes fading without use of antifading agents and without introducing unacceptable photographic grain size.  相似文献   

Observing the cell surface and underlying cytoskeleton at nanoscale resolution using super-resolution microscopy has enabled many insights into cell signaling and function. However, the nanoscale dynamics of tissue-specific immune cells have been relatively little studied. Tissue macrophages, for example, are highly autofluorescent, severely limiting the utility of light microscopy. Here, we report a correction technique to remove autofluorescent noise from stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) data sets. Simulations and analysis of experimental data identified a moving median filter as an accurate and robust correction technique, which is widely applicable across challenging biological samples. Here, we used this method to visualize lung macrophages activated through Fc receptors by antibody-coated glass slides. Accurate, nanoscale quantification of macrophage morphology revealed that activation induced the formation of cellular protrusions tipped with MHC class I protein. These data are consistent with a role for lung macrophage protrusions in antigen presentation. Moreover, the tetraspanin protein CD81, known to mark extracellular vesicles, appeared in ring-shaped structures (mean diameter 93 ± 50 nm) at the surface of activated lung macrophages. Thus, a moving median filter correction technique allowed us to quantitatively analyze extracellular secretions and membrane structure in tissue-derived immune cells.  相似文献   

To build a foundation for the single-molecule fluorescence microscopy of protein complexes, the present study achieved fluorescence microscopy of single, nucleic acid-free protein capsids of bacteriophage T7. The capsids were stained with Alexa 488 (green emission). Manipulation of the capsids' thermal motion was achieved in three dimensions. The procedure for manipulation included embedding the capsids in an agarose gel. The data indicate that the thermal motion of capsids is reduced by the sieving of the gel. The thermal motion can be reduced to any desired level. A semilogarithmic plot of an effective diffusion constant as a function of gel concentration is linear. Single, diffusing T7 capsids were also visualized in the presence of single DNA molecules that had been both stretched and immobilized by gel-embedding. The DNA molecules were stained with ethidium (orange emission). This study shows that single-molecule (protein and DNA) analysis is possible for both packaging of DNA in a bacteriophage capsid and other events of DNA metabolism. The major problem is the maintenance of biochemical activity.  相似文献   

Polymer gels are regarded as a potential dosimeter for independent validation of absorbed doses in clinical radiotherapy. Several imaging modalities have been used to convert radiation-induced polymerization to absorbed doses from a macro-scale viewpoint. This study developed a novel dose conversion mechanism by texture analysis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images. The modified N-isopropyl-acrylamide (NIPAM) gels were prepared under normoxic conditions, and were administered radiation doses from 5 to 20 Gy. After freeze drying, the gel samples were sliced for SEM scanning with 50×, 500×, and 3500× magnifications. Four texture indices were calculated based on the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The results showed that entropy and homogeneity were more suitable than contrast and energy as dose indices for higher linearity and sensitivity of the dose response curves. After parameter optimization, an R2 value of 0.993 can be achieved for homogeneity using 500× magnified SEM images with 27 pixel offsets and no outlier exclusion. For dose verification, the percentage errors between the prescribed dose and the measured dose for 5, 10, 15, and 20 Gy were −7.60%, 5.80%, 2.53%, and −0.95%, respectively. We conclude that texture analysis can be applied to the SEM images of gel dosimeters to accurately convert micro-scale structural features to absorbed doses. The proposed method may extend the feasibility of applying gel dosimeters in the fields of diagnostic radiology and radiation protection.  相似文献   

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