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Roger Waldinger's provocative book on migrants’ cross-border lives corroborates many insights already established by transnational migration scholarship. He makes a compelling case for the need to understand migration not just as assimilation – neo, segmented, or otherwise – but also as about how people continue to be simultaneously involved in their homelands, the countries where they settle, and other salient places. I am glad that Waldinger has lent his voice to correct the unproductive divide between immigration and emigration scholarship. But the ‘new’ path he charts forward to right what he sees as wrong with current scholarship is, at times, so selectively formulated and argued that it undercuts its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Synopsis The behaviour of upstream migrating glass eels to salt and brackish water solutions of 8 pure organic earthy and green odorants was investigated. In 35 salt water, IPMCET and D-MF are ineffective, while MMP, IBMP, MT, TMCE, ETMCE and L-MF are strongly repellent. Dissolved in brackish water, MMP and ETMCE become attractive. The strong attraction which glass eels show to earthy and green odorants emerges as the level of salinity is reduced, suggesting that these chemicals could be orienting cues in the last phase of glass eel migration.  相似文献   


The study explored feelings of European identity and attitudes towards Europe manifested in two groups within the British population: the indigenous white British population (N?=?58) and the South-Asian ethnic minority (N?=?44). A social survey approach was used with scales to evaluate British, European and ethnic identities and also attitudes towards Europe. Perceived compatibility of identities was also assessed using a visual representation of identities task. Previous research findings were confirmed with the indigenous white British respondents, who displayed a strong sense of national identity negatively correlated with European identity. In contrast, the South Asian respondents displayed positive feelings of identification on all three levels, and a British identity that correlated positively with European identification.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 1990s, Germany has been taking controversial policy measures that had been quite unimaginable, even in the 1980s. On the one hand, regulations for asylum seekers and ethnic Germans have gradually become restrictive in nature. On the other hand, changes to the Citizenship and Nationality Law of 1913 (Reichs und Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz) and the Alien Act of 1965 (Ausländergesetz) have dramatically altered the naturalization process. Before the passage of the new German citizenship law in 1999, the acquisition of citizenship in Germany was solely based on the principle of descent (jus sanguinis). This paper attempts to explain why German government altered its citizenship policy and introduced birthright citizenship. It reviews the post-war contextual factors that have shaped the debate on citizenship and asks whether it is external or internal factors, that is international-level norms and institutions or domestic politics, that led to the change. If domestic politics can fully explain the adoption of the new citizenship law, what domestic forces played an important role? Was state action taken in the name of protecting “the national interest” or was it party politics? What role did societal forces play in the making of new citizenship policy? Did the act seek to mitigate anti-foreigner sentiment growing in Germany since the 1990s? Using archival and documentary research and secondary data on socio-economic and demographic trends in Germany, this paper concludes that domestic politics explain the changes in the citizenship law. I argue that granting and withholding national citizenship, including birthright citizenship, is exclusively in the hands of a nation state. Considering a purely ethnocultural understanding of nation-hood now includes legal and territorial components, the new German citizenship law is a major reform at the both theoretical and conceptual level. However, the practical consequences of the new naturalization process remain to be seen. The main question for the future research agenda is whether the new naturalization and citizenship laws will bring full integration of foreigners living in German society.  相似文献   

This article assesses the relationship between multiculturalism and neoliberalism, focusing on the Australian context. It analyses recent reforms concerning immigrant integration and cultural diversity, and argues that since the mid-1990s Australian multiculturalism has embodied three central components of state restructuring: heightened demands for sociocultural discipline and conformity; fiscal conservatism and the retrenchment of safety nets; and the promotion of economic competitiveness, flexibility and efficiency in global markets. In retracing the trajectory of Australian policy this analysis contributes to emerging literatures on multiculturalism, and the shifting nature of citizenship and government rationalities in the present neoliberal context. In addition to illuminating recent changes in Australia, its findings display significant import for countries facing similar dynamics.  相似文献   

Adam K. Webb 《Bioethics》2021,35(1):79-89
Medical coverage often stops at borders, for both travellers and long‐term migrants. Such patchiness imposes a de facto limit on free movement. This article considers this phenomenon not as a mere policy choice or technical matter, but as a form of territorial discrimination that is incoherent and even unjust. This legacy of nationally bounded social citizenship rests on a mistaken version of solidarity. Moreover, with growing mobility and rising expectations of medical coverage around the world, the fragmenting of safety nets by the political honeycomb of statehood will become a vexing problem in coming decades. A proper understanding of the health sphere not only can justify incremental reforms that lessen territorial discrimination, without impairing either solidarity or sustainability. It also foreshadows a radically different vision of how social provision might work in a future global space beyond the nation‐state.  相似文献   

Downstream migrations and population characteristics of eels Anguilla anguilla were studied between 1967–1982 and 2002–2005 using a fish trap and electrofishing in the Girnock Burn, a small oligotrophic upland sub‐catchment of the River Dee, north‐east Scotland, 70 km from the tidal limit. In limited mark‐recapture studies, 9% of eels were recaptured up to three times and 97% of all recaptures were made at the same electrofishing site. The recaptured eels had a low mean growth rate of c. 13 mm year−1. Smaller eels appeared to show preferences for shallower habitats with small boulder and gravel–sand substrata. Trap catches exhibited seasonal modes in total length at 140–180 mm in late spring, and 320–340 mm in early autumn, probably relating to water temperatures and discharges. From other studies, it is inferred that the spring mode comprised sexually undifferentiated nomadic eels and the autumn mode differentiated males beginning their spawning migration. Large female eels were rare. The fish trap appears to have formed a major barrier to upstream migration since its construction in 1966. In‐stream density has decreased significantly since then from 16 to three eels 100 m−2, biomass from 260 to 78 g 100 m−2 and emigrants from 700 to 100 individuals year−1. Emigrants have comprised c. 5% of the standing stock year−1 since the 1970s. The proportion of larger differentiated eels in the Girnock Burn has, however, remained relatively constant and escapement has been c. 100–200 (probably male) eels year−1 since the late 1960s. Evidence, including that from other northerly British rivers, is reviewed to assess the possible impacts of Europe‐wide declines in glass eel recruitment since the 1980s. It is recommended that the data series be maintained, plus further sex determination and ageing studies. Installation of an upstream trap to capture immigrants and studies of recolonization are proposed.  相似文献   

Deportation has always been a feature of the American political, social and economic discourse. A twin effect of immigration, deportation concerns who is granted the right to stay and who is removed from the country. Amid the growing debate on reform, this essay casts light on the changing nature of deportation law during the last century. Paying attention to the reception which immigrants receive and the perceptions of threat and economic competition which natives often perceive, this work evaluates how policy has shifted in response to the changing face of newcomers. As immigration law becomes intertwined with criminal law, so do the stipulations governing entry and exit. Within a politically charged social space, American immigration is a story punctuated with racialized and criminalized images of immigrants. Bridging ethnic and racial currents, this work seeks to understand how these effects continue to shape contemporary immigration policy.  相似文献   

Final fruit production is the result of a number of processes, over which several environmental circumstances interact. But it is often difficult to disentangle the part played by each of these factors in the final crop. The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of the progamic phase for fruiting in the apple tree. For this purpose we track back the process that goes from flower to fruit, identifying the inflection points where the final crop is reduced. We evaluate early versus late fruit development, pollination versus non‐pollination, and the effect of the progamic phase that goes from pollination to fertilization. From flowers to fruits 15 weeks elapsed, but the final fruit set settled 8 weeks after flowering, and the main flower–fruit drop occurred 3–4 weeks after flowering. Differences between dropped fruits and those that remained in the tree emerged earlier, and the onset of fruiting started 7 days after pollination. This time was coincident with the time lapse of the progamic phase. These results show that fruiting gets established well ahead of cropping, but also that the progamic phase is the main determinant of the final fruit set in apple trees.  相似文献   

This paper contextualizes racial and ethnic identities in shaping African women’s work lives in the USA. While the literature on black immigrant groups has posited that ethnic identities are often deployed to shield black immigrants from racism, my findings indicate that for a group of African women, their racial and ethnic identities are viewed as potential sources of discrimination. As black immigrant women from middle-class backgrounds in their home countries, they also articulate experiences with racism and downward social and occupational mobility. Accounting for how race and ethnicity intersect in the lives of black immigrant groups can nuance our understanding of racial identities and highlight diversity in experiences among national and regional groups. Focusing on particular health-care settings further suggests the importance of professional contexts in shaping the identity formations of recent black immigrants.  相似文献   

This paper explores the identity work taking place around contemporary subcultural hip hop amongst Australian indigenous youth in two disadvantaged urban locations. Previous work on Aboriginal hip hop has been attentive to the interface between tradition and modernity. However, existing scholarship has lacked a deeper ethnographic understanding of the dynamics between youth and parent cultures, and the tensions between the two generations. This article is based on research with young hip hop enthusiasts, community activists and educators. It deals with the cultural politics of identification and sees hip hop practice as associated with a process in which Aboriginality is crystallized as a principal affiliation and as offering an account for experiences of social marginalization. Far from being an outlet for expressing a prior or essential Aboriginality, hip hop as cultural practice is associated with the production of particular identifications.  相似文献   

Aim Woody vegetation patterns in African savannas north of the equator are closely connected to human presence, but the distinctions between natural and anthropogenic landscapes have not been clear to many observers. Criteria for identifying savanna landscapes on a continuum of intensity of anthropic impact are explored. Methods A key savanna tree species, Vitellaria paradoxa (Sapotaceae), was used as model for evaluating anthropic impact. Fruits harvested from tree populations across the species range were analysed for variation in traits valued by indigenous peoples. A simple selection index was used to scale tree populations from a hypothetical wild state to a hypothetical domesticated state. Index values were compared with trait values along climate zone gradients and evaluated in the context of indigenous savanna management practices and historical species distribution reports. Results Trait values such as fruit size and shape, pulp sweetness, and kernel fat content show a significant influence of temperature and rainfall. At the same time, the mean values of groups of traits vary perpendicular to the general climatic zone gradient. Selection index values between Vitellaria populations vary up to sixfold, with highest values in central Burkina Faso. Comparison of present day Vitellaria distribution with historical range limits show range expansion by human migration. Main conclusions The prevalence of major economic tree species in the savannas of Africa north of the equator is a strong indicator of human involvement in tree dispersal. This conclusion is supported by paleobotanical evidence and by recent Vitellaria range expansion as a result of human migration. The presence of high mean values of several Vitellaria fruit traits in central Burkina Faso suggests that selection for desired characteristics has occurred. The impact of indigenous savanna peoples on woody species composition and spatial distribution is probably much greater than usually thought and is the result of a deliberate strategy of altering the landscape to provide needed human resources.  相似文献   

Objective: Comparative data on ecological differences in body fatness and fat distribution within Europe are sparse. Migration studies may provide information on the impact of environmental factors on body size in different populations. The objective was to investigate differences in adiposity between European immigrants and native Swedes, specifically to examine gender differences and the effect of time since immigration, and to compare two selected immigrant groups with their native countrymen. Research Methods and Procedures: A cross‐sectional analysis of 27,808 adults aged 45 to 73 years participating in the Malmö Diet and Cancer prospective cohort study in Sweden was performed. Percentage body fat (impedance analysis) and waist‐hip ratio (WHR) were compared between Swedish‐born and foreign‐born participants. Results: Obesity was 40% more prevalent in non‐Swedish Europeans compared with Swedes. Controlling for age, height, smoking, physical activity, and occupation, it was found that women born in the former Yugoslavia, southern Europe, Hungary, and Finland had a significantly higher percentage of body fat, and those from Hungary, Poland, and Germany had more centralized adiposity compared with Swedish women. Men born in the former Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Denmark had a significantly higher mean percentage of body fat compared with Swedish‐born men, whereas Yugoslavian, Finnish, and German men differed significantly in mean WHR. Length of residence in Sweden was inversely associated with central adiposity in immigrants. A comparison between German and Danish immigrants, their respective native populations, and Swedes indicated an intermediate positioning of German immigrants with regard to body mass index and WHR. Discussion: Differences in general and central adiposity by country of origin appear to remain after migration. Central adiposity seems to be more influenced than fatness per se by time of residency in Sweden.  相似文献   

Immigration and asylum are key political issues in Britain and the European Union. Yet the policies of states and supranational bodies seem to have had little success in preventing unwanted flows and effectively managing immigration and integration. This article examines three types of reasons for policy failure: factors arising from the social dynamics of the migratory process; factors linked to globalization and the North-South divide; and factors arising within political systems. Key issues include the role of migrant agency, the way the North-South divide encourages flows, and hidden agendas in national policies. EU efforts attempts to address the root causes of migration in countries of origin are discussed. The article concludes that migration policies might be more successful if they were explicitly linked to long-term political agendas concerned with trade, development and conflict prevention. Reducing North-South inequality is the real key to effective migration management.  相似文献   

Assays on adult females and eggs of Panonychus ulmi , on leaf discs of Myrobalan plum, were used to characterise and establish homogenous organophosphateresistant (OR) and susceptible strains. Reciprocal crosses of these strains, and assays on adult mites and eggs of the parent, F1 and F2 generations confirmed that resistance was controlled by a single major gene, the expression of which was dominant in the response to parathion, and incompletely dominant to vamidothion, dimethoate and demeton-S-methyl. Reproductive incompatibility, between strains, as in Tetranychus urticae , was not found.
Bioassays on larvae hatched from winter eggs, collected from several orchards in Kent, Essex and Somerset, were used to evaluate the spectrum of cross-resistance to a range of 20 organophosphates (OPs). Together with assays on adult females, these tests showed 10- to 100-fold resistance to most of the OPs used for several years including those noted above, but less than 10-fold to azinphos compounds and to several recently-introduced OPs, e. g. dialifos, triazophos, dioxathion. The resistance spectrum in strain OR and five field strains was similar, but some had higher levels to parathion and demeton-S-methyl, and others to dioxathion after 3–4 years' exposure. Resistance levels to individual OPs may be enhanced by specific selection. Strains resistant to OPs showed only 2- to 5-fold resistance to two carbamates, and were fully susceptible to dicofol.  相似文献   

Nicaraguan immigration to Costa Rica is a major case of South–South migration in Latin America. This chapter explores a set of examples of analyses of critical interventions – regarding immigration law, social imaginaries around which representations of Nicaraguans are framed, and participatory work carried out with impoverished communities – in order to reflect on the ways in which social sciences in Costa Rica attempts to intervene both in the everyday hostility of Costa Rican society and in the ways in which Nicaraguans contest that hostility. Responding to Michael Burawoy's (2005 Burawoy, Michael 2005For public sociology’, American Sociological Review, vol. 70, pp. 428. doi:10.1177/000312240507000102[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2007) call for a ‘public sociology’, the chapter reflects on how debates around public social sciences could enrich the political, institutional and conceptual location of migration studies in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Assays on eggs of Panonychus ulmi held on leaf discs of Myrobalan plum were used to characterise strains (1) multi-resistant to organophosphates (OPs) and binapacryl (strain BR), (2) multi-resistant to OPs and tetradifon (strain TR), and (3) susceptible to OPs, binapacryl and tetradifon (strain EM). By crosses of EM females and BR males, and of EM females and TR males, and by repeated backcrossing with EM males under selection pressure of the acaricides concerned, two strains were produced in which the specific genes for resistance to binapacryl and tetradifon were isolated in the genome of the EM strain. Reciprocal crosses of the resulting backcrossed strains with EM, assays on the F1 eggs and the F2 haploid eggs, confirmed the presence of single major genes for resistance to binapacryl and tetradifon, and the absence of maternal effects. The expression of gene BR was incompletely dominant in response to binapacryl, whilst gene TR was effectively dominant in response to tetradifon. Eggs of the field-derived strain BR showed c. 50× resistance to binapacryl, 8–19 × to dinobuton, but only c. 2× to dinocap and dinoseb. The backcrossed strain was less resistant (26 ×) to binapacryl implying that resistance in strain BR was augmented by the effects of minor genes. Resistance to tetradifon (150–200 × on eggs) involved cross-resistance to tetrasul (23 ×) and to chlorfensulphide (27×); resistance in the field-derived strain appeared to depend on the major gene alone. Resistance mechanisms were highly specific in their effects, so that there was no cross-resistance to unrelated acaricides, including amitraz, dicofol, cyhexatin, formetanate, chlordimeform, and quinomethionate. Fecundity of strain BR was 44% less than that of EM; laboratory and field evidence suggest that multi-resistant mites tend to be less fit than susceptible mites. The practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The European eel''s singular spawning migration from European waters towards the Sargasso Sea remains elusive, including the early phase of migration at sea. During spawning migration, the movement of freshwater resident eels from river to sea has been thought to be irreversible. We report the first recorded incidents of eels returning to the river of origin after spending up to a year in the marine environment. After migrating to the Baltic Sea, 21% of the silver eels, tagged with acoustic transmitters, returned to the Narva River. Half returned 11–12 months after moving to the sea, with 15 km being the longest upstream movement. The returned eels spent up to 33 days in the river and migrated to the sea again. The fastest specimen migrated to the outlet of the Baltic Sea in 68 days after the second start—roughly 1300 km. The surprising occurrence of returning migrants has implications for sustainable management and protection of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

With “The Other Side of Assimilation” Jiménez provides an important and urgently needed new angle to the assimilation debate in the US. He investigates a key assumption of assimilation theory: assimilation as a two-way process in which both migrants and established groups will change through interacting with each other. In integration research, the urgency of looking at established groups in diverse cities is increasing, because in many cases they are becoming a numerical minority themselves. The different empirical building blocks Jiménez brings to the table should bear no other conclusion than that existing assimilation theories are becoming increasingly inadequate for explaining the dynamics in especially superdiverse majority minority neighbourhoods. We urgently need to look into what I would call a paralyzed white identity. Paralyzed because of losing – or the fear of losing – its dominant position, and the apparent inability to react to the changing circumstances.  相似文献   

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