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Dynamics of race in South Africa are deeply entangled within a world system that continues to enable hegemonic white privilege. Prevalent views and behaviours towards “interracial” relationships reveal a rebellion against the non-racial philosophies and policies of the new government and are an indicator of the ongoing salience of race in shaping lived experience. Drawing on interviews with couples in so-called “interracial” relationships, this article argues that unequal power dynamics continue to hyperracialize and regulate these relationships through “privatized” racial boundary policing, even though such relationships are no longer stigmatized and criminalized by the state as in apartheid South Africa. Their experiences of racism show up in two distinct ways: aggressive policing and covert policing; these in turn can lead to self-policing, and perpetuate racial social organization.  相似文献   

Local notions of conservation deserve closer scrutiny. We cannot assume that they naturally coincide with those of the tourist core; nor that they are automatically given higher priority when local populations are induced to participate in practices which conserve flora and fauna. A case study of the establishment of the Richtersveld National Park in Namaqualand, a remote arid region of South Africa, is used to argue that local attitudes to conservation and development (associated with tourism) can become increasingly cynical and ambivalent in the context of ecotourism. Furthermore, such attitudes are shaped less by economic inducements than by the often contradictory messages about conservation that are being communicated daily.  相似文献   

The anti-apartheid struggle was characterized by tensions between the opposing ideologies of non-racialism (exemplified by the Freedom Charter) and racialism (exemplified by Black Consciousness). These tensions have remained prevalent in public policies and discourse, and in the writings of social scientists, in the post-apartheid period. In this paper I examine some ways in which issues of whether, when, and how race matters become visible in everyday interactions in South Africa, and what insights this may offer with respect to these ongoing tensions. Specifically, I employ an ethnomethodological, conversation analytic approach to examine some ways in which racial categories are treated as resources for action or constraints on action. I conclude by arguing that these findings point to the contingent and situational operation of a practical non-racialism (as well as practical racialism), and thus to the achievement of these ideologies in the moment-by-moment unfolding of interactions.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between nation-building and social policy in post-independence sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It argues that post-independence nationalist leaders used health, housing, and education programmes to foster a sense of national unity that would transcend the existing ethnic divisions created by the arbitrary drawing of state boundaries during colonization. Yet, in SSA, the neo-liberal turn of the 1980s favoured the decline of state-level integration and solidarity, which helped trigger territorial mobilization and fragmentation. As a consequence, the politics of welfare retrenchment in SSA does more than simply reduce benefits and increase inequalities; it also potentially weakens national unity.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the desertification debate in South Africa and emphasizes the methods that have been used to understand the environmental history of the semi–arid rangelands in the eastern Karoo during the last 500 years. These mixed grass/dwarf shrub rangelands, with mean annual rainfall totals typically between 300–400 mm, are described and the main driving variables discussed. A brief historical account of the European settlement of the region is also presented. The desertification debate has focussed on three main issues. Firstly, because arid and semi–arid lands appear to be heavily influenced by climate, the changing climatic regime during the Holocene and particularly during the last two hundred years has been the subject of intensive investigation. While all studies conclude that there is no evidence in the historical record to support the popular perception that rainfall totals have decreased this century, the question of changing rainfall seasonality has not been adequately explored. Although mean annual temperatures over the last 50 years have not changed there have been significant increases in mean monthly maximum temperatures and significant decreases in mean monthly minimum temperatures for some of the stations investigated. The second issue of great interest in the South African desertification literature is that of the nature of pre–colonial environments. A wide variety of archaeological, historical and ecological techniques have been used, including analyses of fossil mammal bones in owl pellets, fossil pollen in hyrax middens, notes from traveller's accounts of the region and stable carbon isotopes in soil as well as fossil mammal bones. While all authors agree that the eastern Karoo was more grassy at some stage in the past there is disagreement as to both the timing and cause of the changes to a more shrubby vegetation. The final issue of great concern to the desertification debate in South Africa concerns the rate of change during the last 100 years. Satellite imagery, matched ground and aerial photography, survey data and an analysis of historical stock records cannot agree as to whether the Karoo is degrading or not. Certainly, the classic view of an annually expanding desert margin has been replaced in recent years by a more realistic understanding of the seasonal dynamics of the vegetation. The recent trend to detailed modelling of the demographic process in key species holds much promise for our understanding of the degradation process. The vibrant community of researchers, employing a range of archaeological, historical and ecological techniques, will make important contributions to South Africa's National Action Plan to Combat Desertification.  相似文献   

David L. Roberts 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):190-207
Two Late Pleistocene hominid footprint sites are known in South Africa, one on the west coast (Langebaan) and the other on the southeast coast (Nahoon). Both trackways occur in calcareous eolianites and are dated to the Last Interglacial (~120 ka). The chief objective is to infer anatomical features of these early anatomically modern hominid footprint makers, about which little is known. At Nahoon, trackways of at least five species of vertebrates, including three hominid footprints, are preserved as casts. One footprint preserves excellent detail, appearing in all respects to be modern, but possibly with a deformity of the small toe. The impressions are shallow and suggest slight build. The stature of the footprint maker, as estimated from foot length (19.2 cm), is ~127 cm, considerably less than modern adult Khoi-San and was probably made by a juvenile. The step length is short relative to foot length, a consequence of walking uphill on a yielding substrate. The Langebaan trackway (preserved as natural impressions) comprises two intact prints and remnants of a third. Pronounced push up mounds flank the prints and preservation of toe impressions is poor. The foot length is 22.8 cm, indicating a stature of ~1.57 m. This falls within the range of modern adult Khoi-San, lending some support to the notion that Middle Stone Age people were of small stature. The depth of the prints and clumsy progression are suggestive of heavy build.  相似文献   



The COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa introduced new societal adversities and mental health threats in a country where one in three individuals are expected to develop a psychiatric condition sometime in their life. Scientists have suggested that psychosocial stress and trauma during childhood may increase one's vulnerability to the mental health consequences of future stressors—a process known as stress sensitization. This prospective analysis assessed whether childhood adversity experienced among South African children across the first 18 years of life, coinciding with the post-apartheid transition, exacerbates the mental health impacts of psychosocial stress experienced during the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (ca. 2020–2021).

Materials and Methods

Data came from 88 adults who participated in a follow-up study of a longitudinal birth cohort study in Soweto, South Africa. Childhood adversity and COVID-19 psychosocial stress were assessed as primary predictors of adult PTSD risk, and an interaction term between childhood adversity and COVID-19 stress was calculated to evaluate the potential effect of stress sensitization.


Fifty-six percent of adults exhibited moderate-to-severe PTSD symptoms. Greater childhood adversity and higher COVID-19 psychosocial stress independently predicted worse post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in adults. Adults who reported greater childhood adversity exhibited non-significantly worse PTSD symptoms from COVID-19 psychosocial stress.


These results highlight the deleterious mental health effects of both childhood trauma and COVID-19 psychosocial stress in our sample and emphasize the need for greater and more accessible mental health support as the pandemic progresses in South Africa.  相似文献   

At the end of Member 2 times, remnant mammillary-form stalactites in the roof and wall contacts show that an irregular wedge-shaped space existed from the Classic Section out to the Cone area. It was into this space that hyenas and other denning animals were able to gain access from an as yet unfilled Cone area. During the mining operations of the 1920’s, Eitzman (1958) recollects entering an impressive bone breccia resembling a charnel house. We suggest that it is most probable that the Grey Breccia corresponds to his main breccia as only the area on top of Member 2, between the dolomite walls, roof and stalagmite boss has the required volume. It also lies at the end of an incline first dug by the miners, (still in existence), and at the end of which he was able to note some of the deposits. The bone breccias at the same level at the back of the Cone suggest that other dens were created at about this time. As the roof continued to retreat upslope and more material was washed in or fell in from the surface so more sediment was winnowed into the back of the Cone. At some stage this allowed prey animals to enter the Cone area and gain access between the speleothem barrier to the area of the Classic Section. As most Australopithecine fragments came from this breccia, it seems likely that, as with Swartkrans, the hominid fragments are the result of predation. Then as sediments continued to wash into the Cone area, the Classic Section and the back of the Cone became inaccessible for denning purposes. Large speleothem remnants embedded in sediment starting part-way up the Cone shows that a roof continued to exist in this area for some time. In fact, even today, although bits of speleothems can be found in the eroded hardened surface sediments there are few, if any, dolomite blocks. We presume that they were removed along with the upper part of the infilled, cavern along with the country rock as the surface continued to erode. Although it may not be possible to reconstruct a complete strati-graphic sequence involving the whole of the site, we have presented summary of evidence here that shows it is possible to trace stratigraphic relationships from the base of the Ancient Entrance to the top of the Cone and which includes the Grey Breccia and the two other bone breccias. Present work is focussed on completion of a new chronology by comparing our site magnetostratigraphy with the global polarity timescale. The speleothem deposition today in any of the caves of the Makapansgat area, with its annual rainfall of about 700mm, is extremely low. It is commonly recognised by karst geomorphologists (eg, Ford and Williams, 1989) that massive deposits of speleothem are characteristic of humid tropical to semi-tropical karsts. Hence, at the time of their formation some 3 Ma or more ago, the massive speleothem deposits are evidence for a warmer, and certainly a much wetter, climate than that of today.  相似文献   

Craig T Symes 《Ostrich》2014,85(3):235-244
Parrots (families Psittacidae and Cacatuidae) are one of the most threatened taxa of birds, with a combination of threats to wild populations, including capture for the cage bird market, habitat modification and destruction, persecution, disease, and threats from introduced species. As a result of the group's popularity as a cage bird, and the transport of vast numbers of individuals across the globe (both legally and illegally), the establishment of populations beyond their natural ranges has likely been enhanced. This review reports on c. 30 parrot species that have been observed outside of their natural ranges in South Africa, most likely derived, and supplemented, from both intentional and unintentional releases. Of these, the Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri and at least one Agapornis species have become established as breeding wild populations. Like other invasive species they may pose threats to local biodiversity; however, all are strongly associated with major urban centres where significant changes to natural biota have already occurred.  相似文献   

The lower Mkuze River floodplain is located east of the Lebombo Mountains on the Maputaland Coastal Plain in northern KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. The vegetation ecology of the floodplain was examined using the hierarchical framework described by landscape ecology theory. The smallest spatial scale to which the vegetation of the floodplain was described was the relatively homogeneous units of plant communities. From a landscape ecology perspective this level of analysis is referred to as the grain. Six plant communities were identified using two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) classification. The distribution of these plant communities were correlated to an underlying inundation‐sedimentation gradient using the ordination technique, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). This correlation provided a useful foundation for the examination of ecological processes and phenomena at the next higher, spatially coarser level within the landscape hierarchy, namely the reference level. This reference level was described by three functional types delimited by differing flooding and sedimentation regimes. The use of landscape ecology theory guided the interpretation of results by explicitly recognizing the importance of spatial heterogeneity, hierarchical organization and dynamics, and proved invaluable in developing process‐based understanding of the vegetation ecology of the lower Mkuze River floodplain.  相似文献   

Iterative reserve selection algorithms were applied to two mammal databases, generalized to sixteenth degree grid squares, for the Transvaal region of South Africa. Based on primary point data, 24 grid squares are required to represent all species at least once, while only 13 grid squares are required when based on distribution map data; only two of these grid squares are common to both analyses. As the number of representations per species is increased from one to five, the number of selected grid squares increased to 86 and 71 or 72 respectively, with only 17 of these common to both analyses. These differences in the selection of sites are further reflected in the degree of congruence between selected grid squares and existing conservation areas which is on average 63.3% for grid squares selected from the primary database and only 42.5% for those selected from the distribution map database. These results emphasize the importance of quality data input when evaluating regional reserve networks. Highly generalized distribution map data sets, on the one hand, are extrapolations of limited data sets and contain non-quantifiable levels of false-positives which could have significant implications if used for establishing regional reserve networks. On the other hand, although there are problems associated with the establishment of primary diversity databases, namely data currency and uneven and non-random sampling (leading to false negatives), they remain our most reliable option for assigning conservation value.  相似文献   

Vismer  H.F.  Hull  P.R. 《Mycopathologia》1997,137(3):137-143
Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous fungal infection caused by the traumatic implantation of the dimorphic, pathogenic fungus, Sporothrix schenkii. It constitutes the most common subcutaneous fungal infection in the general population in South Africa. Sporotrichosis in South Africa dates back to 1914, when the disease was first diagnosed in the gold mines. Occupational and recreational circumstances of infection are well established, and the environmental requirements for contracting the disease are better understood. Sporotrichosis cases were recorded from 42 suburbs in the greater Pretoria area as well as from 23 towns outside the Pretoria municipal boundary. It occurred in 154 patients with ages ranging from less than 1 year to 90 years old, with males predominating. Females in the area seemed to be at lesser risk, mainly becoming infected through gardening injuries, insect bites or other minor injuries due to outdoor activities. Exposure to possible sources of the fungus, either from recreational or occupational activities in males, was the main determining factor in acquiring the disease. The lymphocutaneous and localized forms of the disease were most often recorded. Our study indicates that, while there is no pronounced seasonal variation, the onset of the disease seemed to be mainly in the cooler and dryer months of the year. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Natural freshwater wetlands are among the most threatened habitats on Earth. Effective wetland biodiversity conservation can not, however, be evaluated without fully understanding the roles of artificial waterbodies as refuges for water-dependent plants and animals. Waterbird assemblages were examined on 59 farm ponds in the Elgin and Caledon districts of the Western Cape, South Africa. This study examines the relationship between waterbird use and habitat characteristics of farm ponds. Patterns of temporal and spatial variation of waterbird species richness and abundance were quantified in relation to the habitat characteristics of each pond. Cluster analysis and multiple regression analyses identified surface area of the farm ponds as an important variable determining the presence and abundance of many waterbird species. Structural diversity in terms of vegetation in and around the ponds was especially important in determining their usage by waterbirds. These variables were evaluated in terms of creating a mosaic of habitat types (by varying vegetation structure and pond topography), which may be a useful way to enhance waterbird diversity at farm ponds. This study concludes that the high number of farm ponds in the transformed habitat matrix of the Western Cape plays an important role in conserving waterbirds.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of Glossina austeni Newstead and Glossina brevipalpis Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) were studied in the three main vegetation types in Zululand, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. During a period of 12 months, a trap transect consisting of 38 H-traps traversing the three vegetation types was monitored. The Index of Apparent Abundance (IAA) for G. brevipalpis was high in indigenous forest and open grassland but lower in exotic plantations. Glossina austeni, on the other hand, was captured mainly in or adjacent to indigenous forest. The seasonal trend in the IAA did not differ between vegetation types. The findings on the distribution of G. brevipalpis are in contrast with the historic records. Historically, this species was considered to be restricted to areas with a dense overhead canopy and high relative humidity. The repercussions of these findings for the epidemiology of livestock trypanosomiasis and the control of tsetse in Zululand are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species, Isolepis namaquana Muasya & J.Viljoen, is described and illustrated. It is known from two localities in Namaqualand: near Kamieskroon and at the foot of the Matsikammaberge, where it grows in ephemeral wetlands. The tufted annual species is diagnosed by floral and fruit characters including glume size, bifid stigma and colliculate nutlet surface ornamentation.  相似文献   

Basic ecological information is still lacking for many species of African vultures. The Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus is known as a rare breeding resident in north-eastern South Africa. This study set out to monitor the nests of Hooded Vultures and, secondarily, White-backed Vultures Gyps africanus in the Olifants River Private Nature Reserve over two breeding seasons in 2013 and 2014. A total of 12 Hooded Vulture nests, placed mostly in the tree Diospyros mespiliformis, were found along the Olifants River, with an average inter- nest distance of 0.76 km. Nest success was estimated to be between 0.44–0.89 offspring pair?1 y?1 in 2013 and 0.50–0.67 offspring pair?1 y?1 in 2014, which are the first estimates for Hooded Vultures in South Africa. It is thought that nests of this species have been under-reported due to the fact that they are placed within or below the canopy of densely leafed trees and hence difficult to view from aerial surveys. African White-backed Vultures also bred along the Olifants River, with nests placed in clusters of up to six. Nesting density of this species ranged from about 1.0 to 1.2 nests km?1 and nests were predominantly placed in Ficus sycomorus trees.  相似文献   

We describe a scenario of plant speciation across a relict forest archipelago in South Africa involving Pleistocene habitat expansion-contraction cycles, dispersal and adaptation to lower temperatures. This is the first population level study using molecular data in South African forests and has significant implications for conservation efforts in this area. Populations of the mesophytic forest floor herbs Streptocarpus primulifolius sensu lato and Streptocarpus rexii were sampled throughout their range in the naturally fragmented forests of eastern South Africa in order to investigate population genetic and phylogenetic patterns within the species complex, using nuclear microsatellites, nuclear ribosomal ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequences and chloroplast genome sequences. S. primulifolius harbours high levels of genetic diversity at both the nuclear (mean HE = 0.50) and the chloroplast level (each population fixed for a unique haplotype). This is consistent with populations of these coastal species being Pleistocene relicts. In contrast, populations of S. rexii in cooler habitats at higher altitudes and lower latitudes harbour little or no nuclear genetic diversity (mean HE = 0.09) and most share a common chloroplast haplotype. The split of S. rexii from populations intermediate between the two species (S. cf. primulifolius) occurred between 0 and 0.44 million years ago according to the calibrated ITS phylogeny of the taxa. The low genetic diversity and homogeneity of S. rexii is congruent with this species having reached its current range during the Holocene. We found no evidence of monophyly of any of the taxa in this study, which we consider a consequence of recent evolution in a fragmented habitat.  相似文献   

The most severe mass extinction of marine species and terrestrial vertebrates and plants is associated with the Permian-Triassic boundary (∼251 Ma). The extinction interval is also marked by the disappearance of most Late Permian gymnosperm palynomorphs at a layer containing solely the abundant remains of fungi. This ‘fungal spike’ apparently represents widespread devastation of arboreous vegetation. Stratigraphic and palynological study of the Carlton Heights section in the southern Karoo Basin of South Africa revealed a 1-m-thick fungal spike zone that occurs simultaneously with the last appearance of typically Late Permian gymnosperm pollen. The plant extinction and fungal spike zone are found above the last occurrence of Late Permian mammal-like reptiles of the Dicynodont Zone at other Karoo sections. Using the fungal event as a time line in marine and non-marine sections allows placement of the marine extinctions and the extinction of terrestrial plants and reptiles within a brief crisis interval of less than about 40?000 years at the end of the Permian.  相似文献   

Aims (1) To define the physical correlates of indigenous forest in KwaZulu-Natal province and develop a model, based on climatic parameters, to predict the potential distribution of forest subtypes in the province. (2) To explore the impact of palaeoclimatic change on forest distribution, providing an insight into the regional-scale/historical forces shaping the pattern and composition of present-day forest communities. (3) To investigate potential future shifts in forest distribution associated with projected climate change. Location KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Methods A BIOCLIM-type approach is adopted. Bioclimatic ‘profiles’ for eight different forest subtypes are defined from a series of grid overlays of current forest distribution against nineteen climatic and geographical variables, using ArcInfo GIS grid-based processing. A principal components analysis is performed on a selection of individual forests to identify those variables most significant in distinguishing different forest subtypes. Five models are developed to predict the distribution of forest subtypes from their bioclimatic profiles. Maps of the potential distribution of forest subtypes predicted by these models under current climatic conditions are produced, and model accuracy assessed. One model is applied to two palaeoclimatic scenarios, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (≈18,000 BP ) and the Holocene altithermal (≈7000 BP ), and to projected future climate under a doubling in global atmospheric carbon dioxide. Results Seven variables; altitude, mean annual temperature, annual rainfall range, potential evaporation, annual temperature range, mean annual precipitation and mean winter rainfall, are most important in distinguishing different forest subtypes. Under the most accurate model, the potential present-day distribution of all forest subtypes is more extensive than is actually observed, but is supported by recent historical evidence. During the LGM, Afromontane forest occupied a much reduced and highly fragmented area in the mid-altitude region currently occupied by scarp forest. During the Holocene altithermal, forest expanded in area, with a mixing of Afromontane and Indian Ocean coastal belt forest elements along the present-day scarp forest belt. Under projected climatic conditions, forest shifts in altitude and latitude and occupies an area similar to its current potential and more extensive than its actual current distribution. Main conclusions Biogeographical history and present physical diversity play a major role in the evolution and persistence of the diversity of forest in KwaZulu-Natal. It is important to adopt a long-term and regional perspective to forest ecology, biogeography, conservation and management. The area and altitudinal and latitudinal distribution of forest subtypes show considerable sensitivity to climate change. The isolation of forest by anthropogenic landscape change has limited its radiation potential and ability to track environmental change. Long-term forest preservation requires reserves in climatically stable areas, or spanning altitudinal or latitudinal gradients allowing for forest migration, along with innovative matrix management strategies. Dune, sand, swamp, riverine and lowland forest subtypes are most at risk. Scarp forests are highlighted as former refugia and important for the future conservation of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

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