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Wells used for drinking water often have a large biomass and a high bacterial diversity. Current technologies are not always able to reduce the bacterial population, and the threat of pathogen proliferation in drinking water sources is omnipresent. The environmental conditions that shape the microbial communities in drinking water sources have to be elucidated, so that pathogen proliferation can be foreseen. In this work, the bacterial community in nine water wells of a groundwater aquifer in Northern Mexico were characterized and correlated to environmental characteristics that might control them. Although a large variation was observed between the water samples, temperature and iron concentration were the characteristics that affected the bacterial community structure and composition in groundwater wells. Small increases in the concentration of iron in water modified the bacterial communities and promoted the growth of the iron-oxidizing bacteria Acidovorax. The abundance of the genera Flavobacterium and Duganella was correlated positively with temperature and the Acidobacteria Gp4 and Gp1, and the genus Acidovorax with iron concentrations in the well water. Large percentages of Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas bacteria were found, and this is of special concern as bacteria belonging to both genera are often biofilm developers, where pathogens survival increases.  相似文献   

Understanding microbial populations in hospital environments is crucial for improving human health. Hospital-acquired infections are an increasing problem in intensive care units (ICU). In this work we present an exploration of bacterial diversity at inanimate surfaces of the ICU wards of the University Hospital A Coruña (Spain), as an example of confined hospital environment subjected to selective pressure, taking the entrance hall of the hospital, an open and crowded environment, as reference. Surface swab samples were collected from both locations and recovered DNA used as template to amplify a hypervariable region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Sequencing of the amplicons was performed at the Roche 454 Sequencing Center using GS-FLX Titanium procedures. Reads were pre-processed and clustered into OTUs (operational taxonomic units), which were further classified. A total of 16 canonical bacterial phyla were detected in both locations. Members of the phyla Firmicutes (mainly Staphylococcus and Streptococcus) and Actinobacteria (mainly Micrococcaceae, Corynebacteriaceae and Brevibacteriaceae) were over-represented in the ICU with respect to the Hall. The phyllum Proteobacteria was also well represented in the ICU, mainly by members of the families Enterobacteriaceae, Methylobacteriaceae and Sphingomonadaceae. In the Hall sample, the phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Deinococcus-Thermus and Cyanobacteria were over-represented with respect to the ICU. Over-representation of Proteobacteria was mainly due to the high abundance of Enterobacteriaceae members. The presented results demonstrate that bacterial diversity differs at the ICU and entrance hall locations. Reduced diversity detected at ICU, relative to the entrance hall, can be explained by its confined character and by the existence of antimicrobial selective pressure. This is the first study using deep sequencing techniques made in hospital wards showing substantial hospital microbial diversity.  相似文献   

We are only beginning to understand the depth and breadth of microbial associations across the eukaryotic tree of life. Reliably assessing bacterial diversity is a key challenge, and next-generation sequencing approaches are facilitating this endeavor. In this study, we used 16S rRNA amplicon pyrosequencing to survey microbial diversity in ants. We compared 454 libraries with Sanger-sequenced clone libraries as well as cultivation of live bacteria. Pyrosequencing yielded 95,656 bacterial 16S rRNA reads from 19 samples derived from four colonies of one ant species. The most dominant bacterial orders in the microbiome of the turtle ant Cephalotes varians were Rhizobiales, Burkholderiales, Opitutales, Xanthomonadales, and Campylobacterales, as revealed through both 454 sequencing and cloning. Even after stringent quality filtering, pyrosequencing recovered 445 microbe operational taxonomic units (OTUs) not detected with traditional techniques. In comparing bacterial communities associated with specific tissues, we found that gut tissues had significantly higher diversity than nongut tissues, and many of the OTUs identified from these groups clustered within ant-specific lineages, indicating a deep coevolutionary history of Cephalotes ants and their associated microbes. These lineages likely function as nutritional symbionts. One of four ant colonies investigated was infected with a Spiroplasma sp. (order Entomoplasmatales), a potential ant pathogen. Our work shows that the microbiome associated with Cephalotes varians is dominated by a few dozen bacterial lineages and that 454 sequencing is a cost-efficient tool to screen ant symbiont diversity.  相似文献   

Here we present the use of high-throughput DNA pyrosequencing to assess bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of three Phragmites australis ecotypes from the Hexi Corridor, China. In total, 43404 sequences were obtained for the three ecotypes, representing 31 phyla and a small amount of unclassified bacteria. The predominant bacterial groups in the rhizosphere of P. australis were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes and Planctomycetes. The bacterial community structure varied with the different degrees of wetland degradation, which were exhibited by the three P. australis ecotypes in the study area. At the phylum level, the Caldiserica, Chlamydiae, Deferribacteres, Lentisphaerae, and candidate division WS3 were only detected in the swamp reed (SR) sample. Then, δ-proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Fusobacteria decreased, the Actinobacteria increased with the degree of degradation from SR through salt meadow reed (SMR) to dune reed (DR). The functional bacterial genera also varied with wetland degradation. The sulfur and sulfate-reducing, nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria were more abundant in the rhizosphere of the SR sample. Methane-oxidizing bacteria were abundant in the SR and DR samples but less so in the SMR. In our study, pyrosequencing of different P. australis ecotypes provided insight into the structural variation of the rhizosphere bacterial community. This study gave a database for the use of bacteria in the protection and ecological restoration of wetland.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the bacterial endophyte community of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cultivar/clones using two different molecular-based techniques (bacterial automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (B-ARISA) and pyrosequencing). B-ARISA profiles revealed a significant difference in the endophytic community between cultivars (perMANOVA, p < 0.001), and canonical correspondence analysis showed a significant correlation between the community structure and plant biomass (p = 0.001). Pyrosequencing detected, on average, 477 ± 71 bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs, 97% genetic similarity) residing within the roots of each cultivar, with a Chao estimated total OTU richness of 1,265 ± 313. Across all cultivars, a total of 238 known genera from 15 phyla were identified. Interestingly, five of the ten most common genera (Rheinheimera, Dyadobacter, Devosia, Pedobacter, and Pseudoxanthomonas) have not, to our knowledge, been previously reported as endophytes of potato. Like the B-ARISA analysis, the endophytic communities differed between cultivar/clones (∫-libshuff, p < 0.001) and exhibited low similarities on both a presence/absence (0.145 ± 0.019) and abundance (0.420 ± 0.081) basis. Seventeen OTUs showed a strong positive (r > 0.600) or negative (r < −0.600) correlation with plant biomass, suggesting a possible link between plant production and endophyte abundance. This study represents one of the most comprehensive assessments of the bacterial endophytic communities to date, and similar analyses in other plant species, cultivars, or tissues could be utilized to further elucidate the potential contribution(s) of endophytic communities to plant physiology and production.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in sediments obtained along the Chilean margin from areas containing methane seeps, and a hydrate mound were explored by cloning and sequencing and multitag pyrosequencing (MTPS). These libraries were statistically compared to determine the robustness of taxonomic assignment derived from multiplexed pyrosequencing strategies targeting variable regions V1 and V2 of the small subunit rRNA gene for environmental studies. There was no statistical difference in the composition of the libraries, thus, MTPS was utilized to describe diversity in three geochemical zones in these environments. Unidentified Cyanobacteria isolates were abundant in the sulfate reduction zone (SRZ), Deltaproteobacteria were concentrated at the sulfate methane transition zone (SMTZ) and Chloroflexi/GNS dominated methanogenesis zone (MGZ). Although there was variation among specific groups, communities in the SRZ and MGZ did not differ significantly. However, the community dominated by Deltaproteobacteria differentiates the SMTZ from the other zones. Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the free supplemental file.  相似文献   

It has been debated how different farming systems influence the composition of soil bacterial communities, which are crucial for maintaining soil health. In this research, we applied high-throughput pyrosequencing of V1 to V3 regions of bacterial 16S rRNA genes to gain further insight into how organic and conventional farming systems and crop rotation influence bulk soil bacterial communities. A 2×2 factorial experiment consisted of two agriculture management systems (organic versus conventional) and two crop rotations (flax-oat-fababean-wheat versus flax-alfalfa-alfalfa-wheat) was conducted at the Glenlea Long-Term Crop Rotation and Management Station, which is Canada’s oldest organic-conventional management study field. Results revealed that there is a significant difference in the composition of bacterial genera between organic and conventional management systems but crop rotation was not a discriminator factor. Organic farming was associated with higher relative abundance of Proteobacteria, while Actinobacteria and Chloroflexi were more abundant in conventional farming. The dominant genera including Blastococcus, Microlunatus, Pseudonocardia, Solirubrobacter, Brevundimonas, Pseudomonas, and Stenotrophomonas exhibited significant variation between the organic and conventional farming systems. The relative abundance of bacterial communities at the phylum and class level was correlated to soil pH rather than other edaphic properties. In addition, it was found that Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were more sensitive to pH variation.  相似文献   

Soil contamination with heavy metals is a widespread problem, especially prominent on grounds lying in the vicinity of mines, smelters, and other industrial facilities. Many such areas are located in Southern Poland; they are polluted mainly with Pb, Zn, Cd, or Cu, and locally also with Cr. As for now, little is known about most bacterial species thriving in such soils and even less about a core bacterial community—a set of taxa common to polluted soils. Therefore, we wanted to answer the question if such a set could be found in samples differing physicochemically and phytosociologically. To answer the question, we analyzed bacterial communities in three soil samples contaminated with Pb and Zn and two contaminated with Cr and lower levels of Pb and Zn. The communities were assessed with 16S rRNA gene fragments pyrosequencing. It was found that the samples differed significantly and Zn decreased both diversity and species richness at species and family levels, while plant species richness did not correlate with bacterial diversity. In spite of the differences between the samples, they shared many operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and it was possible to delineate the core microbiome of our sample set. The core set of OTUs comprised members of such taxa as Sphingomonas, Candidatus Solibacter, or Flexibacter showing that particular genera might be shared among sites ~40 km distant.  相似文献   

Microbial associations with corals are common and are most likely symbiotic, although their diversity and relationships with environmental factors and host species remain unclear. In this study, we adopted a 16S rRNA gene tag-pyrosequencing technique to investigate the bacterial communities associated with three stony Scleractinea and two soft Octocorallia corals from three locations in the Red Sea. Our results revealed highly diverse bacterial communities in the Red Sea corals, with more than 600 ribotypes detected and up to 1,000 species estimated from a single coral species. Altogether, 21 bacterial phyla were recovered from the corals, of which Gammaproteobacteria was the most dominant group, and Chloroflexi, Chlamydiae, and the candidate phylum WS3 were reported in corals for the first time. The associated bacterial communities varied greatly with location, where environmental conditions differed significantly. Corals from disturbed areas appeared to share more similar bacterial communities, but larger variations in community structures were observed between different coral species from pristine waters. Ordination methods identified salinity and depth as the most influential parameters affecting the abundance of Vibrio, Pseudoalteromonas, Serratia, Stenotrophomonas, Pseudomonas, and Achromobacter in the corals. On the other hand, bacteria such as Chloracidobacterium and Endozoicomonas were more sensitive to the coral species, suggesting that the host species type may be influential in the associated bacterial community, as well. The combined influences of the coral host and environmental factors on the associated microbial communities are discussed. This study represents the first comparative study using tag-pyrosequencing technology to investigate the bacterial communities in Red Sea corals.  相似文献   

The Southern Andean Yungas in Northwest Argentina constitute one of the main biodiversity hotspots in the world. Considerable changes in land use have taken place in this ecoregion, predominantly related to forest conversion to croplands, inducing losses in above-ground biodiversity and with potential impact on soil microbial communities. In this study, we used high-throughput pyrosequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA gene to assess whether land-use change and time under agriculture affect the composition and diversity of soil bacterial communities. We selected two areas dedicated to sugarcane and soybean production, comprising both short- and long-term agricultural sites, and used the adjacent native forest soils as a reference. Land-use change altered the composition of bacterial communities, with differences between productive areas despite the similarities between both forests. At the phylum level, only Verrucomicrobia and Firmicutes changed in abundance after deforestation for sugarcane and soybean cropping, respectively. In cultivated soils, Verrucomicrobia decreased sharply (~80%), while Firmicutes were more abundant. Despite the fact that local diversity was increased in sugarcane systems and was not altered by soybean cropping, phylogenetic beta diversity declined along both chronosequences, evidencing a homogenization of soil bacterial communities over time. In spite of the detected alteration in composition and diversity, we found a core microbiome resistant to the disturbances caused by the conversion of forests to cultivated lands and few or none exclusive OTUs for each land-use type. The overall changes in the relative abundance of copiotrophic and oligotrophic taxa may have an impact in soil ecosystem functionality. However, communities with many taxa in common may also share many functional attributes, allowing to maintain at least some soil ecosystem services after forest conversion to croplands.  相似文献   

Zhenjiang Yao meat is a traditional variety of cooked marinated and jellied pork food in China. It is usually stored refrigerated to prevent gelatine liquefaction. Our understanding of the bacterial populations found in Zhenjiang Yao meat is limited. This study was designed to explore both the bacterial diversity and the main bacterial flora of Zhenjiang Yao meat using pyrosequencing of tagged amplicons from the V3 and V9 regions of the 16S rRNA gene. A total of 53,363 bacterial sequences from five samples and an average 10,672 reads of each sample were acquired and used in the analysis of microbial diversity. The bacterial diversity was observed to increase weekly, and the main bacterial flora changed significantly under refrigerated vacuum-packaged storage. The predominant bacteria were Vibrio during the first 7 days of storage, whereas Shewanella, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Yersinia, and other Enterobacteriaceae members were the main groups after 15 days in refrigerated storage. The bacterial population changed significantly after 15 days, and the bacterial communities in the 30 days sample were significantly different from all other samples. In comparison with culture-dependant method, pyrosequencing provides a more comprehensive estimate of bacterial diversity and more close to the real bacterial composition in Zhenjiang Yao meat.  相似文献   

We report on a silicon wafer-based device that can be used for recording macroscopic ion channel protein activities across a diverse group of cell-types. Gigaohm seals were achieved for CHO-K1 and RIN m5F cells, and both cell-attached and whole-cell mode configurations were also demonstrated. Two distinct intrinsic potassium ion channels were recorded in whole-cell mode for HIT-T15 and RAW 264.7 cells. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidics were also coupled with the micromachined silicon chips in order to demonstrate that a single cell could be selectively directed to a micropore, and membrane protein currents could subsequently be recorded. These silicon chip-based devices have significant advantages over traditional micropipette approaches, and may serve as combinatorial tools for investigating membrane biophysics, pharmaceutical screening, and other bio-sensing tasks.  相似文献   

Residual microorganisms and/or re-infections are a major cause for root canal therapy failure. Understanding of the bacterial content could improve treatment protocols. Fifty samples from 25 symptomatic and 25 asymptomatic previously root-filled teeth were collected from Sudanese patients with periradicular lesions. Amplified 16S rRNA gene (V1-V2) variable regions were subjected to pyrosequencing (FLX 454) to determine the bacterial profile. Obtained quality-controlled sequences from forty samples were classified into 741 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) at 3% dissimilarity, 525 at 5% dissimilarity and 297 at 10% dissimilarity, approximately corresponding to species-, genus- and class levels. The most abundant phyla were: Firmicutes (29.9%), Proteobacteria (26.1%), Actinobacteria (22.72%), Bacteroidetes (13.31%) and Fusobacteria (4.55%). Symptomatic patients had more Firmicutes and Fusobacteria than asymptomatic patients, while asymptomatic patients showed more Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. Interaction of disease status and age was observed by two-way ANOSIM. Canonical correspondence analysis for age, tooth restoration and disease status showed a correlation of disease status with the composition and prevalence of different members of the microbial community. The pyrosequencing analysis revealed a distinctly higher diversity of the microbiota compared to earlier reports. The comparison of symptomatic and asymptomatic patients showed a clear association of the composition of the bacterial community with the presence and absence of symptoms in conjunction with the patients’ age.  相似文献   

Multiplex Pyrosequencing   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We describe here the development of a new and simple single-tube multiplex Pyrosequencing assay. Genomic DNA or cDNA was employed to PCR amplify region(s) using biotinylated and normal primer(s). Subsequent to capture of PCR products on streptavidin-coated beads, single-stranded DNA separation and hybridization of multiple sequencing primers, Pyrosequencing was performed. The obtained pyrogram resulted in a unique pattern in which the intensity of the signal determined the number of incorporated nucleotide(s). Here, we demonstrate the use of this multiplex Pyrosequencing for single nucleotide polymorphisms genotyping and microbial typing.  相似文献   

陈之遥  ;周国华 《生物磁学》2008,(8):1573-1576
焦测序技术是一种实时DNA测序技术。它在DNA聚合酶、三磷酸腺苷硫酸化酶、荧光素酶和三磷酸腺苷双磷酸酶4种酶的协同作用下,将焦磷酸转化为等量的荧光信号,通过荧光信号的高低实时检测待测序列,操作简便,可实现高通量、自动化测定,检测不需要电泳,不需要对样品标记和染色,结果准确可靠重复性好。本文综述了焦测序技术的基本原理、历史及其在测序模板制备技术、反应体系和检测仪器三个方面的最新进展,并重点介绍制备单链的Late-PCR技术、高灵敏度反应体系的获得以及454公司超高通量测序技术,并对焦测序技术的发展做了展望。  相似文献   

A2O process is a sequential wastewater treatment process that uses anaerobic, anoxic, and oxic chambers for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. In this study, the bacterial communities among these chambers were compared, and the diversity of the bacteria involved in nitrogen and phosphorus removal was surveyed. A pilot-scale A2O process (50 m3 day?1) was operated for more than 6 months, and bacterial 16S rRNA gene diversity was analyzed using pyrosequencing. A total of 7,447 bacterial sequence reads were obtained from anaerobic (1,546), anoxic (2,158), and oxic (3,743) chambers. Even though there were differences in the atmospheric condition and functionality, no prominent differences could be found in the bacterial community of the three chambers of the pilot A2O process. All sequence reads, which were taxonomically analyzed using the Eztaxon-e database, were assigned into 638 approved or tentative genera. Among them, about 72.2 % of the taxa were contained in the phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Phosphate-accumulating bacteria, Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis, and two other Accumulibacter were found to constitute 3.1 % of the identified genera. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, Nitrosomonas oligotropha, and four other phylotypes in the same family, Nitrosomonadaceae, constituted 0.2 and 0.9 %, respectively. Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, Nitrospira defluvii, and other three phylotypes in the same family, Nitrospiraceae, constituted 2.5 and 0.1 %, respectively. In addition, Dokdonella and a phylotype of the phylum Chloroflexi, function in nitrogen and/or phosphate removal of which have not been reported in the A2O process, constituted the first and third composition among genera at 4.3 and 3.8 %, respectively.  相似文献   

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