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The stability of liposomes coated with S-layer proteins from Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus kefir was analyzed as a previous stage to the development of a vaccine vehicle for oral administration. The interactions of the different S-layer proteins with positively charged liposomes prepared with soybean lecithin or dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine were studied by means of the variation of the Z potential at different protein-lipid ratios, showing that both proteins were able to attach in a greater extent to the surface of soybean lecithin liposomes. The capacity of these particles to retain carboxyfluorescein or calcein by exposure to bile salts, pancreatic extract, pH change and after a thermal shock showed that both S-layer proteins increased the stability of the liposomes in the same magnitude. The non-glycosylated protein from L. brevis protects more efficiently the liposomes at pH 7 than those from L. kefir even without treatment with glutaraldehyde.  相似文献   

【目的】对嗜酸乳杆菌的S-层蛋白(S-layer protein)进行提纯,研究嗜酸乳酸杆菌和S-层蛋白对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌黏附和入侵的拮抗作用。【方法】应用阴离子交换柱(DE52)对嗜酸乳酸杆菌的S-层蛋白进行提纯,然后分别研究了嗜酸乳酸杆菌和S-层蛋白对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌黏附及入侵Caco-2细胞的作用。【结果】S-层蛋白能显著地抑制鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的黏附及入侵;在竞争、排斥、置换3种黏附试验中,S-层蛋白可显著降低鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的黏附,其相对黏附力分别为1.17%±5.97%、8.71%±1.36%、10.56%±0.92%,差异极显著(p0.01),其中竞争试验效果最好;并且S-层蛋白对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌黏附抑制作用极显著高于嗜酸乳酸杆菌(p0.01);此外,S-层蛋白也能显著抑制鼠伤寒沙门氏菌入侵。【结论】乳酸杆菌S-层蛋白对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌可产生显著的拮抗作用,这可能与S-层蛋白和鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的宿主黏附受体存在竞争作用有关;提示乳酸杆菌S-层蛋白可用于预防和治疗鼠伤寒沙门氏菌感染,并有望成为抗生素的替代品。  相似文献   

Although liposomes have proven useful for the delivery of drugs and gene therapy vectors, their potencies are often compromised by poor unloading following uptake into their target cells. We have consequently explored the properties of a novel 29-residue amphipathic peptide that was designed by arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues to disrupt liposomes at lower peptide concentrations than previously tested peptides. The peptide was indeed found to promote pH-dependent liposome unloading with improved efficiency. A peptide of the same sequence, but half the length, however, promoted pH-dependent permeabilization only at much higher concentrations. Further characterization of the longer peptide revealed that release of liposome contents (i) occurred at a pH of ∼6, (ii) became less efficient as the size of the encapsulated cargo increased, and (iii) was moderately suppressed in cholesterol-containing liposomes. Use of this peptide to enhance the cytotoxicity of cytosine arabinoside encapsulated in folate-targeted liposomes demonstrated an increase in drug potency of ∼30-fold. Gene expression by a serum-stable folate-targeted liposomal vector was also measurably enhanced by inclusion of the peptide. We conclude that intracellular unloading of liposomal contents can be significantly improved by co-encapsulation of an optimally designed, pH-sensitive peptide.  相似文献   

In order to explore the function of heat shock proteins during thermal stress in rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae, four heat shock protein genes were cloned and characterized. These heat shock protein genes (hsps) were named as Sohsp70–1, Sohsp70–2, Sohsc70, and Sohsp90, respectively. These hsps showed high sequence conservation with the maximum identity with hsps of Tribolium castaneum and other insects. All the four genes showed the highest mRNA expression in pupal stage and the lowest levels in larval stage. The induced expression of the two Sohsp70s (Sohsp70–1 and Sohsp70–2) were reached to the highest levels (15.59-fold and 12.66-fold) after 2?h of incubation at 37?°C, respectively. Expression of Sohsp90 not only was significantly elevated by heat stress but also by cold stress. Whereas, expression level of Sohsc70 was not induced either by heat or cold stress. Furthermore, for rapid heat hardening, the expression levels of Sohsp70–1, Sohsp70–2, Sohsc70 and Sohsp90 were observed as 2.57, 2.53, 3.33 and 2.33-fold higher than control, respectively; for rapid cold hardening, the expression levels of Sohsp70–1, Sohsp70–2, Sohsc70 and Sohsp90 were reported as 2.27, 3.02, 3.37 and 2.23-fold higher than control, respectively. Hence, our results revealed that the four Sohsps were associated with temperature adaption under rapid heat or cold hardening.  相似文献   

Hirudin is a 65-amino acid peptide and the most potent and specific known inhibitor of thrombin (Ki=0.2 pM). The short elimination half-life of hirudin from the body (1 hour) necessitates the use of a sustained and controlled delivery system. A proliposome method was used to entrap hirudin in liposomes coated with palmitoyl dextran-coated liposomes and lipid-assemblies. In vitro release studies of hirudin were performed using the lipid systems enclosed in dialysis membranes or deposited in the pores of a vascular graft. The activity of hirudin and released hirudin was measured using a thrombin chromogenic substrate assay.  相似文献   

Temperature and pH effects were studied for stability, structural organization, fluidity and permeability of vesicles from a polar lipid methanol fraction isolated from the Aeropyrum pernix. We determined the permeability of C25,25 liposomes using fluorescence intensity of released calcein. At pH 7.0 and 9.0, and from 85 °C to 98 °C, only 10% of entrapped calcein was released. After 10 h at 90 °C, calcein release reached 27%, independent of pH. Fluorescence anisotropy measurements of hydrophobic probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene revealed gradual changes up to 60 °C. At higher temperatures, the anisotropy did not change significantly. Fluorescence alone did not provide detailed and direct structural information about these C25,25 liposomes, so we used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). From EPR spectra, mean membrane fluidity determined according to maximal hyperfine splitting and empirical correlation times showed continuous increases with temperature. Computer simulation of EPR spectra showed heterogeneous membranes of these C25,25 liposomes: at low temperatures, they showed three types of membrane regions characterized by different motional modes. Above 65 °C, the membrane becomes homogeneous with only one fluid-like region. DSC thermograms of C25,25 liposomes reveal a very broad and endothermic transition in the temperature range from 0 °C to 40 °C.  相似文献   

Five genes coding for ice-active proteins were identified from an expressed sequence tag database of Lolium perenne cDNA libraries. Each of the five genes were characterized by the presence of an N-terminal signal peptide, a region enriched in hydrophilic amino acids and a leucine-rich region in four of the five genes that is homologous with the receptor domain of receptor-like protein kinases of plants. The C-terminal region of all five genes contains sequence homologous with Lolium and Triticum ice-active proteins. Of the four ice-active proteins (IAP1, IAP2, IAP3 and IAP5) cloned, three could be expressed in Escherichia coli and recovered in a functional form in order to study their ice activity. All three ice-active proteins had recrystallization inhibition activity but showed no detectable antifreeze or ice nucleation activity at the concentration tested. IAP2 and IAP5 formed distinct hexagonal-shaped crystals in the nanolitre osmometer as compared to the weakly hexagonal crystals produced by IAP3.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein hsp27 is a molecular chaperone and identification of hsp27-binding proteins might help to elucidate its functional role in keratinocyte biology. In the present investigation we used a human epidermal cell carcinoma cell line (A431) transfected with hsp27 (A431/16) to study interference between hsp27 protein and other proteins. Immunoprecipitation experiments with anti-hsp27 antibody revealed a multicomponent complex when analysed by silver staining. By immunoblotting analysis we could demonstrate that hsp27 associates with actin, the mutant form of p53, hsp70 and hsp90. Immunofluorescence analysis showed a co-localization between hsp27 and p53, hsp70 and hsp90. To control for the specificity of the observed interactions, immuno-precipitations with antibodies to actin, p53, hsp70 and hsp90 respectively, were performed. All of the tested proteins demonstrated a coimmunoprecipitation with hsp27. We conclude that hsp27, like the other heat shock proteins, is part of a complex system of molecular chaperones in epidermal keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is a highly dynamic organelle which frequently undergoes morphological changes in certain normal physiological processes or in response to stress. The mechanisms are largely not known. We have found that heat shock of Panc1 cells expressing core 2 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-M (Panc1-C2GnT-M) induces Golgi disorganization by increasing non-muscle myosin IIA (NMIIA)–C2GnT-M complexes and polyubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of C2GnT-M. These effects are prevented by inhibition or knockdown of NMIIA. Also, the speed of Golgi fragmentation induced by heat shock is found to be positively correlated with the levels of C2GnT-M in the Golgi. The results are reproduced in LNCaP cells expressing high levels of two endogenous glycosyltransferases—core 2 N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-L:1 and β-galactoside:α2-3 sialyltransferase 1. Further, during recovery after heat shock, Golgi reassembly as monitored by a Golgi matrix protein giantin precedes the return of C2GnT-M to the Golgi. The results are consistent with the roles of giantin as a building block of the Golgi architecture and a docking site for transport vesicles carrying glycosyltransferases. In addition, inhibition/depletion of HSP70 or HSP90 in Panc1-C2GnT-M cells also causes an increase of NMIIA–C2GnT-M complexes and NMIIA-mediated Golgi fragmentation but results in accumulation or degradation of C2GnT-M, respectively. These results can be explained by the known functions of these two HSP: participation of HSP90 in protein folding and HSP70 in protein folding and degradation. We conclude that NMIIA is the master regulator of Golgi fragmentation induced by heat shock or inhibition/depletion of HSP70/90.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests a critical role for oxidative and nitrosative stress in the pathogenesis of most important neurodegenerative disorders. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by a severe depletion in number of dopaminergic cells of the substantia nigra (SN). Administration of L-DOPA (LD) is the more effective treatment for patients with PD. However, the vast majority of patients suffer LD-related complications, which represent the major problem in the clinical management of PD. In the present study, LD administration to rats resulted in a significant dose-dependent increase in Hsp70 synthesis which was specific for the SN. The amount of 70 kDa protein increased after 6 h treatment reaching the maximal induction after 24-48 h. Induction of Hsp70 in the SN was associated with a significant increase in constitutive Hsc70 and mitochondrial Hsp60 stress proteins, and with increased expression of mitochondrial complex I whereas no significant changes were found in the activity of complex IV. In the same experimental conditions, a significant decrease in reduced glutathione was observed, which was associated with an increased content of oxidized glutathione content as well as nitric oxide (NO) synthase activity, NO metabolites and nitrotyrosine immunoreactivity. Interestingly, Hsp70 induction, iNOS up-regulation and nitrotyrosine formation have been confirmed also in SN and striatum of rats treated with LD and carbidopa, this latter being an inhibitor of the peripheral DOPA decarboxylase. Our data are in favor of the importance of the heat shock signal pathway as a basic mechanism of defense against neurotoxicity elicited by free radical oxygen and nitrogen species produced in aging and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptors (AChR) are associated with several peripheral membrane proteins that are concentrated on the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane at the neuromuscular junction, and at aggregates of AChR that form in vitro. We tested the linkage among these proteins by inducing microaggregation of AChR, then determining if a given peripheral membrane protein accumulated with the receptors in microaggregates. In most experiments, we used isolated membrane fragments that are rich in AChR and accessible to antibodies against intracellular antigens. We showed that the 43 kD receptor-associated protein always aggregated with AChR, whether microaggregation was driven by antibodies to the 43 kD protein, or to the receptor itself. Antibodies to the 58 kD receptor-associated protein also always aggregated the 58 kD protein with the receptor. Our results are consistent with a model for AChR-rich membrane in which the 43 kD and 58 kD proteins are both closely associated with the AChR.When we induced microaggregation in intact muscle cells with anti-AChR antibodies, our results were less definitive. The 43 kD receptor-associated protein microaggregated with AChR, but the 58 kD protein was not especially enriched at AChR microaggregates. We discuss the advantages of using isolated AChR-rich membrane fragments to study the association of AChR with peripheral membrane proteins.We thank J. Strong for his expertise in obtaining the data for Figs. 6–8, and W. Resneck, A. O'Neill, and K. Douville for their assistance throughout this work. Our research has been supported by grants from the Muscular Dystrophy Association (to R.J.B., R.S., D.W.P. and S.C.F.) and from the National Institutes of Health (NS17282 to R.J.B.; NS27171 to P.W.L.; NS15513 to D.W.P.; NS15293 to R.S.; NS14871 to S.C.F.).  相似文献   

Omics research has indicated that heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) is a potential biomarker of meat quality. However, the specific changes and the potential role of HSP70 in postmortem meat quality development need to be further defined. In this study, Arbor Acres broiler chickens (n=126) were randomly categorized into three treatment groups of unstressed control (C), 0.5-h transport (T) and subsequent water shower spray following transport (T/W). Each treatment consisted of six replicates with seven birds each. The birds were transported according to a designed protocol. The pectoralis major (PM) muscles of the transport-stressed broilers were categorized as normal and pale, soft and exudative (PSE)-like muscle samples according to L* and pH24 h values to test the expression and location of HSP70. Results revealed that the activities of plasma creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase increased significantly (P<0.05) in normal and PSE-like muscle samples after transportation. The mRNA expression of HSP70 in normal muscle samples increased significantly (P<0.05) compared with that in the controls after stress. The protein expression of HSP70 increased significantly in normal muscle samples and decreased significantly (P<0.05) in PSE-like muscles. Immuno-fluorescence showed that HSP70 was present in the cytoplasm and on surface membranes of PM muscle cells in the normal samples following stress. Meanwhile, HSP70 was present on the surface membranes and extracellular matrix but was barely visible in the cytoplasm of the PSE-like samples. Principal component analysis showed high correlations between HSP70 and meat quality and stress indicators. In conclusion, this research suggests that the variation in HSP70 expression may provide a novel insight into the pathways underlying meat quality development.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence and derived amino acid sequence were determined for a full-length version of the tomato cDNA clone, pTOM75, the mRNA for which has previously been shown to accumulate in roots, ripening fruit and senescing leaves. Computer analysis of the predicted protein product, which we have named tomato ripening-associated membrane protein (TRAMP) indicates strong homology to known transmembrane channel proteins from other organisms. Northern analysis showed that this gene was induced by waterstress and that this induction was unaffected in an ABA-deficient genetic back-ground.  相似文献   

The investigation of the effect of acid pH on the structure of beta-globulin indicated several transitions as a function of pH. Upon reducing the pH from 7.0, the beta-globulin molecule underwent an expansion due to hydration up to pH 5.0, and a further increase in H+ concentration resulted in unfolding. This is a single step cooperative denaturation as indicated by the viscosity profile. At extreme acid pH values (below pH 2.0) the protein associates or folds to a different conformational motif as shown by blue shift of ultraviolet fluorescence emission maximum and decrease in reduced viscosity values by more than 30% due to an entropically driven hydrophobic interaction. The conformational analysis of beta-globulin showed a decrease up to pH 3.0, followed by an increase in the ordered structure at low pH values indicating that the low pH values stabilized this new conformation. These results are discussed in view of the molten globule structure of proteins.  相似文献   

Two cDNAs, encoding the stress-inducible 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) and the constitutively expressed 70-kDa heat shock cognate protein (Hsc70), were isolated from grass carp. The Hsp70 and Hsc70 cDNAs were 2250 bp and 2449 bp in length and contained 1932 bp and 1953 bp open reading frames, respectively. Tissue distribution results showed that Hsp70/Hsc70 was highly expressed in gill, kidney, head kidney and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs). Using grass carp PBLs as a cell model, effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the mRNA and protein levels of Hsp70/Hsc70 were examined. In this case, LPS increased the mRNA expression of Hsp70 in a time- and dose-dependent manner, but had no effect on Hsc70 mRNA expression. In agreement with this, LPS elevated the intracellular Hsp70 markedly, but not the Hsc70 protein levels in parallel experiments. Furthermore, Hsp70 protein was also detected in culture medium. Moreover, inhibition of LPS on Hsp70 release in a time-dependent manner was observed, indicating that there may be a dynamic balance between Hsp70 stores and Hsp70 release in grass carp PBLs following exposure to LPS. Taken together, these results not only shed new insights into the different regulations of LPS on Hsp70/Hsc70 gene expression, protein synthesis and release, but also provide a basis for further study on the functional role of Hsp70 in fish immune response.  相似文献   

Rice is the staple food for more than fifty percent of the world's population, and is therefore an important crop. However, its production is hindered by several biotic and abiotic stresses. Although rice is the only crop that can germinate even in the complete absence of oxygen (i.e. anoxia), flooding (low oxygen) is one of the major causes of reduced rice production. Rice germination under anoxia is characterized by the elongation of the coleoptile, but leaf growth is hampered. In this work, a comparative proteomic approach was used to detect and identify differentially expressed proteins in the anoxic rice coleoptile compared to the aerobic coleoptile. Thirty-one spots were successfully identified by MALDI-TOF MS analysis. The majority of the identified proteins were related to stress responses and redox metabolism. The expression levels of twenty-three proteins and their respective mRNAs were analyzed in a time course experiment.  相似文献   

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