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The genetic determinant for production of the adhesive antigen F41 was isolated from a porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strain by cosmid cloning. The cloned DNA included sequences homologous to those of hybridization probes prepared from the K88 adhesive antigen operon. Transposon insertions which inactivated F41 production mapped to the same region of DNA showing homology with the K88 genes, demonstrating the genetic relatedness of F41 and K88. Hybridization of a K88 gene probe to plasmid and total DNA from the porcine E. coli isolate from which the F41 gene was cloned indicated that F41 is chromosomally encoded by this strain. This observation was extended to other F41-producing animal isolates. A large number of animal E. coli isolates were examined with K88, F41, and K99 gene probes and for mannose-resistant hemagglutination of human group O erythrocytes and K88 and F41 antigen production. All K88 and F41 antigen producers possessed genetic homology with the K88 and F41 gene probes. Most, but not all, F41-producing strains possessed homology to the K99 gene probe, reflecting the previously observed association of F41 and K99 antigen production. In the strains examined, homology with the K99 gene probe was plasmid associated, whereas homology with the F41 gene probe was chromosomal. The K88 antigen-producing strains showed no homology with the K99 probe. A number of strains possessed homology with the K88 and F41 gene probes and were mannose-resistant hemagglutination positive, but did not produce K88 or F41 antigens. This suggests that there are adhesins among animal isolates of E. coli which are genetically related to but antigenically distinct from K88 and F41.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is known as a worldwide cause of diarrheal disease. The pathogenesis involves the attachment of the microorganisms to the mucosa and the production of enterotoxins. Surface expression of CS31A fimbriae was assessed by Western blots, dot blots, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy using negative staining and immunogold labeling. These investigations revealed significant differences in both the morphology of the wild-type and recombinant strains and the antigen exposure of CS31A in the wild-type and recombinant strains. In the wild-type ETEC strain, expression of CS31A was subject to phase variation. The recombinant E. coli strain produced CS31A but was prone to epitope shedding. In Vibrio cholerae vaccine strain CVD 103-HgR, the recombinant CS31A antigen was expressed but was only found intracellularly. Thus, E. coli strains seem to lend themselves better to the development of recombinant vaccines expressing ETEC-specific antigens at the cell's surface than strains from other orders or genera such as V. cholerae.  相似文献   

The rkp-3 region is indispensable for capsular polysaccharide (K antigen) synthesis in Sinorhizobium meliloti Rm41. Strain Rm41 produces a K antigen of strain-specific structure, designated as the KR5 antigen. The data in this report show that the rkp-3 gene region comprises 10 open reading frames involved in bacterial polysaccharide synthesis and export. The predicted amino acid sequences for the rkpL-Q gene products are homologous to enzymes involved in the production of specific sugar moieties, while the putative products of the rkpRST genes show a high degree of similarity to proteins required for transporting polysaccharides to the cell surface. Southern analysis experiments using gene-specific probes suggest that genes involved in the synthesis of the precursor sugars are unique in strain Rm41, whereas sequences coding for export proteins are widely distributed among Sinorhizobium species. Mutations in the rkpL-Q genes result in a modified K antigen pattern and impaired symbiotic capabilities. On this basis, we suggest that these genes are required for the production of the KR5 antigen that is necessary for S. meliloti Rm41 exoB (AK631)-alfalfa (Medicago sativa) symbiosis.  相似文献   

M Toba  H Masaki    T Ohta 《Journal of bacteriology》1988,170(7):3237-3242
Colicin E8-J and its immunity protein were characterized with regard to their activities and gene structures. Colicin E8 is a complex of proteins A and B; protein A (the naked E8) exhibits an apparently nonspecific DNase activity that is inhibited by protein B (the immunity protein), as in the case of colicin E2. The nucleotide sequence of the downstream half of the colicin operon of ColE8-J was determined to be highly homologous to that of ColE2-P9, with the exception of the hot spot region of the 3'-terminal segment of the colicin gene and the adjacent immunity gene. The immE2-like gene of ColE3-CA38 was, as assumed previously, extensively homologous to the immE8 gene of ColE8-J, and thus, ColE8-J was shown to be situated between ColE2-P9 and ColE3-CA38 in the evolution of the E-group Col plasmids.  相似文献   

Bovine and porcine enterotoxigenic and non-enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from France, Canada, and India were characterized with respect to serogroup and production of fimbrial antigens CS31A and F165. Of 231 bovine isolates from the 3 countries, 20.5% produced CS31A alone, 17.7% produced F165 alone, and 17.3% produced both CS31A and F165. On the other hand, of 84 porcine isolates from Canada, 1.2% produced CS31A alone, 14.3% produced F165 alone, and no isolate produced both CS31A and F165. CS31A was found together with F5 (K99) in 7 of 16 bovine enterotoxigenic E. coli isolates of serogroups 08, 09, 020, and 023, but was not found in any of 20 F4 (K88)- or 5 F6 (987P)-positive porcine enterotoxigenic E. coli isolates. F165 was not found in enterotoxigenic E. coli. Among non-enterotoxigenic isolates, CS31A and F165 were mainly associated with serogroups 08, 09, 011, 015, 017, 023, 025, 078, 0101, 0115, 0117, 0141, and 0153.  相似文献   

Ferredoxins are ubiquitous proteins with electron transfer activity involved in a variety of biological processes. In this work, we investigated the characteristics and function of Fdx1 from Sorangium cellulosum So ce56 by using a combination of bioinformatics and of biochemical/biophysical approaches. We were able to experimentally confirm a role of Fdx1 in the iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis by in vitro reduction studies with cluster-loaded So ce56 IscU and by transfer studies of the cluster from the latter protein to apo-aconitase A. Moreover, we found that Fdx1 can replace mammalian adrenodoxin in supporting the activity of bovine CYP11A1. This makes S. cellulosum Fdx1 the first prokaryotic ferredoxin reported to functionally interact with this mammalian enzyme. Although the interaction with CYP11A1 is non-physiological, this is—to the best of our knowledge—the first study to experimentally prove the activity of a postulated ISC-type ferredoxin in both the ISC assembly and a cytochrome P450 system. This proves that a single ferredoxin can be structurally able to provide electrons to both cytochromes P450 and IscU and thus support different biochemical processes. Combining this finding with phylogenetic and evolutionary trace analyses led us to propose the evolution of eukaryotic mitochondrial P450-type ferredoxins and ISC-type ferredoxins from a common prokaryotic ISC-type ancestor.  相似文献   

Previously, two B-cell epitopes from the entero-pathogenic transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), namely the C epitope (TGEV-C) amino acids (aa) 363–371 and the A epitope (TGEV-A) aa 522–531 of the spike S protein (TGEV-S), have been separately expressed on the CS31A fibrillae at the surface of Escherichia coli following insertion into a same region of ClpG. However, the resulting chimeras induced a marginal TGEV-neutralizing antibody (Ab) response in mice. Here, with the view to improving this response, we introduced TGEV-C alone or in different tandem association with TGEV-A (A::C or C::A) in twelve putatively exposed regions of ClpG. Among the 28 resulting engineered proteins only 15, carrying up to 51 extra aa, had not essentially disturbed the correct CS31A fibrillae formation process. Six partially permissive sites accepting only TGEV-C and three highly permissive sites tolerating A::C or C::A tandem peptide, were identified throughout ClpG. Intact bacteria or extracted CS31A hybrid fibrillae expressing TGEV epitopes at any of the permissive sites, were recognized by Ab directed against the foreign parent protein, providing a direct argument for exposure of the corresponding ClpG region at the cell surface and for antigenicity of the epitopes in the polymeric CS31A fibrillae context. The potential of CS31A fibrillae as carriers of the TGEV peptides indicates that there may be three positions (N terminus, aa 202–204 and 202–218) in ClpG which may turn out to be important fusion sites and therefore be relevant for the eventual design of TGEV vaccines. Unexpectedly, TGEV-A, whatever its position in ClpG, mediated the partial proteolytic degradation of the hybrid proteins, suggesting that it functions as a substrate for a cellular protease, and thereby that its suitability as a vaccine antigen candidate is doubtful.  相似文献   

Carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS) catalyzes the first committed step in pyrimidine biosynthesis, arginine biosynthesis, or the urea cycle. Organisms may contain either one generalized or two specific CPS enzymes, and these enzymes may be heterodimeric (encoded by linked or unlinked genes), monomeric, or part of a multifunctional protein. In order to help elucidate the evolution of CPS, we have performed a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis using the 21 available complete CPS sequences, including a sequence from Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 which we report in this paper. This is the first report of a complete CPS gene sequence from an archaeon, and sequence analysis suggests that it encodes an enzyme similar to heterodimeric CPSII. We confirm that internal similarity within the synthetase domain of CPS is the result of an ancient gene duplication that preceded the divergence of the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, and use this internal duplication in phylogenetic tree construction to root the tree of life. Our analysis indicates with high confidence that this archaeal sequence is more closely related to those of Eukarya than to those of Bacteria. In addition to this ancient duplication which created the synthetase domain, our phylogenetic analysis reveals a complex history of further gene duplications, fusions, and other events which have played an integral part in the evolution of CPS.   相似文献   

The early region E1b of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) codes for two major tumor antigens of 53 and 19 kilodaltons (kd). The adenovirus lp+ locus maps within the 19-kd tumor antigen-coding region (G. Chinnadurai, Cell 33:759-766, 1983). We have now constructed a large-plaque deletion mutant (dl250) of Ad2 that has a specific lesion in the 19-kd tumor antigen-coding region. In contrast to most other Ad2 lp mutants (G. Chinnadurai, Cell 33:759-766, 1983), mutant dl250 is cytocidal (cyt) on infected KB cells, causing extensive cellular destruction. Cells infected with Ad2 wt or most of these other Ad2 lp mutants are rounded and aggregated without cell lysis (cyt+). The cyt phenotype of dl250 resembles the cyt mutants of highly oncogenic Ad12, isolated by Takemori et al. (Virology 36:575-586, 1968). By intertypic complementation analysis, we showed that the Ad12 cyt mutants indeed map within the 19-kd tumor antigen-coding region. The transforming potential of dl250 was assayed on an established rat embryo fibroblast cell line, CREF, and on primary rat embryo fibroblasts and baby rat kidney cells. On all these cells, dl250 induced transformation at greatly reduced frequency compared with wt. The cells transformed by this mutant are defective in anchorage-independent growth on soft agar. Our results suggest that the 19-kd tumor antigen (in conjunction with E1a tumor antigens) may play an important role in the maintenance of cell transformation. Since we have mapped the low-oncogenic or nononcogenic Ad12 cyt mutants within the 19-kd tumor antigen-coding region, our results further indicate that the 19-kd tumor antigen also directly or indirectly plays an important role in tumorigenesis of Ad12. Our results show that the cyt+ locus is an allele of the lp+ locus and that the cyt phenotype may be the result of mutations in specific domains of the 19-kd tumor antigen.  相似文献   

J L Kissil  O Cohen  T Raveh    A Kimchi 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(2):353-362
A novel approach to the isolation of positive mediators of programmed cell death, based on random inactivation of genes by expression of anti sense RNAs, was employed to identify mediators of interferon-gamma-induced apoptosis. One of the several genes identified is DAP3, which codes for a 46 kDa protein with a potential nucleotide-binding motif. Structure-function studies of the protein indicate that the intact full-length protein is required for its ability to induce apoptosis when overexpressed. The N-terminal 230 amino acids, on the other hand, act in a dominant-negative fashion. Both of these functions are dependent on the integrity of the nucleotide binding motif. Expression of anti-sense DAP3 RNA and of the dominant interfering form of DAP3 both protected cells from apoptosis induced by activation of Fas and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) receptors. Thus, DAP3 is implicated as a positive mediator of these death-inducing stimuli. It functions downstream of the receptor signaling complex and its death promoting effects depend on caspase activity. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a potential homolog of DAP3 showing 35% identity and 64% similarity to the human protein was isolated. Overexpression of the nematode DAP3 cDNA in mammalian cells induced cell death, indicating that the protein is conserved at the functional level as well as the structural level.  相似文献   

In order to examine the potential role of bacterial collagenases in periodontal tissue destruction, we recently isolated a gene, prtC, from Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 53977, which expressed collagenase activity (N. Takahashi, T. Kato, and H. K. Kuramitsu, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 84:135-138, 1991). The nucleotide sequence of the gene has been determined, and the deduced amino acid sequence corresponds to a basic protein of 37.8 kDa. In addition, Southern blot analysis indicated that the prtC gene is conserved among the three major serotypes of P. gingivalis. The enzyme has been purified to near homogeneity from Escherichia coli clone NTS1 following Mono Q anion exchange and sequential gel filtration chromatography. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be ca. 35 kDa, and the active enzyme behaved as a dimer following gel filtration chromatography. The collagenase degraded soluble and reconstituted fibrillar type I collagen, heat-denatured type I collagen, and azocoll but not gelatin or the synthetic collagenase substrate 4-phenylazobenzyloxycarbonyl-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-D-Arg. Enzyme activity was enhanced by Ca2+ and inhibited by EDTA, sulfhydryl-blocking agents, and the salivary peptide histatin. Preliminary evidence for the existence of a second collagenase expressed by strain 53977 was also obtained.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain P51 contains two gene clusters located on catabolic plasmid pP51 that encode the degradation of chlorinated benzenes. The nucleotide sequence of a 5,499-bp region containing the chlorocatechol-oxidative gene cluster tcbCDEF was determined. The sequence contained five large open reading frames, which were all colinear. The functionality of these open reading frames was studied with various Escherichia coli expression systems and by analysis of enzyme activities. The first gene, tcbC, encodes a 27.5-kDa protein with chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase activity. The tcbC gene is followed by tcbD, which encodes cycloisomerase II (39.5 kDa); a large open reading frame (ORF3) with an unknown function; tcbE, which encodes hydrolase II (25.8 kDa); and tcbF, which encodes a putative trans-dienelactone isomerase (37.5 kDa). The tcbCDEF gene cluster showed strong DNA homology (between 57.6 and 72.1% identity) and an organization similar to that of other known plasmid-encoded operons for chlorocatechol metabolism, e.g., clcABD of Pseudomonas putida and tfdCDEF of Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP134. The identity between amino acid sequences of functionally related enzymes of the three operons varied between 50.6 and 75.7%, with the tcbCDEF and tfdCDEF pair being the least similar of the three. Measurements of the specific activities of chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenases encoded by tcbC, clcA, and tfdC suggested that a specialization among type II enzymes has taken place. TcbC preferentially converts 3,4-dichlorocatechol relative to other chlorinated catechols, whereas TfdC has a higher activity toward 3,5-dichlorocatechol. ClcA takes an intermediate position, with the highest activity level for 3-chlorocatechol and the second-highest level for 3,5-dichlorocatechol.  相似文献   

We have compared the recF genes from Escherichia coli K-12, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas putida, and Bacillus subtilis at the DNA and amino acid sequence levels. To do this we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the recF gene from Salmonella typhimurium and we completed the nucleotide sequence of recF gene from Pseudomonas putida begun by Fujita et al. (1). We found that the RecF proteins encoded by these two genes contain respectively 92% and 38% amino acid identity with the E. coli RecF protein. Additionally, we have found that the S. typhimurium and P. putida recF genes will complement an E. coli recF mutant, but the recF gene from Bacillus subtilis [showing about 20% identity with E. coli (2)] will not. Amino acid sequence alignment of the four proteins identified four highly conserved regions. Two of these regions are part of a putative phosphate binding loop. In one region (position 36), we changed the lysine codon (which is essential for ATPase, GTPase and kinase activity in other proteins having this phosphate binding loop) to an arginine codon. We then tested this mutation (recF4101) on a multicopy plasmid for its ability to complement a recF chromosomal mutation and on the E. coli chromosome for its effect on sensitivity to UV irradiation. The strain with recF4101 on its chromosome is as sensitive as a null recF mutant strain. The strain with the plasmid-borne mutant allele is however more UV resistant than the null mutant strain. We conclude that lysine-36 and possibly a phosphate binding loop is essential for full recF activity. Lastly we made two chimeric recF genes by exchanging the amino terminal 48 amino acids of the S. typhimurium and E. coli recF genes. Both chimeras could complement E. coli chromosomal recF mutations.  相似文献   

We present the nucleotide sequence of the tolC gene of Escherichia coli K12, and the amino acid sequence of the TolC protein (an outer membrane protein) as deduced from it. The mature TolC protein comprises 467 amino acid residues, and, as previously reported (1), a signal sequence of 22 amino acid residues is attached to the N-terminus. The C-terminus of the gene is followed by a stem-loop structure (8 base pair stem, 4 base loop) which may be a rho-independent termination signal. The codon usage of the gene is nonrandom; the major isoaccepting species of tRNA are preferentially utilised, or, among synonomous codons recognized by the same tRNA, those codons are used which can interact better with the anticodon (2,3). In contrast to the codon usage for other outer membrane proteins of E. coli (4) the rare arginine codons AGA and AGG are used once and twice respectively.  相似文献   

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