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Bovine embryos produced by in vitro maturation (IVM), fertilization (IVF) and culture (IVC) were used to produce aggregation chimeras. An aggregated chimera was produced by combining bovine IVF embryos (Holstein × Japanese Black and Japanese Brown × Limousin breeds) which were cultured in vitro without the zonae pellucidae. Forty-eight hours after IVF, embryos at the 8 cell-stage were used to produce aggregation chimeras. In Experiment I, the zonae pellucidae was removed by a microsurgical method using a microblade or by treatment with 0.25% pronase. Holstein × Japanese Black embryos were aggregated with Japanese Brown × Limousin embryos after zonae removal by hand manipulation in culture medium. In Experiment II, the viability of the aggregated embryos developing into blastocysts was examined by measuring the extent of development. The number of aggregated embryos and embryos developed into blastocysts was 34 (91.9%) and 24 (70.6%), respectively, when the zonae pellucidae was removed by the microsurgical method; and 12 (92.3%) and 6 (50.0%), respectively, when the zonae pellucidae was removed using the 0.25% pronase treatment. The size of the aggregated embryos was significantly different from that of the normal embryos when cultured in vitro until Day 10, but not different thereafter. Five aggregated embryos were transferred nonsurgically to the recipients, resulting in 1 pregnancy and the birth of 2 chimeric calves. Skin color was used as evidence of chimerism.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method is described for the large-scale isolation of cumulus cell-free, zona pellucida-intact equine oocytes. Aspiration of palpable antral follicles present on frozen-thawed equine ovaries was accomplished using a constant vacuum source. The resultant follicular fluid, oocytes, and particulate matter were then filtered through a series of nylon screens of alternating mesh openings in combination with sodium citrate-containing buffer to a final volume of approximately 20 ml. This fluid was transferred to scored Petri dishes and a stereomicroscope was used to locate the oocytes for futher processing or storage. The methodology described is inexpensive, time-efficient, and the recovery rate is similar to or better than other methods previously described for equine oocyte recovery. Collected oocytes are adequate for biochemical evaluation of the equine zona pellucida (EZP) as well as sperm-egg binding assays.  相似文献   

A comparison of glycoproteins of the zona pellucida (ZP) of five different mammalian species (cat, dog, rabbit, pig, and rat) has been made using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. In an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), polyclonal antisera against total rabbit and pig ZP recognize their homologous ZP to the greatest extent but also detect crossreactive antigenic determinants in the ZP of all other species tested. Polyclonal antibodies against each of two purified rabbit ZP glycoproteins or one purified pig ZP glycoprotein also show some recognition of heterologous (pig, cat, and dog) ZP, but not rat ZP. Monoclonal antibodies (McR5-rabbit ZP protein determinant; McPSI-determinant associated with post-translational modifications of pig ZP proteins such as carbohydrates) further demonstrate that specific determinants are shared between some but not all of these mammalian species. For example, both of these antibodies recognize distinct determinants which are most abundant in pig and cat ZP. However, McR5 recognizes a determinant on all species of ZP except the rat, while McPSI does not recognize either the rabbit or rat ZP. Collectively, these studies suggest that the molecules of the pig, dog, and cat ZP are more closely related to each other than to those of the rabbit ZP, while there is little similarity with rat ZP molecules. Immunoblot analysis of ZP glycoproteins separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to identify antigenic relationships among four different species. The polyclonal antisera show that all of the major proteins of pig, rabbit, cat, and dog ZP are antigenically related.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Zonae pellucidae were collected from bovine ovaries by chopping, dispersing the chopped tissue with collagenase, sieving through nylon mesh screens, and pipetting. The zonae were free of corona cell processes when examined under the scanning electron microscope. Solutions of zonae obtained with collagenase exhibited the same antigenic and sperm receptor properties as those obtained without enzyme treatment.  相似文献   

The porcine zona pellucida was dissolved with difficulty by trypsin in isotonic solution, whereas it was efficiently dissolved by pronase. A structural change of the zona was induced in hypotonic solution, resulting in acceleration of dissolution by these proteases. The solubilization rate of three families (PZP1-3) of zona protein by both enzymes was analyzed by HPLC. In hypotonic solution, PZP1 was solubilized first, followed by PZP2; and PZP3 was then finally released. In isotonic solution, PZP1 and PZP2 were also solubilized faster than PZP3, which was almost completely resistant to trypsin, showing that the solubilization of the zona depended on that of PZP3. Noticeably, high molecular weight products were produced as the proteolytic hydrolysis proceeded in PBS. Circular dichroic spectra and electrophoretograms of the tryptic hydrolysates showed that the zona may have a regular supramolecular structure.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for isolating milligram quantities of bovine and porcine zonae pellucidae, uncontaminated by follicle cells or their processes. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the isolated bovine zona material formed one major glycoprotein band with an estimated molecular weight of approximately 100,000 daltons and two minor lower molecular weight components. The isolated pig zonae formed only one glycoprotein band with a molecular weight of approximately 62,000 daltons. Rabbit antisera raised against the isolated zonae were zona-specific and formed only a single precipitin line against the heat-solubilized zonae on immunoelectrophoresis. An adjuvant was not required for high-antibody titers. High titers were also obtained by injection of the dog and rhesus monkey. Anti-zona antibody was detected by immunofluorescence, zona-coating, double-immunodiffusion, and the inhibition of spermbinding to eggs, including those of human origin. Antigenic and sperm receptor properties were stable at 100°C for five minutes, but some activity was lost after longer exposure. The serum antibody produced by rabbits immunized with pig zonae was predominantly IgG and cross-reacted with the zonae of a variety of other species, including primates. Pregnancy was inhibited in female rabbits immunized with pig zona preparations.  相似文献   

Rat identical twins were produced from two-cell embryos. In the presence of cytochalasin B, rat two-cell embryos could be separated efficiently into two blastomeres by micromanipulation. Isolated blastomeres, embedded in agar cylinders and cultivated in ligated rat oviducts for 3 days, developed to the morula or blastocyst stage. After removing the agar, pairs of developed one-half embryos were transferred into Day 1 oviducts or Day 4 uteri of pseudopregnant rats. The percentage of embryos, separated either in the presence or absence of cytochalasin B, that developed into live fetuses was higher in cases of uterine transfer than in cases of oviduct transfer (38% vs. 18%, 31% vs. 15%, respectively). Throughout the present experiment, nine pairs of identical twins were successfully produced. This is the first report of the production of identical rat twins by separating two-cell embryos.  相似文献   

Cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were immunized with porcine zonae pellucidae to assess the possible antifertility effects of the zona antibodies. Serum antibody titers were evaluated utilizing a rapid solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Six of twelve monkeys conceived 6 to 10 wk after vaccination. All monkeys reached maximal antiserum titers by the time of conception, although the six animals that did not conceive had considerably lower antibody titers. Further pregnancies did not occur until antibody level had declined markedly, 8 mo after last immunization. The menses of all but one of the remaining six monkeys were interrupted intermittently. Also, the usual midcycle elevated estradiol levels were absent for several cycles. Both menses and midcycle estradiol peaks were reestablished in all but one monkey 3 to 5 mo after the last booster was given. Two monkeys conceived when serum antibody levels dropped to one fourth of maximal, but both had a still birth. Histological observations showed accumulation of luteal tissue and massive atresia of small follicles at the end of the study (18 mo). We conclude that through heteroimmunization with porcine zona pellucida monkeys can become infertile and that this condition is reversible. Because the zona preparation used in this study appeared to contain traces of nonzona material, it was not possible to determine whether the menstrual irregularities and oocyte atresia that we observed were owing to immunological effects on the zona itself or to the production of antibodies against other ovarian components.  相似文献   

Exposure to acidified PBS (pH 3) for 60 sec removed swine zonae pellucidae from 70.4% of 27 swine morulae, and 73.7% of these formed blastocysts in culture. Further investigations revealed that treating embryos with 0.5% pronase and acidified PBS (pH 3) for 30 sec each was more effective. Zonae were removed in 90.6% of 85 embryos (four-cell to morulae) treated. A total of 76.9% of 65 zona-free embryos and 81.6% of 38 untreated embryos formed blastocysts (P > 0.05). An additional 57 untreated and 49 zona-free embryos (morulae to blastocysts) were transferred to seven recipient sows. Four sows returned to estrus (18 to 27 days), but three others were pregnant when slaughtered at 38 to 42 days. One pregnant sow had received a combination of five zona-free and six untreated embryos and demonstrated the potential for further development of treated embryos in vivo.  相似文献   

Bovine zonae pellucidae (ZP) from follicular oocytes and from embryos and degenerated ova collected on Day 7 from superovulated cows were examined by scanning electron microscopy, by dimensional measurement, and by total protein determination. The number of plaque-forming units (PFU) of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV) that were associated with ZP-intact embryos/ova from each of the 3 sources after in vitro exposure was also determined.

Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the surfaces of Day-7 embryos and degenerated ova were smoother than those of follicular oocytes. Mean dimensional measurements of the diameter/thickness of the ZP from follicular oocytes, Day-7 embryos, and degenerated Day-7 ova were 156.7 μm/12.3μm, 161.3μm/12.6μm, and 158.9μm/12.8μm, respectively. The mean total protein per ZP of follicular oocytes, embryos, and degenerated ova was 0.331 μg, 0.349 μg, and 0.254 μg, respectively. Considerable variability existed within groups, but significantly greater quantities of IBRV were associated with follicular oocytes (mean PFU/oocyte = 68.1) than with Day-7 embryos (mean PFU/embryo = 43.0; P<0.05) or with Day-7 ova (mean PFU/ovum = 31.9; P<0.01).

The reliability of using an assay for IBRV associated with nontransferable ova/embryos as an indicator of the presence or absence of the virus in transferable embryos from the same collection (Day 7) was supported. Although structural differences between the ZPs of follicular oocytes and Day-7 embryos were observed in this study, further investigation is needed to determine if there are differences in the protective function of the respective ZPs.  相似文献   

The glycoproteins of porcine zonae pellucidae were fractionated into three families (PZP1-3) by high-performance liquid chromatography on a gel filtration column. Their molecular weights were estimated to be 164K for PZP1, 99K for PZP2, and 55K for PZP3; and they were present in an approximate weight ratio of protein moiety of 2:3:18, respectively. Differences in carbohydrate composition position between them were found, although their amino acid compositions were similar to each other. CD spectra showed that the three families had an almost identical secondary structure of the helical form in the presence of SDS. In PBS without SDS, they had different secondary structures, predominantly in the beta-form, and probably different tertiary structures.  相似文献   

Zonae pellucidae of tubal and follicular oocytes were collected and prepared for salt storage. Cumulus and corona radiata cells were removed from oocytes with hyaluronidase and a small bore pipette. The oocytes (referred to as zonae since vitelli were rendered nonfunctional) were stored in a salt solution at 4°C. Using in utero capacitated sperm, the penetrability of zonae from tubal and follicular oocytes stored immediately after collection was compared to controls, i.e., in vitro development of tubal ova to the 4-cell stage within 24 hr. The penetration rates were 100% (8 penetrated/ 8 inseminated), 77.8% (7 penetrated/ 9 inseminated), and 100% (10 fertilized/10 inseminated), respectively, and these were not statistically different. The mean (x ) numbers of sperm able to penetrate the zonae, into the perivitelline space (PVS) for tubal (34.0) and follicular (1.1) oocytes were significantly different (P < 0.01). However, following maturational incubation before salt storage, zonae of tubal and follicular origin showed no significant differences in penetrability of in utero capacitated sperm when assessed by percent penetration, or mean numbers of sperm cells reaching the PVS: tubal zonae, 100% (15/15), and follicular zonae, 100% (18/18), and mean number of sperm in the PVS (x [tubal zonae] = 12.4, and x [follicular zonae] = 11.8). The penetrability of tubal zonae with and without maturational incubation was compared, and no significant differences in penetrability by in utero capacitated sperm were present when assessed by percent penetration nonmatured 92.6% (25/27) and matured 93.3% (28/30) and mean number of sperm in the PVS (x [nonmatured] = 3.33 and x [matured] = 2.41). In vitro capacitation of ejaculated rabbit sperm by serum treatment was assessed by the penetration of salt-stored zonae, zonae-free hamster oocytes (ZFHO), and in vitro fertilization of freshly collected tubal oocytes. None of 60 salt-stored zonae and none of 31 tubal oocytes were penetrated, and these values were significantly (P < 0.005) smaller than the 9 of 78 (12%) zona-free hamster ova that were penetrated by sperm cells from the same sample. In vitro capacitation of ejaculated rabbit sperm by washing and preincubation was assessed by the penetration of salt-stored zonae, zona-free hamster oocytes (ZFHO), and fertilization of freshly collected tubal oocytes. Seventy-six of 80 salt-stored zonae were penetrated, and this was significantly (P < 0.005) greater than the 67 of 87 tubal oocytes fertilized and 30 of 35 ZFHO penetrated, which were not significantly different. The salt-stored zonae were more readily penetrated by capacitated sperm when compared to tubal oocytes. However, the ZFHO are more penetrable than salt-stored zonae and tubal oocytes when incompletely capacitated sperm is used. A useful role for this approach in studies dealing with sperm fertilizing ability is anticipated.  相似文献   

Survival of biopsied and sexed bovine demi-embryos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The viability of sex-diagnosed bovine demi-embryos was investigated after transfer. Day-7 morulae and blastocysts were subjected to splitting and biopsy in PBS + 4mg/ml polyvinylpyrrolidone + 200mM sucrose using a microblade. The biopsy (approximately 2 to 8 blastomeres) was transferred to a tube, and its presence in the tube was verified by examination under a stereomicroscope. After proteinase K treatment, repetetive male-specific DNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). No autosomal control primers were used in the PCR. Instead, the absence of a characteristic Y-specific product together with the amplification of non-specific products was considered an indication of a female sample. The biopsied demi-embryos were transferred either singly or in pairs to synchronous heifer or cow recipients 6 to 10 h after flushing. Sex diagnosis was carried out within 6 to 7 h. Of 19 original embryos, 7 were diagnosed as males and 5 as females. The DNA of the biopsies of the remaining 7 embryos did not result in any amplification products. Since 5 of these samples were seen in the tubes prior to PCR, the corresponding embryos were considered "potential females." The sex of the last 2 samples could not be determined. Nine of 10 embryos were correctly sexed as revealed by calving data. Of the 38 transferred demi-embryos, 16 had developed to live fetuses as detected by ultrasonography on Day 65 of pregnancy. Eleven live calves and three stillborn calves were delivered. After bisection, biopsy and single transfer, 6 live calves were born from 7 original embryos (86%). After transfer of both halves into the same recipient, only 5 live calves from 12 original embryos were produced (42%). None of the 4 manipulated Grade-2 embryos survived to term, nor did any of the 4 manipulated blastocysts. Of the 14 original Grade-1 morulae manipulated and transferred, 15 were live fetuses at Day 65, and 11 live calves were born.  相似文献   

Production of identical twins by bisection of blastocysts in the cow   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Day-8 embryos were recovered by a non-surgical method from superovulated crossbred heifers. Normal expanded blastocysts with a distinct inner cell mass and a trophoblast were released from the zona pellucida and bisected along a sagittal plane into two 'half' blastocysts. Each 'half' blastocyst was replaced in an empty zona pellucida and cultured for 2 h in B2 medium. After culture the 'half' blastocysts were directly transferred to recipient heifers via the cervix. From 11 blastocysts, 11 monozygotic 'half' blastocyst pairs were transferred to 11 recipients: 8 recipients became pregnant, 4 carried twins and one delivered a normal calf and an acardiacus amorphus monster consisting of disorganized embryonic tissues. A further 11 'half' blastocysts were transferred as singletons to 11 recipients. Five recipients were apparently pregnant at Day 42. One returned to oestrus at Day 45, 3 were carrying normal fetuses and 1 a pair of normal twin fetuses when slaughtered at Day 128. It is concluded that even after the first irreversible cellular differentiation which occurs at the blastocyst stage it is still possible to produce identical cattle twins by bisection of the Day-8 blastocyst.  相似文献   

The blastomeres of 192- to 8-cell embryos recovered surgically 1-3 days after ovulation from 23 Pony mares were mechanically separated and inserted, in various combinations, into evacuated pig zonae pellucidae to make 27 'half' and 17 'quarter' micromanipulated embryos. These were embedded in agar and cultured in vivo in the ligated oviducts of ewes for 3.5-5 days to allow development to the late morula/early blastocyst stage. Subsequent surgical or non-surgical transfer of 13 'half' and 17 'quarter' embryos to mares resulted in 10 established pregnancies, including 2 monozygotic pairs. Surgical transfer to mares that had not been recently used as donors of embryos was more successful (10/20) than surgical or non-surgical transfer to recently operated mares (0/10).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a method to generate identical twins and triplets with predicted gender. As a first step toward that aim, single blastomeres obtained from EGFP expressing eight-cell stage embryos and either diploid or tetraploid host embryos were used to compose chimera. We could follow the fate of EGFP expressing diploid blastomere derived cells in 3.5- and 4.5-day-old chimera embryos in vitro. We found that the diploid blastomere-derived cells had significantly higher chance to contribute to the inner cell mass if tetraploid host embryos were applied. After that, we developed a quick and reliable multiplex PCR strategy for sex diagnosis from single blastomeres by simultaneous amplification of the homologous ZFX and ZFY genes. By composed chimeras using single blastomeres, derived from sexed eight-cell stage embryos and a tetraploid host embryo, we could get preplanned sex newborns, wholly derived from these blastomeres. Among these mice, identical twins and a triplet were identified by microsatellite analysis. Unlike clones produced by nuclear transfer, these mice are identical at both the nuclear as well as mitochondrial DNA level. Therefore, the tetraploid embryo complementation method to produce monozygotic twins and triplets could be a valuable tool both in biomedical and agricultural applications.  相似文献   

Washed ejaculated boar sperm and sperm from the cauda epididymis bind to the zona pellucida of fixed porcine eggs in large numbers. Sperm incubated in the presence of dextran sulfate (8 K daltons or 500 K daltons) or fucoidan and then washed no longer bind to eggs. Other acid carbohydrates (heparin, chondroitin sulfates, inositol hexasulfate, carboxymethylcellulose) fail to block sperm-egg binding even when added directly to sperm-egg suspensions. Seminal plasma and the seminal vesicle secretion contain basic proteins which bind tightly to sperm and bind reversibly to eggs preventing sperm from binding to eggs. When dextran sulfate or fucoidan are mixed with the vesicular secretion, from which seminal plasma basic proteins originate (Hunt et al., '83), the secretion loses the capacity to prevent sperm from binding to eggs; this suggests that seminal vesicle proteins can bind to the same site on zonae as do sperm and thus seminal plasma may modify sperm-egg interactions. Corpus and cauda epididymal sperm also bind in large numbers to the zona pellucida of isolated eggs but high concentrations of caput sperm, which exhibit high motility in the presence of caffeine, bind only in few numbers. Thus a component that enhances sperm-zona binding is apparently formed on the plasma membranes of uncapacitated sperm during passage through the epididymis. This finding, and an earlier observation that antibodies raised against uncapacitated sperm plasma membranes block sperm-egg binding in vivo (Peterson et al., '83) suggest that this component may be involved in sperm zona interaction in vivo.  相似文献   

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