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Excision repair capacity was measured in young and old Turbatrix aceti (phylum Nematoda) following exposure to ionizing radiation. Both repair synthesis and removal of 5,6-dihydroxydihydrothymine type (glycol) base damage were quantitated. At least two-fold higher glycol levels were produced in the DNA of young than of old nematodes for the same radiation dose. Young worms also excised glycol damage more rapidly and completely than old worms. Both peak repair synthesis activity and completion of repair synthesis occurred at earlier times during post-irradiation incubation in young nematodes. The data indicate there is a significant age-associated difference in both the incidence and removal of ionizing radiation damage in T. aceti which is used as a model of the ageing process.  相似文献   

The excision of pyrimidine dimers from DNA of ultraviolet irradiated yeast   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Summary It is shown that pyrimidine dimers formed by ultraviolet light in the DNA of haploid Saccharomyces cerevisae are removed under the influence of photoreactivating light and also in the dark under growth conditions. The integrity of the rad 1 locus is necessary for the dark-removal of dimers.  相似文献   

Pyruvic acid, lactic acid and several tricarboxylic acid cycle acids were extracted from Ditylenchus triformis and Turbatrix aceti and identified. Fumaric acid was predominant in both nematodes. Small amounts o f malic and α-ketoglutaric acids and intermediate quantities o f lactic, citric, succinic, and pyruvic acids occurred in D. triformis. In T. aceti citric, lactic, and α-ketoglutaric acids were less abundant than succinic, malic and pyruvic acids. Only traces of aconitic and oxalacetic acids occurred in both nematodes. All the organic acids detected accounted for only about one per cent of the dry weight of nematodes o f the two species.  相似文献   

The time courses of excision repair and photoreactivation of pyrimidine dimers induced by 254-nm UV were examined in the genome overall and in the c-ras sequence of RBCF-1 cells derived from a goldfish, by the use of UV endonuclease of Micrococcus luteus and alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis. Excision repair was more efficient in the ras sequence than in the genome overall, whereas no differences in efficiency of photoreactivation were detected. These results suggest that excision repair is affected by the accessibility of chromatin, while photoreactivation is not.  相似文献   

A nutritional requirement for sterol was demonstrated for Turbatrix aceti and Panagrellus redivivus with a sterol deficient test system that consisted of endospores of Bacillus subtilis on peptone glucose agar slants. Neither nematode species would sustain growth unless cholesterol was supplemented to the test system. At least 0.1 µg of cholesterol supplement was required to support growth of Turbatrix. However, 1.0 and 10.0 µg supplements usually produced better growth as measured by total nematodes produced per agar slant. Several highly purified sterols representing considerable structural diversity supported growth of Turbatrix in our test system. However, some specificity existed since two sterols of the coprostane series failed to support growth of this nematode.  相似文献   

A UV-specific endonuclease was used to detect ultraviolet light-induced pyrimidine dimers in chloroplast DNA of Chlamydomonas reinhardi that was specifically labeled with tritiated thymidine. All of the dimers induced by 100 J/m2 of 254 nm light are removed by photoreaction. Wild-type cells exposed to 50 J/m2 of UF light removed over 80% of the dimers from chloroplast DNA after 24 h of incubation in growth medium in the dark. A UV- sensitive mutant, UVS1, defective in the excision of pyrimidine dimers from nuclear DNA is capable of removing pyrimidine dimers from chloroplast DNA nearly as well as wild-type, suggesting that nuclear and chloroplast DNA dark-repair systems are under separate genetic control.  相似文献   

Triosephosphate isomerase (EC has been purified from young and old Tubatrix aceti. The enzyme shows a sharply lower specific activity in homogenates from old nematodes compared to similar preparations from young animals. However, when the enzyme activity of the respective homogenates was adjusted to the same level, equal amounts of antiserum (prepared to pure “young” triosephosphate isomerase) were required to remove the activity. Therefore, the lower specific activity observed in “old” homogenates was due to the presence of less enzyme and not to “altered” enzyme. The same results were obtained by immunotitrations of pure preparations of “young” and “old” enzyme. Moreover, in contrast to results reported for other enzymes, the specific activity of “old” triosephosphate isomerase, during purification, rose to the same value as that of pure “young” enzyme. The evidence indicates that altered triosephosphate isomerase does not exist in old T. aceti. The above results contradict the idea of an “error theory” in which all proteins would develop altered sequences. Pure triosephosphate isomerase (old or young) from T. aceti consists of two subunits, each of molecular weight 26,500. No isozymes could be detected.  相似文献   

Snopov SA  Roza L  de Gruijl FR 《Tsitologiia》2006,48(11):958-966
Using immuno-labelling of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) in nuclei of peripheral lymphocytes after their UVC-irradiation and cultivation, we have found that within the first four hours of cultivation the CPD-specific fluorescent signal from cell nuclei increased. Earlier, a similar increase in binding of antibody specific for pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts to undenatured DNA isolated from UV-irradiated Chinese hamster ovary cells was reported (Mitchell et al., 1986). Our experiments showed that nucleotide excision repair enzyme might induce such of DNA modification in lymphocyte nuclei that increased specific antibody binding to DNA fragments with lesions. We suggest that enzymatic formation of open structures in DNA predominated qualitatively over dual-incision and excision of these fragments, and resulted in the enhanced exposure of the pyrimidine dimers in nuclei to specific antibodies. The results evidence that nucleotid excision repair in unstimualted human lymphocytes being deficient in dual incision and removal of UV-induced DNA lesions appear to be capable of performing chromatin relaxation and pre-incision uncoiling of DNA fragments with lesions.  相似文献   

The rates of degradation of total soluble proteins in the free-living nematode, Turbatrix aceti, have been estimated by following the loss of acid-insoluble insoluble radioactivity from protein during a nonradioactive chase period after initial labeling with [35S]methionine. These proteins appear to lose label kinetically as a homogeneous class in age-synchronized nematode populations. However, proteins are degraded more slowly in senescent cultures than in young cultures. Protein degradation rates decline progressively during nematode aging. These findings suggest that the protein degradative system in T. aceti may become partially defective with advancing age which may result in the accumulation of aberrant protein molecules in senescent organisms.  相似文献   

UV-induced pyrimidine dimers were excised from the DNA of wild-type and four mutant strains of Ustilago maydis. Excision was partially dose dependent. The kinetics of excision differed in recombination deficient strains (rec 1 and rec 2) from those found in a recombination proficient radiation-sensitive strain (uvs 3). At fluences above 100 J-m-2 excision was saturated in uvs 3 but not in rec 1 or rec 2. Fluences above 300 J-m-2 started to saturate excision in wild-type. pol1-1, a temperature-sensitive DNA polymerase mutant, was excision proficient at both the permissive (22 degree) and restrictive (32 degree) temperatures. Wild-type cells were observed to excise CC before CT or TT in high dose experiments.  相似文献   

An antiserum that recognizes the three types of pyrimidine dimers induced by UV-light in DNA was used to monitor their removal from eukaryotic cell nuclei. Cells able to excise dimers display a similar removal pattern: a fast process completed within a few hours leaving many dimers in the DNA.  相似文献   

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