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The goal of this study was to compare the possible locations, timing, and characteristics of potentially spawning shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus), and associated species during the spring of 2007–2015 in the 149‐km‐long lower Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, USA, a large, shallow, sand‐dominated Mississippi River tributary. A 5‐km index station of two pairs of rocky shoals surrounded by sandy areas was electrofished for shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker in a standardized fashion a total of 40 times from late March through mid‐June, the presumed spawning period. On one date in 2008 and two dates in 2012, all rocky shoals and adjacent sandy areas in the lowermost 149 km of the river were also electrofished for both species. Shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker appeared to spawn in the limited rocky areas of the river along with at least four other species: mooneye (Hiodon tergisus), quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus), smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), and shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum), usually at depths of 0.8–2.0 m and surface velocities of 0.4–1.0 m/s. However, apparently spawning shovelnose sturgeon were found only on mid‐channel cobble and coarse gravel shoals within a single 7‐km segment that included the 5‐km index station, whereas apparently spawning blue suckers were encountered on these same shoals but also more widely throughout the river on eroding bluff shorelines of bedrock and boulder and on artificial boulder wing dams and shoreline rip‐rap. Both species showed evidence of homing to the same mid‐channel shoal complexes across years. Blue sucker tended to concentrate on the shoals earlier in the spring than shovelnose sturgeon, usually from late April through mid‐May at water temperatures of 8.0–15.5°C along with quillback and shorthead redhorse. In comparison, shovelnose sturgeon usually concentrated on the shoals from mid‐May through early June at 13.5–21.8°C along with mooneye and smallmouth buffalo. Based on recaptures of tagged fish, at least some shovelnose sturgeon and blue sucker returned to the shoals at one‐year intervals, although there was evidence that female blue sucker may have been more likely to return at two‐year intervals. Most shovelnose sturgeon could not be reliably sexed based on external characteristics. Spawning shovelnose sturgeon ranged from 487 to 788 mm fork length, 500–2400 g weight, and 5–20 years of age, whereas spawning blue sucker ranged from 495 to 822 mm total length, 900–5100 g weight, and 5–34 years of age, although age estimates were uncertain. Females were significantly larger than males for both species although there was overlap. Growth in length was negligible for tagged and recaptured presumably spawning shovelnose sturgeon and low (3.5 mm/y) for blue sucker, suggesting that nearly all growth may have occurred prior to maturity and that fish may have matured at a wide range of sizes.  相似文献   

A direct, rapid, quantitative colorimetric assay to determine neutrophil primary granule degranulation was adapted for use with fathead minnow kidney neutrophils. The assay measures the exocytosis of myeloperoxidase (MPO) using 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine as a substrate. The assay was validated by comparing the total myeloperoxidase content of neutrophil populations obtained from adult cattle, as a known positive, and fish; evaluating the effects of calcium ionophore (CaI), phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), aqueous solution of beta-glucan (MGAQ) and zymosan (Z) with and without cytochalasin B (cyto B) as stimulants of degranulation; determining the kinetics of primary granule exocytosis and detecting changes in degranulation when fish were exposed to stress and anaesthesia with MS-222. The MPO assay detected MPO activity in fathead minnow neutrophils that correlated to neutrophil numbers, confirmed that degranulation was increased when CaI was used compared to other stimulants, determined degranulation peak at 60 min and confirmed decreased degranulation after exposure to handling and crowding stress, with and without MS-222. Therefore, the MPO assay is capable of detecting important differences that may occur in degranulation of fathead minnow kidney neutrophil primary granules and in total neutrophil myeloperoxidase content.  相似文献   

Fish were collected from Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming (USA). Metacercariae of Diplostomum spathaceum was found in the lens of 11 of 12 longnose suckers (Catostomus catostomus). The mean number of metacercariae per sucker was 59 and the average age of the fish was 11.6 yr. There was no correlation between age and intensity of parasites (r = 0.24). Of 10 cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki) examined, there were metacercariae present in six. The metacercariae were found outside of the lens tissue in the trout; they occurred in the vitreous humor and the retina. These may be a different species from those found in the suckers.  相似文献   

Stream-dwelling fishes inhabit river networks where resources are distributed heterogeneously across space and time. Current theory emphasizes that fishes often perform large-scale movements among habitat patches for reproduction and seeking refugia, but assumes that fish are relatively sedentary during growth phases of their life cycle. Using stationary passive integrated transponder (PIT)-tag antennas and snorkel surveys, we assessed the individual and population level movement patterns of two species of fish across a network of tributaries within the Wood River basin in southwestern Alaska where summer foraging opportunities vary substantially among streams, seasons, and years. Across two years, Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exhibited kilometer-scale movements among streams during the summer growing season. Although we monitored movements at a small fraction of all tributaries used by grayling and rainbow trout, approximately 50% of individuals moved among two or more streams separated by at least 7 km within a single summer. Movements were concentrated in June and July, and subsided by early August. The decline in movements coincided with spawning by anadromous sockeye salmon, which offer a high-quality resource pulse of food to resident species. Inter-stream movements may represent prospecting behavior as individuals seek out the most profitable foraging opportunities that are patchily distributed across space and time. Our results highlight that large-scale movements may not only be necessary for individuals to fulfill their life-cycle, but also to exploit heterogeneously spaced trophic resources. Therefore, habitat fragmentation and homogenization may have strong, but currently undescribed, ecological effects on the access to critical food resources in stream-dwelling fish populations.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of species identity is fundamental for conservation biology. Using molecular markers from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, we discovered that many putatively native populations of greenback cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii stomias) comprised another subspecies of cutthroat trout, Colorado River cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus). The error can be explained by the introduction of Colorado River cutthroat trout throughout the native range of greenback cutthroat trout in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by fish stocking activities. Our results suggest greenback cutthroat trout within its native range is at a higher risk of extinction than ever before despite conservation activities spanning more than two decades.  相似文献   

Shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, Rafinesque, 1820) in the Wabash River, Illinois/Indiana, USA, provide an important recreational sport and commercial caviar fishery. In fact, it is one of the last commercially viable populations for sturgeon roe harvest. Due to increased demand in the caviar trade and endangered species legislation that protect shovelnose sturgeon in only a portion of their range, efforts of the roe harvest market may continue to divert toward unprotected populations like the shovelnose sturgeon in the Wabash River. Previous studies have shown that increased harvest pressure in this species can affect the age‐at‐maturation and result in recruitment overfishing. Therefore, it is important to closely and continuously monitor commercially exploited populations. Over the past decade (2007–2016), 13,170 shovelnose sturgeon were sampled with boat electroshocking, hoop nets, drift nets, trotlines, and benthic electrified trawls. Captured fish ranged from 61 to 910 mm fork length (FL; mean = 668 mm), with very few fish less than 550 mm FL. Although fish were found to be in a healthy condition (mean relative weight = 87), there was a decrease in the mean condition over time. In addition, we saw declines in mean FL, weight of roe‐per‐fish, and size‐at‐maturity for female fish directly impacted by harvest. The decline of these population parameters, coupled with an increase in total annual mortality and a truncated age frequency distribution, suggest that harvest is negatively impacting the demographics and recruitment of shovelnose sturgeon in the Wabash River. Considering the downward trajectory of population dynamics and high estimates of mortality, their resiliency to continued harvest and environmental changes will be limited.  相似文献   

Little is known about the diet of the endangered pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus. Because of this endangered status non‐lethal methods to ascertain their food habits must be evaluated. Tests of pulsed gastric lavage (PGL) were conducted on shovelnose sturgeon S. platorynchus, as a surrogate for the pallid sturgeon, to determine if PGL negatively affected their survival. Nine sequential trials containing eight shovelnose sturgeon (N = 72) were conducted with wild fish collected from the Platte River near Louisville, Nebraska. Each trial group was placed into one of two tanks, with each tank containing three pulsed gastric lavaged fish and one control fish. Fish were weighed, measured, and tagged with a passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) before being transported to holding tanks for acclimation and PGL treatment. Sturgeon were acclimated 4–6 days prior to PGL, then held for 15 days after treatment. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and nitrite were monitored daily. No significant difference between the survival of PGL fish and control fish was detected. Because the test required these fish to endure the additional stress of transport and handling, PGL seems a viable technique that can be safely used to evaluate food habits of shovelnose sturgeon, and could be considered safe for pallid sturgeon food habit studies.  相似文献   

1. Anadromous salmon transport marine‐derived nutrients and carbon to freshwater and riparian ecosystems upon their return to natal spawning systems. The ecological implications of these subsidies on the trophic ecology of resident fish remain poorly understood despite broad recognition of their potential importance. 2. We studied the within‐year changes in the ration size, composition and stable isotope signature of the diets of two resident salmonids (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss; Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus) before and after the arrival of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) to their spawning grounds in the Bristol Bay region of southwest Alaska. 3. Ration size and energy intake increased by 480–620% for both species after salmon arrived. However, the cause of the increases differed between species such that rainbow trout switched to consuming salmon eggs, salmon flesh and blowflies that colonized salmon carcasses, whereas grayling primarily ate more benthic invertebrates that were presumably made available because of physical disturbances by spawning salmon. 4. We also observed an increase in the δ15N of rainbow trout diets post‐salmon, but not for grayling. This presumably led to the observed increase in the δ15N of rainbow trout with increasing body mass, but not for grayling. 5. Using a bioenergetics model, we predicted that salmon‐derived resources contributed a large majority of the energy necessary for growth in this resident fish community. Furthermore, the bioenergetics model also showed how seasonal changes in diet affected the stable isotope ratios of both species. These results expand upon a growing body of literature that highlights the different pathways whereby anadromous salmon influence coastal ecosystems, particularly resident fish.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of substrate type, water depth, light, and relative water velocity on microhabitat selection in juvenile pallid (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) sturgeon. Individual sturgeon were placed in an 18 927 L elliptical flume, and their location was recorded after a 2‐h period. Data were analyzed using exact chi‐square goodness of fit tests and exact tests of independence. Both sturgeon species used substrate, depth, and light in similar proportions. (all comparisons; P > 0.05). Specifically, pallid and shovelnose sturgeon did not use substrate in proportion to its availability (pallid: P = 0.0026; shovelnose: P = 0.0199). Each species used sand substrate more and gravel substrate less than expected based on availability. Additionally, neither species used woody structure. Both species used deep areas in greater proportion than availability while shallow areas were used less than expected based on availability (pallid; P < 0.0001; shovelnose; P = 0.0335). Pallid and shovelnose sturgeon used very dark areas in greater proportion than expected based on availability; however, very light areas were used in lower proportion than expected (P < 0.0001). Overall, neither species changed their use of habitat in relation to a change in water velocity (pallid, all comparisons P > 0.05; shovelnose, all comparisons P > 0.05). This study is the first investigation of juvenile pallid and shovelnose sturgeon habitat selection in a large‐scale artificial stream system. Field studies of microhabitat selection by juvenile pallid and shovelnose sturgeon should be carried out to substantiate the results of this study, and to identify critical habitat for recovery and management of sturgeon species. Due to the extensive range, longevity, and migratory behavior of these fishes, proper management likely requires river improvements that provide sturgeon with access to a broad range of habitat conditions over time, including system‐wide habitat diversity; natural variation in flow, velocity, temperature, and turbidity; high water quality; a broad prey base; free‐flowing river sections which provide suitable spawning and rearing sites, as well as protection from recreational and commercial harvesting.  相似文献   

Most species of sturgeon are declining in the Mississippi River Basin of North America including pallid (Scaphirhynchus albus F. and R.) and shovelnose sturgeons (S. platorynchus R.). Understanding the reproductive cycle of sturgeon in the Mississippi River Basin is important in evaluating the status and viability of sturgeon populations. We used non‐invasive, non‐lethal methods for examining internal reproductive organs of shovelnose and pallid sturgeon. We used an ultrasound to measure egg diameter, fecundity, and gonad volume; endoscope was used to visually examine the gonad. We found the ultrasound to accurately measure the gonad volume, but it underestimated egg diameter by 52%. After correcting for the measurement error, the ultrasound accurately measured the gonad volume but it was higher than the true gonad volume for stages I and II. The ultrasound underestimated the fecundity of shovelnose sturgeon by 5%. The ultrasound fecundity was lower than the true fecundity for stage III and during August. Using the endoscope, we viewed seven different egg color categories. Using a model selection procedure, the presence of four egg categories correctly predicted the reproductive stage ± one reproductive stage of shovelnose sturgeon 95% of the time. For pallid sturgeon, the ultrasound overestimated the density of eggs by 49% and the endoscope was able to view eggs in 50% of the pallid sturgeon. Individually, the ultrasound and endoscope can be used to assess certain reproductive characteristics in sturgeon. The use of both methods at the same time can be complementary depending on the parameter measured. These methods can be used to track gonad characteristics, including measuring Gonadosomatic Index in individuals and/or populations through time, which can be very useful when associating gonad characteristics with environmental spawning triggers or with repeated examinations of individual fish throughout the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to test whether age‐0 shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) exhibited predator avoidance behaviour in response to a channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) predator. It was hypothesized that shovelnose sturgeon would not exhibit any innate predator avoidance behaviour because previous reports have shown a congener of the shovelnose sturgeon, the pallid sturgeon (S. albus), to be an unfavourable prey item for channel catfish. The results, however, indicated that shovelnose sturgeon generally avoided space occupied by the catfish predator and spent a greater proportion of time in the predator avoidance zone within the experimental tank. Bitten fish, in particular, spent a greater period of time in the predator avoidance zone. Of all sturgeon used in this experiment (N = 30), 73% swam within the fork length (350 mm) of the catfish predator. The results seem to indicate that shovelnose sturgeon were initially oblivious to the risk of predation by the catfish predator, but after interaction (e.g. being chased or bitten) appeared to display predator avoidance behaviour. Predator avoidance behaviour in shovelnose sturgeon may thus be suggested as a learned rather than an innate behaviour.  相似文献   

The pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus), which is protected under the US endangered species act, and shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorhynchus), which is legally harvested in some locations, are sympatric throughout the range of pallid sturgeon. There is considerable morphological overlap between the species making discrimination problematic. The inability to reliably differentiate between species across all life stages has hampered pallid sturgeon recovery efforts. Furthermore, the two species are believed to hybridize. This study used allele frequency data at multiple microsatellite loci to perform Bayesian and likelihood-based assignment testing and morphological measures and meristics to discriminate pallid, shovelnose, and putative hybrid sturgeons from the middle Mississippi River. Bayesian model-based clustering of the genetic data indicated that two natural genetic units occur in the region. These units correspond to morphologically identified pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. Some individuals were morphologically intermediate and many of these failed to strongly assign genetically as either pallid or shovelnose sturgeon, suggesting they may be hybrids. These data indicate that pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon are genetically distinct in the middle Mississippi River (F ST = 0.036, P < 0.0001) and suggest that hybridization between pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon has occurred in this region with genetic distance estimates indicating the greatest distance is between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon, while hybrid sturgeon are intermediate but closer to shovelnose. This study demonstrates that assignment testing with multiple microsatellite markers can be successful at discriminating pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon, providing a valuable resource for pallid sturgeon recovery and conservation.
A. W. SchreyEmail:

The shovelnose sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus platorynchus, is a freshwater sturgeon of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers and their tributaries. It is one of the smaller North American sturgeons, seldom weighing more than 2.5 kg over most of its range except in the upper Missouri River, where individuals of over 7 kg have been found. Spawning occurs in spring at temperatures between 17 and 21 °C over rock or gravel substrate downstream from dams, near rock structures, or in tributaries. most males reach sexual maturity at 5 years, most females at 7 years. Adults do not spawn every year. Shovelnose sturgeon are found in large, turbid rivers and frequently concentrate in areas downstream from dams or at the mouths of tributaries. Population densities range up to 2500 fish per km. They are commonly found in areas of current over sandy bottoms or near rocky points or bars, where they feed primarily on aquatic invertebrates. The shovelnose sturgeon is classified as a sport species in 12 of 24 states where it occurs. Commercial harvest is allowed in seven states, where fresh shovelnose sturgeon sell for 55 to 88 cents per kg, smoked shovelnose for about $5.75 per kg, and roe from 33 to 110 dollars per kg. About 25 tons of shovelnose sturgeon are harvested commercially each year. Shovelnose sturgeon are considered extirpated in three states, fully protected in four states, and rare, threatened, or of special concern in eight states. Populations are considered stable throughout most of the upper Mississippi, lower Missouri, Red, and Atchafalaya rivers. Three states, Wyoming, West Virginia, and New Mexico, have developed plans to reintroduce the species into rivers where it has been extirpated.  相似文献   

Cytomorphological and cytochemical staining are important methods for the identification of cell types, in particular in fish which often lack biological tools such as specific antibodies. Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is usually used as an intracellular marker of neutrophil accumulation in tissues and a marker of neutrophil activity in plasma. In this study, we reported a potassium iodide and oxidized pyronine Y (KI-PyY) staining method for rapid and highly sensitive detection of MPO-positive cells in turbot blood, peritoneum, and tissues. MPO-positive cells, which mostly represented neutrophils, were stained brown and clearly distinguished from other cells, such as lymphocytes, monocytes, and macrophages, which were stained pink. Following bacterial stimulation, the proportions of neutrophils were 27.49% and 38.05% in peripheral blood leukocytes and peritoneum, respectively, judging by the stained MPO. Kidney granulocytes contained abundant MPO-positive cells which were probably immature neutrophils with low expression of MPO. It is noteworthy that MPO-positive cells were detected in the tissue sections of kidney, spleen, and gut, with distribution profiles specific to each tissue. However, the cell morphology was not distinct in the stained tissue sections. These results indicate that the KI-PyY staining method is highly sensitive, applicable to different types of samples, and will be useful for the study of neutrophils in different compartments of fish.  相似文献   

Synopsis Juvenile stocks of allopatric (upstream of barrier falls) cutthroat troutSalmo clarki and those sympatric (downstream of barrier falls) with coho salmonOncorhynchus kisutch and sculpinsCottus spp., were sampled during the late summer period of low flows in six small coastal streams in British Columbia. The objective was to obtain and compare information on pattern of habitat use and fish size distribution of these two trout types. In most instances, density (n m–2; g m–2) of cutthroat trout was considerably greater in pools and glides in the allopatric than in the sympatric stocks. The sympatric salmonids were dominated by juvenile coho salmon in pools and cutthroat trout in riffles. Sympatric cutthroat trout constituted from 7 to 45 % of the salmonids present in pools and from 50 to 90% in riffles. Glides were areas of intermediate densities for both salmonids, although coho salmon was the more abundant species in most instances. The density of sculpins was high in all three habitat types, and frequently it exceeded that of coho salmon and cutthroat trout combined. Sympatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of underyearling fish, whereas allopatric cutthroat trout consisted primarily of two or more age classes with a large proportion of them living in pools. When tested in a laboratory stream both types of cutthroat trout had similar habitat preferences and agonistic behaviours, with the exception that allopatric trout made greater use of cover and defended pools more intensely than sympatric trout when the flow was increased. The results of this study provide insight of potential impact of coho salmon juvenile transplants into stream segments supporting allopatric cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae is a myxozoan parasite of salmonids and freshwater bryozoans, which causes proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in the fish host. To test which fish species are able to transmit T. bryosalmonae to bryozoans, an infection experiment was conducted with 5 PKD-sensitive fish species from different genera. Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, brown trout Salmo trutta, brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, grayling Thymallus thymallus and northern pike Esox lucius were cohabitated with T. bryosalmonae-infected Fredericella sultana colonies and then subsequently cohabitated with statoblast-reared parasite free Bryozoa. Statoblasts from infected colonies were tested by PCR to detect cryptic stages of T. bryosalmonae, which may indicate vertical transmission of the parasite. In this study, brown trout and brook trout were able to infect Bryozoa, while there was no evidence that rainbow trout and grayling were able to do so. Few interstitial kidney stages of the parasite were detected by immunohistochemistry in brown trout and brook trout, while rainbow trout and grayling showed marked proliferation of renal interstitial tissue and macrophages with numerous parasite cells. Intraluminal stages in the kidney tubules were only detected in brown trout and rainbow trout. In contrast to previous observations, pike was not susceptible to PKD in these trials according to the results of T. bryosalmonae-specific PCR. No DNA of T. bryosalmonae was detected in any statoblast.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to update information regarding the status of shovelnose sturgeon fisheries. Although a substantial amount of shovelnose sturgeon research has been conducted in the past decade, the study purpose was not to provide a comprehensive review of the literature; the primary interest was in the status, trends, and management of Scaphirhynchus platorynchus fisheries in North America. Biologists were surveyed in all 24 states within the native distribution of the species; results indicate that commercial harvest is currently permitted in eight states, recreational harvest is allowed in 13 states, and that regulations vary within rivers and jurisdictional boundaries. Although recreational exploitation of shovelnose sturgeon is thought to be low and not a significant threat to populations, commercial harvest is a major concern in states with a commercial fishery. In the last decade harvest has increased in all states with commercial shovelnose sturgeon fisheries, but recent implementation of regulations has decreased harvest in some states. Approximately half of the states with extant shovelnose sturgeon populations conduct routine monitoring of the species, and the understanding of shovelnose sturgeon populations is increasing.  相似文献   

We compared variability in catch per unit effort (CPUE) and size structure of shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus collected in 2003 and 2004 with stationary winter gill nets, drifted trammel nets, hoop nets, and otter trawls in the Lower Missouri River, USA to determine the most precise types of gear to collect all sizes of sturgeon so that refinements of long‐term monitoring protocols can be made. A total of 1947 net sets or trawls collected 8743 shovelnose sturgeon, with 67% of the fish collected during winter gill netting (16% of total samples). Mean coefficient of variation (CV) among all months for juvenile (age 3 and younger; <250 mm fork length) sturgeon was highest for gill nets and lowest for otter trawls (P = 0.0008). Mean CV of subadult and adult shovelnose sturgeon (≥250 mm) was highest in hoop nets compared to other gear types (P = 0.0002). All gear and mesh sizes collected the most common sizes of shovelnose sturgeon (500–600 mm), but only otter trawls and trammel nets collected fish <150 mm. The higher precision of winter gill nets and summer otter trawls led to fewer samples needed to detect changes in CPUE as compared to hoop and trammel nets. Sampling only with types of gear that do not collect younger shovelnose sturgeon may hinder management decisions that rely on recruitment trends to determine the effects of management actions (e.g. channel modifications).  相似文献   

Viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS) is a viscerotropic disease of fish that can cause enormous losses in European rainbow trout populations. Although previously thought to be species specific, recent reports have indicated that other nonsalmonid fish species, such as pike, whitefish, grayling, turbot, and herring, can become mortally infected with VHS. This paper reviews several cases of natural VHS-outbreaks in nonsalmonids. Pike, whitefish, grayling, turbot and Pacific herring infected with VHS displayed symptoms typical of hemorrhagic septicemia. The isolation and serological identification of the viruses from all of the infected fish species revealed a close relation to the Egtved-virus strain F1. The virus isolates from diseased pike and rainbow trout were capable of infecting their respective host fish. Experimental infections of pike, whitefish, and grayling fry with Egtved virus strain F1 resulted in high mortalities, with symptoms typical of VHS. Although experiments with older fish suggested an age-dependent decrease in susceptibility, the virus could be isolated from most of the infected fish after several months of experimental infection (carrier status). Histological and electron microscopical findings were comparable to those seen in VHS-infected rainbow trout. The susceptibility of nonsalmonid species to VHS infection is disconcerting with respect to the potential losses of the economically important turbot, Pacific herring, and whitefish, as well as the ecologically valuable grayling which is threatened by extinction. If the VHS susceptible nonsalmonid species can also support the propagation of the Egtved-virus, it could acquire carrier-status and, as a result, represent a “natural” reservoir for the virus.  相似文献   

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