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Eight species of Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) have been reported from South America in rodents of the Sigmodontinae, only 1 of which has been recorded in Argentina. Syphacia (Syphacia) carlitosi n. sp. is described from the ceca of Akodon azarae bibianae and Akodon azarae hunteri (Sigmodontinae: Akodontini) captured in 3 provinces in the northeast region of Argentina. The new species is differentiated principally by the shape of the cephalic plate; distribution of submedian papillae and amphids; presence, extent, and shape of cervical alae in females; absence of lateral alae; absence of deirids; spicular and gubernaculum length; shape and structure of accessory hook of gubernaculum; and distance of mamelons, excretory pore, and vulva from the anterior extremity. This is the second record of Syphacia parasitizing rodents of the tribe Akodontini.  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus morerai n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) is described from the pulmonary arteries of Azara's grass mouse Akodon azarae (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Argentina. It is distinguished from its congeners principally by the morphology of the dorsal ray, which is as long, or longer, than the externodorsals and has 2 long branches; the spicule lengths are also greater (400-465 microm). This is the first record of a metastrongyloid from sigmodontine rodents in Argentina.  相似文献   

Genetic similarity between species of Akodon (Rodentia, Cricetidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic similarity between species of rodents of the Akodon genus (A. dolores, A. molinae, and A. azarae) has been estimated by analysis of electrophoretic zymograms corresponding to 23 loci. Nei's coefficient between A. dolores and A. molinae was within the range usually found in conspecific populations. This evidence plus the successful production of "hybrids" (Merani et al., J. Exp. Zool., 206:343-346, '78) suggests that A. dolores and A. molinae may represent geographic races of the same species.  相似文献   

In an effort to evaluate the four Akodon species groups, phylogenetic relationships among individuals of the genus Akodon, selected from throughout South America, were examined using cytochrome b and a concatenated data set consisting of data from cytochrome b, exon 6 of the dentin matrix protein 1 and the nuclear intron thyrotropin. Both the cytochrome b data set and the combined data set were analysed under maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian criteria. Like previous studies, a monophyletic Akodon clade was recovered. Monophyly of the boliviensis and cursor groups was supported, and the two form a strongly supported sister relationship. Akodon azarae is basal to and forms a monophyletic group with the boliviensis cursor clade, resolving the placement of A. azarae but leaving it unassignable to a current Akodon species group. The aerosus and varius groups are paraphyletic as four members of the varius group (A. glaucinus, A. simulator, A. tartareus and A. varius) fall within the aerosus group. Akodon lindberghi is formally placed in the cursor group. Akodon caenosus is recognized as a species distinct of A. lutescens, A. orientalis is recognized as a species distinct of A. orophilus, and A. aerosus, A. baliolus and A. surdus are recognized as three separate species. Based upon chronophylogenetic analysis, the initial divergence within Akodon likely began during the late Pliocene and ancestors of the four extant species groups (aerosus, boliviensis, cursor and dolores) appeared around the Pleistocene–Pliocene boundary or shortly thereafter.  相似文献   

Akodonema luzsarmientae n.g., n.sp. (Nemata: Metastrongyloidea) is described from the pulmonary arteries and heart from several individuals of "soft grass mouse," Akodon mollis (Rodentia: Cricetidae), collected in the region of Ancash, Peru. The new genus and species is distinguished by a reduction of the dorsal ray to 2 small widely separated papillae.  相似文献   

Stilestrongylus peromysci n. sp. collected from Peromyscus difficilis (Hidalgo state, México), differs from other species in the genus in number of the spines (30) in the synlophe (both sexes) and because the eighth ray arises from the root of the ninth ray; S. hidalguensis n. sp. parasitised Peromyscus sp. and differs from all other congeneric species in the presence of 24 spines in the male synlophe and in the arrangement of the bursal rays (2-2-1 in the right lobe and 2-3 in the left lobe). A key to the species of Stilestrongylus is provided.  相似文献   

The meiotic behavior of sex chromosomes has been investigated in variant females of Akodon azarae, both in pachytene oocytes and metaphase I. In somatic cells, these females have a heteromorphic sex pair, in which the minor chromosome has been previously interpreted as a major deletion of the long arm of the X chromosome (dX). After microspreading for synaptonemal complex analysis, pachytene oocytes show two axes of very different lengths (100:17.1), which correspond to the sex chromosomes X and dX. True synapsis is abnormally restricted (43.3%) between these sex chromosomes; on the other hand, self-synapsis of both the X and dX chromosomes is frequent (60%). Single, nonsynapsed axes or axial segments are thickened. Strong chromatin condensation occurs around nonsynapsed axes or axial segments, giving many of these sex pairs an appearance similar to an XY body ("sex vesicle"). The minor gonosome axis differs from that of the Y chromosome of male meiosis, as the former is shorter (relative to the X) and has a different synaptic behavior. In 17 metaphases I from XdX variant females, only heteromorphic, end-to-end joined sex pairs were observed. These variant females differ from the variant females of the wood lemming Myopus schisticolor in several respects, but a similar mechanism seems to be prevalent in other species of the genus Akodon. Self-synapsis of unequal gonosomes in oocytes is assumed as an escape from functional deterioration, following the hypothesis put forward by others.  相似文献   

Liniscus diazae n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichuridae) is described from the urinary bladder of Oxymycterus rufus and Akodon azarae (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Liniscus diazae can be differentiated from its congeners by having a much longer spicule and without an elevated vulva. In addition, L. diazae can be distinguished from L. incrassatus and L. himizu by having a longer body length. Males are similar in posterior width to L. papillosus and L. himizu, but thinner than L. incrassatus and L. maseri. This is the second record of a capillarid from mammals in Argentina. An updated list of capillarid species of rodents and insectivores from North America, with their synonyms, hosts, sites of infection, and geographic distribution, is provided.  相似文献   

Summary Six population samples of the South American cricetid rodent Akodon dolores were collected at the same site at six-month intervals over a three year period. Changes in density were detected. Seven out of 18 loci analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis were polymorphic. Only two of these loci (Est-4 and G6pdh) showed statistically significant variation in allele frequencies following a seasonal pattern. There was no correlation between allele frequencies and population density. When animals were grouped into two classes according to body weight, a clear difference in allele distribution at the Est-4 and G6pdh loci was observed between individuals 39 g or less and those heavier than 39 g. As the first group comprises predominantly younger animals, the data indicate that changes in the age-structure of population, rather than density variations, are responsible for the cyclic pattern of allele frequencies fluctuations.  相似文献   

A new oxyurid nematode Syphacia hodarae n. sp. is described from the cecum and rectum of the cricetid rodent Calomys laucha Fischer, 1814 (Sigmodontinae, Phyllotini), captured in an agroecosystem of central Argentina. The new species is distinguished from other members of the genus mainly by the shape of the cephalic plate, presence of cervical alae in females, absence of lateral alae, and absence of deirids. Some characters are shared with Syphacia carlitosi, a parasite of Akodon azarae from the wetlands in Argentina. However, S. hodarae can be differentiated from this species by the absence of ornamentation on the accessory hook of the gubernaculum, length of spicule and gubernaculum, size of the eggs, and distance to the vulva from the anterior end. This is the first record of a Syphacia species from the tribe Phyllotini in Argentina, and the first time a Syphacia species is reported from C. laucha .  相似文献   

The Trichostrongylina parasitic in the leaf-eared mouse Phyllotis sp. (Sigmodontinae) from the Province of Catamarca, Argentina are studied. Three new species of Stilestrongylus Freitas, Lent and Almeida, 1937 (Heligmosomoidea: Heligmonellidae: Nippostrongylinae) are described. Stilestrongylus andalgala n. sp. is distinguished from the most closely related species S. moreli Diaw, 1976 parasitic in Auliscomys boliviensis from Bolivia, by the absence of a common trunk of right rays 2 and 3, by left ray 4 shorter than ray 5, and by the shape of the female tail, without a mucron. Stilestrongylus catamarca n. sp. is distinguished from all the other species in the genus by hypertrophied rays 2, larger than rays 3, and from the closely related species Stilestrongylus barusi Durette-Desset, 1971, parasitic in Sigmodontomys alfari from Colombia, by right ray 4 longer than ray 5 and left ray 4 shorter than ray 5, by a larger spicule length/body length ratio (22.6% vs. 7.2%), and by the presence of a mucron on the female tail. Stilestrongylus gracielae n. sp. most closely resembles Stilestrongylus azarai Durette-Desset and Sutton, 1985, parasitic in Akodon azarae and in Graomys griseoflavus, and Stilestrongylus franciscanus Digiani and Durette-Desset, 2003, also parasitic in G. griseoflavus, both from Argentina. These latter differ from the new species by the right lobe of the caudal bursa: in S. azarai rays 4, 5 and 6 arise at same level from their common trunk and in S. franciscanus right rays 4 and 5 diverge at their distal extremity. Lamanema chavezi Becklund, 1963 (Molineoidea: Molineinae), a parasite of South American camelids, is reported in rodents for the second time.  相似文献   

Wild populations of Akodon azarae comprise females with a karyotype indistinguishable from that of males. These individuals were formerly assumed to be Xx, the x being an X chromosome with a deletion of most of its long arm. By using a DNA probe derived from the testis-determining region of the human Y chromosome (comprising a candidate gene for the testis-determining factor, Y-linked zinc finger [ZFY]), we demonstrate that A. azarae gonosomally variant females are XY and not Xx. The ZFY sequences in A. azarae are amplified and located in two different families of EcoRI fragments derived from Y-chromosome DNA. No rearrangement or change in the state of methylation of ZFY or ZFX (X-linked zinc finger) sequences were found in XY females. We propose that sex reversal in A. azarae may be mediated by a gene or genes other than ZFX or ZFY.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to study infestation parameters and indexes of ectoparasites associated with each sex of the wild rodents Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse) andAkodon azarae (Fischer) in the Punta Lara wetlands, Argentina. A trend towards higher mean abundance (MA) and ectoparasite specific richness was observed in males of O. flavescens whereas those values were similar for both A. azarae sexes. The prevalence of the following ectoparasites was significantly higher on males (P<0.05): Mysolaelaps microspinosus Fonseca (65.2%) and Hoplopleura travassosi Werneck (73.9%) on O. flavescens, and Ixodes loricatus Neumann (71.4%) on A. azarae. Only H. travassosi mean abundance was significantly higher on males (MA=44.1). Since I. loricatus and Hoplopleura spp. are involved in the transmission of pathogens that cause diseases in animals and humans, and whose reservoirs are rodent hosts, these results are epidemiologically important.  相似文献   

The cursor complex is a group within the Akodon genus of South American rodents, formed by Akodon cursor and A. montensis. Correct distinction between these two species is of great importance since they can harbor different Hantavirus strains. These species are only distinguishable by means of karyotypic or internal anatomic features, requiring dissection; recently, some other genetic methods have become available. We developed RAPD markers capable of distinguishing between A. cursor and A. montensis. Samples included 42 individuals of A. cursor from four localities and 16 individuals of A. montensis from two localities. Fifty-five bands, 41 of which were polymorphic, were analyzed. A principal component analysis showed that this set of markers could successfully distinguish between the two species, mainly based on three RAPD bands. The number of bands in each population was compared within a 95% confidence interval as a measure of intraspecific variability. The A. cursor populations were found to have marked genetic structure across the study area (AMOVA; F(ST?)= 0.21), which in part might be because of the relatively limited dispersal capabilities of this species. Species-specific bands, with potential for species identification, were identified.  相似文献   

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