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At present as physiologists studying various homeostatic behaviors, such as thermoregulatory behavior and food and fluid intake, we have no common currency that allows us to equate the strength of the motivational drive that accompanies each regulatory need, in terms of how an animal or a person will choose to satisfy his needs when there is a conflict between two or more of them. Yet the behaving organism must rank his priorities and needs a common currency to achieve the ranking (McFarland & Sibly, 1975, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 270 Biol 265-293). A theory is proposed here according to which pleasure is this common currency. The perception of pleasure, as measured operationally and quantitatively by choice behavior (in the case of animals), or by the rating of the intensity of pleasure or displeasure (in the case of humans) can serve as such a common currency. The tradeoffs between various motivations would thus be accomplished by simple maximization of pleasure. In what follows, the scientific work arising recently on this subject, with be reviewed briefly and our recent experimental findings will be presented. This will serve as the support for the theoretical position formulated in this essay.  相似文献   

In general, mammalian Ras guanine nucleotide exchange factors (RasGEFs) show little substrate specificity, although they are often thought to regulate specific pathways. Here, we provide in vitro and in vivo evidence that two RasGEFs can each act on specific Ras proteins. During Dictyostelium development, RasC and RasG are activated in response to cyclic AMP, with each regulating different downstream functions: RasG regulates chemotaxis and RasC is responsible for adenylyl cyclase activation. RasC activation was abolished in a gefA- mutant, whereas RasG activation was normal in this strain, indicating that RasGEFA activates RasC but not RasG. Conversely, RasC activation was normal in a gefR- mutant, whereas RasG activation was greatly reduced, indicating that RasGEFR activates RasG. These results were confirmed by the finding that RasGEFA and RasGEFR specifically released GDP from RasC and RasG, respectively, in vitro. This RasGEF target specificity provides a mechanism for one upstream signal to regulate two downstream processes using independent pathways.  相似文献   

Mitogen-induced initiation of DNA synthesis in quiescent Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (CCL39) is strongly inhibited by 8-Br cAMP and cAMP-evaluating agents (prostaglandin E1, cholera toxin, isobutylmethylxanthine). This inhibition is reversible and occurs very early in G0/G1. As exponential growth is much less affected by increased cAMP, we propose that cAMP inhibits an early signal essential for the exit from G0. CCL39 cells can be stimulated by alpha-thrombin, which activates phosphoinositide (PI) breakdown, as well as by mitogens (FGF or FGF + serotonin) which do not involve the PI pathway. Here we show that the action of both classes of mitogens is likewise inhibited by cAMP. Therefore, although PI breakdown is inhibited by cAMP in CCL39 cells, this effect cannot entirely account for th antimitogenic activity of cAMP. Other early steps of the mitogenic response must be also affected.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP in Metobolism   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Throughout the animal kingdom cyclic AMP is involved in the regulation of enzyme activity under the influence of hormones. As this review shows, a few clues are beginning to emerge about the way in which this is being achieved.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP in prokaryotes.   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:46       下载免费PDF全文

Curative interference with signal transduction pathways is a spectacularly successful concept in many domains of modern pharmacology; indeed, the 'wonder drug' Viagra is but a humble inhibitor of a cyclic GMP (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase and, thus, interferes with cGMP-signaling in a strategic organ. In fact, about half of the 100 most successful drugs currently on the market act through modulating cellular signal transduction. Despite these encouraging findings, signal transduction pathways as potential drug targets in trypanosomatids have remained largely unexplored. However, what little is known indicates that adenylyl cyclases of trypanosomatids, and probably other enzymes of the cyclic nucleotide signaling pathways, are significantly different from their mammalian counterparts. Here, Christina Naula and Thomas Seebeck summarize what is known about cAMP signal transduction in trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate normally stimulates motility of spermatozoa. Its concentration in cervical mucus was studied by an isotopic competitive method in 15 normal women aged between 20 and 50 years. Values were very high, particularly in the periovulatory period, with a mean (+/-SD) value of 167.90 +/- 154.96 nmol/l. These are very high when compared with values in other biological fluids (blood serum and urine).  相似文献   

Summary In Balb/c plasmacytoma cells (MOPC 315) the synthesis and secretion of IgA in vitro was suppressed by prior incubation of the tumor cells with anti-Balb/c alloantibody. In tumor cells so treated, the levels of cyclic AMP were found to be increased. The alloantibody, either as alloantiserum or ascitic fluid globulins from allogeneic strains of mice immunized with spleen cells, had been differentially absorbed with Balb/c spleen cells. Such absorption reduces the cytotoxic antibody effect to below detectable levels, as measured by Trypan Blue exclusion, but permits retention of substantial levels of the suppressive antibody effect. The range of dilutions of alloantibody causing the increase in cAMP corresponded with those that caused suppression of IgA secretion. When tumor cells were exposed to agents that increased the level of cAMP either endogenously or exogenously, suppression of secretion of IgA was found, similar to that caused by the alloantibody. When submaximal concentrations of suppressive antibody were combined with submaximal levels of the cAMP-increasing agents greater degrees of suppression were found, suggesting an additive effect. No cytotoxic effect on these tumor cells, as indicated by Trypan Blue exclusion, was caused by these cAMP-increasing agents at the concentrations shown, either alone or in combination with the suppressive antibody.  相似文献   

A Role of Cyclic AMP in a Neurotrophic Process   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
TROPHIC effects of neurones can be defined as long-term interactions between nerve cells and the tissues they innervate, which initiate or control molecular modifications in the target cells1. An example of trophic activity is the maintenance of the motor end plate of skeletal muscle by the nerve fibre. The motor nerve appears to exert a morphogenetic effect on its formation, because both the structural specializations and Cholinesterase activity of the end plate develop only in relation to the nerve fibre2–5. Conversely, denervation is followed usually by degeneration of the junction and loss of end plate Cholinesterase activity6–8.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP concentrations in a non-toxic nodular goiter were measured by means of the radiocompetitive protein-binding assay. It has been shown that cold thyroid nodules contain a higher concentration of cAMP than the macroscopically normal, extra-nodular thyroid tissue.  相似文献   

As pathogenic microorganisms establish an infection, they must be able to sense host-specific signals and respond by elaborating determinants that allow for survival in these hostile conditions. Pathogen cell surface proteins detect these signals and activate signal transduction cascades that ultimately alter gene expression resulting in an adaptive cellular response. Here we review the mechanisms by which a pathogenic fungus uses the highly conserved cAMP signal transduction pathway to regulate cellular differentiation as well as its virulence potential.  相似文献   

Growth Control and Cyclic Alterations of Cyclic AMP in the Cell Cycle   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Growth stimulated by protease treatment of untransformed cells is correlated with a decrease in cell cAMP levels and can be prevented by dibutyryl cAMP. The changed growth characteristics of transformed cells are discussed with regard to cAMP levels.  相似文献   

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