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Although DNA breakage and reunion in nonhomologous recombination are poorly understood, previous work suggests that short sequence homologies may play a role in the end-joining step in mammalian cells. To study the mechanism of end joining in more detail, we inserted a polylinker into the simian virus 40 T-antigen intron, cleaved the polylinker with different pairs of restriction enzymes, and transfected the resulting linear molecules into monkey cells. Analysis of 199 independent junctional sequences from seven constructs with different mismatched ends indicates that single-stranded extensions are relatively stable in monkey cells and that the terminal few nucleotides are critical for cell-mediated end joining. Furthermore, these studies define three mechanisms for end joining: single-strand, template-directed, and postrepair ligations. The latter two mechanisms depend on homologous pairing of one to six complementary bases to position the junction. All three mechanisms operate with similar overall efficiencies. The relevance of this work to targeted integration in mammalian cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Nonhomologous recombination in human cells.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Nonhomologous recombination (NHR) is a major pathway for the repair of chromosomal double-strand breaks in the DNA of somatic cells. In this study, a comparison was made between the nonhomologous end joining of transfected adenovirus DNA fragments in vivo and the ability of purified human proteins to catalyze nonhomologous end joining in vitro. Adenovirus DNA fragments were shown to be efficiently joined in human cells regardless of the structure of the ends. Sequence analysis of these junctions revealed that the two participating ends frequently lost nucleotides from the 3' strands at the site of the joint. To examine the biochemical basis of the end joining, nuclear extracts were prepared from a wide variety of mammalian cell lines and tested for their ability to join test plasmid substrates. Efficient ligation of the linear substrate DNA was observed, the in vitro products being similar to the in vivo products with respect to the loss of 3' nucleotides at the junction. Substantial purification of the end-joining activity was carried out with the human immature T-cell-line HPB-ALL. The protein preparation was found to join all types of linear DNA substrates containing heterologous ends with closely equivalent efficiencies. The in vitro system for end joining does not appear to contain any of the three known DNA ligases, on the basis of a number of criteria, and has been termed the NHR ligase. The enriched activity resides in a high-molecular-weight recombination complex that appears to include and require the human homologous pairing protein HPP-1 as well as the NHR ligase. Characterization of the product molecules of the NHR ligase reaction suggests that they are linear oligomers of the monomer substrate joined nonrandomly head-to-head and/or tail-to-tail. The joined ends of the products were found to be modified by a 3' exonuclease prior to ligation, and no circular DNA molecules were detected. These types of products are similar to those required for the breakage-fusion-bridge cycle, a major NHR pathway for chromosome double-strand break repair.  相似文献   

Four deletions in the human factor VIII gene have been characterized at the sequence level in patients with hemophilia A. Deletion JH 1 extends 57 kb from IVS 10 to IVS 18. Intron 13 and exon 14 are partially deleted in patients JH 7 and JH 37, with a loss of 3.2 and 2.4 kb of DNA, respectively. The 3' deletion breakpoint of the JH 21 event resides in intron 3 and extends 5' into intron 1, resulting in the loss of exons 2 and 3. Seven of the eight breakpoints sequenced (5' and 3' for each of the four deletions) occur in nonrepetitive sequence, while the 3' breakpoint of the JH 1 resides in an Alu repetitive element. All of the deletions are the result of nonhomologous recombination. The 5' and 3' breakpoints of JH 1, JH 7, and JH 37 share 2- to 3-bp homologies at the deletion junctions. In contrast, two nucleotides have been inserted at the JH 21 deletion junction. Short sequence homologies may facilitate end-joining reactions in nonhomologous recombination events.  相似文献   

Y Li  L A Ball 《Journal of virology》1993,67(7):3854-3860
During sequential replicative passages of viral RNA from the nodavirus flock house virus, spontaneous deletion of RNA sequences occurred frequently. Families of deleted RNA molecules were derived from both segments of the bipartite viral genome and found to contain single, double, or triple deletions. These deletions were attributed to template switching by the flock house virus RNA replicase, resulting in recombination between distant sequences and excision of the intervening nucleotides. From sequence analysis of the recombination junctions, we concluded that the process of template switching was influenced by both the primary sequence and the secondary structure of the RNA and that it occurred predominantly during synthesis of RNA negative strands.  相似文献   

Hotspots for generalized recombination in the Escherichia coli chromosome.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A naturally occurring hotspot for Rec recombination of Escherichia coli was located in the biotin operon. The phenotypes of the bio hotspot as observed in λbio transducing phage were identical to those of Chi mutations in phage λ. In addition to recA+ function, the site-specific stimulation of recombination required recB+ function. The stimulation took place when the hotspot was present in only one parent of the cross and even when present opposite a region of heterology.The demonstration of a Chi element in E. coli provoked us to measure the density of Chi elements on the chromosome. E. coli DNA sampled in λ transducing phage (either obtained by induction of secondary site lysogens or made in vitro from EcoRI cleavage fragments) showed one hotspot per 5 to 15 × 103 bases. The high density and the fact that Chi stimulation of recombination can span the inter-Chi distance suggest that Chi might be important in Rec recombination in the absence of λ.  相似文献   

The repair of DNA double strand breaks by homologous recombination can occur by at least two pathways: a Rad51-dependent pathway that is predominantly error free, and a Rad51-independent pathway (single strand annealing, SSA) that is error prone. In theory, chromosome exchanges can result from (mis)repair by either pathway. Both repair pathways will involve a search for homologous sequence, leading to co-localization of chromatin. Genes involved in homologous recombination repair (HRR) have now been successfully knocked out in mice and the role of HRR in the formation of chromosome exchanges, particularly after ionising radiation, is discussed in the light of new evidence.  相似文献   

Triplex-induced recombination and repair in the pyrimidine motif   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) bind DNA in a sequence-specific manner at polypurine/polypyrimidine sites and mediate targeted genome modification. Triplexes are formed by either pyrimidine TFOs, which bind parallel to the purine strand of the duplex (pyrimidine, parallel motif), or purine TFOs, which bind in an anti-parallel orientation (purine, anti-parallel motif). Both purine and pyrimidine TFOs, when linked to psoralen, have been shown to direct psoralen adduct formation in cells, leading to mutagenesis or recombination. However, only purine TFOs have been shown to mediate genome modification without the need for a targeted DNA-adduct. In this work, we report the ability of a series of pyrimidine TFOs, with selected chemical modifications, to induce repair and recombination in two distinct episomal targets in mammalian cells in the absence of any DNA-reactive conjugate. We find that TFOs containing N3′→P5′ phosphoramidate (amidate), 5-(1-propynyl)-2′-deoxyuridine (pdU), 2′-O-methyl-ribose (2′-O-Me), 2′-O-(2-aminoethyl)-ribose, or 2′-O, 4′-C-methylene bridged or locked nucleic acid (LNA)-modified nucleotides show substantially increased formation of non-covalent triplexes under physiological conditions compared with unmodified DNA TFOs. However, of these modified TFOs, only the amidate and pdU-modified TFOs mediate induced recombination in cells and stimulate repair in cell extracts, at levels comparable to those seen with purine TFOs in similar assays. These results show that amidate and pdU-modified TFOs can be used as reagents to stimulate site-specific gene targeting without the need for conjugation to DNA-reactive molecules. By demonstrating the potential for induced repair and recombination with appropriately modified pyrimidine TFOs, this work expands the options available for triplex-mediated gene targeting.  相似文献   

Thirty-two cases of uniparental disomy (UPD), ascertained from Prader-Willi syndrome patients (N = 27) and Angelman syndrome patients (N = 5), are used to investigate the pattern of recombination associated with nondisjunction of chromosome 15. In addition, the meiotic stage of nondisjunction is inferred by using markers mapping near the centromere. Two basic approaches to the analysis of recombination are utilized. Standard methods of centromere mapping are employed to determine the level of recombination in specific pairwise intervals along the chromosome. This method shows a significant reduction in recombination for two of five intervals examined. Second, the observed frequency of each recombinant class (i.e., zero, one, two, three, or more observable crossovers) is compared with expected values. This is useful for testing whether the reduction in recombination can be attributed solely to a proportion of cases with no recombination at all (because of asynapsis), with the remaining groups showing normal recombination (or even excess recombination), or whether recombination is uniformly reduced. Analysis of maternal UPD(15) data shows a slight reduction in the multiple-recombinant classes, with a corresponding increase in both the zero- and one-recombinant classes over expected values. The majority, more than 82%, of the extra chromosomes in maternal UPD(15) cases are due to meiotic I nondisjunction events. In contrast, most paternal UPD(15) cases so far examined appear to have a postzygotic origin of the extra paternal chromosome.  相似文献   

Rate of recombination is a powerful variable affecting several aspects of molecular variation and evolution. A nonrecombining portion of the genome of most Drosophila species, the "dot" chromosome or F element, exhibits very low levels of variation and unusual codon usage. One lineage of Drosophila, the willistoni/saltans groups, has the F element fused to a normally recombining E element. Here, we present polymorphism data for genes on the F element in two Drosophila willistoni and one D. insularis populations, genes previously studied in D. melanogaster. The D. willistoni populations were known to be very low in inversion polymorphism, thus minimizing the recombination suppression effect of inversions. We first confirmed, by in situ hybridization, that D. insularis has the same E + F fusion as D. willistoni, implying this was a monophyletic event. A clear gradient in codon usage exists along the willistoni F element, from the centromere distally to the fusion with E; estimates of recombination rates parallel this gradient and also indicate D. insularis has greater recombination than D. willistoni. In contrast to D. melanogaster, genes on the F element exhibit moderate levels of nucleotide polymorphism not distinguishable from two genes elsewhere in the genome. Although some linkage disequilibrium (LD) was detected between polymorphic sites within genes (generally <500 bp apart), no long-range LD between F element loci exists in the two willistoni group species. In general, the distribution of allele frequencies of F element genes display the typical pattern of expectations of neutral variation at equilibrium. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that recombination allows the accumulation of nucleotide variation as well as allows selection to act on synonymous codon usage. It is estimated that the fusion occurred ~20 Mya and while the F element in the willistoni lineage has evolved "normal" levels and patterns of nucleotide variation, equilibrium may not have been reached for codon usage.  相似文献   

We examined DNA double-strand-break-induced mutations in the endogenous adenine phosphoribosyl-transferase (APRT) gene in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells after exposure to restriction endonucleases. PvuII, EcoRV, and StuI, all of which produce blunt-end DNA double-strand breaks, were electroporated into CHO-AT3-2 cells hemizygous at the APRT locus. Colonies of viable cells containing mutations at APRT were expanded, and the mutations that occurred during break repair were analyzed at the DNA sequence level. Restriction enzyme-induced mutations consisted of small deletions of 1 to 36 bp, insertions, and combinations of insertions and deletions at the cleavage sites. Most of the small deletions involved overlaps of one to four complementary bases at the recombination junctions. Southern blot analysis revealed more complex mutations, suggesting translocation, inversion, or insertion of larger chromosomal fragments. These results indicate that blunt-end DNA double-strand breaks can induce illegitimate (nonhomologous) recombination in mammalian chromosomes and that they play an important role in mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Meiotic recombination within the centromere of a yeast chromosome   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
L S Symington  T D Petes 《Cell》1988,52(2):237-240
In order to examine the frequency of nonreciprocal recombination (gene conversion) within the centromere of the yeast chromosome, we constructed strains that contained heterozygous restriction sites in the conserved centromere sequences of chromosome III in addition to heterozygous markers flanking the centromere. One of these markers was the selectable URA3 gene, which was inserted less than one kb from the centromere. We found that meiotic conversion of the URA3 gene occurred at normal frequency (about 2% of unselected tetrads) and that more than one-third of these convertants coconverted the markers within the centromere. In addition, we observed tetrads in which conversion events extended through the centromere to include a marker on the opposite side from URA3. We conclude that meiotic conversion events occur within the centromere at rates similar to other genomic sequences.  相似文献   

We have constructed phage lambda and plasmid DNA substrates (lambda tk2 and ptk2) that contain two defective herpesvirus thymidine kinase (tk) genes that can be used to detect homologous recombination during the transfer of DNA into mouse L cells deficient in thymidine kinase activity. The recombination event reconstructs a wild-type tk gene and is scored because it converts Tk- cells to Tk+. Using this system, we have shown that (i) both intramolecular and intermolecular homologous recombination can be detected after gene transfer; (ii) the degree of recombination decreases with decreasing tk gene homology; and (iii) the efficiency of recombination can be stimulated 10- to 100-fold by cutting the tk2 DNA with restriction enzymes at appropriate sites relative to the recombining sequences. Based on the substrate requirements for these recombination events, we propose a model to explain how recombination might occur in mammalian cells. The essential features of the model are that the cut restriction site ends are substrates for cellular exonucleases that degrade DNA strands. This process exposes complementary strands of the two defective tk genes, which then pair. Removal of unpaired DNA at the junction between the paired and unpaired regions permits a gap repair process to reconstruct an intact gene.  相似文献   

COM1/SAE2 is a highly conserved gene from yeast to higher eukaryotes. Its orthologs, known to cooperate with the MRX complex (Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2), are required for meiotic DNA double‐strand break (DSB) ends resection and specific mitotic DSB repair events. Here, the rice (Oryza sativa, 2n = 2x = 24) COM1/SAE2 homolog was identified through positional cloning, termed OsCOM1. Four independent mutants of OsCOM1 were isolated and characterized. In Oscom1 mutants, synaptonemal complex (SC) formation, homologous pairing and recombination were severely inhibited, whereas aberrant non‐homologous chromosome entanglements occurred constantly. Several key meiotic proteins, including ZEP1 and OsMER3, were not loaded normally onto chromosomes in Oscom1 mutants, whereas the localization of OsREC8, PAIR2 and PAIR3 seemed to be normal. Moreover, OsCOM1 was loaded normally onto meiotic chromosomes in Osrec8, zep1 and Osmer3 mutants, but could not be properly loaded in Osam1, pair2 and OsSPO11‐1RNAi plants. These results provide direct evidence for the functions of OsCOM1 in promoting homologous synapsis and recombination in rice meiosis.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements can be triggered by recombination between distinct but related regions. Brassica napus (AACC; 2n = 38) is a recent allopolyploid species whose progenitor genomes are widely replicated. In this article, we analyze the extent to which chromosomal rearrangements originate from homeologous recombination during meiosis of haploid B. napus (n = 19) by genotyping progenies of haploid x euploid B. napus with molecular markers. Our study focuses on three pairs of homeologous regions selected for their differing levels of divergence (N1/N11, N3/N13, and N9/N18). We show that a high number of chromosomal rearrangements occur during meiosis of B. napus haploid and are transmitted by first division restitution (FDR)-like unreduced gametes to their progeny; half of the progeny of Darmor-bzh haploids display duplications and/or losses in the chromosomal regions being studied. We demonstrate that half of these rearrangements are due to recombination between regions of primary homeology, which represents a 10- to 100-fold increase compared to the frequency of homeologous recombination measured in euploid lines. Some of the other rearrangements certainly result from recombination between paralogous regions because we observed an average of one to two autosyndetic A-A and/or C-C bivalents at metaphase I of the B. napus haploid. These results are discussed in the context of genome evolution of B. napus.  相似文献   

Tn10, like several other transposons, exhibits a marked preference for integration into particular target sequences. Such sequences are referred to as integration hotspots and have been used to define a consensus target site in Tn10 transposition. We demonstrate that a Tn10 hotspot called HisG1, which was identified originally in vivo, also functions as an integration hotspot in vitro in a reaction where the HisG1 sequence is present on a short DNA oligomer. We use this in vitro system to define factors which are important for the capture of the HisG1 target site. We demonstrate that although divalent metal ions are not essential for HisG1 target capture, they greatly facilitate capture of a mutated HisG1 site. Analysis of catalytic transposase mutants further demonstrates that the DDE motif plays a critical role in ''divalent metal ion-dependent'' target capture. Analysis of two other classes of transposase mutants, Exc+ Int- (which carry out transposon excision but not integration) and ATS (altered target specificity), demonstrates that while a particular ATS transposase binds HisG1 mutants better than wild-type transposase, Exc+ Int- mutants are defective in HisG1 capture, further defining the properties of these classes of mutants. Possible mechanisms for the above observations are considered.  相似文献   

We examined unequal homologous DNA recombination between human repetitive DNA elements located on a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) and transforming plasmid molecules. A plasmid vector containing an Alu element, as well as a sequence identical to a unique site on a YAC, was introduced into yeast and double recombinant clones analyzed. Recombination occurs between vector and YAC Alu elements sharing as little as 74% identity. The physical proximity of an Alu element to the unique DNA segment appears to play a significant role in determining the frequency with which that element serves as a recombination substrate. In addition, cross-over points of the recombination reaction are largely confined to the ends of the repetitive element. Since a similar distribution of crossover sites occurs during unequal homologous recombination in human germ and somatic tissue, we propose that similar enzymatic processes may be responsible for the events observed in our system and in human cells. This suggests that further examination of the enzymology of unequal homologous recombination of human DNA within yeast may yield a greater understanding of the molecular events which control this process in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

A model of a rheologically relevant protein, omega-gliadin, is proposed and studied in this work by means of molecular dynamics techniques. The model is based on an octapeptide repeat motif that is experimentally described as characteristic of that protein and as constituting it almost entirely. The initial molecular structure consisted of 20 such repeats. It was optimized and the dynamics developed along 980 ps, at dielectric constant epsilon = 80. Remarkable structural features were observed for the model built, such as an elongated twisted tubular overall structure with a peculiar interpenetrating folding pattern, of a very regular character, organized strand formation, topologically segregated sites on the outer surface with an alternate hydrophilic/hydrophobic character and a hydrophilic inner cavity. Dynamics produced significantly more relaxed structures, but was not able to change the main geometric features presented by the original structure. Preliminary attempts of correlating some structural/dynamic aspects observed for the model with features of gliadin rheological behavior are presented.  相似文献   

Somatic cell hybrids heterozygous at the emetine resistance locus (emtr/emt+) or the chromate resistance locus (chrr/chr+) are known to segregate the recessive drug resistance phenotype at high frequency. We have examined mechanisms of segregation in Chinese hamster cell hybrids heterozygous at these two loci, both of which map to the long arm of Chinese hamster chromosome 2. To follow the fate of chromosomal arms through the segregation process, our hybrids were also heterozygous at the mtx (methotrexate resistance) locus on the short arm of chromosome 2 and carried cytogenetically marked chromosomes with either a short-arm deletion (2p-) or a long-arm addition (2q+). Karyotype and phenotype analysis of emetine- or chromate-resistant segregants from such hybrids allowed us to distinguish four potential segregation mechanisms: (i) loss of the emt+- or chr+-bearing chromosome; (ii) mitotic recombination between the centromere and the emt or chr loci, giving rise to homozygous resistant segregants; (iii) inactivation of the emt+ or chr+ alleles; and (iv) loss of the emt+- or chr+-bearing chromosome with duplication of the homologous chromosome carrying the emtr or chrr allele. Of 48 independent segregants examined, only 9 (20%) arose by simple chromosome loss. Two segregants (4%) were consistent with a gene inactivation mechanism, but because of their rarity, other mechanisms such as mutation or submicroscopic deletion could not be excluded. Twenty-one segregants (44%) arose by either mitotic recombination or chromosome loss and duplication; the two mechanisms were not distinguishable in that experiment. Finally, in hybrids allowing these two mechanisms to be distinguished, 15 segregants (31%) arose by chromosome loss and duplication, and none arose by mitotic recombination.  相似文献   

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