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The lin-12 locus specifies cell fates in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
We describe two classes of mutations in the lin-12 locus of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Ten semidominant mutations (lin-12[d]) appear to elevate the level of lin-12 activity. Thirty-two recessive alleles (lin-12[0]), including two amber mutations, appear to eliminate gene activity. The lin-12(d) and lin-12(0) mutations result in reciprocal homeotic transformations in the fates of defined cells in several different tissues. Gene dosage studies suggest that a high level of lin-12 activity specifies one cell fate and a low level specifies an alternative fate. Temperature-shift experiments indicate that lin-12 acts at the time cell fate is determined in wild type. We propose that lin-12 functions as a binary switch to control decisions between alternative cell fates during C. elegans development.  相似文献   

Morsci NS  Haas LA  Barr MM 《Genetics》2011,189(4):1341-1346
Mating behavior of animals is regulated by the sensory stimuli provided by the other sex. Sexually receptive females emit mating signals that can be inhibited by male ejaculate. The genetic mechanisms controlling the release of mating signals and encoding behavioral responses remain enigmatic. Here we present evidence of a Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodite-derived cue that stimulates male mating-response behavior and is dynamically regulated by her reproductive status. Wild-type males preferentially mated with older hermaphrodites. Increased sex appeal of older hermaphrodites was potent enough to stimulate robust response from mating-deficient pkd-2 and lov-1 polycystin mutant males. This enhanced response of pkd-2 males toward older hermaphrodites was independent of short-chain ascaroside pheromones, but was contingent on the absence of active sperm in the hermaphrodites. The improved pkd-2 male response toward spermless hermaphrodites was blocked by prior insemination or by genetic ablation of the ceh-18-dependent sperm-sensing pathway of the hermaphrodite somatic gonad. Our work suggests an interaction between sperm and the soma that has a negative but reversible effect on a hermaphrodite-derived mating cue that regulates male mating response, a phenomenon to date attributed to gonochoristic species only.  相似文献   

Andersen EC  Saffer AM  Horvitz HR 《Genetics》2008,179(4):2001-2012
Many mutations cause obvious abnormalities only when combined with other mutations. Such synthetic interactions can be the result of redundant gene functions. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the synthetic multivulva (synMuv) genes have been grouped into multiple classes that redundantly inhibit vulval cell fates. Animals with one or more mutations of the same class undergo wild-type vulval development, whereas animals with mutations of any two classes have a multivulva phenotype. By varying temperature and genetic background, we determined that mutations in most synMuv genes within a single synMuv class enhance each other. However, in a few cases no enhancement was observed. For example, mutations that affect an Mi2 homolog and a histone methyltransferase are of the same class and do not show enhancement. We suggest that such sets of genes function together in vivo and in at least some cases encode proteins that interact physically. The approach of genetic enhancement can be applied more broadly to identify potential protein complexes as well as redundant processes or pathways. Many synMuv genes are evolutionarily conserved, and the genetic relationships we have identified might define the functions not only of synMuv genes in C. elegans but also of their homologs in other organisms.  相似文献   

Morita K  Hirono K  Han M 《EMBO reports》2005,6(12):1163-1168
A reduction-of-function mutation in ect-2 was isolated as a suppressor of the Multivulva phenotype of a lin-31 mutation. Analysis using markers indicates that this mutation causes defects in both the cytokinesis and migration of epidermal P cells, phenotypes similar to those caused by expressing a rho-1 dominant-negative construct. ect-2 encodes the Caenorhabditis elegans orthologue of the mouse Ect2 and Drosophila Pebble that function as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for Rho GTPases. The ect-2Colon, two colonsGFP reporter is expressed in embryonic cells and P cells. RNA interference of ect-2 causes sterility and embryonic lethality, in addition to the P-cell defects. We have determined the lesions of two ect-2 alleles, and described their differences in phenotypes in specific tissues. We propose a model in which ECT-2GEF not only activates RHO-1 for P-cell cytokinesis, but also collaborates with UNC-73GEF and at least two Rac proteins to regulate P-cell migration.  相似文献   

In wild-type Caenorhabditis elegans, the hermaphrodite gonad is a symmetrical structure, whereas the male gonad is asymmetric. Two cellular processes are critical for the generation of these sexually dimorphic gonadal shapes during early larval development. First, regulatory "leader" cells that control tube extension and gonadal shape are generated. Second, the somatic gonadal precursor cells migrate and become rearranged to establish the adult pattern. In this paper, we introduce sys-1, a gene required for early organization of the hermaphrodite, but not the male, gonad. The sys-1(q544) allele behaves genetically as a strong loss-of-function mutant and putative null. All hermaphrodites that are homozygous for sys-1(q544) possess a grossly malformed gonad and are sterile; in contrast, sys-1(q544) males exhibit much later and only partially penetrant gonadal defects. The sys-1(q544) hermaphrodites exhibit two striking early gonadal defects. First, the cell lineages of Z1 and Z4, the somatic gonadal progenitor cells, produce extra cells during L2, but the regulatory cells that control gonadal shape are not generated. Second, somatic gonadal precursor cells do not cluster centrally during late L2, and the somatic gonadal primordium typical of hermaphrodites is not established. In contrast, the early male gonadal lineage is asymmetric as normal, the somatic gonadal primordium typical of males is established correctly, and the male adult gonadal structures can be normal. We conclude that the primary role of sys-1 is to establish the shape and polarity of the hermaphrodite gonad.  相似文献   

Polarized migration and spreading of epithelial sheets is important during many processes in vivo, including embryogenesis and wound healing. However, the signaling pathways that regulate epithelial migrations are poorly understood. To identify molecular components that regulate the spreading of epithelial sheets, we performed a screen for mutations that perturb epidermal cell migration during embryogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. We identified one mutant (jc5) as a weak mutation in itr-1, which encodes the single inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (ITR) in C. elegans. During the migration of the embryonic epidermis, jc5 embryos display defects including misdirected migration or premature cessation of migration. Cells that halt their migration have disorganized F-actin and display reduced filopodial protrusive activity at their leading edge. Furthermore, some filopodia formed by epidermal cells in itr-1(jc5) embryos exhibit abnormally long lifetimes. Pharmacological studies with the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate antagonist xestospongin C phenocopy these defects, confirming that ITR function is important for proper epidermal migration. Our results provide the first molecular evidence that movements of embryonic epithelial cell sheets can be controlled by ITRs and suggest that such regulation may be a widespread mechanism for coordinating epithelial cell movements during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The C. elegans male tail is being studied as a model to understand how genes specify the form of multicellular animals. Morphogenesis of the specialized male copulatory organ takes place in the last larval stages during male development. Genetic analysis is facilitated because the structure is not necessary for male viability or for strain propagation. Analysis of developmental mutants, isolated in several functional and morphological screens, has begun to reveal how fates of cells are determined in the cell lineages, and how the specification of cell fates affects the morphology of the structure. Cytological studies in wild type and in mutants have been used to study the mechanism of pattern formation in the tail peripheral nervous system. The ultimate goal is to define the entire pathway leading to the male copulatory organ.  相似文献   

Cell invasion is a tightly controlled process occurring during development and tumor progression. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans serves as a genetic model to study cell invasion during normal development. In the third larval stage, the anchor cell in the somatic gonad first induces and then invades the adjacent epidermal vulval precursor cells. The homolog of the Evi-1 oncogene, egl-43, is necessary for basement membrane destruction and anchor cell invasion. egl-43 is part of a regulatory network mediating cell invasion downstream of the fos-1 proto-oncogene. In addition, EGL-43 is required to specify the cell fates of ventral uterus cells downstream of or in parallel with LIN-12 NOTCH. Comparison with mammalian Evi-1 suggests a conserved pathway controlling cell invasion and cell fate specification.  相似文献   

Hsu V  Zobel CL  Lambie EJ  Schedl T  Kornfeld K 《Genetics》2002,160(2):481-492
The protein kinase Raf is an important signaling protein. Raf activation is initiated by an interaction with GTP-bound Ras, and Raf functions in signal transmission by phosphorylating and activating a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase named MEK. We identified 13 mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans lin-45 raf gene by screening for hermaphrodites with abnormal vulval formation or germline function. Weak, intermediate, and strong loss-of-function or null mutations were isolated. The phenotype caused by the most severe mutations demonstrates that lin-45 is essential for larval viability, fertility, and the induction of vulval cell fates. The lin-45(null) phenotype is similar to the mek-2(null) and mpk-1(null) phenotypes, indicating that LIN-45, MEK-2, and MPK-1 ERK MAP kinase function in a predominantly linear signaling pathway. The lin-45 alleles include three missense mutations that affect the Ras-binding domain, three missense mutations that affect the protein kinase domain, two missense mutations that affect the C-terminal 14-3-3 binding domain, three nonsense mutations, and one small deletion. The analysis of the missense mutations indicates that Ras binding, 14-3-3-binding, and protein kinase activity are necessary for full Raf function and suggests that a 14-3-3 protein positively regulates Raf-mediated signaling during C. elegans development.  相似文献   

After endocytosis, membrane proteins are often sorted between two alternative pathways: a recycling pathway and a degradation pathway. Relatively little is known about how trafficking through these alternative pathways is differentially regulated. Here, we identify UNC-108/Rab2 as a regulator of postendocytic trafficking in both neurons and coelomocytes. Mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans Rab2 gene unc-108, caused the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged glutamate receptor GLR-1 (GLR-1::GFP) to accumulate in the ventral cord and in neuronal cell bodies. In neuronal cell bodies of unc-108/Rab2 mutants, GLR-1::GFP was found in tubulovesicular structures that colocalized with markers for early and recycling endosomes, including Syntaxin-13 and Rab8. GFP-tagged Syntaxin-13 also accumulated in the ventral cord of unc-108/Rab2 mutants. UNC-108/Rab2 was not required for ubiquitin-mediated sorting of GLR-1::GFP into the multivesicular body (MVB) degradation pathway. Mutations disrupting the MVB pathway and unc-108/Rab2 mutations had additive effects on GLR-1::GFP levels in the ventral cord. In coelomocytes, postendocytic trafficking of the marker Texas Red-bovine serum albumin was delayed. These results demonstrate that UNC-108/Rab2 regulates postendocytic trafficking, most likely at the level of early or recycling endosomes, and that UNC-108/Rab2 and the MVB pathway define alternative postendocytic trafficking mechanisms that operate in parallel. These results define a new function for Rab2 in protein trafficking.  相似文献   

The embryonic cell lineage of Caenorhabditis elegans has been traced from zygote to newly hatched larva, with the result that the entire cell lineage of this organism is now known. During embryogenesis 671 cells are generated; in the hermaphrodite 113 of these (in the male 111) undergo programmed death and the remainder either differentiate terminally or become postembryonic blast cells. The embryonic lineage is highly invariant, as are the fates of the cells to which it gives rise. In spite of the fixed relationship between cell ancestry and cell fate, the correlation between them lacks much obvious pattern. Thus, although most neurons arise from the embryonic ectoderm, some are produced by the mesoderm and a few are sisters to muscles; again, lineal boundaries do not necessarily coincide with functional boundaries. Nevertheless, cell ablation experiments (as well as previous cell isolation experiments) demonstrate substantial cell autonomy in at least some sections of embryogenesis. We conclude that the cell lineage itself, complex as it is, plays an important role in determining cell fate. We discuss the origin of the repeat units (partial segments) in the body wall, the generation of the various orders of symmetry, the analysis of the lineage in terms of sublineages, and evolutionary implications.  相似文献   

We describe here the functional analysis of the C. elegans LIM homeobox gene lim-6, the ortholog of the mammalian Lmx-1a and b genes that regulate limb, CNS, kidney and eye development. lim-6 is expressed in a small number of sensory-, inter- and motorneurons, in epithelial cells of the uterus and in the excretory system. Loss of lim-6 function affects late events in the differentiation of two classes of GABAergic motorneurons which control rhythmic enteric muscle contraction. lim-6 is required to specify the correct axon morphology of these neurons and also regulates expression of glutamic acid decarboxylase, the rate limiting enzyme of GABA synthesis in these neurons. Moreover, lim-6 gene activity and GABA signaling regulate neuroendocrine outputs of the nervous system. In the chemosensory system lim-6 regulates the asymmetric expression of a probable chemosensory receptor. lim-6 is also required in epithelial cells for uterine morphogenesis. We compare the function of lim-6 to those of other LIM homeobox genes in C. elegans and suggest that LIM homeobox genes share the common theme of controlling terminal neural differentiation steps that when disrupted lead to specific neuroanatomical and neural function defects.  相似文献   

Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) regulate the activity of small GTP-binding proteins in a variety of biological processes. We have identified a gain-of-function mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans GEF ect-2, the homologue of the mammalian ect2 proto-oncogene that has an essential role during cytokinesis. Here, we report that, in addition to its known function during mitosis, ECT-2 promotes the specification of the primary vulval cell fate by activating RAS/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signalling before the end of the S-phase. Epistasis analysis indicates that ECT-2 crosstalks to the canonical RAS/MAPK cascade upstream of the RAS GEF SOS-1 by means of a RHO-1 signalling pathway. Our results raise the possibility that the transforming activity of the mammalian ect-2 oncogene could be due to hyperactivation of the RAS/MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

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