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家蚕核型多角体病毒lef-11基因RNA干扰策略的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】家蚕核型多角体病毒(Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus,BmNPV)lef-11基因作为杆状病毒高度保守的晚期表达因子之一,对病毒晚期基因的表达极其重要。因此对lef-11基因进行有效RNA干扰将提高宿主细胞对BmNPV的抗性。【方法】本文基于经典的sh-RNA-loop骨架及家蚕内源性的miRNA骨架,构建以BmNPV lef-11基因为靶标的干扰载体pIZ-shRNA1、pIZ-shRNA2和pIZ-Ds RedamiR279;分别构建基于A4、IE1、IE1-295、IE2、IE2-339、hr3A4和hsp70启动子驱动的干扰载体,用以评价不同启动子驱动的干扰载体的抗病毒效果,并对干扰载体进行优化。【结果】首先,本文通过比较miRNA-based和shRNA-based RNAi载体对同一靶基因同一位点的干扰效率,发现pIZ-Ds Red-amiR279对BmNPV lef11基因的干扰效率超过90%,远优于shRNA-based RNAi载体的干扰效果;其次,通过对干扰载体进行优化,发现IE1启动子的效果最优,由其驱动的pIZ-Ds Red-milef11干扰载体也是本研究中的最优干扰载体,对病毒的增殖抑制效果最为明显。【结论】对目的基因的干扰效果并非启动子的活性越高、miRNA积累得越多就越好,只有综合考虑干扰片段的选择、启动子的活性以及靶基因自身的功能等多方面的因素,才能提高干扰效率,达到干扰目的。  相似文献   

We cloned and characterized a novel Bombyx mori homologue (bm-dronc) of Drosophila melanogaster dronc (dm-dronc), which could encode a polypeptide of 438 amino acid residues. Bm-Dronc shares relatively low amino acid sequence identities of 25% and 26% with Dm-Dronc and Aedes aegypti Dronc (Aa-Dronc), respectively. Bm-Dronc has the sequence QACRG surrounding the catalytic site (C), which is consistent with the QAC(R/Q/G)(G/E) consensus sequence in most caspases but distinct from the sequences PFCRG and SICRG of Dm-Dronc and Aa-Dronc, respectively. Bm-Dronc possesses a long N-terminal prodomain containing a caspase recruitment domain (CARD), a p20 domain and a p10 domain, exhibiting cleavage activities on synthetic substrates Ac-VDVAD-AMC, Ac-IETD-AMC and Ac-LEHD-AMC, which are preferred by human initiator caspases-2, -8 and -9, respectively. Bm-Dronc transiently expressed in insect cells and Escherichia coli cells underwent spontaneous cleavage and caused apoptosis and stimulation of caspase-3-like protease activity in various lepidopteran cell lines, but not in the dipteran cell line D. melanogaster S2. The apoptosis and the stimulation of caspase-3-like protease activity induced by Bm-Dronc overexpression were abrogated upon transfection with either a double-stranded RNA against bm-dronc or a plasmid expressing functional anti-apoptotic protein Hycu-IAP3 encoded by the baculovirus Hyphantria cunea multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (MNPV). Apoptosis induction in BM-N cells by infection with a p35-defective Autographa californica MNPV or exposure to actinomycin D and UV promoted the cleavage of Bm-Dronc. These results indicate that Bm-Dronc serves as the initiator caspase responsible for the induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis.  相似文献   

In holometabolus insects, morphology of the larval fat body is remodeled during metamorphosis. In higher Diptera, remodeling of the fat body is achieved by cell death of larval fat body cells and differentiation of the adult fat body from primordial cells. However, little is known about remodeling of the fat body at pupal metamorphosis in Lepidoptera. In this study, we found that cell death of the larval fat body in Bombyx mori occurs at shortly after pupation. About 30% of the fat body cells underwent cell death on days 1 and 2 after pupation. The cell death involved genomic DNA fragmentation, a characteristic of apoptosis. Surgical manipulation and in vitro culture of fat body cells revealed that 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone had no effect on either initiation or progression of cell death. During cell death, a large increase in activity of caspase-3, a key enzyme of cell death, was observed. Western blot analysis of the active form of caspase-3-like protein revealed that the length of caspase-3 of B. mori was much larger than that of caspase-3 in other species. The results suggest that larval fat body cells of B. mori are removed through cell death, which is mediated by a caspase probably categorized in a novel family.  相似文献   

The effect of validoxylamine A (VAA), a potent and specific trehalase inhibitor, on the induction of non-diapause in Bombyx mori was examined. The VAA induced non-diapause eggs and prevented the glucogen accumulation in the eggs. Trehalase activity of the pupal ovary was effectively inhibited by the VAA injection.  相似文献   

A defensin-like gene, BmdefA, was rediscovered in the silkworm genome and expressed sequence tags databases. The open reading frame of BmdefA encodes a prepropeptide consisting of a 22-residue signal peptide, a 34-residue propeptide, and a 36-residue mature peptide with a molecular mass of 4.0 kDa. The mature peptide possesses the characteristic six-cysteine motif of insect defensins, and its predicted isoelectric point is 4.12, indicating it is a novel anionic defensin. An intron is present in BmdefA and several cis-regulatory elements are in the regulating region. It is transcribed constitutively at a high level in the hemocyte, silk gland, head, and ovary of the silkworm larvae, and in the fat body of early-stage pupae and moth. BmdefA is also strongly induced by immune challenge. These results suggest that BmdefA plays an important role in both immunity and metamorphosis. Hongxiu Wen and Xiqian Lan contributed equally to this work and should be considered co-first authors.  相似文献   

Soil temperature cycles are considered to play an important role in the entrainment of circadian clocks of underground insects. However, because of the low conductivity of soil, temperature cycles are gradually dampened and the phase of the temperature cycle is delayed with increasing soil depth. The onion fly, Delia antiqua, pupates at various soil depths, and its eclosion is timed by a circadian clock. This fly is able to compensate for the depth-dependent phase delay of temperature change by advancing the eclosion time with decreasing amplitude of the temperature cycle. Therefore, pupae can eclose at the appropriate time irrespective of their location at any depth. However, the mechanism that regulates eclosion time in response to temperature amplitude is still unknown. To understand whether this mechanism involves the circadian clock or further downstream physiological processes, we examined the expression patterns of period (per), a circadian clock gene, of D. antiqua under temperature cycles that were square wave cycles of 12-h warm phase (W) and 12-h cool phase (C) with the temperature difference of 8 °C (WC 29:21 °C) and 1 °C (WC 25.5:24.5 °C). The phase of oscillation in per expression was found to commence 3.5 h earlier under WC 25.5:24.5 °C as compared to WC 29:21 °C. This difference was in close agreement with the eclosion time difference between the two temperature cycles, suggesting that the mechanism that responds to the temperature amplitude involves the circadian clock.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity, mode of transmission, tissue specificity of infection and the small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) gene sequences of the three new microsporidian isolates from the silkworm Bombyx mori were studied. Out of the three, NIK-2r revealed life cycle features and SSU-rRNA gene sequence similar to Nosema bombycis, suggesting that it is N. bombycis. The other two, NIK-4m and NIK-3h, differed from each other as well as from N. bombycis. NIK-4m was highly pathogenic and did not show any vertical transmission, in accordance with the apparent lack of gonadal infection, whereas NIK-3h was less pathogenic and vertical transmission was not detected but could not be excluded. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU-rRNA gene sequence placed NIK-3h and NIK-4m in a distinct clade that included almost all the Vairimorpha species and Nosema species that infect lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, while NIK-2r was included in a clade containing almost all the Nosema isolates that infect only lepidopteran hosts. Thus, we have presented molecular evidence that one of the three isolates is in fact the type species N. bombycis, while the other two isolates are Vairimorpha spp. There was distinct separation of microsporidian isolates infecting only lepidopteran hosts and those infecting lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, reflecting possible co-evolution of hosts and microsporidian isolates.  相似文献   

l-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase (DDC) cDNA, from Bombyx mori that contains an open reading frame of 1437 bp encoding 478 amino acids, was cloned and characterized. Expression analyses of B. mori DDC mRNA by Northern and in situ hybridization indicated that expression of silkworm DDC expression is possibly controlled by neuropeptide hormones in tissue- and stage-specific manners.  相似文献   

Candidate pheromone binding proteins of the silkmoth Bombyx mori   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pheromone reception is thought to be mediated by pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) in the aqueous lymph of the antennal sensilla. Recent studies have shown that the only known PBP of Bombyx mori (BmorPBP1) appears to be specifically tuned to bombykol but not to bombykal, raising the question of whether additional subtypes may exist. We have identified two novel genes, which encode candidate PBPs (BmorPBP2, BmorPBP3). Comparison with PBPs from various moth species have revealed a high degree of sequence identity and the three BmorPBP-subtypes can be assigned to distinct groups within the moth PBP family. In situ hybridization revealed that BmorPBP2 and BmorPBP3 are expressed only in relatively few cells compared to the number of cells expressing BmorPBP1. Double-labeling experiments have shown that the two novel BmorPBPs are expressed in the same cells but are not co-expressed with BmorPBP1. Furthermore, unlike BmorPBP1, cells expressing the newly identified PBPs did not surround neurons containing the BmOR-1 receptor. The results indicate that BmorPBP2 and BmorPBP3 are located in sensilla types, which are different from the long sensilla trichodea.Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the EMBL database under accession nos. AM403100 (BmorPBP2) and AM403101 (BmorPBP3).  相似文献   

The investigation of electroantennogram (EAG) using insect antennae has been primarily focused on the measurement of insect pheromone. Insect has highly specialized olfactory receptors inside their antennae. In this paper, EAG was applied to detect general odorants and the feasibility of this system for the olfactory biosensor was investigated. Electroantennogram measurement was carried out using the antennae of male silkworm moth,Bombyx mori, and ammonia gas as the model odorant. EAG parameters including peak amplitude, decay, and level were analyzed for the quantitative measurement. The peak amplitude increased linearly with the ammonia concentration and the reproducible electrical signals were generated at least for 2 hrs after the antenna was cut off from the silkworm moth.  相似文献   

When pupae of Delia antiqua were transferred to constant darkness (DD) from light-dark (LD) cycles or constant light (LL), the sensitivity to light of the circadian clock controlling eclosion increased with age. The daily rhythm of eclosion appeared in both non-diapause and diapause pupae only when this transfer was made during late pharate adult development. When transferred from LL to DD in the early pupal stage, the adult eclosion was weakly rhythmic in non-diapause pupae but arrhythmic in diapause pupae. However, the sensitivity of the circadian clock to temperature cycles or steps was higher in diapause pupae than in non-diapause pupae; in the transfer to a constant 20 degrees C from a thermoperiod of 25 degrees C (12 h)/20 degrees C (12 h) on day 10 after pupation or from chilling (7.5 degrees C) in DD, the adult eclosion from diapause pupae was rhythmic but that from non-diapause pupae arrhythmic. In a transfer to 20 degrees C from the thermoperiod after the initiation of eclosion, rhythmicity was observed in both types of pupae. The larval stage was insensitive to the effect of LD cycle initiating the eclosion rhythm. In D. antiqua pupae in the soil under natural conditions, therefore, the thermoperiod in the late pupal stage would be the most important 'Zeitgeber' for the determination of eclosion timing.  相似文献   

Rab GTPases are essential for vesicular transport, whereas adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the most important and versatile of the activated carriers in the cell. But there are little reports to clarify the connection between ATP and Rab GTPases. A cDNA clone (Rab14) from Bombyx mori was expressed in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein and purified. The protein bound to [3H]-GDP and [35S]-GTPγS. Binding of [35S]-GTPγS was inhibited by guanosine diphosphate (GDP), guanosine triphosphate (GTP) and ATP. Rab14 showed GTP- and ATP-hydrolysis activity. The Km value of Rab14 for ATP was lower than that for GTP. Human Rab14 also showed an ATPase activity. Furthermore, bound [3H]-GDP was exchanged efficiently with GTP and ATP. These results suggest that Rab14 is an ATPase as well as GTPase and gives Rab14 an exciting integrative function between cell metabolic status and membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal kinase (PLK; EC is a key enzyme for vitamin B6 metabolism in animals. It catalyzes the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of pyridoxal, generating pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, an important cofactor for many enzymatic reactions. Bombyx mori PLK (BmPLK) is 10 or more residues shorter than mammalian PLKs, and some amino acid residues conserved in the PLKs from mammals are not maintained in the protein. Multiple sequence alignment suggested that amino acid residues Thr47, Ile54, Arg88, Asn121 and Glu230 might play important roles in BmPLK. In this study, we used a site-directed specific mutagenesis approach to determine the functional significance of these particular amino acid residues in BmPLK. Our results demonstrated that the mutation of Asn121 to Glu did not affect the catalytic function of BmPLK. The corresponding site-directed mutants of Thr47 to Asn, Ile54 to Phe, and Arg88 to Ile displayed a decreased catalytic efficiency and an elevated Km value for substrate relative to the wild-type value, and no enzyme activity could be detected in mutant of Trp230 to Glu. Circular dichroism analysis revealed that the mutation of Trp230 to Glu resulted in mis-folding of the protein. Our results provided direct evidence that residue Trp230 is crucial to maintain the structural and functional integrity of BmPLK. This study will add to the existing understanding of the characteristic of structure and function of BmPLK.  相似文献   

Summary After irradiation of the virus particles of CPV, the RNA replicase associated with the virion was isolated in the form of a genome-replicase complex with DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. This complex was then treated with Triton X-100 and purified by phosphocellulose column chromatography. The RNA replicase reconstituted with the doublestranded RNA of CPV showed both the enzyme activity of RNA polymerase and methyltransferase. The single-stranded RNA could not serve as the template for the RNA replicase. The role of the RNA replicase of CPV is discussed.  相似文献   

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