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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(1):209-217

Shoots of Brachythecium rutabulum, Lophocolea bidentata, Plagiomnium undulatum, Pseudoscleropodium purum and Thuidium tamariscinum were allowed to grow in contact with litter of Urtica dioica, Succisa pratensis, Holcus lanatus, A venula pratensis, Pseudoscleropodium purum and soils of contrastee,-fertility. All the species were positively growth-stimulated when grown in contact with the stem litter of Urtica dioica and the fertile soil. The other treatments included did not enhance significantly the growth of the five bryophyte species. An attempt is made to relate these responses to the ecology of the species and the possible role that plant litter might exert upon bryophyte distribution in herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   

Abundances of two harpacticoid copepod species, Enhydrosoma littorale Wells and Zausodes c.f. arenicolus Wilson, were significantly higher in one of two adjacent subtidal, soft-bottom habitats in St. George Sound, Florida (29°54′N : 84°37′48′′W). For Enhydrosoma littorale, a laboratory-preference experiment indicated that sediment-related factors caused the observed distribution. In a series of preference experiments, differences between the sediments of the two habitats in granulometry and organic matter were shown not to account for the preference. Rather, the preference results from differences in the microbes attached to the sediment particles in the two areas. In contrast, Zausodes c.f. arenicolus did nol prefer sediments from its area of high field abundance in laboratory preference experiments, indicating that factors external to the sediment i.e. hydrographic conditions or biological interactions, were responsible for this species' distribution.  相似文献   

The effect of deposition of organic matter on phosphorus dynamics in sandy marine sediments was evaluated using an experimental system (boxcosms) and three different strategies: (1) no supply (2) one single addition (3) weekly additions of a suspension of algal cells (Phaeocystis spec.). Macrofauna (3 species, 6 individuals of each) were added to half of the boxes. Both in the case of the single and weekly additions a clear effect of increased organic matter loading on phosphorus dynamics was found. Following the organic matter addition, porewater phosphate concentrations in the upper sediment layer increased, phosphate release rates from the sediment increased by a factor 3–5 and in the boxes to which a single addition was applied NaOH-extractable phosphorus increased substantially. The increase in phosphate release rates from the sediment was attributed to mineralization of the added material and to direct release from the algal cells. No clear effect of the presence of macrofauna on sediment-water exchange of phosphate could be discovered. The macrofauna were very effective at reworking the sediment, however, as illustrated by the organic carbon profiles. It is hypothesized that the sediment-water exchange rates of phosphate were regulated by the layer of algal material which was present on the sediment surface in the fed boxes. In the boxes to which the single addition was applied porewater phosphate concentrations were lower and NaOH-extractable phosphorus was higher in the presence of macrofauna, suggesting that macrofauna can stimulate phosphate binding in the sediment.Publication no. 40 of the project Applied Scientific Research Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (BEWON)  相似文献   

The insecticidal contact activity of two desert plant extracts, Withania somnifera and Solanum incanum (Tubiflora: Solanaceae) was tested against the workers of the two species, Amitermes messinae and Microtermes najdensis (Isoptera: Termitidae). The insects were exposed to the plant extracts on Petri dishes (10 cm diameter) for 30 min. Mortality was calculated after 24 h. Crude extract of S. incanum leaves was more toxic to the two species of termites than W. somnifera.  相似文献   

Summary Effectiveness of antitranspirants in reducing transpiration was studied in the laboratory in an attempt to evaluate their potential for conservation and reallocation of soil moisture. Film-forming antitranspirants caused about a 50% reduction of transpiration and photosynthesis in all species. Effectiveness decayed slowly over 10–14 days. Effectiveness of the silicone antitranspirant was very short-lived. Water use efficiency was slightly improved following film-forming antitranspirant treatment of three species. Mixing antitranspirants altered their effects.Research supported by the Bureau of Land Management in Cooperation with the Office of Water Research and Technology, United States Department of the Interior (OWRT Grant B-099)  相似文献   

Summary Young rhizome sprouts of the herbaceous perennial Jaumea carnosa were propagated from material collected in a salt marsh along the central California coast. The sprouts were transplanted to flats of sand sown with different densities of seeds of a representative glycophyte, Lolium perenne L. Derby, turf type. Controls flats contained only Jaumea or Lolium. Three series of replicated flats were watered from above with dilutions of seawater in 1/10 strength Hoagland solution, such that dissolved salts were 400, 4000 or 11,600 ppm. Two other series were continuously subirrigated with 400 or 11,600 ppm salt water. After 61 days of treatment in a greenhouse with a 30/11°C thermoperiod (mean daily max/min), all plants were harvested and weighed. In the monospecific control flats, the growth of both species declined with increasing salinity, but the relative decline of Lolium was three times that of Jaumea. Jaumea's root: shoot ratio was also less affected by salinity. Both species grew well when subirrigated by 400 ppm salt water, but grew poorly when subirrigated by 11,600 ppm salt water, indicating that aeration alone is not the most significant factor in the marsh. The effect of interspecific competition on Jaumea was marked at low salinity, depressing growth by 52% compared to controls, but at high salinity the competitive effect was insignificant, whether the plants were watered from above or subirrigated. This supports the hypothesis that intolerant halophytes such as Jaumea are restricted in nature to salt marshes because they are poor competitors with glycophytes on non-saline soils.This research was supported by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and by the University of California Bodega Marine Laboratory  相似文献   

The herb layer of forests planted on former agricultural land often differs from that of old-growth forest. This study investigates if the expected increased nutrient availability in the shaded conditions of newly planted forests and the plasticity of the species to adjust their biomass allocation to different levels of light and nutrients help to explain these differences in the herb layers of the two forest types. In a greenhouse experiment biomass distribution and production of two species characteristic for the highly shaded forest floor, Circaea lutetiana and Mercurialis perennis, and two species more common in the forest-edge, Aegopodium podagraria and Impatiens parviflora were studied at different levels of light (2%, 8% and 66% of the full light level) and nutrients (30 and 300 kg N ha–1 per year). The main factor affecting allocation and biomass production was light availability. Nutrient supply only had a significant effect at the higher light levels. Species were mainly plastic to changes in light and the two species from the forest floor showed to be more rigid in allocation pattern than the species from the forest-edge. So, although the species from the forest-edge were more plastic, they did not profit from the increased nutrient supply because the main factor affecting biomass distribution and production was light availability.  相似文献   

The biology of Corbicula fluminea, the Asiatic clam, in the Vermilion River, Louisiana, as affected by sediment, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, and sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents was investigated. A point source of high DO water to the Vermilion River established a gradient of DO that decreased as the river moved towards the Gulf of Mexico. Lowering DO levels were exacerbated by municipal sewage treatment plant discharges in the 20 km reach studied. Low dissolved oxygen was associated with reduced Corbicula density in the river and 30-day in-stream growth studies (weight and length) demonstrated that low DO inhibited growth. Generally, if DO was < 1.0 mg l–1 in sediment pore water and/or < 3.0 mg l–1 at the sediment-water interface, growth was significantly impaired (p < 0.05). Corbicula experienced substantial mortality near the STP discharges (up to 70% in 30 days) and laboratory toxicity tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia, a sensitive cladoceran, also strongly suggested discharges were chronically toxic at 6.25–25.0% effluent. Respiration experiments along with environmental measurements of DO, temperature, and STP discharge chemistry support a hypothesis that clam populations are adversely affected by the suite of environmental conditions present in the Vermilion River. Further, growth studies were consistent with observed population densities in situ.  相似文献   

Fertilization experiments in plant communities are often interpreted in the context of a hump-shaped relationship between species richness and productivity. We analyze results of fertilization experiments from seven terrestrial plant communities representing a productivity gradient (arctic and alpine tundra, two old-field habitats, desert, short- and tall-grass prairie) to determine if the response of species richness to experimentally increased productivity is consistent with the hump-shaped curve. In this analysis, we compared ratios of the mean response in nitrogen-fertilized plots to the mean in control plots for aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and species density ( D ; number of species per plot of fixed unit area). In general, ANPP increased and plant species density decreased following nitrogen addition, although considerable variation characterized the magnitude of response. We also analyzed a subset of the data limited to the longest running studies at each site (≥4 yr), and found that adding 9 to 13 g N m−2 yr−1 (the consistent amount used at all sites) increased ANPP in all communities by approximately 50% over control levels and reduced species density by approximately 30%. The magnitude of response of ANPP and species density to fertilization was independent of initial community productivity. There was as much variation in the magnitude of response among communities within sites as among sites, suggesting community-specific mechanisms of response. Based on these results, we argue that even long-term fertilization experiments are not good predictors of the relationship between species richness and productivity because they are relatively small-scale perturbations whereas the pattern of species richness over natural productivity gradients is influenced by long-term ecological and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1986,24(3):303-309
The effects of four methods of aquatic plant control (manual, chemical, mechanical and biological) on Bilharzia-bearing snails were compared in the period from March–July 1982 in the canals of the irrigation district Mansuriya in Egypt. Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella (Val.)) was used as a biological control agent. Chemical control was affected by means of the herbicide acrolein (2-propanal) and a dragline was used for mechanical control. In biologically controlled waterways, the number of the two vectors of Bilharzia, the snails Biomphalaria alexandrina (Ehrenberg) and Bulinus truncatus (Audouin) was significantly lower (36 and 64%, respectively) than in waterways with one of the other methods of aquatic plant control.Biological control results in the lowest total plant coverage in the snails' habitat. Moreover, the number of snails per unit of vegetation appeared to be lowest in biologically controlled plots. The reduction of the snail population in waterways with biological control may be due to the fact that grass carp feed on the leaves of macrophytes on which egg masses are deposited. This study revealed that the habitat preference of the two snail species and the feeding preference of grass carp for plant species coincide to a certain extent. Increased predation by omnivorous fish in biologically controlled canals may play an additional role.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is one of the major threats to species diversity. In this review, we discuss how the genetic and demographic structure of fragmented populations of herbaceous forest plant species is affected by increased genetic drift and inbreeding, reduced mate availability, altered interactions with pollinators, and changed environmental conditions through edge effects. Reported changes in population genetic and demographic structure of fragmented plant populations have, however, not resulted in large-scale extinction of forest plants. The main reason for this is very likely the long-term persistence of small and isolated forest plant populations due to prolonged clonal growth and long generation times. Consequently, the persistence of small forest plant populations in a changing landscape may have resulted in an extinction debt, that is, in a distribution of forest plant species reflecting the historical landscape configuration rather than the present one. In some cases, fragmentation appears to affect ecosystem integrity rather than short-term population viability due to the opposition of different fragmentation-induced ecological effects. We finally discuss extinction and colonization dynamics of forest plant species at the regional scale and suggest that the use of the metapopulation concept, both because of its heuristic power and conservation applications, may be fruitful.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of cowpea aphids ( Aphis craccivora Koch) and pea aphids ( Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris), both Homoptera: Aphididae, on plant growth and respiration of excised, intact roots of cowpea [ Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. cv. Caloona], broadbean ( Vicia faba L. cv. Aquadulce) and garden pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Victory Freezer) seedlings were investigated, but not all plant-aphid combinations were used. Plant and root mean relative growth rates were significantly reduced within 10 days in the infested plants. Rates of total root respiration were was also significantly reduced in all infested plants within 10 days, presumably because of the reduced availability of translocate to the roots. The contribution of the cytochrome pathway to root respiration was significantly greater in control than in infested plants. The activity and engagement of the alternative respiratory pathway was also greater in control plants, and was absent in infested plants after 10 days infestation in all cases but one. These data indicate that the roots of aphid-infested plants were more efficient, in terms of energy conversion, than their respective controls.  相似文献   

We tested the survival potential and fitness of two different algae strains (the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii and the cryptophyceae Rhodomonas sp.) under different growth conditions (complete darkness and short light intervals, simulating conditions in a deep mixed water column) at different temperatures, plus the effect of these conditions on the physiological fitness and growth after re-illumination was examined. Both species survived the experimental conditions without significant cell loss or physiological damage. Two different survival strategies were observed: (1) the diatom T. weissflogii immediately reduced its metabolic rate and stopped cell division. The effect on chlorophyll a (chl-a) content and photosynthetic capacity was negligible. At 10 °C, T. weissflogii used the short light windows to metabolize carbohydrates and growth. (2) The cryptophyte Rhodomonas sp. initially continued to grow after transfer into all trials. However, the cell number decreased after day 6. Carbohydrate and chl-a content went on to decrease dramatically (70 and 50%, respectively). After 3 days of re-illumination, T. weissflogii grew faster than of Rhodomonas sp.. The diatom seemed to benefit from better start conditions and would out-compete the cryptophyte during a spring bloom. Our results highlight that these algae groups have different strategies in dealing with darkness, which potentially endow diatoms with a competitive advantage in deep mixed waters and in the season of early spring.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Egg hatch in the two species of sycamore aphid was temporally separated: the median time to hatch was 30 days later in Drepanosiphum acerinum than in D.platanoidis .
2. D.platanoidis was larger at egg hatch than D.acerinum . Progeny of D.platanoidis adults were also larger than those of D.acerinum .
3. D.platanoidis was the larger of the two species as an adult, as a consequence of its greater birth weight.
4. Over a range of temperatures, development rates in the two species were the same, while the growth rate in D.acerinum was significantly higher at high temperatures.
5. The reproductive rate of the two species was significantly different at 6C and 20C.  相似文献   

We compared the ability of 33 plant species collected in forest to have their seeds dispersed by the wood red ant Myrmica ruginodis. The elaiosome-bearing seeds (species Chelidonium majus, Colchicum autumnale, Luzula forsteri, Viola reichenbachiana, Luzula multiflora, Melica uniflora) and the small and light caryopses of the grasses (Holcus mollis, Agrostis capillaris, Deschampsia flexuosa, Poa trivialis, Holcus lanatus) are the most efficiently collected by ants. The seed quantity removed by ants is correlated negatively with their length. No significant correlation is found between the rate of seed removal and the frequency of the plants in the field at the scale of the study.  相似文献   

LauraGough 《Ecography》2006,29(1):44-56
In relatively harsh environments such as arctic tundra, abiotic factors have traditionally been considered the primary determinants of community structure, overwhelming any effects of biotic interactions such as competition. Two common low arctic tundra types that differ in soil properties, moist acidic and moist non-acidic tussock tundra (MAT and MNT, respectively), occur in close proximity in northern Alaska. Several plant species occur in both communities with different relative abundance, while others are restricted to one. This study experimentally examined how neighboring vegetation affects germination, survival, and growth of species in these two communities that differ in soil pH, cation availability, and other characteristics. Germination of sown seeds was greater than background levels suggesting seed limitation may restrict recruitment of these clonal, perennial species. Germination of sown seeds was greater at both sites when both mosses and vascular plants had been removed compared to plots with intact vegetation. However, neighbors had almost no effect on survival and growth of adult transplants. Patterns of germination, survival and growth of several species differed depending on the community of origin and the community of destination of the seeds or transplanted adults. For example, transplants of the sedge Eriophorum vaginatum grew better if they were from MAT, and this species germinated better when sown at MNT. Although of relatively short duration (three growing seasons), this study suggests that biotic interactions may affect local species composition by restricting germination and establishment in these two communities, but have less of an effect on adult plants. Not surprisingly, site-specific abiotic conditions also exhibit control over species occurrence and relative abundance. Without disturbance to clear bare ground for recruitment of new individuals, these populations for the most part must rely on clonal growth to persist.  相似文献   

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