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Companion cell-specific inhibition of the potato sucrose transporter SUT1   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
In many plants, translocation of sucrose from mesnsophyll to phloem for long-distance transport is carrier-mediated. The sucrose H+-symporter gene SUT1 from potato is expressed at high levels in the phloem of mature, exporting leaves and at lower levels in other organs. Inhibition of SUT1 by expression of an antisense gene in companion cells under control of the rolC promoter leads to accumulation of high amounts of soluble and insoluble carbohydrates in leaves and inhibition of photosynthesis. The distribution of in situ localized starch does not correspond with areas of reduced photosynthesis as shown by fluorescence imaging. Dissection of antisense effects on sink and source organs by reciprocal grafts shows that inhibition of transporter gene expression in leaves is sufficient to produce chlorosis in leaves and reduced tuber yield. In contrast to the arrest of plasmodesmal development found in plants that express yeast invertase in the apoplast, in mature leaves of sucrose transporter antisense plants plasmodesmata are branched and have median cavities. These data strongly support an apoplastic mode of phloem loading in potato, in which the sucrose transporter located at the plasma membrane of the sieve element/companion cell complex represents the primary route for sugar uptake into the long-distance translocation pathway.  相似文献   

To study the export of sugars from leaves and their long-distance transport, sucrose-proton/co-transporter activity of potato was inhibited by antisense repression of StSUT1 under control of either a ubiquitously active (CaMV 35S ) or a companion-cell-specific (rolC) promotor in transgenic plants. Transformants exhibiting reduced levels of the sucrose-transporter mRNA and showing a dramatic reduction in root and tuber growth, were chosen to investigate the ultrastructure of their source leaves. The transformants had a regular leaf anatomy with a single-layered palisade parenchyma, and bicollateral minor veins within the spongy parenchyma. Regardless of the promoter used, source leaves from transformants showed an altered leaf phenotype and a permanent accumulation of assimilates as indicated by the number and size of starch grains, and by the occurrence of lipid-storing oleosomes. Starch accumulated throughout the leaf: in epidermis, mesophyll and, to a smaller degree, in phloem parenchyma cells of minor veins. Oleosomes were observed equally in mesophyll and phloem parenchyma cells. Companion cells were not involved in lipid accmulation and their chloroplasts developed only small starch grains. The similarity of ultrastructural symptoms under both promotors corresponds to, rather than contradicts, the hypothesis that assimilates can move symplasmically from mesophyll, via the bundle sheath, up to the phloem. The microscopical symptoms of a constitutively high sugar level in the transformant leaves were compared with those in wild-type plants after cold-girdling of the petiole. Inhibition of sugar export, both by a reduction of sucrose carriers in the sieve element/companion cell complex (se/cc complex), or further downstream by cold-girdling, equally evokes the accumulation of assimilates in all leaf tissues up to the se/cc complex border. However, microscopy revealed that antisense inhibition of loading produces a persistently high sugar level throughout the leaf, while cold-girdling leads only to local patches containing high levels of sugar. Received: 4 March 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Transfer of potato tubers to low temperature leads after 2–4 d to a stimulation of sucrose synthesis, a decline of hexose-phosphates and a change in the kinetic properties, and the appearance of a new form of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS). Antisense and co-suppression transformants with a 70–80% reduction in SPS expression have been used to analyse the contribution of SPS to the control of cold sweetening. The rate of sucrose synthesis in cold-stored tubers was investigated by measuring the accumulation of sugars, by injecting labelled glucose of high specific activity into intact tubers, and by providing 50 mol m–3 labelled glucose to fresh tuber slices from cold-stored tubers. A 70–80% decrease of SPS expression resulted in a reproducible but non-proportional (10–40%) decrease of soluble sugars in cold-stored tubers, and a non-proportional (about 25%) inhibition of label incorporation into sucrose, increased labelling of respiratory intermediates and carbon dioxide, and increased labelling of glucans. The maximum activity of SPS is 50-fold higher than the net rate of sugar accumulation in wild-type tubers, and decreased expression of SPS in the transformants was partly compensated for increased levels of hexose-phosphates. It is concluded that SPS expression per se does not control sugar synthesis. Rather, a comparison of the in vitro properties of SPS with the estimated in vivo concentrations of effectors shows that SPS is strongly substrate limited in vivo . Alterations in the kinetic properties of SPS, such as occur in response to low temperature, will provide a more effective way to stimulate sucrose synthesis than changes of SPS expression.  相似文献   

These experiments investigate events involved in triggering sugar accumulation in the cold in tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée. Sugar content, 14C-glucose metabolism, metabolite levels and activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and starch-degrading enzymes were followed after transfer to 4°C. (i) Net sucrose accumulation began between 2 and 4 d. By 10 d, reducing sugars were also increasing. From 20 d onwards, sugar accumulation slowed. Sucrose fell, but reducing sugars continued to increase. (ii) To measure unidirectional sucrose synthesis, U-[14C]glucose was injected into tubers after various times at 4°C. The tubers were then incubated for 6 h. After 1 d at 4°C, both the absolute and the relative (expressed as a percentage of the metabolized label) rates of sucrose synthesis decreased compared to those at 20°C. Between 2 and 4 d at 4°C, labelling of sucrose increased 3-fold, to over 60% of the metabolized label. This high rate was maintained for up to 50 d in cold storage. When tissue slices were incubated with 2.5 mol m?3 U-[14C]glucose, the rate of labelling of sucrose in slices from 6 d cold-stored material was higher than in slices from warm-stored material, irrespective of whether the incubation occurred at 4°C or at 20°C. (iii) Hexose-phosphates increased during the first day after transfer to 4°C. Their levels fell during the next 3 d, as sucrose synthesis increased. They then rose (until 20 d) and fell, in parallel with the rise and decline of sucrose levels. UDPglucose remained unaltered during the first 4 d, and then increased and decreased in parallel with sucrose. (iv) SPS activity assayed in optimal conditions and the total amount of SPS protein did not change. However, when assayed in the presence of phosphate and limiting substrate concentrations, activity rose 3–5-fold between 2 and 4 d. (v) Amylases and phosphorylases were investigated using zymograms to separate isoforms. Phosphorylases did not change. Between 2 and 4 d at 4°C, a new amylolytic activity appeared. (vi) Estimates of the specific activity of the phosphorylated intermediates and the absolute rate of sucrose synthesis (calculated from the 14C-labelling data and metabolite analysis) showed that changed kinetic properties of SPS and decreased levels of hexose-phosphate are accompanied by a 6–8-fold stimulation of sucrose synthesis. They also show that the final level of sugar is partly determined by a cycle of sugar synthesis and degradation. (vii) It is concluded that the onset of sugar accumulation in cold-stored tubers is initiated by a change in the kinetic properties of SPS and the appearance of a new amylolytic activity. It is discussed how other factors, including hexose-phosphate levels and subcellular compartmentalization, could also influence the final levels of sugars by altering the balance of sugar synthesis and remobilization.  相似文献   

Sugars are not only metabolic substrates: they also act as signals that regulate the metabolism of plants. Previously, we found that glycolysis is induced in transgenic tubers expressing a yeast invertase in the cytosol but not in those expressing invertase in the apoplast. This suggests that either the low level of sucrose, the increased formation of cytosolic glucose or the increased levels of metabolites downstream of the sucrose cleavage is responsible for the induction of glycolysis in storage organs. In order to discriminate between these possibilities, we cloned and expressed a bacterial sucrose phosphorylase gene from Pseudomonas saccharophila in potato tubers. Due to the phosphorolytic cleavage of sucrose, formation of glucose was circumvented, thus allowing assessment of the importance of cytosolic glucose – and, by implication, flux through hexokinase – in glycolytic induction. Expression of sucrose phosphorylase led to: (i) a decrease in sucrose content, but no decrease in glucose or fructose; (ii) a decrease in both starch accumulation and tuber yield; (iii) increased levels of glycolytic metabolites; (iv) an induction of the activities of key enzymes of glycolysis; and (v) increased respiratory activity. We conclude that the induction of glycolysis in heterotrophic tissues such as potato tubers occurs via a glucose‐independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The culture yield of a simple method of microtuber production of potato was increased by assessing the interactions of illumination source (Thorn Lighting (Philips) “Colour 84” lamps (TL‐84) or Grolux lamps (Sylvania) in a conventional growth room or natural light in a glasshouse cabinet), type of vessel closure (unventilated or ventilated) and sucrose concentration (1%, 2%, 4% or 8%). Microtuber initiation and growth in unventilated cultures was 100% at 8% sucrose falling to 40–50% at 4% sucrose and was absent at 1% or 2%. With ventilation, rapid tuberisation (90–100%) occurred at initial sucrose concentrations of 2–8%, but only when the medium was allowed to dry before transfer of cultures to short days. Water supplementation of cultures at day 28 prevented tuberisation at 1–4% sucrose up to day 56. The fresh weight and dry weight of microtubers per plant increased significantly with sucrose concentration, with ventilation of cultures and under natural light. In ventilated cultures, the mean number of usable microtubers (± 0.1 g weight) increased from between 1.0–1.4 per plant at 8% sucrose to between 1.6–2.6 per plant at 4% sucrose, with the highest numbers (1.8–2.6 per plant) produced under natural light for the cvs Desirée and King Edward. The mean % dry matter content of microtubers was reduced to 11.3% at 4% sucrose compared with 17.3% at 8% sucrose, but the survival rate of microtubers after 6 months storage was unaffected. Microtuber production under short days was improved at a higher intensity of natural light with culture ventilation in a partially‐shaded glasshouse cabinet, whilst using reduced inputs (lower sucrose supply and no lamps).  相似文献   

Abstract An experimental system has been developed for studying efflux of 14C assimilates in growing potato tubers. Small wells are cut into the phloem-rich perimedulla and filled with trap solutions of varying composition which inhibit or promote assimilate efflux. One well on each tuber acts as the treatment while a second well acts as the control. Movement of 14C into wells occurred at comparable rates to that found in intact tissue, harvested from importing tubers in the form of microcores. Sucrose was the predominant translocated sugar in the stolon and was not hydrolysed in either the wells or the microcores following unloading. Efflux into wells containing agar traps was stimulated 40-fold relative to buffer controls by the addition of 20 mol m?3 EGTA to the agar. This was interpreted as passive efflux to the apoplast due to increased membrane permeability in the pathway between the sieve elements and the collecting wells. The EGTA stimulation was reversed by addition of Ca2+. 14C efflux into buffered solutions was inhibited significantly by both DNP and PCMBS, suggesting the involvement of active and carrier-mediated transport components. However, it was not possible to determine whether these compounds acted at the site of unloading only, or on the short-distance transfer step between phloem and collecting wells. The rate of tracer efflux was not significantly different when 1 mol m?3 and 300 mol m?3 sucrose were applied to the wells, indicating insensitivity of solute movement to low apoplastic solute concentrations. However, raising the solute concentration to 800 mol m?3 caused a severe inhibition of tracer efflux. These results were duplicated with mannitol as the osmoticum. It is suggested that plasmolysis prevented further efflux by disruption of a predominantly symplastic transport pathway between the phloem and collecting wells.  相似文献   

The cDNA corresponding to the open reading frame T17M13.3 from Arabidopsis chromosome II was isolated and the encoded protein was characterized as a member of a subgroup of higher plant sucrose transporters. The AtSUC3 (Arabidopsis thaliana sucrose transporter 3) open reading frame encodes a protein with 594 amino acid residues, being 81 and 82 residues longer than the previously described Arabidopsis sucrose carriers AtSUC1 and AtSUC2. About 50 of these additional amino acids are part of an extended cytoplasmic loop separating the N-terminal from the C-terminal half of the protein. For functional characterization the AtSUC3 cDNA was expressed in baker's yeast. Substrate specificities, energy dependence and K(m) values of the recombinant protein were determined. Removal of the enlarged cytoplasmic loop and expression of the truncated cDNA caused no detectable change in the kinetic properties of the protein, suggesting a transport-independent function for this cytoplasmic domain. Immunolocalization with an AtSUC3-specific antiserum identified the protein in a cell layer separating the phloem from the mesophyll and in a single, subepidermal cell layer of the carpels that is important for pod dehiscence. These localizations suggest a possible role of AtSUC3 in the funnelling of sucrose from the mesophyll towards the phloem, and possibly in pod shatter.  相似文献   

Tuberising stolon tips of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Record) accumulate starch and sucrose but the hexose content, particularly fructose, declines rapidly. Similar changes occur in the region 2 cm behind the swelling apex but the decline in glucose is far more pronounced than in the developing tuber. Tuberisation is characterised by an apparent switch from an invertase-dominated sucrolytic system (both acid and alkaline invertases [EC] are present) to one dominated by sucrose synthase (EC Sucrose synthase and fructokinase (EC activities were, at a maximum, ca 10- and 5-fold higher, respectively in the swelling stolon tip compared with the non-tuberising region. At the highest starch contents attained, the starch level in the young developing tuber was approximately double that in the adjacent non-tuberising stolon region. Immunoblots revealed that developmental changes in sucrose synthase. fructokinase and alkaline invertase polypeptides corresponded with enzyme activities. Antibodies raised against the N-terminal amino acid sequence of a soluble invertase purified from mature tubers did not detect significant quantities of a polypeptide in stolons and young, developing tubers. Antibodies raised against an in vitro expression product of an apoplastic invertase cloned from a leaf cDNA library detected a polypeptide in developing tubers but not in mature ones. However, expression of the protein did not correlate well with acid invertase activity during early tuber formation.  相似文献   

Transport processes across the plasma membrane of leaf vascular tissue are essential for transport and distribution of assimilates. In potato, leaves are the predominant sites for nitrate reduction and amino acid biosynthesis. From there, assimilated amino acids are exported through the phloem to supply tubers with organic nitrogen. To study the role of amino acid transporters in long-distance transport and allocation of organic nitrogen in potato plants, a gene encoding a functional, leaf-expressed amino acid permease StAAP1 was isolated. Similar to the sucrose transporter SUT1, StAAP1 expression was induced during the sink-to-source transition, indicating a role in phloem loading. To test the role of StAAP1, expression was inhibited by an antisense approach. Transgenic plants with reduced StAAP1 expression were phenotypically indistinguishable from wild type, as were photosynthetic capacity and tuber yield. However, tubers from antisense StAAP1 plants showed up to 50% reduction in free amino acid contents. In comparison, starch content was not affected or tended to increase relative to wild type. The reduction in all amino acids except aspartate in the antisense plants is consistent with the properties of amino acid permeases (AAPs) found in heterologous systems. The results demonstrate an important role for StAAP1 in long-distance transport of amino acids and highlight the importance of plasma membrane transport for nutrient distribution in plants.  相似文献   

对2个含有酸性转化酶(AcInv)反义基因的转基因马铃薯品系及对照品种进行低温贮藏(4℃)及室温还暖处理.随低温贮藏时间的延长,供试材料均表现出还原糖含量升高,总淀粉含量下降的趋势.低温处理40 d时,"Ac转Atlantic"和"Ac转甘农薯2号"的还原糖含量比未转基因品种低23%和18%.总淀粉含量分别比未处理前下降约1.0%和1.3%,支链淀粉含量分别下降约1.4%和1.7%,淀粉直/支比明显低于对照,分别为0.29和0.38.块茎的石蜡切片显示,转基因块茎中深蓝色淀粉颗粒明显少于未转基因对照.另外,对低温贮藏的块茎室温还暖后,2个转基因品系的还原糖含量仍低于对照品种.实验结果证明反义AcInv基因对低温贮藏下块茎还原糖和淀粉含量具有下向调节作用.  相似文献   

Abstract. The rise in phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity following excision of potato tuber discs is antagonized by increasing partial pressures of CO2 This inhibition is potentiated by depleting the atmospheric ethylene level. We suggest that the previously observed suppression of PAL appearance by in situ incubation of excised discs in reassembled tubers may be related to an internal atmosphere relatively rich in CO2 and of low ethylene content. The transition to an oscillatory time course of PAL activity that follows transfer of discs from in situ incubation to air appears to be accompanied by the development of enzyme activity becoming desensitized to repression by exogenous cinnamate. The concentration dependence of cinnamate uptake is not significantly altered by in situ pre-incubation of tuber discs.  相似文献   

Colorado potato beetle (CPB; Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) has shown a remarkable adaptability to a variety of control measures. Although oryzacystatin I and II (OCI and OCII) have potential in controlling pests that use cysteine proteinases for food digestion, expression of a single OC gene in potato exhibited a minimal or no effect on CPB fitness traits. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of coexpressed OCI and OCII in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Desiree, Draga?evka and Jelica on CPB larvae. Growth parameters, consumption rates and food utilization, as well as activity of proteases of CPB larvae were assayed. Second and third instar larvae fed on transformed leaves molted earlier and had higher relative growth and consumption rates than larvae fed on nontransformed leaves, while efficiency of food utilization was unaffected. In contrast, fourth instar maximum weight gain and amount of leaves consumed were about 20% lower for the larvae fed on transgenic potato. Analysis of total protease activity of third instar larvae revealed reduction in overall proteolytic activity measured by azocasein hydrolysis, accompanied with inhibition of cysteine proteinase activity 24 h after ingestion of potato leaves expressing OCI and OCII. However, after long‐term feeding on transformed leaves proteolytic activities of larvae became similar to the controls. Although feeding on OCI/OCII leaves did not affect larval survival, coexpression of OC genes reduced the development time and thus significantly decreased plant damage caused by CPB larvae.  相似文献   

In many plants, sucrose transporters are essential for both sucrose exports from sources and imports into sinks, indicating a function in assimilate partitioning. To investigate whether sucrose transporters can improve the yield of starch plant, potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Désirée) were transformed with cDNAs of the rice sucrose transporter genes OsSUT5Z and OsSUT2M under the control of a tuber-specific, class-I patatin promoter. Compared to the controls, the average fructose content of OsSUT5Z transgenic tubers significantly increased. However, the content of the sugars and starch in the OsSUT2M transgenic potato tubers showed no obvious difference. Correspondingly, the average tuber yield, average number of tubers per plant and average weight of single tuber showed no significant difference in OsSUT2M transgenic tubers with controls. In the OsSUT5Z transgenic lines, the average tuber yield per plant was 1.9-fold higher than the controls, and the average number of tubers per plant increased by more than 10 tubers on average, whereas the average weight of a single tuber did not increase significantly. These results suggested that the average number of tubers per plant showed more contribution than the average weight of a single tuber to the tuber yield per plant.  相似文献   

  • Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is one of the most important sugar‐producing plants worldwide and provides about one third of the sugar consumed by humans. Here we report on molecular characterisation of the BvSUT1 gene and on the functional characterisation of the encoded transporter.
  • In contrast to the recently identified tonoplast‐localised sucrose transporter BvTST2.1 from sugar beet taproots, which evolved within the monosaccharide transporter (MST) superfamily, BvSUT1 represents a classical sucrose transporter and is a typical member of the disaccharide transporter (DST) superfamily.
  • Transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing the β‐GLUCURONIDASE (GUS) reporter gene under control of the BvSUT1‐promoter showed GUS histochemical staining of their phloem; an anti‐BvSUT1‐antiserum identified the BvSUT1 transporter specifically in phloem companion cells. After expression of BvSUT1 cDNA in bakers’ yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) uptake characteristics of the BvSUT1 protein were studied. Moreover, the sugar beet transporter was characterised as a proton‐coupled sucrose symporter in Xenopus laevis oocytes.
  • Our findings indicate that BvSUT1 is the sucrose transporter that is responsible for loading of sucrose into the phloem of sugar beet source leaves delivering sucrose to the storage tissue in sugar beet taproot sinks.

Two assay systems, one a spectrophotometric assay at 234 nm, the other based on the oxygen electrode, were compared as methods for the routine analysis of lipoxygonase activity in crude and partially purified potato extracts. The spectrophotometric assay was unsuitable for the analysis of crude extracts and only gave meaningful results under very restricted reaction conditions. The oxygen electrode provided a reliable method for routine analysis of lipoxygenase activity.  相似文献   

Hooked apex stolons and initial swelling stolons of potato plants were treated with 3 x 10-8 mol l-1 jasmonic acid (JA) to study the effect of this compound on histology, cell expansion and tissue differentiation. In hooked apex stolons, JA application increased the meristem thickness and reduced the length of the leaf primordia, whereas in initial swelling stolons narrowing of the apical region, absence of leaf primordia and swelling of the subapical meristem were evident. Early vascular tissue differentiation was observed in response to JA treatment, especially of xylem elements from regions proximal to the tunic. Protoxylem elements, such as tracheal elements, were present with thin primary cell walls. The cell area was measured in two zones: zone I, central mother cells situated immediately under the tunic; and zone II, rib meristem cells. JA caused a four- and six-fold increase in cell area in both zones in hooked apex stolons and initial swelling stolons, respectively. Thus, tuber formation is concluded to occur as a consequence of increased cell expansion, a reduction in the length of leaf primordia, enlargement of meristems, and early vascular tissue differentiation.  相似文献   

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