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本文报道了我国栽培及野生菇类上的寄生真菌,1个新变种:紫聚伞霉星梗变种Sibirina purpurec var. asterophora, J. D.Chen, 8个新记录,其中1个新组合:星梗聚伞霉Sibirina astrophorea(de Hoog)J.D.Chen)。它们都是轮枝菌近似属。有4个是我国罕见属、种。对它们的培养性状、形态特征分别作详细描述,并列出寄主名称、分布地区、附图及照片。  相似文献   

四个嗜热真菌中国新记录种   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
报道四个嗜热真菌中国新记录种:嗜热子囊菌光孢变种Thermoascus aurantiacus var.levisporus;埃默森篮状菌Talaromyces emersonii;杜邦青霉Penicillium dupontii及丝衣霉状拟青霉Paecilomyces byssochlamydioides,对其进行了描述和讨论。研究标本保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP)。  相似文献   

本文报道了我国栽培及野生菇类上的寄生真菌,1个新变种:紫聚伞霉星梗变种Sibirina purpurec var. asterophora, J. D.Chen, 8个新记录,其中1个新组合:星梗聚伞霉Sibirina astrophorea(de Hoog)J.D.Chen)。它们都是轮枝菌近似属。有4个是我国罕见属、种。对它们的培养性状、形态特征分别作详细描述,并列出寄主名称、分布地区、附图及照片。  相似文献   

木霉(Trichoderma spp.)对三种引起大棚蔬菜病害病原菌的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过木霉属(Trichoderma) 3菌株与双鸭山蔬菜大棚中的黄瓜枯萎病菌(FusariumoxysporumSchlecht.f.cucumerinum)、黄瓜果腐病菌(PhytophthoracapsiciLeonian)、菜豆叶枯病菌(Cladosporiumsp .)的对峙培养试验,结果表明:绿色木霉1(TrichodermaviridePers.exGray 1)可作为双鸭山蔬菜大棚中的黄瓜枯萎病、黄瓜果腐病、菜豆叶枯病3种病害的生物防治拮抗菌加以利用,该拮抗菌对菜豆叶枯病菌抑制效果最好;绿色木霉2 (Tricho dermaviride 2 )对黄瓜果腐病菌抑制效果最好;而哈茨木霉(TrichodermaharzianumRifai)对以上3种病原菌都有抑制效果,对菜豆叶枯病菌抑制效果最好。从试验结果还可看出,绿色木霉2对黄瓜枯萎病菌和菜豆叶枯病菌的生长有促进作用。  相似文献   

中国小麦条锈菌转主寄主小檗的鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用萌发的小麦条锈菌冬孢子接种采自陕西省境内的陕西小檗、少齿小檗和长穗小檗,3种小檗均产生了性孢子器和锈孢子器。用人工接种小麦条锈菌冬孢子在陕西小檗上产生的锈孢子器接种小麦铭贤169产生了典型的条锈菌夏孢子堆症状。特异性PCR和DNA序列分析表明,人工接种产生于小檗上的锈孢子、接种锈孢子于小麦上产生的夏孢子堆与小麦条锈菌DNA的ITS区序列完全一致。更为重要的是,用采自田间受锈菌侵染的小檗叶片产生的锈孢子接种小麦铭贤169,经培养在小麦铭贤169叶片上产生了典型的条锈病症状。从而证实,在自然条件下,在中国,小檗不仅可作为小麦条锈菌的转主寄主,而且小麦条锈菌可在小檗上完成其有性繁殖过程。这一发现对进一步揭示我国小麦条锈菌高度的群体遗传多样性与毒性变异机理、完善小麦条锈病的防治策略具有十分重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

A study was carried out to test direct and indirect antagonistic effect against Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri (FOC), and plant growth-promoting (PGP) traits of bacteria isolated from rhizosphere soils of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). A total of 40 bacterial isolates were tested for their antagonistic activity against FOC and of which 10 were found to have strong antagonistic potential. These were found to be Streptomyces spp. (five isolates) and Bacillus spp. (five isolates) in the morphological and biochemical characterisation and 16S rDNA analysis. Under both greenhouse and wilt sick field conditions, the selected Streptomyces and Bacillus isolates reduced disease incidence and delayed expression of symptoms of disease, over the non-inoculated control. The PGP ability of the isolates such as nodule number, nodule weight, shoot weight, root weight, grain yield and stover yield were also demonstrated under greenhouse and field conditions over the non-inoculated control. Among the ten isolates, Streptomyces sp. AC-19 and Bacillus sp. BS-20 were found to have more potential for biocontrol of FOC and PGP in chickpea. This investigation indicates that the selected Streptomyces and Bacillus isolates have the potential to control Fusarium wilt disease and to promote plant growth in chickpea.  相似文献   

Cinara sp. nov., previously identified as Cinara cupressi (Buckton) (Homoptera: Aphididae), is an important alien aphid pest of cypresses and junipers, and invaded Africa in the late 1980s. The work reported here was carried out as part of a larger programme aimed at the classical biological control of the aphid in Africa. Basic life history attributes including life table statistics of the aphid were quantified in order to facilitate the development of efficient aphid culturing methods and essential baseline information necessary for the culturing of potential parasitoid biological agents prior to selection for introduction to Africa. Developmental rates and fecundity were studied under four constant temperatures (10 °C, 15 °C, 20 °C, and 25 °C). The effects of several plant nutrients (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) supplied at different dose levels on life history attributes of Cinara sp. nov. were also studied.Unlike most other aphids, the apterous morph of Cinara sp. nov. developed through only three instars, and the alate four instars. The aphid is highly aggregative and exploits a wide range of feeding sites from young green branches to woody stems. The developmental period of Cinara sp. nov. ranged from 9.3 days at 25 °C to 22.3 days at 10 °C and the developmental threshold was 0.61 °C. Reproduction was delayed, because of the longer duration of development, and nymph production decreased with decreasing temperature. The intrinsic rate of increase ranged between 0.117 at 25 °C and 0.060 at 10 °C. Aphid size increased significantly as temperature was lowered. Wing formation was not induced when apterae were reared for up to three generations at each constant temperature but continuous crowding in the supply cultures held at 21 °C resulted in a high number of alates being formed. No appreciable effects of the different plant nutrients, supplied either singly or in combination, on the duration of instars or overall survival could be detected.  相似文献   

A survey was performed to investigate the infection status of zoonotic helminth larvae in fish from a local market of North Dagon District in Yangon City, Myanmar. A total of 486 fish in 13 species were collected 8 times from December 2015 to December 2019. All fish were transported under ice to a laboratory in Korea and examined for helminth larvae using artificial digestion method. Larval gnathostomes and metacercariae of more than 8 zoonotic trematode species, i.e., Opisthorchis viverrini, Haplorchis taichui, H. pumilio, H. yokogawai, Centrocestus spp., Stellantchasmus falcatus, Pygidiopsis cambodiensis, and Procerovum sp., were detected. Larval gnathostomes were found in 58 (16.0%) out of 362 fish of 6 species, with mean intensity of 2.8 per fish infected. Metacercariae of O. viverrini were detected in 10 (2.9%) out of 349 fish of 5 species, with mean intensity of 16.9 per fish infected. Metacercarial prevalences of 4 intestinal flukes, H. taichui, H. pumilio, H. yokogawai, and Centrocestus spp., were 16.8%, 26.0%, 12.5%, and 15.0% in the positive fish species, respectively, and mean metacercarial intensity was 63.3, 26.8, 86.2, and 8.7 per fish infected. Metacercariae of S. falcatus and P. cambodiensis were detected only from the mullet, Chelon macrolepis. Metacercariae of Procerovum sp. were found in Channa striata and Anabas testudineus. Collectively, it was confirmed that the fish were infected with gnathostome larvae and metacercariae of O. viverrini and intestinal flukes in Yangon City, Myanmar.  相似文献   

Monoclonal strains of Chaetoceros species were collected from Chinese warm waters. Vegetative cells and resting spores were examined using light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Combined morphological and DNA sequence data from the hypervariable D1–D3 region of the nuclear ribosomal large subunit showed the presence of two new species within the section Compressa, herein described as Chaetoceros bifurcatus sp. nov. and C. millipedarius sp. nov. Both species possessed features typical of the section Compressa, but C. bifurcatus was characterized by the heavy intercalary setae fusing and extending together for a distance before diverging. The heavy setae were not visually contorted, lacking poroids and spines, in contrast with how the section Compressa has been defined. Chaetoceros millipedarius was characterized by a horizontal stagger of ordinary intercalary setae when the chain was seen in broad girdle view, making the chain look like a millipede. The two new species were supported by molecular phylogenetic analyses with C. bifurcatus sister to C. contortus var. ornatus, while C. millipedarius was sister to C. contortus var. contortus. Based on the morphological features exhibited in C. bifurcatus, the diagnosis of the section Compressa was emended to exclude “contorted” heavy setae and compressed valve faces.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas strains isolated from the rhizosphere of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and green gram (Vigna radiata L.) were screened for the production of chitinases and cellulases. Five Pseudomonas strains were found to produce appreciable amounts of both enzymes in culture-free supernatants and showed growth inhibition of the two fungi Pythium aphanidermatum (Oomycete) and Rhizoctonia solani (Basidiomycete) in plates on potato dextrose agar medium. The fungal growth inhibition was not correlated with cell wall-degrading enzyme activity, which suggested that other antifungal compounds produced by these rhizobacteria were also involved in antagonism. Coinoculation of the Pseudomonas strains with the Mesorhizobium sp. Cicer strain Ca181 resulted in a significant increase in nodule biomass when grown under sterilized chillum jar conditions. The results suggest that hydrolytic enzymes produced by Pseudomonas sp. contribute to suppression of plant diseases by inhibiting growth of phytopathogenic fungi and also promote nodulation of legumes by rhizobia.  相似文献   

The removal of hydrophobic pollutants in biofilters is often limited by gas liquid mass transfer to the biotic aqueous phase where biodegradation occurs. It has been proposed that the use of fungi may improve their removal efficiency. To confirm this, the uptake of hexane vapors was investigated in 2.6-L perlite-packed biofilters, inoculated with a mixed culture containing bacteria and fungi, which were operated under neutral or acid conditions. For a hexane inlet load of around 140 g.m-3.h-1, elimination capacities (EC) of 60 and 100 g.m-3.h-1 were respectively reached with the neutral and acid systems. Increasing the inlet hexane load showed that the maximum EC obtained in the acid biofilter (150 g.m-3.h-1) was twice greater than in the neutral filter. The addition of bacterial inhibitors had no significant effect on EC in the acid system. The biomass in the acid biofilter was 187 mg.g-1 (dry perlite) without an important pressure drop (26.5 mm of water.m-1reactor). The greater efficiency obtained with the acid biofilter can be related to the hydrophobic aerial hyphae which are in direct contact with the gas and can absorb the hydrophobic compounds faster than the flat bacterial biofilms. Two fungi were isolated from the acid biofilter and were identified as Cladosporium and Fusarium spp. Hexane EC of 40 g.m-3.h-1 for Cladosporium sp. and 50 g.m-3.h-1 for Fusarium sp. were obtained in short time experiments in small biofilters (0.230 L). A biomass content around 30 mg.g-1 (dry perlite) showed the potential for hexane biofiltration of the strains.  相似文献   


Nematodes were extracted and identified from tussocks growing on eight soil types (Conroy, Cluden, Tawhiti, Lammerlaw, Carrick, McKerrow, Obelisk, Harihari) from altitudes of 80–1550 m. Most soils were from schist parent material in Otago. Samples from the bottom 5 cm of the leaves and the 0–5‐cm and 8–12‐cm soil strata were analysed separately. Altogether 4455 specimens of nematodes were identified, and the percentage composition in each stratum was calculated. Seventy species were found; only 1 occurred at all sites, 22 were found at only 1 site; 28 occurred in all 3 strata, 18 in only 1 stratum. A strong site factor was noted in species distribution, and there was distinct stratification. Correlation coefficients were calculated for nematode abundance and diversity with altitude, rainfall, and chemical factors (pH, organic C, and soil N); calculations were also made for only six sites by omitting Lammerlaw and Harihari, which did not reflect stages in the climosequence. Considering the six sites, total numbers of nematodes decline with altitude, but numbers of species do not; numbers in 0–5‐cm soil are significantly positively correlated with pH, and negatively with organic C. The correlation with pH is not causal, but reflects a negative association of pH with both precipitation and altitude which tends to obscure relationships between nematodes and environmental factors. Paratylenchus sp. was dominant at the two driest sites; at the next site it was mixed with Macroposthonia, which occurred at the subsequent wetter sites; this distribution apparently reflects the resistant preadult stage of Paratylenchus. Most Dorylai‐moidea had a wide distribution, but Belondiroidea and Mononchoidea showed a preference for the wetter sites. Of the 70 species found, 30 were named and 18 were previously known from New Zealand, 6 appear cosmopolitan in distribution, 2 have Australian relationships, and 1 has Southern Hemisphere relationships.  相似文献   

The causative agents of tinea capitis in Libyan nationals attending the out patient Dermatology Clinic of the Tripoli Medical Centre over the period December 1997 to December 1999 were investigated. Samples (hair and scalp scrapings) were taken from 940 patients who presented with suspected tinea capitis. The etiological agents were identified in 584 cases. Trichophyton violaceum was found to be the most prevalent organism isolated being responsible for 64.4% (376/584) of culture positive cases, followed by Microsporum canis at 24.7% (144/584) and T. mentagrophytes at 5.5% (32/584). The majority of infections (380/584) occurred in females and in children with ages less than 12 years (554/584). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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