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Summary The hyphal tip ofSclerotium rolfsii was examined after fixation by freeze substitution. The Spitzenkörper consisted of a dense mass of apical vesicles and microvesicles surrounding a vesicle-free zone. Linear arrangements of microvesicles were occasionally observed within the Spitzenkörper. Abundant microfilaments were seen within the Spitzenkörper region, often in close association with apical vesicles and microvesicles. Microtubules passed through the Spitzenkörper and terminated at the plasmalemma at the extreme hyphal apex. Filasomes were mostly observed within the apical region and were in close proximity to the plasmalemma. Rough ER, mitochondria, microtubules, and vacuoles were abundant in the subapical region and were usually oriented parallel to the long axis of the hypha. Ribosomes were aligned on the outer surfaces of mitochondria. Golgi body equivalents were observed throughout the subapical region and appeared as inflated cisternae of varying shapes and electron opacities. Relationships to other basidiomycetous hyphal tip cells are discussed.Abbreviations AV apical vesicle - C Celsius - diam diameter - f filasome - G Golgi body equivalent - h hour - nm nanometer - M mitochondria - ME membranous elements; min minute - MV microvesicle - MVB multivesicular body - N nucleus - OsO4 osmium tetroxide - R ribosome - ER endoplasmic reticulum - S Spitzenkörper - Va vacuole - m micrometer  相似文献   

T. Kanbe  T. Akashi  K. Tanaka 《Protoplasma》1993,176(1-2):24-32
Summary Actin distribution and ultrastructure of the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe treated with cytochalasin A (CA) were investigated by fluorescence microscopy using rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin (rh-ph) and freeze substitution electron microscopy. Among the cytochalasins tested, CA was most effective and at 5 g/ ml inhibited the appearance of the actin ring at the cell equator at the stage prior to septum formation and the accumulation of actin dots at the septum-forming site both in wild-type cells and the mutantcdc 11, which is defective in septum formation at restrictive temperature. Freeze substitution electron microscopy of CA-treated cells revealed the displacement and morphological alteration of cytoplasmic vesicles and dictyosomes within 30 min and the appearance of dense bodies in the cytoplasm. A sub-population of cytoplasmic vesicles and dictyosomes were insensitive to CA and maintained their original structure. An electron less dense layer containing filamentous material was noted beneath the plasma membrane and thought to be the area of heavy actin patches stained with rh-ph at the cells ends. These results suggest that CA disrupted an actin network that normally maintains the organization of the secretory pathway involving dictyosomes and vesicles.  相似文献   

Summary The SMO genetic locus in strains of the fungus Magnaporthe grisea that infect weeping lovegrass, directs the formation of correct cell shapes in asexual spores, infection structures, and asci. We have identified and characterized a Smo strain of M. grisea that infects rice. The smo mutation in this strain segregates as a single gene mutation and is allelic to previously identified smo alleles. A marked reduction in pathogenicity co-segregates with the Smo phenotype, suggesting that the SMO locus plays a role in rice pathogenicity. A family of dispersed repeated DNA sequences, called MGR, have been discovered in the nuclear DNA of M. grisea rice pathogens. Genetic crosses between Smo rice pathogens and Smo+ non-rice pathogens were used to follow the segregation of the SMO locus and individual MGR sequences. Using DNA blot analysis with cloned MGR hybridization probes, we mapped the SMO locus to a chromosomal region flanked by two closely linked MGR sequences. We demonstrated that the copy number of MGR sequences could be reduced in subsequent crosses to non-rice pathogens of M. grisea, and that new MGR sequences did not occur following meiosis indicating that these sequences are stable in the genome. We conclude that restriction fragment polymorphism mapping with cloned MGR sequences as hybridization probes is an effective way to map genes in the rice blast fungus.  相似文献   

Summary. Microtubule dynamics were examined in live cells of the fungal plant pathogen Magnaporthe grisea transformed for constitutive expression of a fusion protein containing enhanced yellow-fluorescent protein and a Neurospora crassa benomyl-resistant allele of β-tubulin. Transformants retained their ability to differentiate appressoria and cause disease but remained sensitive to benomyl. Linear microtubule arrays and low-level cytoplasmic fluorescence were observed in vegetative hyphae, conidia, germ tubes, and developing appressoria. Fluorescence within nuclei was conspicuously absent during interphase but increased rapidly at the onset of mitosis. Treatment with either benomyl or griseofulvin resulted in the appearance of prominent brightly fluorescent aggregates, including a large aggregate near the apex, with the concomitant disappearance of most cytoplasmic microtubules. Electron microscope imaging of treated cells indicated that the aggregates lacked any obvious profiles of intact microtubules. During these treatments, hyphal tip cells continued to elongate in a nonlinear and aerial fashion at a much slower rate than untreated cells. With subsequent removal of griseofulvin, distal aggregates disappeared rapidly but the apical aggregates persisted longer. Treatment with latrunculin A caused hyphal tip swelling without apparent effect on linear microtubule arrays. Simultaneous treatment with griseofulvin and latrunculin A resulted in depolymerization of microtubules and a cessation of growth, but near-apical fluorescent aggregates were not observed. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00709-004-0081-3 Correspondence and reprints: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, U.S.A. Present address: Paradigm Genetics Inc., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Rice blast, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe grisea, is a globally important disease of rice that causes annual yield losses. The segregation of genes controlling the virulence of M. grisea on rice was studied to establish the genetic basis of cultivar specificity in the interaction of rice and M. grisea. The segregation of avirulence and virulence was studied in 87 M. grisea F1 progeny isolates from a cross of two isolates, Guy11 and JS153, using resistance-gene-differential rice cultivars. The segregation ratio indicated that avirulence and virulence in the rice cultivars Aichi–asahi and K59, respectively, are controlled by single major genes. Genetic analyses of backcrosses and full-sib crosses in these populations were also performed. The χ2 test of goodness-of-fitness for a 1:1 ratio indicated that one dominant gene controls avirulence in Aichi-asahi and K59 in this population. Based on the resistance reactions of rice differential lines harboring known resistance genes to the parental isolates, two genetically independent avirulence genes, AVR–Pit and AVR–Pia, were identified. Genetic linkage analysis showed that the SSR marker m355–356 is closely linked to AVR–Pit, on the telomere of chromosome 1 at a distance of approximately 2.3 cM. The RAPD marker S487, which was converted to a sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker, was found to be closely linked to AVR–Pia, on the chromosome 7 telomere at a distance of 3.5 cM. These molecular markers will facilitate the positional cloning of the two AVR genes, and can be applied to molecular-marker-assisted studies of M. grisea populations.  相似文献   

Full-length copies of a previously described repetitive DNA sequence (CH2-8) were isolated from the genome of theMagnaporthe grisea strain 2539. One copy of the complete element was sequenced and found to resemble agypsy-like LTR retrotransposon. We named this element MAGGY (MAGnaporthe GYpsy-like element). MAGGY contains two internal ORFs putatively encoding Gag, Pol and Env-like proteins which are similar to peptides encoded by retroelements identified in other filamentous fungi. MAGGY was found to be widely distributed amongM. grisea isolates from geographically dispersed locations and different hosts. It was present in high copy number in the genomes of all nine rice-pathogenic isolates examined. By contrast,M. grisea strains isolated from other Gramineae were found to possess varying copy numbers of MAGGY and in some cases the element was completely absent. The wide distribution of MAGGY suggests that this element invaded the genome ofM. grisea prior to the evolution of rice-specific form(s). It may since have been horizontally transmitted to other sub-specific groups. One copy of MAGGY, corresponding to the element we sequenced, was located at identical locations in the genomes of geographically dispersed strains, suggesting that this copy of the element is a relatively ancient insertion.  相似文献   

Summary Using a heterologous myosin antibody raised against the whole molecule of bovine muscle myosin, we have identified a myosin-like protein in maize. Immunoblots of subcellular fractions isolated from roots identified one distinct band at about 210 kDa in the microsomal protein fraction and one band at about 180 kDa in the soluble protein fraction. Indirect immunofluorescence was performed using maize root apex sections to reveal endocellular distributions of the myosin-like protein. Both diffuse and particulate labelling patterns were observed throughout the cytoplasm of all root cells. In mitotic cells, myosin-like protein was excluded from spindle regions. Amyloplast surfaces were labelled prominently in cells of the root cap statenchyma and in all root cortex cells. On the other hand, myosin-like protein was prominently enriched at cellular peripheries in cells of the pericycle and outer stele in the form of continuous peripheral labelling. From all root apex tissues, phloem elements showed the most abundant presence of myosinlike protein.Abbreviations AFs actin filaments - MTs microtubules Dedicated to Professor Walter Gustav Url on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Pi-z is a disease resistance gene that has been effectively used to combat a broad-spectrum of races of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Although DNA markers have been reported for selection of the Pi2(t) and Pi-z resistance genes at the Pi-z locus, markers that are more tightly linked to the Pi-z locus would benefit rapid and effective cultivar development. Analysis of the publicly available genome sequence of Nipponbare near the Pi-z locus revealed numerous SSRs that could be converted into markers. Three SSRs on rice PAC AP005659 were found to be very tightly linked to the Pi-z locus, with one marker, AP5659-3, co-segregating with the Pi-z resistance reaction. The Pi-z factor conferring resistance to two races of blast was mapped to a 57 kb region on the physical map of Nipponbare in a location where the Pi2(t) gene was physically mapped. Two SSR marker haplotypes were unique for cultivars carrying the Pi-z gene, which indicates these markers are useful for selection of resistance genes at the Pi-z locus in rice germplasm.  相似文献   

Topographical sensing (thigmotropism) is an essential component of efficient fungal growth. It is an important element in the complex pathway of sensory and mechanical elements that drive and control the growing hyphal tip, a fuller understanding of which will bring the mycological community a step closer to complete comprehension of the hyphal growth mode. Previous work has led us to hypothesize that the stress induced by nutrient deficiency causes structural changes in the hyphal tip that induces a thigmotropic response in Aspergillus niger, a soil fungus that does not display thigmotropism under normal conditions. In this study, we have sought to identify some of the factors that influence this induction of thigmotropism using a novel combination of microengineered substrates and imaging and analysis techniques to quantify thigmotropic behavior in complex hyphal systems. We have shown that the sensitivity of fungal contour sensing appears to be directly linked to nutrient availability and hypothesize that this may be caused by a stress-induced flattening of the tip and increased immaturity of the hyphal apex. Parts of this paper were presented at the Mycological Society of Japan (MSJ)/British Mycological Society (BMS) Joint Symposium, “The new generation of mycologists in Japan and the UK” held in Chiba, Japan, on June 3, 2006.  相似文献   

Summary We have observed the distribution of filamentous actin in growing hyphae of the oomyceteSaprolegnia ferax. The actin was stained by electroporating intact hyphae in the presence of 4×10–8 M rhodamine phalloidin. Hyphae quickly recovered from electroporation and showed an apical cap of densely packed actin filaments. The pores created by the electric shock resealed in 8–10min and within 1/2 h hyphae resumed growth and appeared normal. This technique allows us to observe actin arrays during growth and may prove to be a useful tool in determining the complex roles of actin in apical growth.Abbreviations RP rhodamine phalloidin - F-actin filamentous actin  相似文献   

Elicitors are molecules that stimulate defense responses in plants. Previously, an elicitor-encoding gene, named pemG1, was isolated from Magnaporthe grisea. To assess the function of pemG1 in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare), the gene was cloned under a constitutive maize ubiquitin promoter and introduced into Nipponbare cultivar. The resultant plants showed stable integration and constitutive expression of the pemG1 gene. The expression of defense-related gene for phenylalanine ammonia-lyase was triggered and proline content was also increased in pemG1-expressing plants. The pemG1-expressing plants showed enhanced resistance against rice blast after inoculation with M. grisea spores, suggesting that the pemG1 expression enhances disease resistance in transgenic rice. DQ and JM contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

Although microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have several advantages, few have been developed in fungi. The goal of this study was to identify and characterize SSR-containing loci in the filamentous ascomycete Magnaporthe grisea, the causal agent of rice blast disease, and to add these markers to an integrated genetic map of this species [Theor. Appl. Genet. 95 (1997) 20]. We have constructed and screened a microsatellite-enriched small-insert genomic library as well as exploited both publicly available and one proprietary databases for identification of M. grisea SSR containing sequences. Twenty-four out of 49 primer pairs designed to amplify SSR, produced unambiguous polymorphic products in our test population of six isolates. The number of alleles at each locus ranged from two to six when assayed on 3% agarose gels. Twenty-three of the primer pairs amplified polymorphic products between Guy11 and 2539, the parents of a cross from which a genetic map for M. grisea has been established. Genetic analysis showed that all the markers segregated in the expected 1:1 ratio and map positions were determined for all 23 loci.  相似文献   

Isolates of Magnaporthe grisea causing gray leaf spot on rice were collected in Argentina and analyzed for mating distribution and fertility. One hundred and twenty-five isolates of M. grisea were collected from rice plants between 2000 and 2003. Each isolate was tested for mating type through a polymerase chain reaction based assay. All M. grisea isolates from Argentina belonged to a single mating type, MAT1.1. The fertility status of isolates was determined using controlled crosses in vitro, pairing each isolate with GUY11 and KA9 (MAT1.2 standard hermaphroditic testers). Production of perithecia was scarce among isolates of the blast pathogen since a low percentage of them (7.2%) developed perithecia with only one of the fertile tester (KA9); all crosses failed with the other tester strain. Asci and ascospores were not observed. The presence of only one mating type and the absence of female fertile isolates indicate that sexual reproduction is rare or absent in M. grisea populations associated with rice in Argentina.  相似文献   

Summary Rhabdomeres of tipulid flies lose membrane during turnover from a shedding zone composed of microvillar tips. These distal domains lack intramicrovillar cytoskeletons and appear to be empty sacs of membrane. Recent concerns about the role of ninaC mechano-enzymes in the architecture of dipteran rhabodomeral microvilli and the dynamic role that they may play in the creation of shedding zones demand an examination of the distribution of actin in tipulid rhabdomeres. We compared rhabdomeres from tipulid retinae incubated before fixation for immunocytochemistry in a buffer without additives and a stabilising buffer that contained a cocktail of cysteine protease inhibitors; both were challenged by an anti-actin antibody for immunogold labelling after embedding in LR White Resin. Shedding zones thus processed collapse to structureless detritus. Stabilised and unstabilised shedding zones were immunonegative to anti-actin. To ensure that the negative results were not consequent upon conformational changes generated by the processing protocol, we examined microvilli of degenerating rhabdomeres of the Drosophila light-dependent retinal degeneration mutant rdgB KS222 (which separate and collapse without creating a shedding zone) and found the detritus they generate to be immunopositive to anti-actin. Stabilised and unstabilised regions of basal regions of tipulid rhabdomeres were equally immunopositive. We infer that (a) actin is absent from shedding zones; (b) actin is not degraded by microvillar cysteine proteases. The implications of these conclusions are discussed in relation to some functional models of arthropod photoreceptor microvilli.  相似文献   

Summary Using a one-step strategy to disrupt CUT1, a gene for cutinase, cut1 mutants were generated in two strains of Magnaporthe grisea. One strain, pathogenic on weeping lovegrass and barley and containing the arg3–12 mutation, was transformed with a disruption vector in which the Aspergillus nidulans ArgB + gene was inserted into CUT1. Prototrophic transformants were screened by Southern hybridization, and 3 of 53 tested contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1 : : ArgB +). A second strain, pathogenic on rice, was transformed with a disruption vector in which a gene for hyg B resistance was inserted into CUT1. Two of the 57 transformants screened by Southern hybridization contained a disrupted CUT1 gene (cut1:. Hyg). CUT1 mRNA was not detectable in transformants that contained a disrupted gene. Transformants with a disrupted CUT1 gene failed to produce a cutin-inducible esterase that is normally detected by activity staining on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Enzyme activity, measured either with tritiated cutin or with p-nitrophenyl butyrate as a substrate, was reduced but not eliminated in strains with a disrupted CUT1 gene. The infection efficiency of the cut1 disruption transformants was equal to that of the parent strains on all three host plants. Lesions produced by these mutants had an appearance and a sporulation rate similar to those produced by the parent strains. We conclude that the M. grisea CUT1 gene is not required for pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Cloning and analysis of CUT1, a cutinase gene from Magnaporthe grisea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary A gene from Magnaporthe grisea was cloned using a cDNA clone of the Colletotrichum gloeosporioides cutinase gene as a heterologous probe; the nucleotide sequence of a 2 kb DNA segment containing the gene has been determined. DNA hybridization analysis shows that the M. grisea genome contains only one copy of this gene. The predicted polypeptide contains 228 amino acids and is homologous to the three previously characterized cutinases, showing 74% amino acid similarity to the cutinase of C. gloeosporioides. Comparison with previously determined cutinase sequences suggests that the gene contains two introns, 115 and 147 bp in length. The gene is expressed when cutin is the sole carbon source but not when the carbon source is cutin and glucose together or glucose alone. Levels of intracellular and extracellular cutinase activity increase in response to growth in the presence of cutin. The activity level is higher in a transformant containing multiple copies of the cloned gene than in the parent strain. Non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels stained for esterase activity show a single major band among intracellular and extracellular proteins from cutin-grown cultures that is not present among intracellular and extracellular proteins prepared from glucose-grown or carbon-starved cultures. This band stains more intensely in extracts from the multicopy transformant than in extracts from the parent strain. We conclude that the cloned DNA contains a M. grisea gene for cutinase, which we have named CUT1.  相似文献   

Summary We have successfully combined the superior ultrastructural preservation capabilities of rapid freeze fixation and freeze substitution (RF-FS) with immunogold antibody localization techniques to label microfilament (MF) bundles with monoclonal antibody to actin in two different plant tissues:Nicotiana pollen tubes andDrosera tentacles. We have thus verified that the extensive MF bundles seen in these cells after RF-FS are composed of actin, a protein that is difficult to preserve by conventional fixation methods for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe grisea causes rice blast, the most important fungal disease of rice. The segregation of genes controlling virulence of M. grisea on rice was studied to establish the genetic basis of cultivar specificity in this host-parasite interaction. Full-sib progeny and parent isolates Guy11 and 2539 of M. grisea were inoculated onto rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar CO39 and five near-isogenic lines (NILs) of CO39. Each NIL contained a different single gene affecting resistance to specific isolates of M. grisea. No differential interactions between NILs and progeny or parents were observed; parents and progeny pathogenic on CO39 were pathogenic on all five NILs. Segregation ratios of 101 full-sib progeny, 117 progeny from full-sib parents, and 109 backcross progeny, indicated a common single gene affecting pathogenicity on CO39 and the five NILs. A subset of the above 327 isolates (43 fullsib progeny, 37 progeny from full-sib parents, and 32 backcross progeny) were inoculated onto rice cultivar 51583; all were pathogenic, indicating that cultivar specificity to CO39 was segregating in this population of isolates. The locus controlling cultivar specificity, named avrCO39, was mapped to chromosome 1 using a subset of the progeny previously used to construct an RFLP map of M. grisea. The closest reported RFLP markers were 11.8 (estimated 260 kb) and 17.2 cM (estimated 380 kb) away and provide starting points on either side of the locus for a chromosome walk to clone the locus.  相似文献   

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