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Summary Balb/c mice were immunized with a human endothelial cell pool. Spleen cells were then fused with a NS-0 hybridoma cell line. A number of hybridomas secreted antibodies that reacted with the immunizing endothelial cell pool as well as with every other tested umbilical cord vein~derived human endothelial cell. These monoclonal antibodies also stained pig, rabbit and ox aortic endothelial cells indicating their specificity for this cell type. Five of 16 monoclonal antibodies additionally reacted with human fibroblasts (HFIB). The produced monoclonal antibodies did not recognize FVIIIRAG or MHC determinants. They can therefore be regarded as additional and reliable markers for endothelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody labeling techniques are frequently used to investigate the topography of antigens on spermatozoa. It is generally assumed that these procedures detect molecules only on the sperm surface but we now show that this assumption is not always valid. Using monoclonal antibodies that recognize either surface or internal antigens we demonstrate how spurious conclusions can be made, and we suggest simple procedures for assigning the position of an antigen to the cell surface or to an intracellular organelle. Antibodies against plasma membrane antigens should stain 100% of normal intact spermatozoa, but this proportion should be greatly reduced if the spermatozoa have previously been demembranated. If ? 100% of spermatozoa are stained but the proportion increases following permeabilization, then the possibility should be considered that the antigens are intracellular. We conclude that assignment of an antigen to a regional domain on the sperm surface using fluorescent antibody techniques should be validated by a demonstration that the antigen is actually located on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies that recognize cell surface proteins may serve as very useful tools for the study of the biological functions of membrane proteins. However, solubilization of the antigens with detergents may lead to major conformational changes of the protein, making their determination with monoclonal antibodies by immune blot or ordinary immunoprecipitation methods difficult. This is especially evident when the monoclonal antibodies recognize tertiary structures of the proteins in the membrane. We have generated two monoclonal antibodies which are specific for the cell surface antigens of multidrug-resistant human cell lines. However, the antigens of both monoclonal antibodies were difficult to detect by either immune blot or ordinary immunoprecipitation methods. We used a cleavable crosslinking reagent dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) to covalently link the monoclonal antibody with its antigenic determinant in the membrane of intact cells. By this method, we were able to detect the antigens for these two monoclonal antibodies following solubilization, immunoprecipitation, and analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This method should have wide applicability in determination of membrane antigens recognized by monoclonal antibodies when immune blot or ordinary immunoprecipitation methods are not successful.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the production and characterization of two monoclonal antibodies (mAb 503 and mAb 703) raised against the apical membrane of rabbit cortical collecting tubule (CCT) cells. The specificity of the two monoclonal antibodies was studied by immunoelectron microscopy on kidney sections. These antibodies were used to identify principal and intercalated cells in primary cultures of CCT. To assess the maintenance of the basic characteristics of the cortical collecting cells during the growth process we determined the biochemical and electrophysiological properties of cultured CCT. Of the monoclonal antibodies produced mAb 503 was specifically directed against the luminal membrane of intercalated cells as shown by immunoelectron microscopy. mAb 703 bound specifically the apical membrane of the principal cells. In primary cultures of CCT mAb 503 and mAb 703 bound antigens present on the apical membrane of different cells and permitted the study of the distribution of the two cell types. Results showed the maintenance of the epithelial polarity of cultured CCT and the expression of specific antigens.  相似文献   

The distribution of 2 nuclear antigens in the interphase nuclei of liver of Pleurodeles waltl was determined with the help of monoclonal antibodies, using immunofluorescence for light microscopy and indirect immunoperoxidase and immunogold labeling procedures for electron microscopic localization. The antibodies C36/1 and A33/22 label antigens with relative molecular masses of 270 kDa and 80 kDa, and isoelectric points of 7.0 and 6.4, respectively. The liver of urodels is characterized by the presence of a peripheral layer of hematopoietic cells around the parenchymatous tissue formed by typical hepatocytes. The antibody C36/1 labels the nuclei of both types of cells, whereas the antibody A33/22 labels the nuclei of hepatocytes but not those of the peripheral hematopoietic cells. With both these antibodies, labeling, whenever observed, is restricted to fibrillar structures in the interchromatin space, i.e., to peri- and inter-chromatin fibrils; condensed chromatin, nucleoli, and nuclear envelope are not labeled.  相似文献   

Eight mouse hybridomas with haemagglutination capacity to swine blood group antigens were obtained, three of them producing antibodies capable of being used as blood group reagents. Two detected the Ba factor and another the Fa factor. The others gave non-specific and weak reactions or cross-reaction with antigens present in more than one system. We conclude that mouse monoclonal antibodies are also suitable for use in swine as a complement of polyclonal reagents.  相似文献   

Abstract The subtypes of meningococci are defined by antigenic determinants on the class 1 outer membrane proteins. The established subtypes, designated by P1 and a number according to the prototype reference strain on which they were first recognized by monoclonal antibodies, includes P1.2, P1.9, P1.15 and P1.16.
We have investigated more prototype reference strains, using new monoclonal antibodies, and identified the new subtypes P1.1, P1.6 and P1.1,16. The P1.1,16 epitope is found on both the P1.1 and the P1.16 reference strains, but not on all P1.1 and P1.16 strains and can occur independently from the P1.1 and the P1.16 epitopes. It appears that class 1 outer membrane proteins contain at least two independent subtype-specific epitopes. For clarity, we now redefine P1.1,16 as P1.7, permitting thus the identification of strains of P1.1, P1.1,7, P1.7, P1.7,16 and P1.16 subtypes. It can clearly be expected that more class 1 outer membrane protein determinants will be recognized as more monoclonal typing antibodies are produced. The monoclonal antibodies now available to us can subtype 80–90% of group B and C meningococci; they also react with group A meningococci, but not with other Neisseriae . The immunological dissection of these subtyping antigens will improve our understanding of the relationship between components of the bacteria and the induction or prevention of disease.  相似文献   

A very sensitive method for the detection of antigen-antibody complexes on nitrocellulose paper immunoblots is described. The protein antigens are separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by their electrophoretic transfer onto a nitrocellulose sheet (“Western blot”). The protein antigens bound to the nitrocellulose paper are exposed to the monoclonal antibody and the antibody-antigen complexes are detected on the paper by an immunoenzymatic reaction. The improved sensitivity of this method is the result of (i) the use of the detergent Tween 20 in blocking the nonspecific binding of the antibodies to the nitrocellulose paper, (ii) the use of a peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) reaction, and (iii) the intensification of the diaminobenzidine reaction product with nickel and cobalt ions in phosphate buffer.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the passive release of monoclonal antibodies (MCAB) from hybridoma cells grown in either batch or continuous-flow culture. This release is promoted at room temperature. Passively released MCAB is indistinguishable from that released by actively growing cells, as judged by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The significance of these observations in relation to the continuous culture of hybridoma cells is discussed.Maximum MCAB content of TB/C3 hybridoma cells is about 55pg per cell, any additional MCAB produced is secreted.Abbreviations MCAB monoclonal antibodies - PBS phosphate buffered saline - RT room temperature - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were generated to antigens on cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Spleen cells from BALB/c mice, immunized with low passage cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells, were fused with the non-secretory myeloma line, P3 x 63Ag 8.653. Hybridoma supernatants were screened for the desired immunological reactivity using ELISA binding assays. Hybridomas secreting antibodies reacting with the immunizing endothelial cells, but not with peripheral blood mononuclear cells, were cloned by limiting dilution and three stable clones were chosen for study. Further testing by ELISA revealed that each antibody displayed a unique pattern of reactivity. One antibody, 14E5, reacted with the macrophage-like cell line DHL-2, cultured macrophages derived from peripheral blood monocytes, and macrophages derived from malignant effusions. The antibody failed to react with fibroblasts or bovine endothelial cells. The second antibody, 12C6, reacted with human and primate fibroblasts and endothelial cells derived from bovine arteries, but not with mature macrophages. The third clone, 10B9, reacted only with the immunizing endothelial cells and the immature-macrophage line U-937. All three antibodies failed to react with long-term human B or T lymphoblastoid cell lines, leukemic cell lines, or murine macrophage lines. None of the antibodies reacted with a battery of human epithelial derived cell lines or primary cultures of human epithelial cells. Indirect immunofluorescence assays revealed that the antigens were expressed on the cell surface. These antibodies should prove useful as differentiation markers of human endothelial cells and in studies of endothelial cell function.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed a screening strategy and technology to produce monoclonal antibodies with specificity for human lung cancer cells. Mice and rats were immunized with well-characterized tissue culture lines of human small cell lung cancer (SCLC), mouse myeloma x spleen hybrids formed by the technique of Kohler and Milstein, and the resulting culture fluids were screened for antibody binding phenotype using a radioimmunoassay. To facilitate testing large numbers of culture fluids, a 96-well, microtiter based, resuable, replicating device was designed. Using this, many hybridoma culture fluids were replica plated for antibody binding tests on a series of human target cell plates. Hybrids producing antibodies that reacted with the immunizing SCLC line and another independent SCLC line, but not with autologous B-lymphoblastoid cells derived from one of the patients, were identified, selected, and then repeatedly recloned using the same screening strategy. With this technology, hybridomas representing less than 0.5% of all hybrids generated could be isolated and stable antibody producing cultures derived. Such antibodies reacted with a panel of well-characterized SCLC lines and SCLC samples taken directly from patients but not with a variety of normal tissues. Using these antibodies we can demonstrate: tumor cell contamination of bone marrow specimens, marked heterogeneity of antigen expression on cells within individual SCLC lines and individual patients, and inhibition of clonal growth of SCLC lines in soft agarose assays. All of these findings have potential clinical and cell biologic application. Presented in the symposium on The Biology of Hybridomas at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Washington, D.C., June 7–11, 1981. This symposium was supported in part by the following organizations: Bethesda Research Laboratories, Cetus Corporation, Hybritech Incorporated, MAB-Monoclonal Antibodies, Inc., National Capital Area Branch of the Tissue Culture Association, New England Nuclear Corporation, and Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation.  相似文献   

Nocardia brasiliensis is a facultative intracellular microorganism that produces a human chronic infection known as actinomycetoma. Human and mouse anti- N. brasiliensis antibody response identify P24, P26 and P61 immunodominant antigens. In this work, we generated immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to immunodominant P61 antigen. The monoclonal IgM (NbM1) and IgG2a (NbG1) antibodies were assessed for their in vitro bactericidal activity, in vivo protective effect and ability to block catalase activity. These mAbs specifically recognized P61, but they did not inhibit its enzyme activity. The in vitro bactericidal effect of NbG1 was higher than the killing ability of the IgM mAb. In vivo experiments with a murine model of experimental infection with N. brasiliensis injected into rear footpads was used to test the effect of NbM1 and NbG1. The negative untreated group developed a chronic actinomycetoma within 4 weeks. IgM mAbs conferred protection to BALB/c mice infected with N. brasiliensis . IgG mAb lacked this protective effect. IgM mAb showed a dose–response correlation between antibody concentration and lesion size. These results demonstrate that humoral immune response mediated by antigen-specific IgM antibody protects against an intracellular bacterial infection.  相似文献   

This note describes an immunofluorescent staining method for cells in the S-phase which have been allowed to take up bromodeoxyuridine into their DNA in place of thymine. The technique involves the use of fluorescinated monoclonal antibodies against bromodeoxyuridine and allows rapid and accurate estimation of cells in the S-phase, the technique does not require interpretation by skilled technicians.  相似文献   

Antibodies to the prion protein (PrP), particularly, monoclonal antibodies, are necessary tools in the diagnostics and study of prion diseases and potential means of their immunotherapy. For the production of monoclonal antibodies, BALB/c mice were immunized by a recombinant bovine PrP. Three stable hybridomas producing antibodies of IgM class were prepared. The antibodies were bound to PrP in a solid-phase enzyme immunoassay and immunoblotting. The epitope mapping accomplished with the use of synthetic peptides showed that an epitope located in region 25–36 of PrP corresponds to one antibody, and epitopes located in region 222–229, to the other two. The antibodies to fragment 222–229 purified by affinity chromatography recognized with a high specificity conglomerates of a pathogenic prion in the brain tissue of cows suffering from spongiform encephalopathy. Thus, in nontransgenic mice, PrP-specific monoclonal antibodies were produced, useful in studies and diagnostics of prion diseases.  相似文献   

The most significant factor contributing to the presence of host cell protein (HCP) impurities in Protein A chromatography eluates is their association with the product monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has been reported previously, and it has been suggested that more efficacious column washes may be developed by targeting the disruption of the mAbs-HCP interaction. However, characterization of this interaction is not straight forward as it is likely to involve multiple proteins and/or types of interaction. This work is an attempt to begin to understand the contribution of HCP subpopulations and/or mAb interaction propensity to the variability in HCP levels in the Protein A eluate. We performed a flowthrough (FT) recycling study with product respiking using two antibody molecules of apparently different HCP interaction propensities. In each case, the ELISA assay showed depletion of select subpopulations of HCP in Protein A eluates in subsequent column runs, while the feedstock HCP in the FTs remained unchanged from its native harvested cell culture fluid (HCCF) levels. In a separate study, the final FT from each molecule's recycling study was cross-spiked with various mAbs. In this case, Protein A eluate levels remained low for all but two molecules which were known as having high apparent HCP interaction propensity. The results of these studies suggest that mAbs may preferentially bind to select subsets of HCPs, and the degree of interaction and/or identity of the associated HCPs may vary depending on the mAb.  相似文献   

Seven fusions of mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from mice immunized with bovine red cells yielded 61 clones producing discriminant antibodies out of total of 651 secreting clones. Although antigenic factors of all known bovine blood group systems were present on the donors' cells, the antibodies identified reacted with antigenic factors from only five systems, A, B, F, S and Z. The antibody specificities produced by more than two clones were anti-A1 or -A2 (21 clones), -S (9),- Z(6),-G' (3) and -V1 (3). The absence of clones secreting antibodies to antigens of the other systems, especially the complex C system, remains unexplained. The properties of the antibodies reacting with antigens of the S system (anti-SU", anti-SUU') and of the B system (O-like antibodies) are in accordance with previous interpretations of polyclonal sera and with present knowledge of the genetic map of the B system.  相似文献   

Three different monoclonal rat antibodies, Acr1, Acr2, and Acr3, have been established against boar proacrosin. They are shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent and immunoblot assays to react with boar proacrosin and several different acrosin molecules derived therefrom during activation. The epitopes detected by the three antibodies are different from each other, one being highly sensitive to reduction and periodate treatment. The antibodies crossreact with various proacrosin and acrosin molecules derived from human sperm extract; they also show indirect immunofluorescent staining of the acrosomal region of ejaculated sperm from normal men but fail to react with round-headed spermatozoa.  相似文献   

A selection of 16 monoclonal antibodies has been produced against a fresh Ewing's sarcoma (ES) tumor mixed with a permanent ES cell line. The majority of antibodies identify an 80-kDa molecule, which is not detected on healthy tissues except on certain cultured monocytes. One antibody recognize the CD2 ligand MIC2 and 2 antibodies (numbers 13 and 16) define a higher-molecular-mass antigen. Antibody 16 is also expressed on mesenchymal fibroblasts of bone marrow or fetal origin. Tumorspecific antigen expression is potentially linked to the chromosome 22 abnormality decribed in Ewing's sarcoma.  相似文献   

Summary Five monoclonal antibodies reacting with intracellular constituents of Purkinje cells were investigated by means of indirect immunofluorescence on fresh-frozen sections of the cerebellum and retina from developing and adult normal and mutant mice. Antibodies PC1, PC2 and PC3, which recognize Purkinje cells, but no other cerebellar neuron type, label these cells from day 4 onward. PC4 antigen is expressed in addition to Purkinje cells also in granule cells and neurons of deep cerebellar nuclei and appears in Purkinje cells at day 4. M1 antigen (Lagenaur et al. 1980) is first detectable in Purkinje cell bodies by day 5; it is also detectable in deep cerebellar neurons. In the adult retina, only PC4 antigen is detectably expressed and is localized in the inner segments of photoreceptor cells.The neurological mutants weaver, reeler,jimpy and wobbler show detectable levels of these antigens in Purkinje cells. However, the mutants staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration are abnormal in expression PC1, PC2, PC3, and M1 antigens. Staggerer never starts to express the antigens during development, whereas Purkinje cell degeneration first expresses the antigens, but then loses antigen expression after day 23. PC4 antigen is detectable in the remaining Purkinje cells in staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration mice at all ages tested in this study. Deep cerebellar neurons are positive for both antigens, PC4 and M1, in all mutants and at all ages studied. In retinas of staggerer and Purkinje cell degeneration mutants, PC4 antigen is normally detectable in the inner segments of photoreceptor cells, even when these have started to degenerate in the case of Purkinje cell degeneration.  相似文献   

The MDR1-P-glycoprotein binding sites of three different murine monoclonal antibodies (MM4.17, MM6.15 and MC57), directed towards living, intact human multidrug-resistant cells were investigated in order to study P-glycoprotein topology. By using synthetic peptide scanning, we demonstrated that well-defined regions localized on the predicted first, fourth and sixth extracellular loops are external. On the basis of the structure of MM6.15 epitope, which is distributed on the above three different extracellular loops (and thus is discontinuous), P-glycoprotein molecules result to be differently organized in the lipid bilayer. Moreover, the outcome of the MC57 and MM4.17 epitopes localization experiments, obtained through the use of phage-displayed peptide libraries, represent an additional challenge to the classical 12-transmembrane domain model of P-glycoprotein, since they agree with the novel topography of the molecule (10-transmembrane domain), which was recently proposed on the basis of biochemical and expression studies.  相似文献   

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