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During kidney development, the growth and development of the stromal and nephrogenic mesenchyme cell populations and the ureteric bud epithelium is tightly coupled through intricate reciprocal signaling mechanisms between these three tissue compartments. Midkine, a target gene activated by retinoid signaling in the metanephros, encodes a secreted polypeptide with mitogenic and anti-apoptotic activities in a wide variety of cell types. Using immmunohistochemical methods we demonstrated that Midkine is found in the uninduced mesenchyme at the earliest stages of metanephric kidney development and only subsequently concentrated in the ureteric bud epithelium and basement membrane. The biological effects of purified recombinant Midkine were analyzed in metanephric organ culture experiments carried out in serum-free defined media. These studies revealed that Midkine selectively promoted the overgrowth of the Pax-2 and N-CAM positive nephrogenic mesenchymal cells, failed to stimulate expansion of the stromal compartment and suppressed branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud. Midkine suppressed apoptosis and stimulated cellular proliferation of the nephrogenic mesenchymal cells, and was capable of maintaining the viability of isolated mesenchymes cultured in the absence of the ureteric bud. These results suggest that Midkine may regulate the balance of epithelial and stromal progenitor cell populations of the metanephric mesenchyme during renal organogenesis.Key Words: growth factor, proliferation, apoptosis, ureteric bud, branching morphogenesis, epithelial progenitor, development, signaling  相似文献   

The biological effects of thyroid hormone (T3) are mediated by the thyroid hormone receptor (TR). Amphibian metamorphosis is one of the most dramatic processes that are dependent on T3. T3 regulates a series of orchestrated developmental changes, which ultimately result in the conversion of an aquatic herbivorous tadpole to a terrestrial carnivorous frog. T3 is presumed to bind to TRs, which in turn recruit coactivators, leading to gene activation. The best-studied coactivators belong to the p160 or SRC family. Members of this family include SRC1/ NCoA-1, SRC2/TIF2/GRIP1, and SRC3/pCIP/ACTR/AIB-l/RAC-3/TRAM-1. These SRCs interact directly with liganded TR and function as adapter molecules to recruit other coactivators such as p300/CBP. Here, we studied the expression patterns of these coactivators during various stages of development. Amongst the coactivators cloned in Xenopus laevis, SRC3 was found to be dramatically upregulated during natural and T3-induced metamorphosis, and SRC2 and p300 are express  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a superfamily of Zn2+‐dependent proteases that are capable of cleaving the proteinaceous component of the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is a critical medium for cell–cell interactions and can also directly signal cells through cell surface ECM receptors, such as integrins. In addition, many growth factors and signaling molecules are stored in the ECM. Thus, ECM remodeling and/or degradation by MMPs are expected to affect cell fate and behavior during many developmental and pathological processes. Numerous studies have shown that the expression of MMP mRNAs and proteins associates tightly with diverse developmental and pathological processes, such as tumor metastasis and mammary gland involution. In vivo evidence to support the roles of MMPs in these processes has been much harder to get. Here, we will review some of our studies on MMP11, or stromelysin‐3, during the thyroid hormone‐dependent amphibian metamorphosis, a process that resembles the so‐called postembryonic development in mammals (from a few months before to several months after birth in humans when organ growth and maturation take place). Our investigations demonstrate that stromelysin‐3 controls apoptosis in different tissues via at least two distinct mechanisms. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 90:55–66, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) stromelysin-3 (ST3) was originally discovered as a gene whose expression was associated with human breast cancer carcinomas and with apoptosis during organogenesis and tissue remodeling. It has been shown previously, in our studies as well as those by others, that ST3 mRNA is highly upregulated during apoptotic tissue remodeling during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis. Using a function-blocking antibody against the catalytic domain of Xenopus ST3, we demonstrate here that ST3 protein is specifically expressed in the cells adjacent to the remodeling extracellular matrix (ECM) that lies beneath the apoptotic larval intestinal epithelium in X. laevis in vivo, and during thyroid hormone-induced intestinal remodeling in organ cultures. More importantly, addition of this antibody, but not the preimmune antiserum or unrelated antibodies, to the medium of intestinal organ cultures leads to an inhibition of thyroid hormone-induced ECM remodeling, apoptosis of the larval epithelium, and the invasion of the adult intestinal primodia into the connective tissue, a process critical for adult epithelial morphogenesis. On the other hand, the antibody has little effect on adult epithelial cell proliferation. Furthermore, a known MMP inhibitor can also inhibit epithelial transformation in vitro. These results indicate that ST3 is required for cell fate determination and cell migration during morphogenesis, most likely through ECM remodeling.  相似文献   

The present study used a molecular approach toward understanding the mechanism of hormone- and region-dependent remodeling of the small intestine during metamorphosis of Xenopus laevis . A protein spot was noticed on a two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel as a protein whose expression was metamorphic stage- and region-dependent. The protein was identified as the Xenopus homolog (Xcalbindin) of chick calbindin D28k. Xcalbindin expression in the intestine was restricted to absorptive cells in the posterior part, being detectable at stages 49–61, not detectable at stages 62–63, detectable again at stages 64–66, and finally becoming undetectable in the adult. During spontaneous metamorphosis, the level of Xcalbindin mRNA was significantly increased between stages 57 and 58, dramatically reduced at stage 59, and the mRNA was undetectable from stages 60–63, after which it was weakly re-expressed until the end of metamorphosis. Such up- and down-regulation of Xcalbindin mRNA was induced precociously by exogenous thyroid hormone. These results indicated that Xcalbindin is a specific marker of the differentiated absorptive cells of the intestine. Immunohistochemistry with specific antibodies against Xcalbindin demonstrated that precursor cells of adult intestinal epithelial cells expressed Xcalbindin. Considering these results, the origin of adult intestinal epithelial cells was discussed.  相似文献   

During amphibian metamorphosis, the animal body dramatically remodels to adapt from the aquatic to the terrestrial life. Cell death of larval organs/tissues occurs massively in balance with proliferation of adult organs/tissues, to ensure survival of the individuals. Thus, amphibian metamorphosis provides a unique and valuable opportunity to study regulatory mechanisms of cell death. The advantage of this animal model is the absolute dependence of amphibian metamorphosis on thyroid hormone (TH). Since the 1990s, a number of TH response genes have been identified in several organs of Xenopus laevis tadpoles such as the tail and the intestine by subtractive hybridization and more recently by cDNA microarrays. Their expression and functional analyses, which are still ongoing, have shed light on molecular mechanisms of TH‐induced cell death during amphibian metamorphosis. In this review, I survey the recent progress of research in this field, focusing on the X. laevis intestine where apoptotic process is well characterized at the cellular level and can be easily manipulated in vitro. A growing body of evidence indicates that apoptosis during the intestinal remodeling occurs not only via a cell‐autonomous pathway but also via cell–cell and/or cell–extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. Especially, stromelysin‐3, a matrix metalloproteinase, has been shown to alter cell–ECM interactions by cleaving a laminin receptor and induce apoptosis in the larval intestinal epithelium. Here, I emphasize the importance of TH‐induced multiple apoptotic pathways for massive and well‐organized apoptosis in the amphibian organs and discuss their conservation in the mammalian organs.  相似文献   

Amphibian intestinal remodeling during metamorphosis is a developmental system that is entirely controlled by thyroid hormone. It transforms a simple tubular organ into a complex multiply folded frog intestine similar to that in higher vertebrates. This process involves the degeneration of the larval epithelium through programmed cell death (apoptosis) and concurrent proliferation and differentiation of adult cell types. Earlier morphological and cellular studies have provided strong evidence implicating the importance of cell-cell and cell-ECM (extracellular matrix) interactions in this process. The recent molecular characterization of the genes that are regulated by thyroid hormone has begun to reveal some molecular clues underlying such interactions. In particular, theXenopus putative morphogen hedgehog appears to be involved in regulating/mediating cell-cell interactions during adult epithelial proliferation, differentiation, and/or intestinal morphogenesis. On the other hand, several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may be involved in remodeling the ECM. Of special interest is stromelysin-3, whose spatial and temporal expression profile during intestinal metamorphosis implicates a role in ECM remodeling, which in turn facilitates cell fate determination, i.e., apoptosis vs proliferation and differentiation. Understanding the mechanisms of action for those extracellular molecules will present a future challenge in developmental research.  相似文献   

Results from previous studies using an inbred strain of Xenopus laevis have led to the proposition that metamorphosis includes the events by which the newly differentiating adult immune system, including T lymphocytes, recognizes and eliminates larval skin cells as 'non-self'. More recently, a larval antigen targeted by adult T cells was identified as a 59 kDa protein with a specific peptide sequence. Using antisera directed against the larval antigen and the peptide, immunohistochemistry and western blotting were done to examine expression of the 59 kDa larval antigen in the skin during larval and metamorphic periods. There was no expression before Nieuwkoop and Faber stage 53. Expression was first seen at the beginning of metamorphic stage 54, when hind limbs appear, and increased thereafter, in apical and skein cells of both trunk and tail regions. In the trunk region, expression started to decrease at stage 58, until it completely disappeared at stage 62 (metamorphic climax). In the tail skin, however, expression persisted throughout the metamorphic stages. Treatment of larvae with thyroid hormone (TH) resulted in repression of expression of the 59 kDa molecule in a dose-dependent manner. Downregulation occurred earlier in the trunk than in the tail skin. These results suggest involvement in metamorphic events of an immunological mechanism: differential expression of the larval antigen in the trunk and tail skin cells due to their differing concentration of TH results in the tail, but not the trunk skin, being selectively attacked by the newly differentiating adult-type immune system.  相似文献   

Amano T  Kwak O  Fu L  Marshak A  Shi YB 《Cell research》2005,15(3):150-159
The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) stromelysin-3 (ST3) has long been implicated to play an important role in extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and cell fate determination during normal and pathological processes. However,like other MMPs, the molecular basis of ST3 function in vivo remains unclear due to the lack of information on its physiological substrates. Furthermore, ST3 has only weak activities toward all tested ECM proteins. Using thyroid hormone-dependent Xenopus laevis metamorphosis as a model, we demonstrated previously that ST3 is important for apoptosis and tissue morphogenesis during intestinal remodeling. Here, we used yeast two-hybrid screen with mRNAs from metamorphosing tadpoles to identify potential substrate of ST3 during development. We thus isolated the 37 kd laminin receptor precursor (LR). We showed that LR binds to ST3 in vitro and can be cleaved by ST3 at two sites,distinct from where other MMPs cleave. Through peptide sequencing, we determined that the two cleavage sites are in the extracellular domain between the transmembrane domain and laminin binding sequence. Furthermore, we demonstrated that these cleavage sites are conserved in human LR. These results together with high levels of human LR and ST3 expression in carcinomas suggest that LR is a likely in vivo substrate of ST3 and that its cleavage by ST3 may alter cell-extracellular matrix interaction, thus, playing a role in mediating the effects of ST3 on cell fate and behavior observed during development and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

For the clarification of larval-to-adult muscle conversion, the authors established primary culture methods for adult- and larval-type myoblasts in the frog, Xenopus laevis, and examined the hormonal response in each case. The cell types were enzymatically dissociated from adult frog leg and tadpole tail muscles, respectively. The cells became attached to culture plates, proliferated, and fused with each other to form multinucleated myotubes within one week. Five significant differences between the two cell types were noted. (1) Adult cells showed greater proliferation activity than larval cells, the former increasing 5.5-fold over 6 days while the latter increase only 2.5-fold. (2) Differentiation (fusion) of larval type myoblasts started earlier. Cell fusion began on day 2 or 3 in larval cells and on day 4 in adult cells. (3) The metamorphic hormone, triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) decreased larval cell numbers to 56% of that of control-cultures on day 7 but had no effect on adult cell number. DNA synthetic activity (3H-thymidine incorporation) in larval cells decreased under T3 (10(-8) M) to 45% of the control level on day 7. (4) Differentiation of adult myoblasts into myotubes was promoted by T3, whereas that of larval cells diminished by half. (5) Myotube death was induced by T3 specifically in larval but not in adult cultures. In addition to the myotube death, double staining with TUNEL (in situ DNA nick end labeling) and anti-desmin antibody indicated that T3 induces myoblast (desmin+ cell) death specifically in larval but not in adult cells. It is thus evident that the conversion of a larval-type myogenic system during metamorphosis becomes possible through nearly totally specific control of cell division, cell differentiation, and programmed cell death at a precursor cell level by T3.  相似文献   

A pituitary hormone, prolactin (PRL) shows various effects on cellular metabolism in amphibians, such as stimulation of larval tissue growth and inhibition of metamorphic changes. All these effects are mediated by its cell surface receptor. However, lack of information on PRL receptor (PRL-R) gene expression has made the physiological importance of the PRL/PRL-R system obscure in amphibian metamorphosis. Hence, a Xenopus PRL-R cDNA was cloned, its structure was characterized, and specific binding of PRL to Xenopus PRL-R expressed in COS-7 cells was confirmed. In adult tissues, high level expression was found in the lung, heart, brain, thymus and skin, and low level in the oviduct, kidney and spinal cord. The developmental expression pattern showed that PRL-R messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was expressed in the brain and tail from premetamorphosis and the level increased toward late metamorphosis, suggesting that PRL may inhibit the metamorphic changes in those organs. The level of brain PRL-R mRNA reached a peak just at the start of the metamorphic climax stages and then decreased, whereas in the tail, mRNA expression peaked at late metamorphosis. In the kidney, mRNA expression increased and reached a maximum level at the end of metamorphosis. The results obtained were discussed in relation to metamorphosis.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of type III iodothyronine 5-deiodinase (5-D) in the temporal regulation of amphibian metamorphosis, the regulation of gene expression of 5-D and thyroid hormone receptor beta (TRbeta) in organs of Xenopus laevis was investigated. High levels of TRbeta mRNA in the respective organs were observed at the times of their major morphological changes. Expression of the 5-D gene was highly regulated among the organs during metamorphosis, including up-regulation in the tail and down-regulation in the liver. The tail and liver expressed 5-D gene before their metamorphic changes. These precocious expressions correlated with the lower responsiveness to exogenously added triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) for inducing a high level of TRbeta mRNA expression. However, the same organs responded to lower doses of T3 to regulate 5-D gene expression as seen in spontaneous metamorphosis. The induction of 5-D gene expression was considerably delayed in the intestine, even at an excess dose of T3. Thus, the two genes in a given organ appeared to respond to T3 either with different dose dependencies or with different timetables. The results obtained are also discussed in respect to recent findings in Rana catesbeiana.  相似文献   

By microarray analyses, we identified two genes (BmADAMTS-1 and BmADAMTS-like) encoding a protein, which are induced during the pupal ecdysis in the wing discs of Bombyx mori; these genes are homologous to ADAMTS family members (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain, with thrombospondin type-1 repeats). A complete metal-binding motif of the ADAM-type metalloprotease domain (HEXXHXXGXXHD) was contained in both amino acid sequences. However, thrombospondin type 1 (TSP-1) repeats were observed only in BmADAMTS-1. The BmADAMTS-1 gene was expressed in the hemocyte and midgut of the larvae at day 2 of wandering stage (W2), and strongly induced during the pupal ecdysis in the hemolymph. The BmADAMTS-like gene was expressed in the epithelial tissues of the larvae at W2, and had expression peaks slightly later than the BmADAMTS-1 gene. Our results indicate that BmADAMTS-1 and BmADAMTS-like may cleave the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the degenerating and remodeling tissues during the molting periods.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of extracellular proteases capable of degrading various proteinaceous components of the extracellular matrix(ECM).They have been implicated to play important roles in a number of developmental and pathological processes,such as tumor metastasis and inflammation.Relatively few studies have been carried out to investigate the function of MMPs during postembryonic organ-development.Using Xenopus laevis development as a model system,we demonstrate here that three MMPs,stromelysin-3(ST3),collagenases-3(Col3),and Col4,have distinct spatial and temporal expression profiles during metamorphosis as the tadpole transforms into a frog.In situ hybridizations reveal a tight,but distinct,association of individual MMPs with tissue remodeling in the tail and intestine during metamorphosis.In particular,ST3 expression is strongly correlated with apoptosis in both organs as demonstrated by analyses of serial sections with in situ hybridization for ST3 mRNA and TUNEL (terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling)for apoptosis,respectively.On the other hand,Col3 and Col4 are present in regions where extensive connective tissue remodeling take place.These results indicate that ST3 is likely to play a role in ECM-remodeling that facilitate apoptotic tissue remodeling or resorption while Col3 and Col4 appear to participate in connective tissue degradation during development.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) was isolated from the Xenopus laevis intestine as an early thyroid hormone (TH) response gene. To investigate possible roles of TH-upregulated expression of Shh during metamorphosis, we raised a polyclonal antibody against Xenopus Shh and immunohistochemically examined the relationship between Shh expression and the larval-to-adult intestinal remodeling at the cellular level. Our results indicate that the epithelial-specific expression of Shh in the intestine spatiotemporally correlates well with active proliferation and/or initial differentiation of the secondary (adult) epithelial primordia that originate from stem cells, but not with apoptosis of the primary (larval) epithelium. Given the similar transformations of the stomach during metamorphosis, we also analyzed Shh expression in this organ and found similar correlations in the stomach, although the position of the adult epithelial primordia and their final differentiation in the stomach are different from those in the intestine. Furthermore, we show here that Shh expression is organ-autonomously induced by TH and its correlation with the adult epithelial development is reproduced in vitro in both the intestine and the stomach. More importantly, addition of recombinant Shh protein to the culture medium results in developmental anomalies of both organs. However, differentiation of the adult epithelium is more severely inhibited by exogenous Shh in the intestine than in the stomach. These results suggest that TH-upregulated expression of Shh plays important roles in the postembryonic gastrointestinal remodeling, but its roles are at least partially different between the intestine and the stomach.  相似文献   

Secreted protein, acidic, rich in cysteine (SPARC) is a Ca2+-binding, counter-adhesive, extracellular glycoprotein associated with major morphogenic events and tissue remodeling in vertebrates. In Xenopus laevis embryos, SPARC is expressed first by dorsal mesoderm cells at the end of gastrulation and undergoes complex, rapid changes in its pattern of expression during early organogenesis. Another study has reported that precocious expression of SPARC by injection of native protein into the blastocoele cavity of pregastrula embryos leads to a concentration-dependent reduction in anterior development. Thus, normal development requires that the timing, spatial distribution, and/or levels of SPARC be regulated precisely. In a previous study, we demonstrated that injection of a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C-terminal, Ca2+-binding, EF-hand domain of SPARC (peptide 4.2) mimicked the effects of native SPARC. In the present investigation, peptide 4.2 was used to examine the cellular and molecular bases of the phenotypes generated by the aberrant presence of SPARC. Exposure of late blastula embryos to LiCl also generated a concentration-dependent reduction in anterior development; therefore, injections of LiCl were carried out in parallel to highlight the unique effects of peptide 4.2 on early development. At concentrations that caused a similar loss in anterior development (60-100 ng peptide 4.2 or 0.25-0.4 microg LiCl), LiCl had a greater inhibitory effect on the initial rate of chordomesoderm cell involution, in comparison with peptide 4.2. However, as gastrulation progressed, peptide 4.2 had a greater inhibitory effect on prospective head mesoderm migration than that seen in the presence of LiCl. Moreover, peptide 4.2 and LiCl had distinct influences on the expression pattern of dorso-anterior markers at the neural and tail-bud stages of development. Scanning electron microscopy showed that peptide 4.2 inhibited spreading of migrating cells at the leading edge of the involuting chordomesoderm. While still in close proximity to the blastocoele roof, many of the cells appeared rounded and lacked lamellipodia and filopodia extended in the direction of migration. In contrast, LiCl had no effect on the spreading or shape of involuting cells. These data are the first evidence of a counter-adhesive activity for peptide 4.2 in vivo, an activity demonstrated for both native SPARC and peptide 4.2 in vitro.  相似文献   

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