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Human articular cartilage is an avascular structure, which, when injured, poses significant hurdles to repair strategies. Not only does the defect need to be repopulated with cells, but preferentially with hyaline-like cartilage.Successful tissue engineering relies on four specific criteria: cells, growth factors, scaffolds, and the mechanical environment. The cell population utilized may originate from cartilage itself (chondrocytes) or from growth factors that direct the development of mesenchymal stem cells toward a chondrogenic phenotype. These stem cells may originate from various mesenchymal tissues including bone marrow, synovium, adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, and periosteum. Another unique population of multipotent cells arises from Wharton''s jelly in human umbilical cords. A number of growth factors have been associated with chondrogenic differentiation of stem cells and the maintenance of the chondrogenic phenotype by chondrocytes in vitro, including TGFβ; BMP-2, 4 and 7; IGF-1; and GDF-5.Scaffolds chosen for effective tissue engineering with respect to cartilage repair can be protein based (collagen, fibrin, and gelatin), carbohydrate based (hyaluronan, agarose, alginate, PLLA/PGA, and chitosan), or formed by hydrogels. Mechanical compression, fluid-induced shear stress, and hydrostatic pressure are aspects of mechanical loading found in within the human knee joint, both during gait and at rest. Utilizing these factors may assist in stimulating the development of more robust cells for implantation.Effective tissue engineering has the potential to improve the quality of life of millions of patients and delay future medical costs related to joint arthroplasty and associated procedures.Key words: cartilage repair, gene therapy, growth factors, biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cells, chondrocyte  相似文献   

Tissue engineering offers new strategies for developing treatments for the repair and regeneration of damaged and diseased tissues. These treatments, using living cells, will exploit new developments in understanding the principles in cell biology that control and direct cell function. Arthritic diseases that affect so many people and have a major impact on the quality of life provide an important target for tissue engineering. Initial approaches are in cartilage repair; in our own programme we are elucidating the signals required by chondrocytes to promote new matrix assembly. These principles will extend to other tissues of the musculoskeletal system, including the repair of bone, ligament and tendon.  相似文献   

External ear reconstruction for congenital deformity such as microtia or following trauma remains one of the greatest challenges for reconstructive plastic surgeons. The problems faced in reconstructing the intricate ear framework are highly complex. A durable, inert material that is resistant to scar contracture is required. To date, no material, autologous or prosthetic, is available that perfectly mimics the shapely elastic cartilage found in the ear. Current procedure involves autologous costal cartilage that is sculpted to create a framework for the overlying soft tissues. However, this is associated with donor-site morbidity, and few surgeons worldwide are skilled in the techniques required to obtain excellent results. Various alloplastic materials have therefore been used as a framework. However, a degree of immunogenicity and infection and extrusion are inevitable, and results are often disappointing. Tissue-engineered cartilage is an alternative approach but, despite significant progress in this area, many problems remain. These need to be addressed before routine clinical application will become possible. The current tissue-engineered options are fragile and inflexible. The next generation of auricular cartilage engineering is promising, with smart materials to enhance cell growth and integration, and the application of stem cells in a clinical setting. More recently, the authors' team designed the world's first entirely synthetic trachea composed of a novel nanocomposite material seeded with the patient's own stem cells. This was successfully transplanted in a patient at the Karolinska Hospital in Sweden and may translate into a tissue-engineered auricle in the future.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering: advances in in vitro cartilage generation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Damaged or diseased articular cartilage frequently leads to progressive debilitation resulting in a marked decrease in the quality of life. Tissue engineering, a budding field in modern biomedical sciences, promises creation of viable substitutes for failing organs or tissues. It represents the amalgamation of rapid developments in cellular and molecular biology on the one hand and material, chemical and mechanical engineering on the other. Current tissue engineering approaches are mainly focused on the restoration of pathologically altered tissue structure based on the transplantation of cells in combination with supportive matrices and biomolecules. The ability to manipulate and reconstitute tissue structure and function in vitro has tremendous clinical implications and is likely to have a key role in cell and gene therapies in coming years.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by pain and disability. It involves all ages and 70% of people aged >65 have some degree of osteoarthritis. Natural cartilage repair is limited because chondrocyte density and metabolism are low and cartilage has no blood supply. The results of joint-preserving treatment protocols such as debridement, mosaicplasty, perichondrium transplantation and autologous chondrocyte implantation vary largely and the average long-term result is unsatisfactory. One reason for limited clinical success is that most treatments require new cartilage to be formed at the site of a defect. However, the mechanical conditions at such sites are unfavorable for repair of the original damaged cartilage. Therefore, it is unlikely that healthy cartilage would form at these locations. The most promising method to circumvent this problem is to engineer mechanically stable cartilage ex vivo and to implant that into the damaged tissue area. This review outlines the issues related to the composition and functionality of tissue-engineered cartilage. In particular, the focus will be on the parameters cell source, signaling molecules, scaffolds and mechanical stimulation. In addition, the current status of tissue engineering of cartilage will be discussed, with the focus on extracellular matrix content, structure and its functionality.  相似文献   

Each year, more than one million patients undergo some type of procedure involving cartilage reconstruction. Polymer hydrogels such as alginate have been demonstrated to be effective carriers of chondrocytes for subcutaneous cartilage formation. The goal of this study was to develop a simple method to create complex structures with good three-dimensional tolerance in order to form cartilage in specific shapes in an autologous animal model. Six alginate implants that had been seeded with autologous chondrocytes through an injection molding process were implanted subcutaneously in sheep, harvested after 6 months, and analyzed histologically, biochemically, and biomechanically, in comparison with original auricular cartilage. Molds of craniofacial implants were prepared with Silastic E RTV (Dow Corning, Midland, Mich.). Chondrocytes were harvested from sheep auricular cartilage and suspended in 2% alginate at a concentration of 50 x 10(6) cells/ml. The mixture of cells and gel was injected into the Silastic molds and removed after 20 minutes. Chondrocyte-alginate constructs were implanted subcutaneously in the necks of the sheep from which the cells had originally been harvested, and the constructs were removed after 30 weeks. Analyses of the implanted constructs indicated cartilage formation with three-dimensional shape retention. The proteoglycan and collagen contents of the constructs increased with time to approximately 80 percent of the values for native tissue. The equilibrium modulus and the hydraulic permeability were 74 and 105 percent of those of native sheep auricular cartilage, respectively.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes isolated from human fetal epiphyseal cartilage were seeded under mixed conditions into 15-mm-diameter polyglycolic acid (PGA) scaffolds and cultured in recirculation column bioreactors to generate cartilage constructs. After seeding, the cell distributions in thick (4.75 mm) and thin (2.15 mm) PGA disks were nonuniform, with higher cell densities accumulating near the top surfaces. Composite scaffolds were developed by suturing together two thin PGA disks after seeding to manipulate the initial cell distribution before bioreactor culture. The effect of medium flow direction in the bioreactors, including periodic reversal of medium flow, was also investigated. The quality of the tissue-engineered cartilage was assessed after 5 weeks of culture in terms of the tissue wet weight, glycosaminoglycan (GAG), total collagen and collagen type II contents, histological analysis of cell, GAG and collagen distributions, and immunohistochemical analysis of collagen types I and II. Significant enhancement in construct quality was achieved using composite scaffolds compared with single PGA disks. Operation of the bioreactors with periodic medium flow reversal instead of unidirectional flow yielded further improvements in tissue weight and GAG and collagen contents with the composite scaffolds. At harvest, the constructs contained GAG concentrations similar to those measured in ex vivo human adult articular cartilage; however, total collagen and collagen type II levels were substantially lower than those in adult tissue. This study demonstrates that the location of regions of high cell density in the scaffold coupled with application of dynamic bioreactor operating conditions has a significant influence on the quality of tissue-engineered cartilage.  相似文献   

Cell culture with serum-containing medium has potential problems associated with contamination of infectious agents. This study demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of regenerating cartilage tissues in vivo by implantation of chondrocytes cultured in vitro in a chemically-defined, serum-free medium. Chondrocytes cultured in the serum-free medium grew similarly to those in a serum-containing medium. Implantation of chondrocytes cultured in the serum-free medium and seeded on to polymer scaffolds resulted in the regeneration of cartilage tissues with histological aspects similar to those of cartilage tissues regenerated from chondrocytes cultured in serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

Lederman L 《BioTechniques》2007,43(5):557, 559, 561

Tissue engineering.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Utilizing ATDC5 murine chondrogenic cells and human articular chondrocytes, this study sought to develop facile, reproducible three-dimensional models of cartilage generation with the application of tissue engineering strategies, involving biodegradable poly(glycolic acid) scaffolds and rotating wall bioreactors, and micromass pellet cultures. Chondrogenic differentiation, assessed by histology, immunohistochemistry, and gene expression analysis, in ATDC5 and articular chondrocyte pellets was evident by the presence of distinct chondrocytes, expressing Sox-9, aggrecan, and type II collagen, in lacunae embedded in a cartilaginous matrix of type II collagen and proteoglycans. Tissue engineered explants of ATDC5 cells were reminiscent of cartilaginous structures composed of numerous chondrocytes, staining for typical chondrocytic proteins, in lacunae embedded in a matrix of type II collagen and proteoglycans. In comparison, articular chondrocyte explants exhibited areas of Sox-9, aggrecan, and type II collagen-expressing cells growing on fleece, and discrete islands of chondrocytic cells embedded in a cartilaginous matrix.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is a field of research with interdisciplinary cooperation between clinicians, cell biologists, and materials research scientists. Many medical specialties apply tissue engineering techniques for the development of artificial replacement tissue. Stages of development extend from basic research and preclinical studies to clinical application. Despite numerous established tissue replacement methods in otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery, tissue engineering techniques opens up new ways for cell and tissue repair in this medical field. Autologous cartilage still remains the gold standard in plastic reconstructive surgery of the nose and external ear. The limited amount of patient cartilage obtainable for reconstructive head and neck surgery have rendered cartilage one of the most important targets for tissue engineering in head and neck surgery. Although successful in vitro generation of bioartificial cartilage is possible today, these transplants are affected by resorption after implantation into the patient. Replacement of bone in the facial or cranial region may be necessary after tumor resections, traumas, inflammations or in cases of malformations. Tissue engineering of bone could combine the advantages of autologous bone grafts with a minimal requirement for second interventions. Three different approaches are currently available for treating bone defects with the aid of tissue engineering: (1) matrix-based therapy, (2) factor-based therapy, and (3) cell-based therapy. All three treatment strategies can be used either alone or in combination for reconstruction or regeneration of bone. The use of respiratory epithelium generated in vitro is mainly indicated in reconstructive surgery of the trachea and larynx. Bioartificial respiratory epithelium could be used for functionalizing tracheal prostheses as well as direct epithelial coverage for scar prophylaxis after laser surgery of shorter stenoses. Before clinical application animal experiments have to prove feasability and safety of the different experimental protocols. All diseases accompanied by permanently reduced salivation are possible treatment targets for tissue engineering. Radiogenic xerostomia after radiotherapy of malignant head and neck tumors is of particular importance here due to the high number of affected patients. The number of new diseases is estimated to be over 500,000 cases worldwide. Causal treatment options for radiation-induced salivary gland damage are not yet available; thus, various study groups are currently investigating whether cell therapy concepts can be developed with tissue engineering methods. Tissue engineering opens up new ways to generate vital and functional transplants. Various basic problems have still to be solved before clinically applying in vitro fabricated tissue. Only a fraction of all somatic organ-specific cell types can be grown in sufficient amounts in vitro. The inadequate in vitro oxygen and nutrition supply is another limiting factor for the fabrication of complex tissues or organ systems. Tissue survival is doubtful after implantation, if its supply is not ensured by a capillary network.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the status of that part of the [Microgravity Application Program] project related to the study of cartilage formation from pig chondrocytes. The work carried out so far followed two lines: (i) chondrocytes were incubated for up to three weeks in the RPM; (ii) a module developed for in-vitro cartilage formation will be tested in a sounding rocket flight (MASER 9, November 2001).  相似文献   

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