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During large-scale monoclonal antibody manufacturing, disulfide bond reduction of antibodies, which results in generation of low molecule weight species, is occasionally observed. When this happens, the drug substance does not meet specifications. Many investigations have been conducted across the biopharmaceutical industry to identify the root causes, and multiple strategies have been proposed to mitigate the problem. The reduction is correlated with the release of cellular reducing components and depletion of dissolved oxygen before, during, and after harvest. Consequently, these factors can lead to disulfide reduction over long-duration storage at room temperature prior to Protein A chromatography. Several strategies have been developed to minimize antibody reduction, including chemical inhibition of reducing components, maintaining aeration before and after harvest, and chilling clarified harvest during holding. Here, we explore the use of hydrogen peroxide in clarified harvest bulk or cell culture fluid as a strategy to prevent disulfide reduction. A lab-scale study was performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide in preventing antibody reduction using multiple IgG molecules. Studies were done to define the optimal concentration of hydrogen peroxide needed to avoid unnecessary oxidization of the antibody products. We show that adding a controlled amount of hydrogen peroxide does not change product quality attributes of the protein. Since hydrogen peroxide is soluble in aqueous solutions and decomposes into water and oxygen, there is no additional burden involved in removing it during the downstream purification steps. Due to its ease of use and minimal product impact, we demonstrate that hydrogen peroxide treatment is a powerful, simple tool to quench reducing potential by simply mixing it with harvested cell culture fluid.  相似文献   

Antibody disulfide bond reduction during monoclonal antibody (mAb) production is a phenomenon that has been attributed to the reducing enzymes from CHO cells acting on the mAb during the harvest process. However, the impact of antibody reduction on the downstream purification process has not been studied. During the production of an IgG2 mAb, antibody reduction was observed in the harvested cell culture fluid (HCCF), resulting in high fragment levels. In addition, aggregate levels increased during the low pH treatment step in the purification process. A correlation between the level of free thiol in the HCCF (as a result of antibody reduction) and aggregation during the low pH step was established, wherein higher levels of free thiol in the starting sample resulted in increased levels of aggregates during low pH treatment. The elevated levels of free thiol were not reduced over the course of purification, resulting in carry‐over of high free thiol content into the formulated drug substance. When the drug substance with high free thiols was monitored for product degradation at room temperature and 2–8°C, faster rates of aggregation were observed compared to the drug substance generated from HCCF that was purified immediately after harvest. Further, when antibody reduction mitigations (e.g., chilling, aeration, and addition of cystine) were applied, HCCF could be held for an extended period of time while providing the same product quality/stability as material that had been purified immediately after harvest. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 1264–1274. © 2017 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc.  相似文献   

The protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) reaction kinetics has been studied to evaluate its effect on the monoclonal antibody (MAb) refulding and assembly which accompanies disulfide bond formation. The MAbin vitro assembly experiments showed that the assembly rate of heavy and light chains can be greatly enhanced in the presence of PDI as compared to the rate of assembly obtained by the air-oxidation. The reassembly patterns of MAb intermediates were identical for both with and without PDI, suggesting that the PDI does not determine the MAb assembly pathway, but rather facilitates the rate of MAb assembly by promoting PDI catalyzed disulfide bond formation. The effect of growth rate on PDI activities for MAb production has also been examined by using continuous culture system. The specific MAb productivity of hyboridoma cells decreased as the growth rate increased. However, PDI activities were nearly constant for a wide range of growth rates except very high growth rate, indicating that no direct correlation between PDI activity and specifle MAb productivity exists.  相似文献   

We recently observed a significant disulfide reduction problem during the scale‐up of a manufacturing process for a therapeutic antibody using a CHO expression system. Under certain conditions, extensive reduction of inter‐chain disulfide bonds of an antibody produced by CHO cell culture may occur during the harvest operations and/or the protein A chromatography step, resulting in the observation of antibody fragments (light chain, heavy chain, and various combination of both) in the protein A pools. Although all conditions leading to disulfide reduction have not been completely identified, an excessive amount of mechanical cell lysis generated at the harvest step appears to be an important requirement for antibody reduction (Trexler‐Schmidt et al., 2010 ). We have been able to determine the mechanism by which the antibody is reduced despite the fact that not all requirements for antibody reduction were identified. Here we present data strongly suggesting that the antibody reduction was caused by a thioredoxin system or other reducing enzymes with thioredoxin‐like activity. The intracellular reducing enzymes and their substrates/cofactors apparently were released into the harvest cell culture fluid (HCCF) when cells were exposed to mechanical cell shear during harvest operations. Surprisingly, the reducing activity in the HCCF can last for a long period of time, causing the reduction of inter‐chain disulfide bonds in an antibody. Our findings provide a basis for designing methods to prevent the antibody reduction during the manufacturing process. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;107:622–632. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of monoclonal antibody (mAb) interchain disulfide bond reduction during manufacturing processes continues to be a focus of the biotechnology industry due to the potential for loss of product, increased complexity of purification processes, and reduced stability of the drug product. We hypothesized that antibody reduction can be mitigated by controlling the cell culture redox potential and subsequently established a threshold redox potential above which the mAb remained intact and below which there were significant and highly variable amounts of reduced mAb. Using this knowledge, we developed three control schemes to prevent mAb reduction in the bioreactor by controlling the cell culture redox potential via an online redox probe. These control methodologies functioned by increasing the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO), copper (II) (Cu), or both DO and Cu to maintain the redox potential above the threshold value. Using these methods, we were able to demonstrate successful control of antibody reduction. Importantly, the redox control strategies did not significantly impact the cell growth, viability, mAb production, or product quality attributes including aggregates, C-terminal lysine, high mannose, deamidation, and glycation. Our results demonstrate that controlling the cell culture redox potential is a simple and effective method to prevent mAb reduction.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody interchain disulfide bond reduction was observed in a Chinese Hamster Ovary manufacturing process that used single-use technologies. A similar reduction has been reported for processes that involved high mechanical shear recovery unit operations, such as continuous flow centrifugation and when the clarified harvest was stored under low dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions (Trexler-Schmidt et al., 2010. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 106(3), 452–461). The work described here identifies disposable depth filtration used during cell culture harvest operations as a shear-inducing unit operation causing cell lysis. As a result, reduction of antibody interchain disulfide bonds was observed through the same mechanisms described for continuous flow centrifugation. Small-scale depth-filtration models were developed, and the differential pressure (Δ P) of the primary depth filter was identified as the key factor contributing to cell lysis. Strong correlations of Δ P and cell lysis were generated by measuring the levels of lactate dehydrogenase and thiol in the filtered harvest material. A simple risk mitigation strategy was implemented during manufacturing by providing an air overlay to the headspace of a single-use storage bag to maintain sufficient DO in the clarified harvest. In addition, enzymatic characterization studies determined that thioredoxin reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase are critical enzymes involved in antibody reduction in a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP +)/NADPH-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Antibody disulfide bond (DSB) reduction during manufacturing processes is a widely observed phenomenon attributed to host cell reductases present in harvest cell culture fluid. Enzyme-induced antibody reduction leads to product fragments and aggregates that increase the impurity burden on the purification process. The impact of reduction on bivalent bispecific antibodies (BisAbs), which are increasingly entering the clinic, has yet to be investigated. We focused on the reduction and reoxidation properties of a homologous library of bivalent BisAb formats that possess additional single-chain Fv (scFv) fragments with engineered DSBs. Despite all BisAbs having similar susceptibilities to enzymatic reduction, fragmentation pathways were dependent on the scFv-fusion site. Reduced molecules were allowed to reoxidize with and without low pH viral inactivation treatment. Both reoxidation studies demonstrated that multiple, complex BisAb species formed as a result of DSB mispairing. Furthermore, aggregate levels increased for all molecules when no low pH treatment was applied. Combined, our results show that complex DSB mispairing occurs during downstream processes while aggregate formation is dependent on sample treatment. These results are applicable to other novel monoclonal antibody-like formats containing engineered DSBs, thus highlighting the need to prevent reduction of novel protein therapeutics to avoid diminished product quality during manufacturing.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present a new concept of site-directed reduction of disulfide bonds based upon the use of an affinity ligand harbouring a readily oxidizable dithiol. The cysteine bond involved in the acetylcholine binding site of the AChoR was specifically reduced by a carbamylcholine analogue. The ligand, in its oxidized form, was characterized by an affinity constant of 20 μM for the agonist binding site. In its dithiol form, it specifically reduced the disulfide between Cys-192 and Cys-193 on the -subunits of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. This reduction needed 10 times lower concentration when carried out with site-directed reducing agent (ARA) than with DTT, and was highly specific for the -subunits. The contribution of the carbamylcholine moiety of the site-directed reducing agent was clearly demonstrated in kinetic studies where reduction abilities of ARA, DTT and the methylated analogue of ARA (MeRA) were compared. At the same concentration (20 μM), DTT and MeRA had a 25 times lower initial rate of reduction than ARA. With 200 μM of DTT this initial reduction was still 4 times lower. Furthermore, the use of a maleimido undecagold cluster which specifically labeled the reduced nicotinic receptor opens the way to structural analysis of the agonist binding site by electron microscopy. These results demonstrate the potency of this kind of site-directed reducing agent for structural study of receptors or enzymes involving a disulfide bond in their active site.  相似文献   

Echistatin is the smallest member of the disintegrin family of snake venom proteins, containing four disulfides in a peptide chain of 49 residues. Partial assignment of disulfides has been made previously by NMR and chemical approaches. A full assignment was made by a newly developed chemical approach, using partial reduction with tris-(2-carboxyethyl)-phosphine at acid pH. Reduction proceeded in a stepwise manner at pH 3, and the intermediates were isolated by high performance liquid chromatography. Alkylation of free thiols, followed by sequencer analysis, enabled all four bridges to be identified: (1) at 20 degrees C a single bridge linking Cys 2-Cys 11 was broken, giving a relatively stable intermediate; (2) with further treatment at 41 degrees C the bridges Cys 7-Cys 32 and Cys 8-Cys 37 became accessible to the reagent and were reduced at approx. equal rates; (3) the two bicyclic peptides produced in this manner were less stable and could be reduced at 20 degrees C to a peptide that retains a single bridge linking Cys 20-Cys 39; and (4) the monocyclic peptide can be reduced to the linear molecule at 20 degrees C. Some disulfide exchange occurred during alkylation of the bicyclic intermediates, but results unambiguously show the pattern to be [2-11; 7-32; 8-37; 20-39]. A comparison is made with kistrin, a longer disintegrin whose disulfide structure has been proposed from NMR analysis.  相似文献   

Antibodies undergo significant conformational changes upon acidification, leading to the formation of an alternatively folded state. Here, we analyzed the conformation of MAK 33 Fab and its light chain at acidic pH, both in the reduced and oxidized form. At acidic pH, the proteins exhibited a highly structured, but non-native conformation, corresponding to the alternatively folded state, previously described for the intact antibody. However, the requirements to form this alternative structure were different for the oxidized and reduced protein. Whereas in the oxidized form of the immunoglobulin light chain the alternatively folded state could only be detected at pH<1.4, the reduced light chain already adopted this structure at pH 2. Thermal denaturation measurements revealed that, surprisingly, the alternatively folded state of the reduced light chain was more stable than that of the oxidized protein at pH 1.4. This indicates that the intradomain disulfide bonds, which stabilize the native state of antibody domains, impede the formation of the alternatively folded state.  相似文献   

Signal peptides used in biosynthesis of proteins are cleaved at a very specific site by signal peptidase during posttranslational translocation of cytoplasmic proteins across the membrane. In some cases, however, there can be cleavage at nonspecific sites, giving rise to heterogeneity in the mature protein, which manifests itself as either elongation or truncation of the N terminus of the mature protein. When used as biopharmaceutical therapeutics, such heterogeneities may be a cause for concern, depending on the nature of the heterogeneity. This article describes the determination of such heterogeneity by peptide mapping in both the heavy chain and the light chain (LC) of a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell-expressed monoclonal antibody (mAb). The peptide map method described here was capable of detecting the extended N-terminal peptides at levels as low as 1% relative to the peak area of the intact N-terminal peptide. The LC of a mAb product was truncated at its N termini by two amino acid residues at approximately 3-4% levels, resulting from alternate signal peptide cleavage. This article describes the quantitation of this truncation by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) peptide mapping. Also described is analysis and characterization of LC truncation by reduced and denatured capillary electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS). The truncated mAb, which was devoid of the two N-terminal amino acids, was engineered and shown to migrate as the “pre-LC” peak in reduced CE-SDS assay. The amount of the pre-LC peak recovered from the CE-SDS assay was shown to correlate with the amount of truncated peptide observed from the reduced and alkylated peptide map of the engineered mAb.  相似文献   


Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) that are formed using thiol-maleimide chemistry are commonly produced by reactions that occur at or above neutral pHs. Alkaline environments can promote disulfide bond scrambling, and may result in the reconfiguration of interchain disulfide bonds in IgG antibodies, particularly in the IgG2 and IgG4 subclasses. IgG2-A and IgG2-B antibodies generated under basic conditions yielded ADCs with comparable average drug-to-antibody ratios and conjugate distributions. In contrast, the antibody disulfide configuration affected the distribution of ADCs generated under acidic conditions. The similarities of the ADCs derived from alkaline reactions were attributed to the scrambling of interchain disulfide bonds during the partial reduction step, where conversion of the IgG2-A isoform to the IgG2-B isoform was favored.  相似文献   

In vivo, enzymatic reduction of some protein disulfide bonds, allosteric disulfide bonds, provides an important level of structural and functional regulation. The free cysteine residues generated can be labeled by maleimide reagents, including biotin derivatives, allowing the reduced protein to be detected or purified. During the screening of monoclonal antibodies for those specific for the reduced forms of proteins, we isolated OX133, a unique antibody that recognizes polypeptide resident, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)-modified cysteine residues in a sequence-independent manner. OX133 offers an alternative to biotin-maleimide reagents for labeling reduced/alkylated antigens and capturing reduced/alkylated proteins with the advantage that NEM-modified proteins are more easily detected in mass spectrometry, and may be more easily recovered than is the case following capture with biotin based reagents.  相似文献   

Insulin, a small peptide hormone, is crucial in maintaining blood glucose homeostasis. The stability and activity of the protein is directed by an intricate system involving disulfide bonds to stabilize the active monomeric species and by their non‐covalent oligomerization. All known insulin variants in vertebrates consist of two peptide chains and have six cysteine residues, which form three disulfide bonds, two of them link the two chains and a third is an intra‐chain bond in the A‐chain. This classical insulin fold appears to have been conserved over half a billion years of evolution. We addressed the question whether a human insulin variant with four disulfide bonds could exist and be fully functional. In this review, we give an overview of the road to engineering four‐disulfide bonded insulin analogs. During our journey, we discovered several active four disulfide bonded insulin analogs with markedly improved stability and gained insights into the instability of analogs with seven cysteine residues, importance of dimerization for stability, insulin fibril formation process, and the conformation of insulin binding to its receptor. Our results also open the way for new strategies in the development of insulin biopharmaceuticals. Copyright © 2015 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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