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The transformation of a rat cell line, 3Y1, by nonmammalian tropic strains of avian sarcoma virus was tested using cell-virus fusion mediated by Sendai virus or polyethylene glycol. Furthermore, the establishment of several transformed 3Y1 cell clones induced by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), its derivative mutants, and the Bryan high-titer strain of RSV is reported. The presence and expression of the viral genomes in these cells were examined, and all transformed cell clones tested were found to contain rescuable RSV genomes when they had been fused with normal chicken embryo fibroblast cells or those preinfected with Rous-associated virus type 1. However, the gag gene product, pr76, was barely detectable in wild-type RSV-transformed cells, whereas it was produced in considerable amounts in cells transformed by env-deleted mutants, the Bryan high-titer strain of RSV and NY8 derived from the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of RSV.  相似文献   

Rat cerebral microvascular endothelial cells were infected with Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus-strain D (SR-RSV-D), an avian retrovirus. A single focus of transformed cells was isolated and the resultant cell line designated RCE-T1. The specificity for SR-RSV-D transformation was determined by virus rescue assay and demonstration of virus-specific antigens. RCE-T1 cells are virogenic when fused with chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) and do not produce infectious virus as demonstrated by the absence of detectable virus in culture fluid from these cells alone. Studies using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for avian retrovirus-coded internal proteins show that RSV-transformed endothelial cells contain mainly p27 and react to some extent to p19 and p15 viral antigens. These data demonstrate conclusively that the transformation event was indeed due to SR-RSV-D. In addition, chromosome analysis confirmed these cells to be of rat origin. RSV-transformed endothelial cells express the typical array of transformation-related properties such as anchorage-independent cell growth in soft agar, decreased cell adhesiveness, ability to grow in low serum, and capability of producing tumors in newborn rats. Demonstration of differentiated endothelial characteristics included positive immunofluorescent staining for factor VIII antigen and angiotensin-converting enzyme and histochemical localization of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity. This cell line should provide a useful model to study not only specialized biochemical and other functional characteristics of cerebrovascular endothelium but also the cellular mechanisms that involve the transition from normal to neoplastic expression.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization in chicken Rous sarcoma of nucleotide sequence, complementary to Rous sarcoma virus RNA was examined by RNA/RNA molecular hybridization. The preparations of radioiodinated virion RNA were annealed with RNAs from different fractions (nuclei, mitochondria, free and membrane-bound polyribosomes) isolated from chicken Rous sarcoma. Formation of RNA-ase resistant hybrids between the viral 125I-RNA and RNA from the mitochondria and membrane-bound polyribosomes was revealed. The latter were characterized by a higher relative redundancy of nucleotide sequences complementary to virion RNA than that in the former, by factor 446. The role of complementary ribonucleotide sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

The axon terminals of neurosecretory cells, containing elementary granules of neurosecretory materials, have been described on the basis of light and electron microscopy. No allochthonous neurosecretory elements were found in the sinus gland. The discharge of the granules from some terminals of the sinus gland occur with the changed salinity of the environment. There is a great difference in the structure of the sinus gland when salinity is changed. The structure of the sinus gland and its modification under experimental conditions indicate a possibility of neurohormonal regulation of the hydromineral balance.  相似文献   

Transformation by subgenomic fragments of Rous sarcoma virus DNA   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Subgenomic fragments of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) DNA, generated by Eco RI digestion of DNA of RSV-infected chicken cells, induced transformation of NIH/3T3 mouse cells with efficiencies that were 100–1000 fold lower than the efficiency of transformation by intact RSV DNA. Analysis of the DNAs of NIH cells transformed by Eco RI-digested RSV DNA indicated that these cells contained no more than 2 × 106 daltons of RSV DNA, and did not contain sequences from the 5′ terminus of RSV RNA which are included in the leader sequence of subgenomic src mRNA of RSV-infected cells. The product of the RSV src gene (pp60src), however, was produced in apparently similar quantities by NIH cells transformed by Eco RI fragments of RSV DNA and by intact RSV DNA. Thus expression of the src gene of RSV in NIH cells transformed by subgenomic fragments of RSV DNA did not require the terminal sequences of the RSV genome, which appear to be involved in synthesis and processing of src mRNA in RSV-infected cells. DNAs of NIH cells transformed by Eco RI-digested RSV DNA were found to induce transformation in secondary transfection assays with efficiencies that were similar to the efficiency of transformation by intact RSV DNA. These results suggest that transformation by subgenomic fragments of RSV DNA may be a consequence of integration of src gene-containing DNA fragments in the vicinity of a promoter site in the recipient cell genome, leading to efficient expression of the RSV src gene.  相似文献   

A direct comparison demonstrates that Rous sarcoma virus is capable of infecting aphidicolin-arrested cells 10-fold more efficiently than murine leukemia virus but less efficiently than human immunodeficiency virus. The efficiency of infection of nondividing cells by the three viruses correlates with the respective ability of each viral DNA to enter the nucleus.  相似文献   

We have shown that the heavy chain of clathrin is phosphorylated in chicken embryo fibroblast cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus, but not in normal cells. Approximately 1 mol of phosphate is bound for every 5 mol of heavy chain in the maximally phosphorylated transformed cells. Two-thirds of the phosphate is on serine and one-third on tyrosine residues. Clathrin heavy chain is a substrate for pp60v-src in vitro. Cleveland analysis of the in vivo and in vitro clathrin heavy chain phosphopeptides, generated by protease V8 digestion, show labeled proteolytic fragments of similar molecular weight, suggesting that pp60v-src could be directly responsible for the in vivo phosphorylation of clathrin. Phosphate is equally incorporated into clathrin in both the unassembled and the assembled clathrin pools, whereas [35S]methionine is preferentially incorporated into the assembled pool. In normal cells, clathrin visualized by immunofluorescent staining appears in a punctate pattern along the membrane surface and concentrated around the nucleus; in transformed cells the perinuclear staining is completely absent. The phosphorylation of clathrin heavy chain in transformed cells may be linked to previously observed transformation-dependent alterations in receptor-mediated endocytosis of ligands such as EGF and thrombin.  相似文献   

Sodium and rubidium uptake in cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rates of uptake and intracellular concentrations of monovalent cations were measured in virus-transformed and nontransformed chick embryo (CE) cells. Uptake of 22Na+ into cells transformed by the BH strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-BH) (CE-BH) was about double the rate of uptake into CE cells, or cells transformed by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain (RSV-SR): CE-SR. Likewise, the rate of efflux of 22Na+ was greater in CE-BH cells than in CE or CE-SR cells. The greater permeability of CE-BH cells to Na+ was apparent in higher intracellular Na+ concentrations. Experiments with cells exhibiting temperature-dependent transformation showed that new RNA and protein synthesis was a requirement for the acquisition of increased Na+ permeability, suggesting that the change is an indirect effect of the virus-coded transformation-inducing protein. Rates of 86Rb+ uptake, used as a measure of K+ influx, were indistinguishable in CE, CE-BH, and CE-SR cells. Also, equilibrium intracellular levels of 86Rb+ were similar in transformed and nontransformed cells, as were observed concentrations of K+. Also, no differences in ATPase activity, as indicated by ouabain binding or temperature sensitivity, were observed. We conclude that monovalent cations play no direct role in RSV-induced transformation, although the higher levels of Na+ in CE-BH cells may be responsible for other distinguishing biochemical features of these cells.  相似文献   

M Pacifici  D Boettiger  K Roby  H Holtzer 《Cell》1977,11(4):891-899
The presence of the extracellular matrix synthesized by chondroblasts provides a barrier to virus penetration. Chondroblasts can be infected and transformed following treatment with proteolytic enzymes. Using a temperature-sensitive transformation mutant of Rous sarcoma virus and rearing the cells at permissive temperature, we demonstrate that transformed chondroblasts stop synthesizing their cell-unique sulfated proteoglycan. If such transformed chondroblasts are shifted to nonpermissive temperature, the cells reinitiate the synthesis of their cell-unique sulfated proteoglycan.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells from chick embryos, when cultured under appropriate conditions, differentiate after approx. 1 week into pigmented cells. Neurol crest cells were infested with a mutant (RSV-BH-Ta) of the Bryan 'high titer' strain of Rous sarcoma virus on the second day of culture before the cells were morphologically differentiated, or later after they became pigmented. Cells infected and maintained at the temperature permissive for transformation (37 degrees C) proliferated rapidly compared to uninfected cells are produced extensive cytoplasmic vacuoles in a fashion similar to other types of cells transformed with RSV-BH-Ta at 37 degrees C. Cells infected and maintained at the non-permissive temperature for transformation (41 degrees C) also proliferated rapidly but did not become morphologically transformed. Transformation occurred reversibly following a shift of temperature. Infection of morphologically undifferentiated neural crest cells at either temperature prevented their differentiation into pigment cells, and infection of pigmented neural crest cells at either temperature led to a gradual loss of pigmentation. These results suggest that even at the non-permissive temperature the virus may regulate the state of differentiation of certain types of cells.  相似文献   

Chicken fibroblasts derived from the H & N flock, which have been characterized as resistant to subgroup B avian oncornaviruses in focus assays, can be infected in suspension shortly after trypsinization by subgroup B sarcoma and leukosis viruses. Once cells are plated, resistance to infection reappears rapidly. C/BE cell suspensions obtained by treatment with EDTA instead of trypsin are not as sensitive to infection. Late interference established by preinfection with subgroup B leukosis viruses is not overcome by trypsinization. In addition to C/BE H & N chicken cells, C/ABE RPRL line 7 cells can also be infected by subgroup B viruses shortly after trypsinization; however, none of the cell types can be made sensitive to subgroup E infection. These results are discussed in relation to current information on the genetic control of resistance to avian oncornaviruses.  相似文献   

R P Bennett  T D Nelle    J W Wills 《Journal of virology》1993,67(11):6487-6498
The Gag protein encoded by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) is the only viral product required for the process of budding whereby virus particles are formed at the plasma membrane. Deletion analysis of this Gag molecule has revealed several regions (assembly domains) that are important for budding. One of these domains is located at the amino terminus and is needed for membrane binding. Another is located within the carboxy-terminal third of the protein. Though there is little sequence homology among the Gag proteins of unrelated retroviruses, it seemed possible that their assembly domains might be functionally conserved, and to explore this idea, numerous Gag chimeras were made. The results indicate that the first 10 amino acids of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Gag protein can suppress the block to budding caused by deletions in the RSV MA sequence, much as described previously for the first 10 residues from the Src oncoprotein (J.W. Wills, R.C. Craven, R. A. Weldon, Jr., T. D. Nelle, and C.R. Erdie, J. Virol. 65:3804-3812, 1991). In addition, the carboxy-terminal half of the HIV Gag protein was fused to a truncated RSV Gag molecule, mutant Bg-Bs, which is unable to direct core assembly. This chimera was able to produce particles at a rate identical to that of RSV and of a density similar to that of authentic virions. Deletion analysis of the carboxy-terminal chimera revealed two small regions within the HIV NC protein that were sufficient for endowing mutant Bg-Bs with these properties. Chimeras lacking both regions produced particles of a low density, suggesting that these sequences may be involved in the tight packing of Gag molecules during assembly. In a related set of experiments, replacement of the RSV protease with that of HIV resulted in premature processing within the RSV sequence and a block to budding. Particle assembly was restored when the HIV PR activity was inactivated by mutagenesis. Collectively, the data presented here illustrate the functional similarities of Gag proteins from unrelated retroviruses.  相似文献   

D Boettiger  K Roby  J Brumbaugh  J Biehl  H Holtzer 《Cell》1977,11(4):881-890
Retinal melanoblasts were transformed by a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (ts-RSV). At the permissive temperature for transformation, the cells cease melanin synthesis, degrade their melanosomes and release much of their accumulated melanin into the medium. At the nonpermissive temperature, the cells assume an epithelioid morphology, actively synthesize melanin and become difficult to distinguish from normal uninfected control cultures. Both the transformed phenotype and the differentiated cell phenotype are temperature-dependent. Infected retinal melanoblasts which are incubated at the nonpermissive temperature and which accumulate a large amount of melanin are unable to transform in response to a temperature shift; instead, the cells degenerate and die. Retinal melanoblasts can be infected by subgroups A, B, C and D of RSV; however, their level of susceptibility to infection is about 1/40 compared to fibroblasts. Cultures infected by ts-RSV produce virus at both temperatures, suggesting that cell phenotype does not regulate virus synthesis.  相似文献   

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