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Novel one- and two-dimensional solids consisting of paradodecatungstate-B units linked via [Cu(en)2]2+ and/or [Cu(H2O)2]2+ bridging groups have been synthesized by the hydrothermal method and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography, IR and chemical analysis.  相似文献   

Currently the development of green chemistry approach with the use of biomaterial-based activities of microbial cells in the synthesis of various nanostructures has attracted a great attention. In this study, we report on the use of bacterium, Bacillus cereus as a biotemplating agent for the formation of zinc oxide nanoparticles with raspberry- and plate-like structures through a simple thermal decomposition of zinc acetate by maintaining the original pH of the reaction mixtures. Possible mechanism on the formation of the nanostructures is proposed based on the surface chemistry and biochemistry processes involved organic–inorganic interactions between zinc oxide and the microbial cells.  相似文献   

Polyprenyl phosphates, including undecaprenyl phosphate and dolichyl phosphate, are essential intermediates in several important biochemical pathways including N-linked protein glycosylation in eukaryotes and prokaryotes and prokaryotic cell wall biosynthesis. Herein, we describe the evaluation of three potential undecaprenol kinases as agents for the chemoenzymatic synthesis of polyprenyl phosphates. Target enzymes were expressed in crude cell envelope fractions and quantified via the use of luminescent lanthanide-binding tags (LBTs). The Streptococcus mutans diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) was shown to be a very useful agent for polyprenol phosphorylation using ATP as the phosphoryl transfer agent. In addition, the S. mutans DGK can be coupled with two Campylobacter jejuni glycosyltransferases involved in N-linked glycosylation to efficiently biosynthesize the undecaprenyl pyrophosphate-linked disaccharide needed for studies of PglB, the C. jejuni oligosaccharyl transferase.  相似文献   

The hydrothermal reaction of cobalt(II)oxalate di-hydrate, zinc oxide, and triethyl-orthophosphate, using 1,2-diaminoethane as structure directing template in water, produced two major crystal phases in almost equal amount: the purple crystals of [NH3-CH2CH2NH3][Co0.7Zn1.3(PO4)2] (1) and the red burgundy crystals of Co6.2(OH)4(PO4)4Zn1.80 (2), a new adamite type phase. The structure of [NH3-CH2CH2NH3] [Co0.7Zn1.3(PO4)2] (1) exhibits a 3D open framework built from PO4 and (Co/Zn)O4 tetrahedra, and (Co/Zn)O5 trigonal bipyramids, forming two major channels, an 8-membered ring channel and a 16-membered ring channel, that host the ethanediammonium ions. The Co6.2(OH)4(PO4)4Zn1.80 (2) is isomorphous with adamite-type M2(OH)XO4 structure, with a condensed vertex and edge sharing network of (Co/Zn)O5, and distorted CoO6, and PO4 subunits. The cobalt preference for higher coordination numbers is displayed in this structure, where the octahedral sites are wholly occupied by cobalt. Thermal analysis confirmed that these compounds display high thermal stability.  相似文献   

Summary Coprecipitation of Cu and Zn in insoluble phosphates of Fe and Ca from a modified Long Ashton nutrient solution was found to be highly pH dependent. In one experiment, more than 95% and 75% of the Cu and Zn respectively were removed from solution after two days at pH 6.5 while at pH 5.0 less than 30% and 20% respectively were removed. Significant desorption of both metals took place within one day after acidification.  相似文献   

A new polyoxomolybdenum compound [Mo4O12(2,2′-bpy)3]n (1) (2,2′-bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine) has been hydrothermally synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy, TG analysis, and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The solid state structure is a 1D chain with a repeat unit of three corner-sharing {MoO4N2} octahedra and one {MoO4} tetrahedron.  相似文献   

Reactions of zinc(II) ion with racemic malic acid (C4H6O5 = H3mal) result in the isolation of four new zinc(II) malato complexes: (NH4)[Zn(R-H2mal)3] · H2O (1), trans-[Zn(R-H2mal)(S-H2mal)(H2O)2] · 2H2O (2), (NH4)2[Zn(R-Hmal)(S-Hmal)] · 2H2O (3), and [Zn2(R-Hmal)(S-Hmal)(H2O)4]n · 2nH2O (4). Three R-malic acids in 1 act as bidentate ligands via their alcoholic and the central carboxy groups with Zn(II) ion, leaving the terminal carboxylic acid groups free. The R- and S-malates of 2 coordinate in a bidentate manner with zinc ion in trans-form. In 3, Zn(II) ion is coordinated by R- and S-malates in a tridentate fashion via their alcoholic and two carboxy groups. Complex 4 forms a two-dimensional layered structure through the links of a new dimeric unit [Zn2(R-Hmal)(S-Hmal)(H2O)4] with one of the oxygen atoms from the terminal carboxy group of malate ligand. The coordination of malates depends on pH variation, on Zn:malate ratio, and also on temperature. Tridentate chelation of malate in 3 is found between pH 4.5-9.0. The soluble monomeric species 1-3 have been investigated using 13C NMR spectra by long-time acquisition. The solution NMR spectra indicate that zinc malate complexes dissociate in H2O (D2O). Obvious downfield shifts of the central carboxy carbon atoms in 1-3 are observed compared with those of free malate, which indicate that these zinc malate complexes dissociate in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data suggest at least one in five humans are at risk of zinc deficiency. This is in large part because the phytate in cereals and legumes has not been removed during food preparation. Phytate, a potent indigestible ligand for zinc prevents it's absorption. Without knowledge of the frequency of consumption of foods rich in phytate, and foods rich in bioavailable zinc, the recognition of zinc deficiency early in the illness may be difficult. Plasma zinc is insensitive to early zinc deficiency. Serum ferritin concentration  20 μg/L is a potential indirect biomarker. Early effects of zinc deficiency are chemical, functional and may be “hidden”. The clinical problem is illustrated by 2 studies that involved US Mexican-American children, and US premenopausal women. The children were consuming home diets that included traditional foods high in phytate. The premenopausal women were not eating red meat on a regular basis, and their consumption of phytate was mainly from bran breakfast cereals. In both studies the presence of zinc deficiency was proven by functional responses to controlled zinc treatment. In the children lean-mass, reasoning, and immunity were significantly affected. In the women memory, reasoning, and eye-hand coordination were significantly affected. A screening self-administered food frequency questionnaire for office might help caregiver's identify patients at risk of zinc deficiency.  相似文献   

By pH-value adjustment, the reactions of zinc salt, 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (H3btc) and 4,4′-bipyridine (bpy) yield three coordination polymers, formulated as [Zn3(btc)2(bpy)(H2O)2]n (1), [Zn(Hbtc)(bpy)(H2O)]n · 3nH2O (2) and [Zn(Hbtc)(bpy)(H2O)]n · 4nH2O (3), respectively. The structure of 1 is a 3D network containing channels filled with bpy ligands. Compound 2 consists of twofold interpenetrating (10,3)-b networks, while compound 3 is a 2D layer structure. The fluorescent studies reveal that they exhibit intense violet luminescence in solid state.  相似文献   

The synthesis of Zinc oxide nanoparticles using a plant-mediated approach is presented in this paper. The nanoparticles were successfully synthesized using the Nitrate derivative of Zinc and plant extract of the indigenous medicinal plant Cayratia pedata. 0.1 mM of Zn (NO3)2.6H2O was made to react with the plant extract at different concentrations, and the reaction temperature was maintained at 55 °C, 65 °C, and 75 °C. The yellow coloured paste obtained was wholly dried, collected, and packed for further analysis. In the UV visible spectrometer (UV–Vis) absorption peak was observed at 320 nm, which is specific for Zinc oxide nanoparticles. The characterization carried out using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) reveals the presence of Zinc oxide nanoparticles in its agglomerated form. From the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern, the average size of the nanoparticles was estimated to be 52.24 nm. Energy Dispersive Spectrum (EDX) results show the composition of Zinc and Oxygen, giving strong energy signals of 78.32% and 12.78% for Zinc and Oxygen, respectively. Fourier Transform - Infra-Red (FT-IR) spectroscopic analysis shows absorption peak of Zn–O bonding between 400 and 600 cm?1. The various characterization methods carried out confirm the formation of nano Zinc oxide. The synthesized nanoparticles were used in the immobilization of the enzyme Glucose oxidase. Relative activity of 60% was obtained when Glucose oxidase was immobilized with the green synthesized ZnO nanoparticles. A comparative study of the green synthesized with native ZnO was also carried out. This green method of synthesis was found to be cost-effective and eco-friendly.  相似文献   

The synthesis and crystal structure of two new complexes (Zn and Mn) containing tetrazolyl ligands are described. In situ [2+3] cycloaddition reactions of fipronil, (fipronil = (±)-5-amino-1-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile) with sodium azide in the presence of ZnCl2 or MnCl2 as a Lewis acid (Demko-Sharpless tetrazole synthesis method) under hydrothermal (solvothermal) reaction conditions gave [Zn(L)2](H2O)2] · H2O, 1 and [Mn(L)2](H2O)2] · H2O, 2, (HL = (±)-5-amino-1-[2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4-[(trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl]-1H-pyrazole-3-tetrazole). The central metals in both complexes are six coordinated, which connected by two water molecules, two nitrogen atoms from different tetrazolyl groups and two nitrogen atoms from pyrazolyl rings respectively. Photoluminescence studies reveal that both title complexes exhibit strong blue fluorescent emissions at λmax = 383 nm for 1 and 411 nm for 2 respectively in the solid state at room temperature.  相似文献   

Three new rare-earth coordination polymers, [La2(PDC)2(NO3)2(H2O)3] (1) and [Dy(PDC)(ox)0.5(H2O)2] · H2O (2), and [Sm(PDC)(ox)0.5(H2O)2] · H2O (3) (H2PDC = pyridine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid, ox = oxalic acid), have been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions and characterized by elemental analysis, IR, TGA, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Of the three compounds, La-O-La and Dy(Sm)-O-C-O-Dy(Sm) chains are cross-linked by PDC ligands into interesting two-dimensional framework structures. They represent, to the best of our knowledge, the first examples of rare-earth complexes in the {M/PDC} (M = metal) system.  相似文献   

The development of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars with a higher Zn content in their grains has been suggested as a way to alleviate Zn malnutrition in human populations subsisting on rice in their daily diets. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of native soil Zn status and fertilizer application on Zn concentrations in grains of five rice genotypes that had previously been identified as either high or low in grain Zn. Genotypes were grown in field trials at four sites ranging in native soil-Zn status from severely deficient to high in plant available Zn. At each site a −Zn plot was compared to a +Zn plot fertilized with 15 kg Zn ha−1. Results showed that native soil Zn status was the dominant factor to determine grain Zn concentrations followed by genotype and fertilizer. Depending on soil-Zn status, grain Zn concentrations could range from 8 mg kg−1 to 47 mg kg−1 in a single genotype. This strong location effect will need to be considered in estimating potential benefits of Zn biofortification. Our data furthermore showed that it was not possible to simply compensate for low soil Zn availability by fertilizer applications. In all soils fertilizer Zn was taken up as seen by a 50–200% increase in total plant Zn content. However, in more Zn deficient soils this additional Zn supply improved straw and grain yield and increased straw Zn concentrations by 43–95% but grain Zn concentrations remained largely unchanged with a maximum increase of 6%. Even in soils with high Zn status fertilizer Zn was predominantly stored in vegetative tissue. Genotypic differences in grain Zn concentrations were significant in all but the severely Zn deficient soil, with genotypic means ranging from 11 to 24 mg kg−1 in a Zn deficient soil and from 34 to 46 mg kg−1 in a high Zn upland soil. Rankings of genotypes remained largely unchanged from Zn deficient to high Zn soils, which suggests that developing high Zn cultivars through conventional breeding is feasible for a range of environments. However, it may be a challenge to develop cultivars that respond to Zn fertilizer with higher grain yield and higher grain Zn concentrations when grown in soils with low native Zn status.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) requirements are increased during lactation. Increased demand is partially met through increased Zn absorption from the diet. It is estimated that 60–80% of women of reproductive age are at risk for Zn deficiency due to low intake of bioavailable Zn and increased demands during pregnancy and lactation. How Zn is redistributed within the body to meet the demands of lactation, and how Zn deficiency affects this process, is not understood. Female C57bl/6J mice were fed a control (ZA; 30 mg Zn/kg) or a marginally Zn deficient (ZD; 15 mg Zn/kg) diet for 30 days prior to mating through mid-lactation and compared with nulliparous mice fed the same diets. While stomach and plasma Zn concentration increased during lactation in mice fed ZA, mice fed ZD had lower stomach Zn concentration and abrogated plasma Zn levels during lactation. Additionally, femur Zn decreased during lactation in mice fed ZA, while mice fed ZD did not experience this decrease. Furthermore, red blood cell, pancreas, muscle and mammary gland Zn concentration increased, and liver and adrenal gland Zn decreased during lactation, independent of diet, while kidney Zn concentration increased only in mice fed ZD. Finally, maternal Zn deficiency significantly increased the liver Zn concentration in offspring but decreased weight gain and survival. This study provides novel insight into how Zn is redistributed to meet the increased metabolic demands of lactation and how marginal Zn deficiency interferes with these homeostatic adjustments.  相似文献   

Abstract Mutants deficient in sterol (thermosensitive ergosterol auxotrophs) erg 8, 9, 12 and heme synthesis hem 1, 12 were screened for the level of free dolichol and dolichyl phosphate synthesized in the mevalonate pathway as well as for the activity of dolichyl phosphate-dependent glycosyl transferases. The amount of DolP synthesized via CTP-dependent phosphorylation was the same in mutants and parental strains. However, mannosylation and glucosylation of endogenous dolichyl phosphates in ergosterol mutants was about four times lower compared to parental strains, while the same reactions carried out with exogenous Dol24P reached 80% of the level observed in parental strains indicating that activities of DolPMan and DolPGlc synthases are not the rate-limiting factors. It is postulated that the de novo synthesis of DolP is impaired in the ergosterol mutants. Moreover, a block in the ergosterol branch of the metabolic pathway ( erg 9 ) causes an increase in the de novo synthesis of dolichyl phosphate.  相似文献   

Free zinc ions are potent effectors of proteins. Their tightly controlled fluctuations ("zinc signals") in the picomolar range of concentrations modulate cellular signaling pathways. Sulfur (cysteine) donors generate redox-active coordination environments in proteins for the redox-inert zinc ion and make it possible for redox signals to induce zinc signals. Amplitudes of zinc signals are determined by the cellular zinc buffering capacity, which itself is redox-sensitive. In part by interfering with zinc and redox buffering, reactive species, drugs, toxins, and metal ions can elicit zinc signals that initiate physiological and pathobiochemical changes or lead to cellular injury when free zinc ions are sustained at higher concentrations. These interactions establish redox-inert zinc as an important factor in redox signaling. At the center of zinc/redox signaling are the zinc/thiolate clusters of metallothionein. They can transduce zinc and redox signals and thereby attenuate or amplify these signals.  相似文献   

Two new 3D lanthanide coordination polymers {[Ln(C2O4)(ClO4)(H2O)] · Cl}n [Ln = Pr (1) and Nd (2)] have been synthesized by hydrothermal reactions and characterized by elemental analysis, X-ray single-crystal analyses, IR and Raman spectroscopy. X-ray crystal structure analyses reveal that compounds 1 and 2 are isostructural and crystallized in the space group P21/c. A 1D zigzag chains formed by oxalate ligands in μ2-mode to bridge Ln(III) atoms present in the two complexes and the adjacent zigzag chains were further connected by μ31111 fashion of into a 3D framework with ordered 1D channels, in which uncoordinated Cl anions are located as counterions. In addition, the IR and Raman spectrum further confirm the presence of tetradentate-coordinated perchlorates.  相似文献   

Four new zinc(II) complexes [Zn(dien)(μ-nic)]2(BPh4)2·2CH3OH (1), {[Zn(dien)(isonic)]BPh4}n (2), [Zn(tren)(nic)]BPh4 (3) and [Zn(tren)(isonic)]BPh4 (4) (dien/tren = diethylenetriamine/triethylenetriamine, nic/isonic = nicotinate/isonicotinate anion) were synthesized and structurally characterized by IR, 1H NMR and single crystal X-ray diffraction. In the zinc(II) complexes of dien, both nicotinate and isonicotinate connect the zinc(II) ions via N,O-bis-monodentate mode. Complex 1 contains a centrosymmetric dinuclear unit bridged by two nicotinate anions in anti-parallel way. Complex 2 is characterized by an infinite one-dimensional zigzag chain bridged by isonicotinate anion in an end-to-end mode. The Zn···Zn distance is 6.782 for 1 and 8.805 Å for 2. While in the complexes of tren, both 3 and 4 are mononuclear complexes with nicotinate and isonicotinate coordinated to zinc(II) ion through only one oxygen atom of their carboxylate groups. The zinc(II) ions in all of the four complexes are in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Complex 3 forms a dinuclear unit and complex 4 forms an infinite 2D sheet structure through intermolecular H-bonds. In all of the crystal lattices, the counterions act to balance the electronic charge at the same time to construct different 3D structures through noncovalent interactions such as C-H···π, N-H···π and van der Waals interactions.  相似文献   

Zinc and its derivatives requirement increased to enhance human immunity against the different pandemics, including covid-19. Green synthesis is an emerging field of research. Zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles have been prepared from Anoectochilus elatus and characterized using absorption, vibrational and electron microscope analysis. They were carried for antibacterial, inflammatory control tendency, and potential antioxidant activities. The brine shrimp lethal assay tested the biologically derived nanomaterial toxicity and the lethal concentration (LC50) is 599.79 µg/ml. The inhibition against the important disease-causing pathogens was measured against four-gram negative, gram-positive bacteria and two fungus pathogens. The nanomaterial exposed inhibition zone for gram-positive bacteria between 17 mm and 25 mm. The inhibition zone against gram-negative bacteria exists between 19 mm and 24 mm. The anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by inhibition of protein denaturation and protease inhibitory activity using nanomaterial. The antioxidant activity was examined using four assays for the therapeutic activities. The average size range of 60–80 nm nanoparticles has prepared and exposed the good biological activity between 50 µg/ml and 100 µg/ml. The comparative results of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant assay results with standards such as Aspirin and vitamin C exposed that two to three times higher concentrations are required for the fifty percent of inhibitions. The prepared low-cost nanoparticle has exhibited excellent biological activity without any side effects and may enhance immunity.  相似文献   

Three ternary zinc complexes of the open chain polycarboxylic acid, tricarballylic (1,2,3-propane-tricarboxylic) acid (PTCH3) have been isolated and characterized with crystallographic and physicochemical techniques. [Zn(PTCH)(phen)(H2O)]2 · 4H2O (1) (where phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) has a unique dinuclear structure, while [Zn(PTCH)(bpy)]n · 3nH2O (2) and [Zn(PTCH)(epy)]n · 4nH2O (3) (where bpy = 4,4′-bipyridine and epy = 1,2-bis(4-pyridine)ethane) have 2D polymeric structures. The bis-deprotonated ligand, in all three complexes, uses for coordination only two oxygen atoms, which belong to the same carboxylate in 1, and to two different carboxylates in 2 and 3.  相似文献   

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