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The TGF-beta superfamily of ligands and receptors stimulate cellular events in diverse processes ranging from cell fate specification in development to immune suppression. Activins define a major subgroup of TGF-beta ligands that regulate cellular differentiation, proliferation, activation and apoptosis. Activins signal through complexes formed with type I and type II serine/threonine kinase receptors. We have solved the crystal structure of activin A bound to the extracellular domain of a type II receptor, ActRIIB, revealing the details of this interaction. ActRIIB binds to the outer edges of the activin finger regions, with the two receptors juxtaposed in close proximity, in a mode that differs from TGF-beta3 binding to type II receptors. The dimeric activin A structure differs from other known TGF-beta ligand structures, adopting a compact folded-back conformation. The crystal structure of the complex is consistent with recruitment of two type I receptors into a close packed arrangement at the cell surface and suggests that diversity in the conformational arrangements of TGF-beta ligand dimers could influence cellular signaling processes.  相似文献   

The tick carboxypeptidase inhibitor (TCI) is a proteinaceous inhibitor of metallo-carboxypeptidases present in the blood-sucking tick Rhipicephalus bursa. The three-dimensional crystal structures of recombinant TCI bound to bovine carboxypeptidase A and to human carboxypeptidase B have been determined and refined at 1.7 A and at 2.0 A resolution, respectively. TCI consists of two domains that are structurally similar despite the low degree of sequence homology. The domains, each consisting of a short alpha-helix followed by a small twisted antiparallel beta-sheet, show a high level of structural homology to proteins of the beta-defensin-fold family. TCI anchors to the surface of mammalian carboxypeptidases in a double-headed manner not previously seen for carboxypeptidase inhibitors: the last three carboxy-terminal amino acid residues interact with the active site of the enzyme in a way that mimics substrate binding, and the N-terminal domain binds to an exosite distinct from the active-site groove. The structures of these complexes should prove valuable in the applications of TCI as a thrombolytic drug and as a basis for the design of novel bivalent carboxypeptidase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The 1:1 condensation of 1-benzoylacetone and 1,2-diaminopropane yields 6-amino-3-methyl-1-phenyl-4-azahept-2-en-1-one (HL). When copper(II) perchlorate is added to the methanolic solution of HL, followed by triethylamine in 1:2:1 molar ratio, an unusual copper(II) complex, [Cu(L)(HL)]ClO4, is separated out where the deprotonated ligand, L, is coordinated in the usual chelating tridentate manner but HL is coordinated to Cu(II) only through the amine N, i.e. it acts as a pendant ligand. The complex is characterized by X-ray crystal structure analysis.  相似文献   

Novel iridium complex containing coumarin derivative as a cyclometalated ligand (L) and picolinate (pic) as the ancillary ligand, Ir(III)bis(3-(pyridin-2-yl)coumarinato N,C4)(picolinate) [Ir(L)2(pic)], was synthesized and characterized. It was demonstrated that the iridium (III) ion in Ir(L)2(pic) is hexacoordinated by two C atoms and two N atoms from 3-(pyridin-2-yl)coumarin ligands and one N atom and one O atom from picolinate ligand, displaying a distorted octahedral coordination geometry. The Ir(L)2(pic) has very strong absorption and intensive emission at 532 nm. These results show the promising future of that Ir(L)2(pic) in fabrication organic light-emitting diodes.  相似文献   

A novel naphthalene-2,3-diamine-2-salicylaldehyde (NS) ligand and its mononuclear copper(II) complex (CuNS) have been synthesized and structurally characterized. The UV–vis absorption and emission spectra of NS showed obvious changes on addition of Cu2+ solution. The interaction of the compounds with calf thymus DNA and G-quadruplex DNA were investigated by spectroscopic methods and thermal melting assay. The nucleolytic cleavage activity of the compounds was investigated on double-stranded circular pBR322 plasmid DNA and G-quadruplex DNA by electrophoretic mobility shift assay. The results show that CuNS has a greater ability to stabilize G-quadruplex DNA over calf-thymus DNA. The cytotoxicity of the compounds toward HpeG2 cancer cells was also studied, and they showed significant potential for antineoplastic effects.  相似文献   

The 3D solution structure of the GCC-box binding domain of a protein from Arabidopsis thaliana in complex with its target DNA fragment has been determined by heteronuclear multidimensional NMR in combination with simulated annealing and restrained molecular dynamic calculation. The domain consists of a three-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet and an alpha-helix packed approximately parallel to the beta-sheet. Arginine and tryptophan residues in the beta-sheet are identified to contact eight of the nine consecutive base pairs in the major groove, and at the same time bind to the sugar phosphate backbones. The target DNA bends slightly at the central CG step, thereby allowing the DNA to follow the curvature of the beta-sheet.  相似文献   

In the search for new metal-based drugs for the treatment of tumoral and parasitic diseases a vanadyl complex, [VIVO(SO4)(H2O)2(dppz)]·2H2O, that includes the bidentate polypyridyl DNA intercalator dipyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c]phenazine (dppz), was synthesized, characterized by a combination of techniques, and in vitro evaluated on the human acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 and against Dm28c strain epimastigotes of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, causative agent of Chagas’ disease. EPR spectroscopy suggests a distorted octahedral geometry for the complex with the dppz ligand acting as bidentate, binding through both nitrogen donor atoms in an axial-equatorial mode. An oxo group, two water molecules and a sulphate donor occupy the remainder coordination positions. The complex, as well as the anti-trypanosomal reference drug Nifurtimox, showed IC50 values in the μM range against T. cruzi Dm28c strain. In addition the complex exhibited excellent in vitro anti-tumor activity against leukemia (HL-60 cell line) comparable to that of cisplatin, inducing cell death by apoptosis with IC50 values in the micromolar range. Data from gel electrophoresis and atomic force microscopy indicate that the complex interacts with DNA, suggesting that its mechanism of action may include DNA as a target. EPR and 51V NMR experiments were also carried out with aged aerated solutions of the complex to get insight into the stability of the complex in solution and the species responsible for the in vitro activities observed.  相似文献   

The design of therapeutic compounds targeting transthyretin (TTR) is challenging due to the low specificity of interaction in the hormone binding site. Such feature is highlighted by the interactions of TTR with diclofenac, a compound with high affinity for TTR, in two dissimilar modes, as evidenced by crystal structure of the complex. We report here structural analysis of the interactions of TTR with two small molecules, 1-amino-5-naphthalene sulfonate (1,5-AmNS) and 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (1,8-ANS). Crystal structure of TTR:1,8-ANS complex reveals a peculiar interaction, through the stacking of the naphthalene ring between the side-chain of Lys15 and Leu17. The sulfonate moiety provides additional interaction with Lys15′ and a water-mediated hydrogen bond with Thr119′. The uniqueness of this mode of ligand recognition is corroborated by the crystal structure of TTR in complex with the weak analogue 1,5-AmNS, the binding of which is driven mainly by hydrophobic partition and one electrostatic interaction between the sulfonate group and the Lys15. The ligand binding motif unraveled by 1,8-ANS may open new possibilities to treat TTR amyloid diseases by the elucidation of novel candidates for a more specific pharmacophoric pattern.  相似文献   

Calmodulin regulates ryanodine receptor-mediated Ca(2+) release through a conserved binding site. The crystal structure of Ca(2+)-calmodulin bound to this conserved site reveals that calmodulin recognizes two hydrophobic anchor residues at a novel "1-17" spacing that brings the calmodulin lobes close together but prevents them from contacting one another. NMR residual dipolar couplings demonstrate that the detailed structure of each lobe is preserved in solution but also show that the lobes experience domain motions within the complex. FRET measurements confirm the close approach of the lobes in binding the 1-17 target and show that calmodulin binds with one lobe to a peptide lacking the second anchor. We suggest that calmodulin regulates the Ca(2+) channel by switching between the contiguous binding mode seen in our crystal structure and a state where one lobe of calmodulin contacts the conserved binding site while the other interacts with a noncontiguous site on the channel.  相似文献   

We present a new docking model for HERG channel blockade. Our new model suggests three key interactions such that (1) a protonated nitrogen of the channel blocker forms a hydrogen bond with the carbonyl oxygen of HERG residue T623; (2) an aromatic moiety of the channel blocker makes a pi-pi interaction with the aromatic ring of HERG residue Y652; and (3) a hydrophobic group of the channel blocker forms a hydrophobic interaction with the benzene ring of HERG residue F656. The previous model assumes two interactions such that (1) a protonated nitrogen of the channel blocker forms a cation-pi interaction with the aromatic ring of HERG residue Y652; and (2) a hydrophobic group of the channel blocker forms a hydrophobic interaction with the benzene ring of HERG residue F656. To test these models, we classified 69 known HERG channel blockers into eight binding types based on their plausible binding modes, and further categorized them into two groups based on the number of interactions our model would predict with the HERG channel (two or three). We then compared the pIC(50) value distributions between these two groups. If the old hypothesis is correct, the distributions should not differ between the two groups (i.e., both groups show only two binding interactions). If our novel hypothesis is correct, the distributions should differ between Groups 1 and 2. Consistent with our hypothesis, the two groups differed with regard to pIC(50), and the group having more predicted interactions with the HERG channel had a higher mean pIC(50) value. Although additional work will be required to further validate our hypothesis, this improved understanding of the HERG channel blocker binding mode may help promote the development of in silico predictions methods for identifying potential HERG channel blockers.  相似文献   

HNF4 alpha is an orphan member of the nuclear receptor family with prominent functions in liver, gut, kidney and pancreatic beta cells. We have solved the x-ray crystal structure of the HNF4 alpha ligand binding domain, which adopts a canonical fold. Two conformational states are present within each homodimer: an open form with alpha helix 12 (alpha 12) extended and collinear with alpha 10 and a closed form with alpha 12 folded against the body of the domain. Although the protein was crystallized without added ligands, the ligand binding pockets of both closed and open forms contain fatty acids. The carboxylic acid headgroup of the fatty acid ion pairs with the guanidinium group of Arg(226) at one end of the ligand binding pocket, while the aliphatic chain fills a long, narrow channel that is lined with hydrophobic residues. These findings suggest that fatty acids are endogenous ligands for HNF4 alpha and establish a framework for understanding how HNF4 alpha activity is enhanced by ligand binding and diminished by MODY1 mutations.  相似文献   

Monoubiquitination serves as a regulatory signal in a variety of cellular processes. Monoubiquitin signals are transmitted by binding to a small but rapidly expanding class of ubiquitin binding motifs. Several of these motifs, including the CUE domain, also promote intramolecular monoubiquitination. The solution structure of a CUE domain of the yeast Cue2 protein in complex with ubiquitin reveals intermolecular interactions involving conserved hydrophobic surfaces, including the Leu8-Ile44-Val70 patch on ubiquitin. The contact surface extends beyond this patch and encompasses Lys48, a site of polyubiquitin chain formation. This suggests an occlusion mechanism for inhibiting polyubiquitin chain formation during monoubiquitin signaling. The CUE domain shares a similar overall architecture with the UBA domain, which also contains a conserved hydrophobic patch. Comparative modeling suggests that the UBA domain interacts analogously with ubiquitin. The structure of the CUE-ubiquitin complex may thus serve as a paradigm for ubiquitin recognition and signaling by ubiquitin binding proteins.  相似文献   

Siderocalins are particular lipocalins that participate in the innate immune response by interfering with bacterial siderophore-mediated iron uptake. Additionally, siderocalins are involved in several physiological and pathological processes such as inflammation, iron delivery, tissue differentiation, and cancer progression. Here we show that siderocalin Q83 displays an unexpected dual ligand binding mode as it can bind enterobactin and unsaturated fatty acids simultaneously. The solution structure of the siderocalin Q83 in complex with arachidonic acid and enterobactin reveals molecular details of this novel dual binding mode and the determinants of fatty acid binding specificity. Our results suggest that Q83 is a metabolic hub linking iron and fatty acid pathways. This unexpected coupling might contribute to the pleiotropic functions of siderocalins.  相似文献   

3'-(beta-Chloroethyl)-2',4'-dioxo-3,5'-spiro-oxazolidino-4-deacetoxyvinblastine (KAR-2) is a potent anti-microtubular agent that arrests mitosis in cancer cells without significant toxic side effects. In this study we demonstrate that in addition to targeting microtubules, KAR-2 also binds calmodulin, thereby countering the antagonistic effects of trifluoperazine. To determine the basis of both properties of KAR-2, the three-dimensional structure of its complex with Ca(2+)-calmodulin has been characterized both in solution using NMR and when crystallized using x-ray diffraction. Heterocorrelation ((1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single quantum coherence) spectra of (15)N-labeled calmodulin indicate a global conformation change (closure) of the protein upon its binding to KAR-2. The crystal structure at 2.12-A resolution reveals a more complete picture; KAR-2 binds to a novel structure created by amino acid residues of both the N- and C-terminal domains of calmodulin. Although first detected by x-ray diffraction of the crystallized ternary complex, this conformational change is consistent with its solution structure as characterized by NMR spectroscopy. It is noteworthy that a similar tertiary complex forms when calmodulin binds KAR-2 as when it binds trifluoperazine, even though the two ligands contact (for the most part) different amino acid residues. These observations explain the specificity of KAR-2 as an anti-microtubular agent; the drug interacts with a novel drug binding domain on calmodulin. Consequently, KAR-2 does not prevent calmodulin from binding most of its physiological targets.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that hormone binding stabilizes the ligand binding domain (LBD) of the nuclear hormone receptors against proteolysis. We have confirmed and extended this observation using a newly developed assembly assay. In this assay, the LBD is divided into two parts, of which one includes the first helix of this domain and the other corresponds to the remainder of the LBD. Several independent criteria demonstrate that these two fragments can assemble into a functional LBD in the presence of a ligand, but not in its absence, and that this is a reflection of the stabilizing effect of ligand. We have also used this assay to demonstrate that binding of the nuclear receptor corepressor NCoR can directly stabilize the LBD. Overall, these results highlight the dynamic nature of the LBD and suggest that current models for activation based solely on allosteric effects on the C-terminal helix may be too limited.  相似文献   

The first crystallographic structure of an N-hydroxyurea inhibitor bound into the active site of a matrix metalloproteinase is reported. The ligand and three other analogues were prepared and studied as inhibitors of MMP-2, MMP-3, and MMP-8. The crystal structure of the complex with MMP-8 shows that the N-hydroxyurea, contrary to the analogous hydroxamate, binds the catalytic zinc ion in a monodentate rather than bidentate mode and with high out-of-plane distortion of the amide bonds.  相似文献   

Plasmid-encoded bacterial R67 dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a NADPH-dependent enzyme unrelated to chromosomal DHFR in amino acid sequence and structure. R67 DHFR is insensitive to the bacterial drug trimethoprim in contrast to chromosomal DHFR. The crystal structure of Q67H mutant of R67 DHFR bound to NADP(+) has been determined at 1.15 angstroms resolution. The cofactor assumes an extended conformation with the nicotinamide ring bound near the center of the active site pore, the ribose and pyrophosphate group (PP(i)) extending toward the outer pore. The ribonicotinamide exhibits anti conformation as in chromosomal DHFR complexes. The relative orientation between the PP(i) and the nicotinamide ribose differs from that observed in chromosomal DHFR-NADP(+) complexes. The coenzyme displays symmetrical binding mode with several water-mediated hydrogen bonds with the protein besides ionic, stacking, and van der Waals interactions. The structure provides a molecular basis for the observed stoichiometry and cooperativity in ligand binding. The ternary model based on the present structure and the previous R67 DHFR-folate complex provides insight into the catalytic mechanism and indicates that the relative orientation of the reactants in plasmid DHFR is different from that seen in chromosomal DHFRs.  相似文献   

We have identified benzoxazole benzenesulfonamide 1 as a novel allosteric inhibitor of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase-1). X-ray crystallographic and biological studies of 1 indicate a distinct binding mode that recapitulates features of several previously reported FBPase-1 inhibitor classes.  相似文献   

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