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Chemokines and chemokine receptors in leukocyte trafficking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chemokines regulate inflammation, leukocyte trafficking, and immune cell differentiation. The role of chemokines in homing of naive T lymphocytes to secondary lymphatic organs is probably the best understood of these processes, and information on chemokines in inflammation, asthma, and neurological diseases is rapidly increasing. Over the past 15 years, understanding of the size and functional complexity of the chemokine family of peptide chemoattractants has grown substantially. In this review, we first present information regarding the structure, expression, and signaling properties of chemokines and their receptors. The second part is a systems physiology-based overview of the roles that chemokines play in tissue-specific homing of lymphocyte subsets and in trafficking of inflammatory cells. This review draws on recent experimental findings as well as current models proposed by experts in the chemokine field.  相似文献   

Chemokines and chemokine receptors in infectious diseases   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Today, 10 years after the discovery of IL-8, chemokines (chemotactic cytokines) are seen as the stimuli that largely control leucocyte migration. Chemokines are low molecular weight chemoattractant cytokines secreted by a variety of cells, including leucocytes, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts and numerous other cell types. They are produced in response to exogenous stimuli, such as viruses and bacterial LPS, and endogenous stimuli, such as IL-1, TNF and IFN. These factors mediate chemotaxis and leucocyte activation. They also regulate leucocyte extravasation from the blood and/or lymph vessel luminal surface to the tissue space, the site of inflammation. There is no doubt that chemokines and chemokine receptors are critical for defence against infectious pathogens. It is also clear that these pathogens have evolved to accommodate the workings of the host immune system. Survival of these infectious agents appears dependent upon strategies that can evade, suppress, counteract or otherwise confound the constellation of host responses to invading pathogens. In this regard, the chemokines and their receptors are a major target. Reviewed in the present paper are several examples in which microbial pathogens have usurped the mammalian chemokine system to subvert the host immune response.  相似文献   

Our approach of isolating proteins from a rich source of human proteins by ligand-affinity-chromatography enabled rapid and efficient isolation of not only soluble receptors corresponding to cell-associated receptors, but also independent binding-proteins and associated enzymes. No other approach would yield the latter. During the early 80's we prepared the tools and the infrastructure that enabled the subsequent 20 years of achievements. Thus we described eight soluble receptors (R) and binding proteins (BP) for various cytokines including the IL-6R, IFN-γR, TNFRI, TNFRII, LDLR, IFN-/βR, IL-18BP and IL-32BP identified as Proteinase 3. The isolation of the soluble IFN-/β receptor led to the cloning of its long sought cell surface ligand binding counterpart. We have established the concept that soluble receptors and binding proteins are normal constituents of body fluids in healthy individuals and that the levels of these biomarkers are modulated in various pathological situations. Each of these proteins contributed to basic science, one of them serves as a basis for therapy and some others are in various stages of clinical development.  相似文献   

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Xp11 translocation renal cell carcinoma (tRCC) characterized by the rearrangement of the TFE3 is recently identified as a unique subtype of RCC that urgently...  相似文献   

Retinoblastoma (Rb) is the most common primary ocular malignancy of children and is caused by a mutation in the gene RB1. Approximately 40% of cases are associated with one or more constitutional mutations, and are therefore heritable, whereas the other 60% are sporadic. Rb is exclusively found in young children. In some cases, Rb tumours metastasise to extraocular organs including bone, lung and brain. Although there is no effective treatment for metastatic disease, non-metastatic cases can be cured by removal of the eye(enucleation). Newer treatment strategies emphasise salvaging the affected eye whenever possible. Animal models of Rb have been developed with xenograft and transgenic techniques. Each model has both strengths and weaknesses for exploring the mechanisms of disease development and progression and the efficacy of new treatment strategies.  相似文献   

The retinoblastoma protein--from bench to bedside   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The retinoblastoma tumour suppressor protein (Rb) has come a long way since its initial discovery in 1986. Encoded by the first candidate tumour suppressor gene it has emerged a versatile and context-dependent modulator of cell behaviour. Its activity is managed by signalling networks sensing intra- and extracellular cues. These cues are relayed to hold or permit inactivation of Rb by phosphorylation. Loss or mutation of the retinoblastoma gene is rare in sporadic cancers but defects in the pathways that license inactivation of Rb are found in the majority of them, suggesting that loss of Rb control is central to tumour development and arguing that its reinstatement might reverse tumour formation. Furthermore, mouse models with engineered defects in the Rb-phosphorylating kinases provide evidence that moderation of Rb inactivation may be a strategy for the prevention of tumour formation. The rationale behind these arguments, their underlying molecular concepts and strategies towards therapeutic application will be discussed.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing: bench to bedside and beyond   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Fifteen years elapsed between the discovery of the double helix (1953) and the first DNA sequencing (1968). Modern DNA sequencing began in 1977, with development of the chemical method of Maxam and Gilbert and the dideoxy method of Sanger, Nicklen and Coulson, and with the first complete DNA sequence (phage ϕX174), which demonstrated that sequence could give profound insights into genetic organization. Incremental improvements allowed sequencing of molecules >200 kb (human cytomegalovirus) leading to an avalanche of data that demanded computational analysis and spawned the field of bioinformatics. The US Human Genome Project spurred sequencing activity. By 1992 the first ‘sequencing factory’ was established, and others soon followed. The first complete cellular genome sequences, from bacteria, appeared in 1995 and other eubacterial, archaebacterial and eukaryotic genomes were soon sequenced. Competition between the public Human Genome Project and Celera Genomics produced working drafts of the human genome sequence, published in 2001, but refinement and analysis of the human genome sequence will continue for the foreseeable future. New ‘massively parallel’ sequencing methods are greatly increasing sequencing capacity, but further innovations are needed to achieve the ‘thousand dollar genome’ that many feel is prerequisite to personalized genomic medicine. These advances will also allow new approaches to a variety of problems in biology, evolution and the environment.  相似文献   

Cataract is one of the most important leading causes of blindness in the world. Extensive research showed that oxidative stress may play an important role in the initiation and progression of a cataract and other age-related eye diseases. Extra-generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in the eye tissue has been shown as one of the most important risk factors for cataracts and other age-related eye diseases. With respect to this, it can be hypothesized that dietary antioxidants may be useful in the prevention and/or mitigation of cataract. Lutein is an important xanthophyll which is widely found in different vegetables such as spinach, kale and carrots as well as some other foods such as eggs. Lutein is concentrated in the macula and suppresses the oxidative stress in the eye tissues. A plethora of literature has shown that increased lutein consumption has a close correlation with reduction in the incidence of cataract. Despite this general information, there is a negligible number of review articles considering the beneficial effects of lutein on cataracts and age-related eye diseases. The present review is aimed at discussing the role of oxidative stress in the initiation and progression of a cataract and the possible beneficial effects of lutein in maintaining retinal health and fighting cataract. We also provide a perspective on the chemistry, sources, bioavailability and safety of lutein.  相似文献   

Toll‐Like receptors (TLRs) are a family of evolutionary conserved transmembrane proteins that recognize highly conserved molecules in pathogens. TLR‐expressing cells represent the first line of defence sensing pathogen invasion, triggering innate immune responses and subsequently priming antigen‐specific adaptive immunity. In vitro and in vivo studies on experimental cancer models have shown both anti‐ and pro‐tumoural activity of different TLRs in prostate cancer, indicating these receptors as potential targets for cancer therapy. In this review, we highlight the intriguing duplicity of TLR stimulation by pathogens: their protective role in cases of acute infections, and conversely their negative role in favouring hyperplasia and/or cancer onset, in cases of chronic infections. This review focuses on the role of TLRs in the pathophysiology of prostate infection and cancer by exploring the biological bases of the strict relation between TLRs and prostate cancer. In particular, we highlight the debated question of how reliable mutations or deregulated expression of TLRs are as novel diagnostic or prognostic tools for prostate cancer. So far, the anticancer activity of numerous TLR ligands has been evaluated in clinical trials only in organs other than the prostate. Here we review recent clinical trials based on the most promising TLR agonists in oncology, envisaging a potential application also in prostate cancer therapy.  相似文献   

To improve treatment and reduce the mortality from cancer, a key task is to detect the disease as early as possible. To achieve this, many new technologies have been developed for biomarker discovery and validation. This review provides an overview of omics technologies in biomarker discovery and cancer detection, and highlights recent applications and future trends in cancer diagnostics. Although the present omic methods are not ready for immediate clinical use as diagnostic tools, it can be envisaged that simple, fast, robust, portable and cost-effective clinical diagnosis systems could be available in near future, for home and bedside use.  相似文献   

This report summarizes recent advances on host-pathogen interactions, innate and adaptive responses to infection, as well as novel strategies for the control of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Infection with helminth parasites affects more than 1.5 billion people and is concentrated in global areas of extreme poverty, having a significant impact on public health, social life and the economy. Upon entry into the host, helminth parasites often migrate through specific tissues triggering host immunity. The immune response triggered by helminth infections is complex and depends on parasite load, site of infection, acuteness/chronicity of the infection and is species-dependent. In general, susceptibility or resistance to the infection involves the participation of the innate immune response and then the balance between several effector CD4+ T cells subsets, such as Th1, Th2, Th9, Th17, Tfh and Treg, coordinated by immune mediators such as cytokines and chemokines. Chemokines guide the recruitment and activation of leukocytes under inflammatory and homeostatic states. The chemokine system has been associated with several diseases and experimental models with a significant inflammatory component, including infection with helminth parasites. Therefore, this critical review will highlight the main findings concerning chemokine responses elicited by the interaction between helminth parasites and the hosts’ immune system, hence contributing to the understanding of the relevance of chemokine synthesis and biology in the immunological response to infection by parasitic helminths.  相似文献   

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