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In this report, three Mamu-A*01(+) rhesus macaques were examined to compare the emergence of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific CD8(+) T cells in the intestines and blood in early SIV infection using a major histocompatibility complex class I tetramer complexed with the Gag(181-189) peptide. Fourteen days after intravenous inoculation with SIVmac251, large numbers of SIV Gag(181-189)-specific CD8(+) T cells were detected in the intestinal mucosa (3.1 to 11.5% of CD3(+) CD8(+) lymphocytes) as well as in the blood (3.1 to 13.4%) of all three macaques. By 21 days postinoculation, levels of tetramer-binding cells had dropped in both the intestines and blood. At day 63, however, levels of SIV Gag(181-189)-specific CD8(+) T cells in the intestines had rebounded in all three macaques to levels that were higher (8.6 to 18.7%) than those at day 21. In contrast, percentages of tetramer-binding cells in the peripheral blood remained comparatively stable (2.5 to 4.5%) at this time point. In summary, SIV Gag(181-189)-specific CD8(+) T cells appeared in both the intestinal mucosa and peripheral blood at a comparable rate and magnitude in primary SIV infection. Given that the intestine is a major site of early viral replication as well as the site where most of the total body lymphocyte pool resides, these data indicate that it is also an early and important site of development of antiviral immune responses.  相似文献   

A highly attenuated vaccinia virus substrain of Dairen-I (DIs) shows promise as a candidate vector for eliciting positive immunity against immune deficiency virus. DIs was randomly obtained by serial 1-day egg passages of a chorioarantoic membrane-adapted Dairen strain (DIE), resulting in substantial genomic deletion, including various genes regulating the virus-host-range. To investigate the impact of that deletion and of the subsequent insertion of a foreign gene into that region of DIs on the ability of the DIs recombinant to induce antigen-specific immunity, we generated a recombinant vaccinia DIs expressing fulllength gag and pol genes of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) (rDIsSIV gag/pol) and studied the biological and immunological characteristics of the recombinant natural mutant. The rDIsSIV gag/pol developed a tiny plaque on the chick embryo fibroblast (CEF). Viral particles of rDIsSIV gag/pol as well as SIV Gag-like particles were electromicroscopically detected in the cytoplasm. Interestingly, the recombinant DIs strain grows well in CEF cells but not in mammalian cells. While rDIsSIV gag/pol produces SIV proteins in mammalian HeLa and CV-1 cells, recombinant modified vaccinia Ankara strain (MVA) expressing SIV gag and pol genes (MVA/SIV239 gag/pol) clearly replicates in HeLa and CV-1 cell lines under synchronized growth conditions and produces the SIV protein in all cell lines. Moreover, intradermal administration of rDIsSIV gag/pol or of MVA/SIV239 gag/pol elicited similar levels of IFN-gamma spot-forming cells specific for SIV Gag. If the non-productive infection characteristically induced by recombinant DIs is sufficient to trigger immune induction, as we believe it is, then a human immunodeficiency virus vaccine employing the DIs recombinant would have the twin advantages of being both effective and safe.  相似文献   

Breast milk transmission of HIV is a leading cause of infant HIV/AIDS in the developing world. Remarkably, only a small minority of breastfeeding infants born to HIV-infected mothers contract HIV via breast milk exposure, raising the possibility that immune factors in the breast milk confer protection to the infants who remain uninfected. To model HIV-specific immunity in breast milk, lactation was pharmacologically induced in Mamu-A*01(+) female rhesus monkeys. The composition of lymphocyte subsets in hormone-induced lactation breast milk was found to be similar to that in natural lactation breast milk. Hormone-induced lactating monkeys were inoculated i.v. with SIVmac251 and CD8(+) T lymphocytes specific for two immunodominant SIV epitopes, Gag p11C and Tat TL8, and SIV viral load were monitored in peripheral blood and breast milk during acute infection. The breast milk viral load was 1-2 logs lower than plasma viral load through peak and set point of viremia. Surprisingly, whereas the kinetics of the SIV-specific cellular immunity in breast milk mirrored that of the blood, the peak magnitude of the SIV-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte response in breast milk was more than twice as high as the cellular immune response in the blood. Furthermore, the appearance of the SIV-specific CD8(+) T lymphocyte response in breast milk was associated with a reduction in breast milk viral load, and this response remained higher than that in the blood after viral set point. This robust viral-specific cellular immune response in breast milk may contribute to control of breast milk virus replication.  相似文献   

Cellular immune responses make an important contribution to both the control of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication and disease progression. We used a pathogenic model of SIVmac251 infection of cynomolgus macaques to longitudinally evaluate cellular immune responses in association with various rates of disease progression. We found an inverse relationship between plasma viral load and the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific T cells responses in peripheral blood and lymph nodes. SIV-specific T-cell responses in peripheral blood were transient during primary infection, with the highest responses detected around 3 months after infection. There was also a transient increase of central memory CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood during primary infection, and effector memory T-cell counts in peripheral lymph nodes were increased. This study emphasizes the importance of the early virus-specific immune responses in the outcome of HIV/SIV disease and provides details about the changes of virus-specific immune responses over time.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling of viral replication dynamics, based on sequential measurements of levels of virion-associated RNA in plasma during antiretroviral treatment, has led to fundamental new insights into human immunodeficiency virus type 1 pathogenesis. We took advantage of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected macaque model to perform detailed measurements and mathematical modeling during primary infection and during treatment of established infection with the antiretroviral drug (R)-9-(2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl)adenine (PMPA). The calculated clearance half-life for productively infected cells during resolution of the peak viremia of primary infection was on the order of 1 day, with slightly shorter clearance half-lives calculated during PMPA treatment. Viral reproduction rates upon discontinuation of PMPA treatment after 2 weeks were approximately twofold greater than those obtained just prior to initiation of treatment in the same animals, likely reflecting accumulation of susceptible target cells during treatment. The basic reproductive ratio (R0) for the spread of SIV infection in vivo, which represents the number of productively infected cells derived from each productively infected cell at the beginning of infection, was also estimated. This parameter quantifies the extent to which antiviral therapy or vaccination must limit the initial spread of virus to prevent establishment of chronic disseminated infection. The results thus provide an important guide for efforts to develop vaccines against SIV and, by extension, human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   

Defining the immune correlates of the protection against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) acquisition in individuals who are exposed to HIV-1 but do not become infected may provide important direction for the creation of an HIV-1 vaccine. We have employed the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)/rhesus monkey model to determine whether monkeys can be repeatedly exposed to a primate lentivirus by a mucosal route and escape infection and whether virus-specific immune correlates of protection from infection can be identified in uninfected monkeys. Five of 18 rhesus monkeys exposed 18 times by intrarectal inoculation to SIVmac251 or SIVsmE660 were resistant to infection, indicating that the exposed/uninfected phenotype can be reproduced in a nonhuman primate AIDS model. However, routine peripheral blood lymphocyte gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT), tetramer, and intracellular cytokine staining assays, as well as cytokine-augmented ELISPOT and peptide-stimulated tetramer assays, failed to define a systemic antigen-specific cellular immune correlate to this protection. Further, local cell-mediated immunity could not be demonstrated by tetramer assays of these protected monkeys, and local humoral immunity was not associated with protection against acquisition of virus in another cohort of mucosally exposed monkeys. Therefore, resistance to mucosal infection in these monkeys may not be mediated by adaptive virus-specific immune mechanisms. Rather, innate immune mechanisms or an intact epithelial barrier may be responsible for protection against mucosal infection in this population of monkeys.  相似文献   

In an in vitro assay employing reconstituted nuclei, importin 7 (IPO7) has been implicated in nuclear translocation of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) cDNA. Using RNA interference technology, we inhibited expression of IPO7 by 80 to 95% in primary macrophages and in HeLa cells and monitored their ability to support HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) cDNA synthesis, nuclear translocation, and infection efficiency. Marked IPO7 deficiency did not alter the rate or extent of HIV-1 or SIV cDNA synthesis or nuclear translocation. The infection efficiency of HIV-1 was similarly unaltered. Therefore, in natural, nondividing targets of HIV-1, IPO7 may be dispensable for infection.  相似文献   

It has long been appreciated that CD4+ T lymphocytes are dysfunctional in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected individuals, and it has recently been shown that HIV/SIV infections are associated with a dramatic early destruction of memory CD4+ T lymphocytes. However, the relative contributions of CD4+ T-lymphocyte dysfunction and loss to immune dysregulation during primary HIV/SIV infection have not been fully elucidated. In the current study, we evaluated CD4+ T lymphocytes and their functional repertoire during primary SIVmac251 infection in rhesus monkeys. We show that the extent of loss of memory CD4+ T lymphocytes and staphylococcal enterotoxin B-stimulated cytokine production by total CD4+ T lymphocytes during primary SIVmac251 infection is tightly linked in a cohort of six rhesus monkeys to set point plasma viral RNA levels, with greater loss and dysfunction being associated with higher steady-state viral replication. Moreover, in exploring the mechanism underlying this phenomenon, we demonstrate that the loss of functional CD4+ T lymphocytes during primary SIVmac251 infection is associated with both a selective depletion of memory CD4+ T cells and a loss of the functional capacity of the memory CD4+ T lymphocytes that escape viral destruction.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine why high frequencies of circulating virus-specific CD8+ T cells are unable to control human immunodeficiency virus and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) replication, we assessed the functional nature of SIV-specific CD8+ lymphocytes. After vaccination and early after infection, nearly all tetramer-staining CD8+ cells produced gamma interferon in response to their specific stimulus. However, by 4 months postinfection with pathogenic SIVmac239, signs of functional impairment in the CD8+ T-cell compartment were detected which might prevent these T cells from efficiently controlling the infection during the chronic phase.  相似文献   

The CTL response was characterized during primary SIV/macaque (SIVmac) infection of rhesus monkeys to assess its role in containing early viral replication using both an epitope-specific functional and an MHC class I/peptide tetramer-binding assay. The rapid expansion of a single dominant viral epitope-specific CTL population to 1.3-8.3% of circulating CD8+ peripheral blood and 0. 3-1.3% of lymph node CD8+ T cells was observed, peaking at day 13 following infection. A subsequent decrease in number of these cells was then demonstrated. Interestingly, the percent of tetramer-binding CD8+ T cells detected in the lymph nodes of all evaluated animals was smaller than the percent detected in PBL. These epitope-specific CD8+ T cells expressed cell surface molecules associated with memory and activation. Early clearance of SIVmac occurred coincident with the emergence of the CTL response, suggesting that CTL may be important in containing virus replication. A higher percent of annexin V-binding cells was detected in the tetramer+ CD8+ T cells (range, from 33% to 75%) than in the remaining CD8+ T cells (range, from 3.3% to 15%) at the time of maximum CTL expansion in all evaluated animals. This finding indicates that the decrease of CTL occurred as a result of the death of these cells rather than their anatomic redistribution. These studies provide strong evidence for the importance of CTL in containing AIDS virus replication.  相似文献   

Adenoviral vectors can be used to deliver complex Ag to dendritic cells (DC), and thus may be ideal for stimulating broad T cell responses to viral pathogens and tumors. To test this hypothesis in a relevant primate model, we used recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 vectors expressing SIV Gag Ag to transduce monocyte-derived DC from rhesus macaques, and then immunized donor animals either by intradermal or intranodal injections. T cell responses were evaluated by ELISPOT assay using previously frozen PBMC pulsed with pools of 15-mer peptides representing the Gag sequence. Immunization resulted in rapid and potent induction of T cell responses to multiple regions of Gag, with frequencies approaching 1 Gag-specific T cell per 500 uncultured PBMC. Surprisingly, intradermal and intranodal injections generated a similar intensity and breadth of response, indicating that administration of Ag-expressing DC by either route may be equally effective at inducing immune responses. Detailed analysis of two monkeys revealed CD8(+) T cell responses to several peptide epitopes of Gag not previously described, at least two of which are restricted by MHC class I alleles not currently identified. Repeated vaccination did not induce T cell responses to the adenoviral vector and did not prevent Ag-expressing DC injected under the capsule of the lymph node from migrating to the paracortex and interposing between T cells. However, boost injections of adenovirus-transduced DC were generally limited in efficacy. These findings support the use of adenovirus-transduced DC in the therapy of HIV infection and cancer.  相似文献   

The contribution of natural killer (NK) cells to the immune containment of human immunodeficiency virus infection remains undefined. To directly assess the role of NK cells in an AIDS animal model, we depleted rhesus monkeys of >88% of CD3(-) CD16(+) CD159a(+) NK cells at the time of primary simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection by using anti-CD16 antibody. During the first 11 days following SIV inoculation, when NK cell depletion was most profound, a trend toward higher levels of SIV replication was noted in NK cell-depleted monkeys compared to those in control monkeys. However, this treatment did not result in significant changes in the overall levels or kinetics of plasma viral RNA or affect the SIV-induced central memory CD4(+) T-lymphocyte loss. These findings are consistent with a limited role for cytotoxic CD16(+) NK cells in the control of primary SIV viremia.  相似文献   

Monocytes and macrophages play a central role in the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated dementia. They represent prominent targets for HIV infection and are thought to facilitate viral neuroinvasion and neuroinflammatory processes. However, many aspects regarding monocyte brain recruitment in HIV infection remain undefined. The nonhuman primate model of AIDS is uniquely suited for examination of the role of monocytes in the pathogenesis of AIDS-associated encephalitis. Nevertheless, an approach to monitor cell migration from peripheral blood into the central nervous system (CNS) in primates had been lacking. Here, upon autologous transfer of fluorescein dye-labeled leukocytes, we demonstrate the trafficking of dye-positive monocytes into the choroid plexus stromata and perivascular spaces in the cerebra of rhesus macaques acutely infected with simian immunodeficiency virus between days 12 and 14 postinfection (p.i.). Dye-positive cells that had migrated expressed the monocyte activation marker CD16 and the macrophage marker CD68. Monocyte neuroinvasion coincided with the presence of the virus in brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid and with the induction of the proinflammatory mediators CXCL9/MIG and CCL2/MCP-1 in the CNS. Prior to neuroinfiltration, plasma viral load levels peaked on day 11 p.i. Furthermore, the numbers of peripheral blood monocytes rapidly increased between days 4 and 8 p.i., and circulating monocytes exhibited increased functional capacity to produce CCL2/MCP-1. Our findings demonstrate acute monocyte brain infiltration in an animal model of AIDS. Such studies facilitate future examinations of the migratory profile of CNS-homing monocytes, the role of monocytes in virus import into the brain, and the disruption of blood-cerebrospinal fluid and blood-brain barrier functions in primates.  相似文献   

Phosphopeptide analyses of the simian virus 40 (SV40) large tumor antigen (LT) in SV40-transformed rat cells, as well as in SV40 lytically infected monkey cells, showed that gel-purified LT that was not complexed to p53 (free LT) and p53-complexed LT differed substantially in their phosphorylation patterns. Most significantly, p53-complexed LT contained phosphopeptides not found in free LT. We show that these additional phosphopeptides were derived from MDM2, a cellular antagonist of p53, which coprecipitated with the p53-LT complexes, probably in a trimeric LT-p53-MDM2 complex. MDM2 also quantitatively bound the free p53 in SV40-transformed cells. Free LT, in contrast, was not found in complex with MDM2, indicating a specific targeting of the MDM2 protein by SV40. This specificity is underscored by significantly different phosphorylation patterns of the MDM2 proteins in normal and SV40-transformed cells. Furthermore, the MDM2 protein, like p53, becomes metabolically stabilized in SV40-transformed cells. This suggests the possibility that the specific targeting of MDM2 by SV40 is aimed at preventing MDM2-directed proteasomal degradation of p53 in SV40-infected and -transformed cells, thereby leading to metabolic stabilization of p53 in these cells.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Lou B  Lal RB  Gettie A  Marx PA  Moore JP 《Journal of virology》2000,74(15):6893-6910
We have used coreceptor-targeted inhibitors to investigate which coreceptors are used by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIV), and human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) to enter peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The inhibitors are TAK-779, which is specific for CCR5 and CCR2, aminooxypentane-RANTES, which blocks entry via CCR5 and CCR3, and AMD3100, which targets CXCR4. We found that for all the HIV-1 isolates and all but one of the HIV-2 isolates tested, the only relevant coreceptors were CCR5 and CXCR4. However, one HIV-2 isolate replicated in human PBMC even in the presence of TAK-779 and AMD3100, suggesting that it might use an undefined, alternative coreceptor that is expressed in the cells of some individuals. SIV(mac)239 and SIV(mac)251 (from macaques) were also able to use an alternative coreceptor to enter PBMC from some, but not all, human and macaque donors. The replication in human PBMC of SIV(rcm) (from a red-capped mangabey), a virus which uses CCR2 but not CCR5 for entry, was blocked by TAK-779, suggesting that CCR2 is indeed the paramount coreceptor for this virus in primary cells.  相似文献   

Several primate models indicate that cytotoxic T lymphocyte-inducing vaccines may be unable to prevent human immunodeficiency virus infection but may have a long-term benefit in controlling viral replication and delaying disease progression. Here we show that analysis of the kinetics of antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell expansion suggests a delay in activation following infection that allows unimpeded early viral replication. Viral kinetics do not differ between controls and vaccinees during this delay phase. An increase in virus-specific CD8+ T-cell numbers around day 10 postinfection coincides with a slowing in viral replication in vaccinees and reduces peak viral loads by around 1 log. However, this response is too little too late to prevent establishment of persistent infection.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that rapid and profound CD4(+) T-cell depletion occurs almost exclusively within the intestinal tract of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected macaques within days of infection. Here we demonstrate (by three- and four-color flow cytometry) that this depletion is specific to a definable subset of CD4(+) T cells, namely, those having both a highly and/or acutely activated (CD69(+) CD38(+) HLA-DR(+)) and memory (CD45RA(-) Leu8(-)) phenotype. Moreover, we demonstrate that this subset of helper T cells is found primarily within the intestinal lamina propria. Viral tropism for this particular cell type (which has been previously suggested by various studies in vitro) could explain why profound CD4(+) T-cell depletion occurs in the intestine and not in peripheral lymphoid tissues in early SIV infection. Furthermore, we demonstrate that an acute loss of this specific subset of activated memory CD4(+) T cells may also be detected in peripheral blood and lymph nodes in early SIV infection. However, since this particular cell type is present in such small numbers in circulation, its loss does not significantly affect total CD4(+) T cell counts. This finding suggests that SIV and, presumably, human immunodeficiency virus specifically infect, replicate in, and eliminate definable subsets of CD4(+) T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Natural killer T (NKT) cells express a highly conserved T-cell receptor (TCR) and recognize glycolipids in the context of CD1d molecules. We recently demonstrated that CD4+ NKT cells are highly susceptible to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and are selectively depleted in HIV-infected individuals. Here, we identified macaque NKT cells using CD1d tetramers and human Valpha24 antibodies. Similar to human NKT cells, alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer)-pulsed dendritic cells activate and expand macaque NKT cells. Upon restimulation with alpha-GalCer-pulsed CD1d(+) cells, macaque NKT cells secreted high levels of cytokines, a characteristic of these T cells. Remarkably, the majority of resting and activated macaque NKT cells expressed CD8, and a smaller portion expressed CD4. Macaque NKT cells also expressed the HIV-1/simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) coreceptor CCR5, and the CD4+ subset was susceptible to SIV infection. Identification of macaque NKT cells has major implications for delineating the role of these cells in nonhuman primate disease models of HIV as well as other pathological conditions, such as allograft rejection and autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Pigtail macaques (PTM) are an excellent model for HIV research; however, the dynamics of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) SIVmac239 infection in PTM have not been fully evaluated. We studied nine PTM prior to infection, during acute and chronic SIVmac239 infections, until progression to AIDS. We found PTM manifest clinical AIDS more rapidly than rhesus macaques (RM), as AIDS-defining events occurred at an average of 42.17 weeks after infection in PTM compared to 69.56 weeks in RM (P = 0.0018). However, increased SIV progression was not associated with increased viremia, as both peak and set-point plasma viremias were similar between PTM and RM (P = 0.7953 and P = 0.1006, respectively). Moreover, this increased disease progression was not associated with rapid CD4(+) T cell depletion, as CD4(+) T cell decline resembled other SIV/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) models. Since immune activation is the best predictor of disease progression during HIV infection, we analyzed immune activation by turnover of T cells by BrdU decay and Ki67 expression. We found increased levels of turnover prior to SIV infection of PTM compared to that observed with RM, which may contribute to their increased disease progression rate. These data evaluate the kinetics of SIVmac239-induced disease progression and highlight PTM as a model for HIV infection and the importance of immune activation in SIV disease progression.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were performed to determine the neuropathogenesis of infection in macaques with simian human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)89.6P and SHIVKU. Both viruses utilize the CD4 receptor and CXCR4 co-receptor. However, in addition, SHIV89.6P uses the CCR5 co-receptor. Both agents are dual tropic for CD4+ T cells and blood-derived macrophages of rhesus macaques. Following inoculation into macaques, both caused rapid elimination of CD4+ T cells but they varied greatly in mechanisms of neuropathogenesis. Two animals infected with SHIV89.6P developed typical lentiviral encephalitis in which multinucleated giant cell formation, nodular accumulations of microglial cells, activated macrophages and astrocytes, and perivascular accumulations of mononuclear cells were present in the brain. Many of the macrophages in these lesions contained viral RNA. Three macaques infected with SHIVKU and killed on days 6, 11 and 18, respectively, developed a slowly progressive infection in the CNS but macrophages were not productively infected and there were no pathological changes in the brain. Two other animals infected with this virus and killed several months later showed minimal infection in the brain even though one of the two developed encephalitis of unknown etiology. The basic difference in the mechanisms of neuropathogenesis by the two viruses may be related to co-receptor usage. SHIV89.6P, in utilizing the CCR5 co-receptor, caused neuropathogenic effects that are similar to other neurovirulent primate lentiviruses.  相似文献   

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