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Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and halorhodopsin (hR) are light-induced ion pumps in the cell membrane of Halobacterium salinarium. Under normal conditions bR is an outward proton transporter, whereas hR is an inward Cl- transporter. There is strong evidence that at very low pH and in the presence of Cl-, bR transports Cl- ions into the cell, similarly to hR. The chloride pumping activity of bR is connected to the so-called acid purple state. To account for the observed effects in bR a tentative complex counterion was suggested for the protonated Schiff base of the retinal chromophore. It would consist of three charged residues: Asp-85, Asp-212, and Arg-82. This quadruplet (including the Schiff base) would also serve as a Cl- binding site at low pH. We used Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy to study the structural changes during the transitions between the normal, acid blue, and acid purple states. Asp-85 and Asp-212 were shown to participate in the transitions. During the normal-to-acid blue transition, Asp-85 protonates. When the pH is further lowered in the presence of Cl-, Cl- binds and Asp-212 also protonates. The binding of Cl- and the protonation of Asp-212 occur simultaneously, but take place only when Asp-85 is already protonated. It is suggested that HCl is taken up in undissociated form in exchange for a neutral water molecule.  相似文献   

We have examined the influence of monovalent and divalent cations on the secondary structure of bovine alpha-lactalbumin at neutral pH using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Our present studies are based on previously reported amide I' component band assignments for this protein [Prestrelski, S. J., Byler, D. M., & Thompson, M. P. (1991) Int. J. Pept. Protein Res. 37, 508-512]. The results indicate that upon dissolution, alpha-lactalbumin undergoes a small, but significant, time-dependent conformational change, regardless of the ions present. Additionally, these studies provide the first quantitative measure of the well-known secondary structural change which accompanies calcium binding. Results indicate that removal of Ca2+ from holo alpha-lactalbumin results in local unfolding of the Ca(2+)-binding loop; the spectra indicate that approximately 16% of the backbone chain changes from a rigid coordination complex to an unordered loop. We have also examined the effects of binding of several other metal ions. Our studies have revealed that binding of Mn2+ to apo alpha-lactalbumin (Ca(2+)-free), while inducing a small, but significant, conformational change, does not cause the alpha-lactalbumin backbone conformation to change to that of the holo (Ca(2+)-bound) form as characterized by infrared spectroscopy. Similar changes to those induced by Mn2+ are observed upon binding of Na+ to apo alpha-lactalbumin, and furthermore, even at very high concentrations (0.2 M), Na+ does not stabilize a structure similar to the holo form. Binding of Zn2+ to the apo form of alpha-lactalbumin does not result in significant backbone conformational changes, suggesting a rigid Zn(2+)-binding site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The secondary structural changes of the membrane protein, bacteriorhodopsin, are studied during the premelting reversible transition by using laser-induced temperature jump technique and nanosecond time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The helical structural changes are triggered by using a 15 degrees C temperature jump induced from a preheated bacteriorhodopsin in D2O solution at a temperature of 72 degrees C. The structural transition from alphaII- to alphaI-helices is observed by following the change in the frequency of the amide I band from 1667 to 1651 cm-1 and the shift in the frequency of the amide II vibration from 1542 cm-1 to 1436 cm-1 upon H/D exchange. It is found that although the amide I band changes its frequency on a time scale of <100 ns, the H/D exchange shifts the frequency of the amide II band and causes a complex changes in the 1651-1600 cm-1 and 1530-1430 cm-1 frequency region on a longer time scale (>300 ns). Our result suggests that in this "premelting transition" temperature region of bacteriorhodopsin, an intrahelical conformation conversion of the alphaII to alphaI leads to the exposure of the hydrophobic region of the protein to the aqueous medium.  相似文献   

Highly hydrophobic protein Z19 zein shows a tendency towards oligomerization. The role of temperature and pH on the oligomerization process was studied monitoring the secondary structure content and the appearance of aggregates by Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy (CD) and Dinamic Light Scattering (DLS). Z19 zein suffers irreversible thermal denaturalization, as demonstrated by far-UV CD measurements. DLS data indicate that this denaturalization is accompanied by oligomerization processes which are strongly dependent on temperature. The aggregates that appear when the sample is heated maintain a certain amount of their native structure. Oligomers, showing high stability to temperature changes and other denaturing conditions with molecular weights of 45, 66 kDa and higher, were detected by SDS-PAGE. The secondary structure strongly depends on pH. Thus, at pH above pI (6.8), all the protein structure is in alpha helix. The formation of disulfide bonds plays an important role in the aggregation process, since most of the sulfhydryls in the protein (97.52%) form disulfide bonds and only 2.47% of them are free and superficially exposed. The sensitivity towards thermal denaturalization is also affected by pH rises.  相似文献   

When a single molecule of double-stranded DNA is stretched beyond its B-form contour length, the measured force shows a highly cooperative overstretching transition. We have investigated the source of this transition by altering helix stability with solution pH. As solution pH was increased from pH 6.0 to pH 10.6 in 250 mM NaCl, the overstretching transition force decreased from 67.0 +/- 0.8 pN to 56.2 +/- 0.8 pN, whereas the transition width remained nearly constant. As the pH was lowered from pH 6.0 to pH 3.1, the overstretching force decreased from 67.0 +/- 0.8 pN to 47.0 +/- 1.0 pN, but the transition width increased from 3.0 +/- 0.6 pN to 16.0 +/- 3 pN. These results quantitatively agree with a model that asserts that DNA strand dissociation, or melting, occurs during the overstretching transition.  相似文献   

Divalent cations are involved in the function of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a light-driven proton pump. If cations are removed from purple membranes they become blue. Divalent cations such as Ca2+ or Pb2+ or trivalent ions, can be stoichiometrically titrated back on to these deionized membranes. The color transitions as a function of ion concentration for Ca2+ or Pb2+ are precisely comparable and indicate that approximately three stoichiometric equivalents of cations are required to effect the color transition (Kimura et al., 1984). We found four main partially occupied binding sites for cations at a stoichiometric ratio of 3 Pb2+/bR. We localized the binding sites for Pb2+ using x-ray diffraction of membranes reconstituted with 1, 2, and 3 equivalents of Pb2+ per bR. The site of highest affinity is located on helix 7. At 2 Pb2+/bR, sites on helix 6 and between helix 2 and 3 are occupied. At 3 Pb2+/bR a fourth site above helix 3 is occupied.  相似文献   

Studies of the metal-binding affinity of protein sites are ubiquitous in bioinorganic chemistry and are valuable for the information that they can provide about metal speciation and exchange in biological systems. The potential for error in these studies is high, however, since many competing equilibria are present in solution and must be taken into consideration. Here, we report a new spectropotentiometric titration apparatus that allows pH and UV-vis absorption to be monitored simultaneously on small samples under inert atmosphere. In addition, we explain how data obtained from the complex equilibria can be combined with tabulated information about the protonation and metal-binding constants for common buffers to provide detailed, quantitative information about metal-protein interactions. Application of this approach to the investigation of metal binding to structural zinc-binding domains and common pitfalls encountered when performing these experiments are also discussed. We have used this approach to reevaluate the metal-binding constants of the N-terminal zinc-binding peptide from the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (10(-8)M相似文献   

Effect of pH and temperature on the binding of bilirubin to human erythrocyte membranes was studied by incubating the membranes at different pH and temperatures and determining the bound bilirubin. At all pH values, the amount of membrane-bound bilirubin increased with the increase in bilirubin-to-albumin molar ratios (B/As), being highest at lower pH values in all cases. Further, linear increase in bound bilirubin with the increase in bilirubin concentration in the incubate was observed at a constant B/A and at all pH values. However, the slope value increased with the decrease in pH suggesting more bilirubin binding to membranes at lower pH values. Increase in bilirubin binding at lower pH can be explained on the basis of increased free bilirubin concentration as well as more conversion of bilirubin dianion to monoanion. Temperature dependence of bilirubin binding to membranes was observed within the temperature range of 7 degrees -60 degrees C, showing minimum binding at 27 degrees C and 37 degrees C which increased on either side. Increase in bilirubin binding at temperatures lower than 20 degrees C and higher than 40 degrees C can be ascribed to the change in membrane topography as well as bilirubin-albumin interaction.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of native human plasma fibronectin, based on circular dichroic spectra, has been estimated to contain 79% beta sheet and 21% beta turn structures (Osterlund, E., Eronen, I., Osterlund, K. and Vuento, M. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 2661-2667). In this work changes in the secondary structure of the protein molecule are followed as a function of different temperatures and pH values by using circular dichroic spectroscopy in far- and near-ultraviolet regions. Conformational changes are reversible when raising the temperature quickly to 55 degrees C, and then cooling slowly to 20 degrees C. A few percent of alpha-helix is apparent, when the temperature is raised to 58.5 degrees C, but only about 9% random coil is formed, when the temperature is raised up to 70 degrees C. The largest conformational change is taking place, when fibronectin samples are heated from 57 to 58.5 degrees C. According to this study more than 90% of the secondary structure of the fibronectin molecule is preserved throughout the whole temperature range studied from 20 to 70 degrees C, and this is a fact even at pH as low as 3.0, when samples are fresh and not denatured by preparative procedures.  相似文献   

The hairpin ribozyme reversibly cleaves phosphodiesters of RNA substrates to generate products with 5' hydroxyl and 2',3'-cyclic phosphate termini. We previously found that the rate constant for ligation is tenfold faster than the rate constant for cleavage under standard conditions. The hammerhead ribozyme catalyzes the same reactions but is reported to favor cleavage relative to ligation by more than 100-fold under the same conditions. To explore the basis for this difference, we examined the influence of temperature, ions and pH on the hairpin ribozyme internal equilibrium. Under the same conditions, the loss of entropy associated with ligation is less for the hairpin than for the hammerhead ribozyme, consistent with the notion that a more rigid hairpin structure undergoes a smaller decrease in dynamics upon ligation than the more flexible hammerhead structure. Increased salt and reduced temperature shift the equilibrium toward ligation while pH has little effect, suggesting that conditions that stabilize RNA structure tend to promote ligation. The hairpin ribozyme appears to take up at least one tri- or divalent cation or two monovalent cations upon ligation. The efficiency with which different cations promote ligation depends strongly on valence and, less strongly, on ionic radius or electronegativity. This pattern of cation selectivity suggests that cations promote ligation through delocalized electrostatic shielding, perhaps interacting with a region of especially high charge density in the ligated ribozyme. Changes in ionic conditions produce large but compensating changes in enthalpy and entropy for cleavage and ligation. Thus, in addition to any increase in ribozyme dynamics associated with cleavage, re-organization of associated cations contributes significantly to hairpin ribozyme thermodynamics.  相似文献   

G Cevc  A Watts  D Marsh 《Biochemistry》1981,20(17):4955-4965
The dependence of the gel-to-fluid phase transition temperature of dimyristoyl- and dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine bilayers on pH, NaCl concentration, and degree of hydration has been studied with differential scanning calorimetry and with spin-labels. On protonation of the carboxyl group (pK2app = 5.5), the transition temperature increases from 36 to 44 degrees C in the fully hydrated state of dimyristoylphosphatidylserine (from 54 to 62 degrees C for dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine), at ionic strength J = 0.1. In addition, at least two less hydrated states, differing progressively by 1 H2O/PS, are observed at low pH with transition temperatures of 48 and 52 degrees C for dimyristoyl- and 65 and 68.5 degrees C for dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine. On deprotonation of the amino group (pK3app = 11.55) the transition temperature decreases to approximately 15 degrees C for dimyristoyl- and 32 degrees C for dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine, and a pretransition is observed at approximately 6 degrees C (dimyristoylphosphatidylserine) and 21.5 degrees C (dipalmitoylphosphatidylserine), at J = 0.1. No titration of the transition is observed for the fully hydrated phosphate group down to pH less than or equal to 0.5, but it affinity for water binding decreases steeply at pH greater than or equal to 2.6. Increasing the NaCl concentration from 0.1 to 2.0 M increases the transition temperature of dimyristoyphosphatidylserine by approximately 8 degrees C at pH 7, by approximately 5 degrees at pH 13, and by approximately 0 degrees C at pH 1. These increases are attributed to the screening of the electrostatic titration-induced shifts in transition temperature. On a further increase of the NaCl concentration to 5.5 M, the transition temperature increases by an additional 9 degree C at pH 7, 13 degree C at pH 13, approximately 7 degree C in the fully hydrated state at pH 1, and approximately 4 and approximately 0 degree C in the two less hydrated states. These shifts are attributed to displacement of water of hydration by ion binding. From the salt dependence it is deduced that the transition temperature shift at the carboxyl titration can be accounted for completely by the surface charge and change in hydration of approximately 1 H2O/lipid, whereas that of the amino group titration arises mostly from other sources, probably hydrogen bonding. The shifts in pK (delta pK2 = 2.85, delta pK3 = 1.56) are consistent with a reduced polarity in the head-group region, corresponding to an effective dielectric constant epsilon approximately or equal to 30, together with surface potentials of psi congruent to -100 and -150 mV at the carboxyl and amino group pKs, respectively. The transition temperature of dimyristoylphosphatidylserine-water mixtures decreases by approximately 4 degree C each water/lipid molecule added, reaching a limiting value at a water content of approximately 9-10 H2O/lipid molecule.  相似文献   

Purple membranes (PM) from Halobacterium halobium were incorporated into 7.5% polyacrylamide gels to prevent aggregation which occurs in suspensions at low pH. At pH 7.0, the circular dichroism (CD) spectra and visible absorption spectra of light- and dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (bR558, respectively) and the flash photolysis cycle of bR568 in gels were essentially the same as those in PM suspensions. Titration of the gels with hydrochloric acid showed the transition to a form absorbing at 605 nm (bR605 acid) with pK = 2.9 and to a second form absorbing at 565 nm (bR565 acid) with pK = 0.5. Isosbestic points were seen for each transition in both light- and dark-adapted gels. In addition, a third isosbestic point was evident between pH 3.5 and 7. Visible CD spectra of bR568, bR605 acid, and bR565 acid all showed the bilobed pattern typical of bR568 in suspensions of PM. Flash kinetic spectrophotometry (with 40-microseconds time resolution) of bR605 acid and bR565 acid showed transient absorbance changes with at least one transiently blue-shifted form for each and an early red-shifted intermediate for bR565 acid. Chromophore extraction from membrane suspensions yielded all-trans-retinal for bR565 acid and a mixture of 13-cis and trans isomers for bR605 acid.  相似文献   

Chen F  Liu G  Xu Z  Zeng Z 《BMB reports》2008,41(4):305-309
Cobalt is an essential microelements in many biological processes involving enzymatic activity. We found that Zn2+ and Mg2+, which are in the active site of native calf intestine alkaline phosphatase (CIP), can be replaced by Co2+ directly in solution. The effect of Co2+ concentration on the substitution reaction was examined at ratios of [Co2+]/[CIP] from 0:1 to 8:1. The quantity of Zn2+ in CIP decreased progressively as the ratio was increased, but the amount of Mg2+ changed in irrregular fashion. A series of active site models of the reaction mechanism of CIP are proposed. Low pH was found to promote the replacement of Mg2+ by Co2+. To understand how the substitution affects the enzyme, we also solved the secondary structure of CIP after reaction with Co2+ in different conditions.  相似文献   

A 34-amino-acid peptide has been chemically synthesized based on a sequence from human alpha-fetoprotein. The purified peptide is active in anti-growth assays when freshly prepared in pH 7.4 buffer at 0.20 g/l, but this peptide slowly becomes inactive. This functional change is proven by mass spectrometry to be triggered by the formation of an intrapeptide disulfide bond between the two cysteine residues on the peptide. Interpeptide cross-linking does not occur. The active and inactive forms of the peptide have almost identical secondary structures as shown by circular dichroism (CD). Zinc ions bind to the active peptide and completely prevents formation of the inactive form. Cobalt(II) ions also bind to the peptide, and the UV-Vis absorption spectrum of the cobalt-peptide complex shows that: (1) a near-UV sulfur-to-metal-ion charge-transfer band had a molar extinction coefficient consistent with two thiolate bonds to Co(II); (2) the lowest-energy visible d-d transition maximum at 659 nm, also, demonstrated that the two cysteine residues are ligands for the metal ion; (3) the d-d molar extinction coefficient showed that the metal ion-ligand complex was in a distorted tetrahedral symmetry. The peptide has two cysteines, and it is speculated that the other two metal ion ligands might be the two histidines. The Zn(II)- and Co(II)-peptide complexes had similar peptide conformations as indicated by their ultraviolet CD spectra, which differed very slightly from that of the free peptide. Surprisingly, the cobalt ions acted in the reverse of the zinc ions in that, instead of stabilizing anti-growth form of the peptide, they catalyzed its loss. Metal ion control of peptide function is a saliently interesting concept. Calcium ions, in the conditions studied, apparently do not bind to the peptide. Trifluoroethanol and temperature (60 degrees C) affected the secondary structure of the peptide, and the peptide was found capable of assuming various conformations in solution. This conformational flexibility may possibly be related to the biological activity of the peptide.  相似文献   

The reversible conformational change of DNAs and polydeoxyribonucleotides occurring before melting was followed by circular dichroism. Δθ/δT, the rate of change of ellipticity θ with temperature, was used mainly as a measure of this premelting phenomenon. If sodium ions were replaced by tetramethylammonium ions Δθ/δT decreased for poly (dA) poly (dT) and poly (dA.dT) poly (dT.dA), but increased for poly (dG.dC) poly (dC.dG). DNAs of different base composition showed no more premelting (Δθ/ΔT ~ 0) even at low molarities of TMACl provided the Na/TMA ratio was very small. For all cases studied the θ values at 0°C and at a given ionic strength were smaller in NaCl than in TMACl. When studying the series of ammonium ions from NH+4 to (C2H5)4,N+ the Δθ/ΔT values first decreased, going through zero with TMA+ io and then increased again. A tentative and qualitative explanation of our results can be given: (a) Hydration of the polymers increases in presence of TMA ions and their average stability decreases; locally, however, (AT) pairs are preferentially stabilized by TMA ions owing to a specific interaction at the level of O2 of thymine. (b) In order to explain the different behaviour of (AT) polymers and DNA, it is assumed that only the B structure is able to accommodate TMA ions in the small groove of the double stranded helix.  相似文献   

This computational organic chemistry study illustrates that the size of the metal ion is a critical point in determining the bonding mode of the anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate). The beryllium model structure is the first example in the chemical literature on the ability of this amino acid to bond as N–O chelate. The medium has variable effect on the energies and the dipole moments of the studied models, which was found originating essentially from the differences in the atomic charges of the metals. Analysis of the molecular charge distribution allowed stating a new theory on the effect of the medium on the two pairs of isomers.  相似文献   

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