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A simple procedure is described for the preparation of the title compounds 1, 8 and 9. 3′-3′ or 3′-5′ or 5′-5′ TpT was reacted with a twofold molar excess of TPS in anhydrous DMF, at room temperature, for 5 min, followed by a 1 min in situ treatment of the reaction mixture with excess 7.0 N NH4OH, at 0°C. The alkaline hydrolysis of 1, 8 and 9 proceeds without the assistance of 3′- and 5′-hydroxyl groups resulting in equimolar mixtures of thymidine (4) and thymidine 3′-phosphoramidate (6) (for the 3′-3′ isomer) or thymidine 5′-phosphoramidate (7) (for the 5′-5′ isomer) or 6 and 7 in equal quantities (for the 3′-5′ isomer).  相似文献   


Reaction of 3′-0-(t-butyldimethylsilyl)-2′-deoxythymidine-5′-carboxaldehyde and 2′,3′-dideoxythymidine-5′-carboxaldehyde with acetone afforded a 3:2 mixture of the two (5′R)- and (5′S)-5′-acetonylthymidine derivatives.  相似文献   


2′-2H- and 3′-2H-CDP were synthesized from 5′-MMT-3′-O-TBDMS and 2′,5′- O-diTBDMS cytidine derivatives, respectively, by oxidation followed by acidic removal of 5′-protection, reduction with [NaBD(OAc)3] and finally displacement of a tosyl group by pyrophosphate.  相似文献   

Brain phosphatidylcholine (PC) levels are regulated by a balance between synthesis and hydrolysis. Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin-1 (IL-1/) activate phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and PC-phospholipase C (PC-PLC) to hydrolyze PC. PC hydrolysis by PLA2 releases free fatty acids including arachidonic acid, and lyso-PC, an inhibitor of CTP-phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (CCT). Arachidonic acid metabolism by cyclooxygenases/lipoxygenases is a significant source of reactive oxygen species. CDP-choline might increase the PC levels by attenuating PLA2 stimulation and loss of CCT activity. TNF- also stimulates proteolysis of CCT. TNF- and IL-1 are induced in brain ischemia and may disrupt PC homeostasis by increasing its hydrolysis (increase PLA2 and PC-PLC activities) and inhibiting its synthesis (decrease CCT activity). The beneficial effects of CDP-choline may result by counteracting TNF- and/or IL-1 mediated events, integrating cytokine biology and lipid metabolism. Re-evaluation of CDP-choline phase III stroke clinical trial data is encouraging and future trails are warranted. CDP-choline is non-xenobiotic, safe, well tolerated, and can be considered as one of the agents in multi-drug treatment of stroke.  相似文献   


Chemically synthesized dinucleoside P1, P2-di-, P1, P3-tri- and P1, P4-tetraphosphates, derivatives of 5′-linked 7-methylguanosine and guanosine were characterized with respect to their structural properties and functional effect on eukaryotic translation inhibition.  相似文献   


A novel synthesis of the nucleoside analog, 5′-deoxy-5′-(cyclopropylmethylthio)adenosine (CPMTA, 1) has been developed. CPMTA is a closely related structural analog of 5′-deoxy-5′-(isobutylthio)-adenosine (SIBA, 2), which has been widely studied and shown to exert a multitude of biological effects. The in vitro and in vivo antitumor (L1210 leukemia) activity of CPMTA has been found to be comparable to that of SIBA, whereas its in vitro antiviral (HSV and VSV) activity is diminished. These agents are being developed as inhibitors of methylation and/or polyamine synthesis.  相似文献   

Two new adenosine analogs, 2′-(2-bromoethyl) adenosine monophosphate and 3′-(2-bromoethyl) adenosine monophosphate, were synthesized, purified by semipreparative high-pressure liquid chromatography, and completely characterized. A new synthesis of 5′-(2-bromoethyl) adenosine monophosphate is presented which facilitates the preparation of radioactive reagent with label either in the ethyl group or the purine ring of the nucleotide derivative. The reactive moiety of these derivatives, a bromoalkyl group, has the ability to react with the nucleophilic side chains of several amino acids. The second-order, pH-independent rate constants for reaction with the side chains of the amino acids cysteine, lysine, histidine, and tyrosine were determined as 3×10?4, 6×10?6, 3×10?7, and <1×10?7 M?1 sec?1, respectively. These data could be use in estimating the rate enhancement observed in modification of a protein by these affinity-labeling reagents. 5′-(S-(2-hydroxyethyl)cysteine) adenosine monophosphate, the derivative expected from exhaustive digestion of protein in which a cysteinyl residue is modified by 5′-(2-bromoethyl) adenosine monophosphate, and S-2-hydroxyethyl)cysteine, the derivative anticipated upon acid hydrolysis of such a modified protein, were synthesized, characterized, and their elution positions from an amino acid analyzer determined. These bromoethyl AMP derivatives are potential affinity labels for enzymes that bind 2′-, 3′-, or 5′-nucleotides such as TPN, coenzyme A, or ADP, respectively.  相似文献   


The effect of (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2′-deoxyuridine (BVDU) on deoxyribonucleoside 5′-triphosphate pools was studied in cells transfected with gene for thymidine kinase of herpes simplex virus type 1 and cells infected with the virus. When infected cells were treated with BVDU, the triphosphate form of the nucleoside analog was detected. When transfected cells were treated with BVDU, the triphosphate form was not detected and the pattern of changes in the pools was the same as after 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine treatment. BVDU seems to inhibit DNA synthesis differently in the two cell lines and nucleotide metabolism in the transfected cells was not the same as in the infected cells.  相似文献   

We describe the synthesis of a series of unique base modified ligation probes such as p(5′)C-4-ethylenediamino 3, p(5′)C-4-biotin 4, and pre-adenylated form A(5′)pp(5′)C-4-biotin 6 and tested their biological activity with T4 RNA ligase 1 using a standard pCp probe 1 as a control. The intermolecular ligation assay was developed using a 5′-FAM labeled 24 mer single-stranded (ss) RNA and the average ligation efficiencies for pCp 1, p(5′)C-4-ethylenediamino 3, p(5′)C-4-biotin 4, and pre-adenylated form A(5′)pp(5′)C-4-biotin 6 were found to be 44%, 81%, 39% and 16% respectively, as determined using a denaturing gel analysis. Furthermore, confirmation of the ligation activity of the biotinylated probes to the RNA substrate was confirmed by streptavidin conjugation and analysis by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. These results strongly suggest that the new probes are valid substrates for T4 RNA ligase 1 and therefore could be useful for developing a miRNA detection system that includes rapid isolation, efficient labeling and detection of miRNAs on sensitivity-enhanced microarrays.  相似文献   


A procedure was developed for the chemical synthesis of P1,P2-dinucleoside-5′-diphosphates (N1(5′)pp(5′)N2) on a nanomolar scale Reaction conditions for activating purine-5′-monophosphates (pA, pG, and pm7G) by 1,1′-carbonyldiimidazole were studied and optimized in respect to solvents and amount of activating reagent used. Various dinucleoside-5′-diphosphates were synthesized in 62-98% yield by incubating activated and non-activated purine-5′-monophosphates. Two unexpected by-products were formed by competition reactions: the imidazolidate of the non-activated nucleotide and the corresponding symmetrically substituted dinucleoside-5′-diphosphate. A mechanism is proposed to explain the observed side reactions.  相似文献   


Beginning with the treatment of the diacetate of cis-3,5-cyclopentenediol (5) with Pseudomonas cepacia lipase, (-)-5′-noraristeromycin (1) and (-)-7-deaza 5′-noraristeromycin (3) have been prepared. Subjecting 5 to treatment with porcine liver esterase led to an efficient preparation of a substituted cyclopentane precursor which, following literature precedence, can be converted into (-)-5′-homoaristeromycin (4).  相似文献   

Novel reagents for the fluorescent labeling of oligo- and polynucleotides have been prepared: 5-(1-pyrenylethynyl)-2′-deoxyuridine 3′-phosphoramidite and a solid support carrying this nucleoside. Oligo-nucleotides containing one or several modified units have been synthesized, and the fluorescence of these probes has been shown to change upon hybridization with the complementary sequence. Fluorescent Nucleosides. III. The previous communications, see [1, 2]. Prefix “d” in the oligodeoxynucleotide designations is omitted.  相似文献   

1. A method was developed for synthesizing UDP-apiose [uridine 5'-(alpha-d-apio-d-furanosyl pyrophosphate)] from UDP-glucuronic acid [uridine 5'-(alpha-d-glucopyranosyluronic acid pyrophosphate)] in 62% yield with the enzyme UDP-glucuronic acid cyclase. 2. UDP-apiose had the same mobility as uridine 5'-(alpha-d-xylopyranosyl pyrophosphate) when chromatographed on paper and when subjected to paper electrophoresis at pH5.8. When [(3)H]UDP-[U-(14)C]glucuronic acid was used as the substrate for UDP-glucuronic acid cyclase, the (3)H/(14)C ratio in the reaction product was that expected if d-apiose remained attached to the uridine. In separate experiments doubly labelled reaction product was: (a) hydrolysed at pH2 and 100 degrees C for 15min; (b) degraded at pH8.0 and 100 degrees C for 3min; (c) used as a substrate in the enzymic synthesis of [(14)C]apiin. In each type of experiment the reaction products were isolated and identified and were found to be those expected if [(3)H]UDP-[U-(14)C]apiose was the starting compound. 3. Chemical characterization established that the product containing d-[U-(14)C]apiose and phosphate formed on alkaline degradation of UDP-[U-(14)C]apiose was alpha-d-[U-(14)C]apio-d-furanosyl 1:2-cyclic phosphate. 4. Chemical characterization also established that the product containing d-[U-(14)C]apiose and phosphate formed on acid hydrolysis of alpha-d-[U-(14)C]apio-d-furanosyl 1:2-cyclic phosphate was d-[U-(14)C]apiose 2-phosphate. 5. The half-life periods for the degradation of UDP-[U-(14)C]apiose to alpha-d-[U-(14)C]apio-d-furanosyl 1:2-cyclic phosphate and UMP at pH8.0 and 80 degrees C, at pH8.0 and 25 degrees C and at pH8.0 and 4 degrees C were 31.6s, 97.2min and 16.5h respectively. The half-life period for the hydrolysis of UDP-[U-(14)C]-apiose to d-[U-(14)C]apiose and UDP at pH3.0 and 40 degrees C was 4.67min. After 20 days at pH6.2-6.6 and 4 degrees C, 17% of the starting UDP-[U-(14)C]apiose was degraded to alpha-d-[U-(14)C]apio-d-furanosyl 1:2-cyclic phosphate and UMP and 23% was hydrolysed to d-[U-(14)C]apiose and UDP. After 120 days at pH6.4 and -20 degrees C 2% of the starting UDP-[U-(14)C]apiose was degraded and 4% was hydrolysed.  相似文献   


The chiral synthesis of (1S,3S,4S)-1-(3,4-dihydroxycyclopent-1-yl)-1H?thymine (carbocyclic 5′-nor thymidine, 4) has been achieved in 5 steps from (+)-(lR,4S)-4-hydroxy-2-cyclopenten-1-yl acetate (5) and N3?benzoylthymine. Compound 4 is viewed as a monomeric building block for poly-T-like oligomers.  相似文献   

Synthetically combining the C-4′ side-chain structural features of the antiviral candidates 5′-methylaristeromycin and 5′-homoaristeromycin into a diastereomeric pair of C-4′ side-chain dihydroxylated aristeromycins (6 and 7) is reported. Broad antiviral analyses of the both targets found promising effects towards HBV (6, 6.7?μM and 7, 7.74?μM) and HCMV (only 7, 0.72?μM). No other activity was found. Neither of the diastereomers was cytotoxic in the assays performed.  相似文献   

Condensation reactions of 1,1"-diacetylferrocene with different heteroaromatic amines such as, 2-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole, 5-aminotetrazole and 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole to form unsymmetrically 1,1′-disubstituted ferrocenes have been studied. The obtained compounds have been further investigated for their liganding and biological properties upon chelation with Co(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) metal ions. The synthesized compounds have been characterized by physical, spectral and analytical data and have been screened against pathogenic bacterial strains e.g., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus, showing moderate activity as antibacterials in vitro.  相似文献   


Reaction of 3-N-benzyl-5′-deoxy-5′-haloderivatives of uridine with the carbanions derived from diethyl malonate, ethyl acetoacetate, ethyl cyanoacetate and malondinitrile afforded the corresponding highly functionalized 5′-C-chain-extended uridines.  相似文献   


ROESY and NOESY NMR spectroscopic analyses of the ribofuranosyl (1a), 2′-deoxyribofuranosyl (1b), and arabinofuranosyl (1c) derivatives of 6-formyluracil in (CD3)2SO and D2O solutions have established that each exclusive 7,05′-cyclic hemiacetal diastereomer of 1a,b and the major 7,O2′-cyclic hemiacetal diastereomer of 1c possess the 7R configuration. In addition, (7R)-1c has been shown to be thermodynamically more stable than (7S)-1c, contrary to our previous indication. A new, higher yielding synthetic route to 1a has been developed, 1b has been obtained for the first time in crystalline form, the route to 1c has been modified to better accommodate large scale preparations, and a new, fourth member of this class, 6-formylthymidine (1d), has been synthesized and its solution structures in (CD3)2SO, D2O, and CD3OD have been determined. Antitumor and antiviral evaluations of 1a-c have revealed no significant levels of activity.  相似文献   

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