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Microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 2 (MARK2)/PAR-1b and protein kinase A (PKA) are both involved in the regulation of microtubule stability and neurite outgrowth, but whether a direct cross-talk exists between them remains unclear. Here, we found the disruption of microtubule and neurite outgrowth induced by MARK2 overexpression was blocked by active PKA. The interaction between PKA and MARK2 was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry both in vitro and in vivo. PKA was found to inhibit MARK2 kinase activity by phosphorylating a novel site, serine 409. PKA could not reverse the microtubule disruption effect induced by a serine 409 to alanine (Ala) mutant of MARK2 (MARK2 S409A). In contrast, mutation of MARK2 serine 409 to glutamic acid (Glu) (MARK2 S409E) did not affect microtubule stability and neurite outgrowth. We propose that PKA functions as an upstream inhibitor of MARK2 in regulating microtubule stability and neurite outgrowth by directly interacting and phosphorylating MARK2.  相似文献   

Phosphatidate kinase (adenosine 5[prime]-triphosphate:phosphatidic acid phosphotransferase), a novel enzyme of phospholipid metabolism, was detected recently in the plasma membranes of suspension-cultured Catharanthus roseus cells and purified (J.B. Wissing, H. Behrbohm [1993] Plant Physiol 102: 1243-1249). In the present work the properties of phosphatidate kinase are described. The enzyme showed a pH optimum of 6.1 and an isoelectric point of 4.8, and was rather stable in the presence of its substrates. Although the kinase accepted both ATP and GTP, with Km values of about 12 and 18 [mu]M, respectively, the only lipid substrate was phosphatidic acid; neither lysophosphatidic acid nor any other lipid tested was phosphorylated. With 32P- and 14C-labeled diacylglycerol pyrophosphate, the product of the enzyme, it was shown that the kinase catalyzes a reversible reaction. The activity of the extracted enzyme depended on the presence of surfactants such as Triton X-100 or [beta]-octylglucoside, whereas deoxycholate was strongly inhibitory. Kinetic analysis with Triton X-100/phosphatidate mixed micelles performed according to the "surface dilution" kinetic model showed saturation kinetics with respect to both bulk and surface concentration of phosphatidate. The interfacial Michaelis constant for phosphatidate was determined as 0.6 mol %.  相似文献   

Mutants of Salmonella typhimurium defective in cytidine 5'-monophosphate (CMP) kinase (cmk) have been isolated. The mutants also lack the ability to phosphorylate 2'-deoxyCMP, indicating that one enzyme is responsible for the phosphorylation of both CMP and deoxyCMP to the corresponding diphosphates. In glucose minimal medium the mutants grow at the same rate as the parental strain; however, they excrete large quantities of pyrimidines into the growth medium. Cytidine but not deoxycytidine has been identified among the excreted products. The mutant phenotype suggests that the physiological role of CMP kinase is that of rephosphorylating CMP arising from the breakdown of messenger ribonucleic acid. This proposed role of CMP kinase is supported by the fact that a cmk(-) mutant is much more sensitive to any partial impairment of cytidine 5'-triphosphate synthetase than is the cmk(+) parent strain. The gene cmk has been located on the Salmonella chromosome at 38.5 min. No markers which can be cotransduced with cmk by phage P22 have been found.  相似文献   

Short term photoheterotrophic growth of Lemna minor in the presence of 100 micrograms per milliliter (440 micromolar) cytidine deoxyriboside bleaches the fronds in the absence of effect upon growth rate (Frick 1978 Plant Physiol 61: 989-992). Serial sections of mesophyll cells of green and bleached fronds were compared in the light microscope. The number of plastids in cells of comparable size was reduced during bleaching by more than 50%. The total and average plastid profile area per section in the series was reduced on the order of 70%, and the summed plastid profile area over the entire cell was reduced about 90%. Thus, cytidine deoxyri-boside-bleached mesophyll cells contained fewer identifiable plastids (50%) of smaller volume (10-30%) than the green control cells.  相似文献   

The enzyme adenosine kinase (AK) plays a key role in the regulation of intracellular and extracellular concentration of adenosine (Ado), which exhibits potent hormonal activity in cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. In view of the pharmacological effects of Ado, there is much interest in identifying inhibitors of AK, which can augment its tissue-protective effects. In this study, we have screened 1040 compounds from a chemical library of putative kinase inhibitors for their effect on purified human recombinant AK. These studies have identified 8 novel, non-nucleoside AK inhibitors. Four of these compounds (viz. 2-tert-butyl-4H-benzo[1,2,4]thiadiazine-3-thione (2759–0749); N-(5,6-diphenyl-furo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-propionamide (3998–0118); 3-[5,6-Bis-(4-methoxy-phenyl)-furo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-ylamino]-propan-1-ol (4072–2732); and 2-[2-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl)-5-phenyl-1H-imidazol-4-yl]-fluoren-9-one (8008–6198)), which inhibited human AK in a concentration-dependent manner in a low micromolar range (IC50 = 0.38 ∼ 1.98 μM) were further studied. Kinetic and structural studies on these compounds provide evidence that inhibition of AK by these compounds was competitive with respect to Ado and non-competitive for ATP. All of these compounds also inhibited uptake of Ado and its metabolism in cultured mammalian cells at comparable concentrations indicating their efficient cellular penetrability. These AK inhibitors, whose chemical structures differ significantly from all previously known inhibitors, provide useful lead compounds for identification of more potent but less toxic AK inhibitors that may prove useful for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

It has been reported by other workers that a uridine and probably also a cytidine nucleotide are required for maximal repression of aspartate transcarbamylase encoded by the gene pyrB in Salmonella typhimurium. We have identified the repressing metabolites for three more biosynthetic enzymes, namely, dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (encoded by pyrD), orotidine-5'-monophosphate pyrophosphorylase (encoded by pyrE), and orotidine-5'-monophosphate decarboxylase (encoded by pyrF), as well as examining the repression profiles of aspartate transcarbamylase in more detail. Using a specially constructed strain of S. typhimurium (JL1055) which lacks the enzymes for the interconversion of cytidine and uridine compounds, thus allowing the independent manipulation of endogenous cytidine and uridine nucleotides, we found that a cytidine compound is the primary effector of repression in all cases except for aspartate transcarbamylase where little repression is observed in excess cytidine. For aspartate transcarbamylase, we found that the primary repressing metabolite is a uridine compound.  相似文献   

The catalogues of protein kinases, the essential effectors of cellular signaling, have been charted in Metazoan genomes for a decade now. Yet, surprisingly, using bioinformatics tools, we predicted protein kinase structure for proteins coded by five related human genes and their Metazoan homologues, the FAM69 family. Analysis of three-dimensional structure models and conservation of the classic catalytic motifs of protein kinases present in four out of five human FAM69 proteins suggests they might have retained catalytic phosphotransferase activity. An EF-hand Ca2+-binding domain in FAM69A and FAM69B proteins, inserted within the structure of the kinase domain, suggests they may function as Ca2+-dependent kinases. The FAM69 genes, FAM69A, FAM69B, FAM69C, C3ORF58 (DIA1) and CXORF36 (DIA1R), are by large uncharacterised molecularly, yet linked to several neurological disorders in genetics studies. The C3ORF58 gene is found deleted in autism, and resides in the Golgi. Unusually high cysteine content and presence of signal peptides in some of the family members suggest that FAM69 proteins may be involved in phosphorylation of proteins in the secretory pathway and/or of extracellular proteins.  相似文献   

A new enzyme, Acetyl Coenzyme A: deacetylvindoline 0-acetyl transferase (EC 2.3.1. -) which catalyses the synthesis of vindoline from acetyl coenzyme A and deacetylvindoline was isolated from the soluble protein extract of Catharanthus roseus leaves and purified approximately 365-fold. The enzyme had an apparent pI of 4.6 upon chromatofocusing, an apparent molecular weight of 45,000 daltons and a pH optimum between 8.0 to 9.0. Dithiothreitol was essential to maintain enzyme activity.Substrate saturation studies of this enzyme resulted in Michaelis Menton kinetics giving Km values of 5.4 and 0.7µM respectively for acetyl coenzyme A and deacetylvindoline. Studies of the forward reaction demonstrated an absolute requirement for acetyl coenzyme A and deacetylvindoline derivatives containing a double bond at positions 6, 7, whereas the reverse reaction occurred only in the presence of free coenzyme A and vindoline derivatives containing the same double bond. The forward reaction was subject to product inhibition by coenzyme A with an apparent Ki of 8 µM, but was not inhibited by up to 2 mM vindoline. The rate of reaction could therefore be regulated by the level of free coenzyme A in the cell, unaffected by the accumulation of indole alkaloid product.It was suggested that this enzyme catalyses a late step in the biosynthesis of vindoline.  相似文献   

A silver anode, but not a cathode, is bactericidal at microampere current levels because of the electrochemical reactions occurring at the metal electrode surface. This has been clinically useful as a local anti-infective agent even though the mechanism of action on the bacterial cell has not been determined. We investigated the effect by inducing β-galactosidase while passing current though cultures of Escherichia coli. Enzyme induction was depressed in the silver anode chamber within twenty minutes of initiation of current (0.04 to 40 μA); induction in the connected silver cathode chamber was normal. The inhibition at the anode is not the result of electrolysis of the medium nor is the electric current itself required, since pre-anodized silver is inhibitory. The electrochemical products are effective even after derepression has occurred. They appear to act on the process of protein production itself rather than directly on the liberated β-galactoside enzyme.  相似文献   

The RNA-Induced Silencing Complex (RISC) is the effector complex in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway. In order to become assembled into RISC, synthetic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are phosphorylated at the 5’ end upon transfection into cells. The enzymatic activity responsible for this phosphorylation event has so far remained elusive. Using a classical chromatographic approach, we recently identified and characterized hClp1 as the “siRNA-kinase” in HeLa cells. hClp1 is in fact a general RNA-kinase, and a component of the tRNA splicing endonuclease and the mRNA 3’ end formation machinery. We discuss the relevance of this finding, and provide further views and perspectives for the analysis of hClp1 in tRNA splicing, mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation and other RNA metabolic processes in which hClp1 might play a role.  相似文献   

The Rut pathway is composed of seven proteins, all of which are required by Escherichia coli K-12 to grow on uracil as the sole nitrogen source. The RutA and RutB proteins are central: no spontaneous suppressors arise in strains lacking them. RutA works in conjunction with a flavin reductase (RutF or a substitute) to catalyze a novel reaction. It directly cleaves the uracil ring between N-3 and C-4 to yield ureidoacrylate, as established by both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Although ureidoacrylate appears to arise by hydrolysis, the requirements for the reaction and the incorporation of 18O at C-4 from molecular oxygen indicate otherwise. Mass spectrometry revealed the presence of a small amount of product with the mass of ureidoacrylate peracid in reaction mixtures, and we infer that this is the direct product of RutA. In vitro RutB cleaves ureidoacrylate hydrolytically to release 2 mol of ammonium, malonic semialdehyde, and carbon dioxide. Presumably the direct products are aminoacrylate and carbamate, both of which hydrolyze spontaneously. Together with bioinformatic predictions and published crystal structures, genetic and physiological studies allow us to predict functions for RutC, -D, and -E. In vivo we postulate that RutB hydrolyzes the peracid of ureidoacrylate to yield the peracid of aminoacrylate. We speculate that RutC reduces aminoacrylate peracid to aminoacrylate and RutD increases the rate of spontaneous hydrolysis of aminoacrylate. The function of RutE appears to be the same as that of YdfG, which reduces malonic semialdehyde to 3-hydroxypropionic acid. RutG appears to be a uracil transporter.The rut (pyrimidine utilization) operon of Escherichia coli K-12 contains seven genes (rutA to -G) (31, 38). A divergently transcribed gene (rutR) codes for a regulator. The RutR regulator is now known to control not only pyrimidine degradation but also pyrimidine biosynthesis and perhaps a number of other things (44, 45). In the presence of uracil, RutR repression of the rut operon is relieved.Superimposed on specific regulation of the rut operon by RutR is general control by nitrogen regulatory protein C (NtrC), indicating that the function of the Rut pathway is to release nitrogen (31, 59). The rut operon was discovered in E. coli K-12 as one of the most highly expressed operons under NtrC control. In vivo it yields 2 mol of utilizable nitrogen per mol of uracil or thymine and 1 mol of 3-hydroxypropionic acid or 2-methyl 3-hydroxypropionic acid, respectively, as a waste product (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Waste products are excreted into the medium. (Lactic acid is 2-hydroxypropionic acid.) Wild-type E. coli K-12 can use uridine as the sole nitrogen source at temperatures up to 22°C but not higher. It is chemotactic to pyrimidine bases by means of the methyl-accepting chemoreceptor TAP (taxis toward dipeptides), but this response is not temperature dependent (30).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Comparison of Rut pathway products (E. coli K-12) to those of other pyrimidine catabolic pathways. (A) The Rut pathway, which has been studied only in vivo in E. coli K-12 (31); (B) known reductive (52) and oxidative (22, 28, 48) pathways for catabolism of pyrimidine rings (upper and lower pathways, respectively). Although the enzyme that initiates the oxidative pathway was originally called uracil oxidase, it is a classical monooxygenase (28). An additional pathway (not shown) has recently been proposed in Saccharomyces kluyveri (1).In the known reductive and oxidative pathways for degradation of the pyrimidine ring (22, 48, 52), the C-5-C-6 double bond is first altered to decrease the aromatic character of the ring, and it is then hydrolyzed between N-3 and C-4 (Fig. (Fig.1).1). We here show that in the Rut pathway the ring is immediately cleaved between N-3 and C-4 by the RutA protein without prior manipulation and hence that RutA is an unusual oxygenase of a type not previously described. We determine the products of the RutB reaction and show that RutA/F and RutB are sufficient to release both moles of ammonium from the pyrimidine ring in vitro. Together with the known short-chain dehydrogenase YdfG (18), they yield all of the Rut products obtained in vivo.We use a variety of approaches other than biochemical assays to explore the functions of RutC, -D, and -E. Although these proteins are not required in vitro, they are required in vivo for growth on uridine as the sole nitrogen source and appear to accelerate removal of toxic intermediates in the Rut pathway or their by-products. We present genetic and physiological evidence that the toxicity of the last Rut intermediate, malonic semialdehyde, rather than the rate of release of ammonium, limits growth on pyrimidines as the sole nitrogen source at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Passage through the cell cycle in eukaryotes requires the successive activation of different cyclin-dependent protein kinases. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel class of cyclin-dependent protein kinase, termed Cdk2, in the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia. It is 301 amino acids long, 7 amino acids shorter than Cdk1, the CDK that is associated with macronuclear DNA synthesis. All the catalytic domains typical of protein kinases can be located within the sequence and putative regulatory phosphorylation sites equivalent to Thr14, Tyr15, and Thr161 in human CDK1 are also conserved. The 'PSTAIRE' region characteristic of most CDKs is perfectly conserved. Cdk2 shares only 48% homology to Cdk1 at the amino acid level, suggesting that the evolutionary separation of Cdk1 and Cdk2 is ancient, and implying that they have different roles in cell cycle regulation. Like Cdk1, Cdk2 does not bind to yeast p13suc1, even though it has better conservation of p13suc1 binding sites than Cdk1 does. The Cdk2 protein level is relatively constant throughout the vegetative cell cycle. Cdk2 exhibits kinase activity towards bovine histone H1 in vitro with the maximal level late in the cell cycle, suggesting it may be involved in the regulation of cytokinesis. Our results further support the view that an analogue of the cyclin-dependent kinase cell cycle regulatory system like that of yeast and higher eukaryotic cells operates in Paramecium and that a family of cyclin-dependent kinases may control different aspects of the Paramecium cell cycle.  相似文献   

Current FDA-approved kinase inhibitors cause diverse adverse effects, some of which are due to the mechanism-independent effects of these drugs. Identifying these mechanism-independent interactions could improve drug safety and support drug repurposing. Here, we develop iDTPnd (integrated Drug Target Predictor with negative dataset), a computational approach for large-scale discovery of novel targets for known drugs. For a given drug, we construct a positive structural signature as well as a negative structural signature that captures the weakly conserved structural features of drug-binding sites. To facilitate assessment of unintended targets, iDTPnd also provides a docking-based interaction score and its statistical significance. We confirm the interactions of sorafenib, imatinib, dasatinib, sunitinib, and pazopanib with their known targets at a sensitivity of 52% and a specificity of 55%. We also validate 10 predicted novel targets by using in vitro experiments. Our results suggest that proteins other than kinases, such as nuclear receptors, cytochrome P450, and MHC class I molecules, can also be physiologically relevant targets of kinase inhibitors. Our method is general and broadly applicable for the identification of protein–small molecule interactions, when sufficient drug–target 3D data are available. The code for constructing the structural signatures is available at https://sfb.kaust.edu.sa/Documents/iDTP.zip.  相似文献   


Selective radiolabelling and imaging of transduced HSV tk expressing cells was studied using [123I]IVFRU, [125I]FIRU and [125I]FIAU. Although all three radionucleosides accumulated in the KBALB-STK transduced murine tumour line in vitro and in vivo, [125I]FIRU provided optimal performance in terms of selectivity for HSV tk expressing cells and % of injected dose accumulating in the tumor.  相似文献   

Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) is an interesting pharmacological target for Alzheimer's disease (AD), since it hydrolyzes β-amyloid, producing non-neurotoxic fragments. It has also been shown that the somatostatin level reduction is a pathological feature of AD and that it regulates the neprilysin activity toward β-amyloid.In this work, we report for the first time that IDE is able to hydrolyze somatostatin [kcat (s− 1) = 0.38 (± 0.05); Km (M) = 7.5 (± 0.9) × 10− 6] at the Phe6-Phe7 amino acid bond. On the other hand, somatostatin modulates IDE activity, enhancing the enzymatic cleavage of a novel fluorogenic β-amyloid through a decrease of the Km toward this substrate, which corresponds to the 10-25 amino acid sequence of the Aβ(1-40). Circular dichroism spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance imaging experiments show that somatostatin binding to IDE brings about a concentration-dependent structural change of the secondary and tertiary structure(s) of the enzyme, revealing two possible binding sites. The higher affinity binding site disappears upon inactivation of IDE by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, which chelates the catalytic Zn2+ ion. As a whole, these features suggest that the modulatory effect is due to an allosteric mechanism: somatostatin binding to the active site of one IDE subunit (where somatostatin is cleaved) induces an enhancement of IDE proteolytic activity toward fluorogenic β-amyloid by another subunit. Therefore, this investigation on IDE-somatostatin interaction contributes to a more exhaustive knowledge about the functional and structural aspects of IDE and its pathophysiological implications in the amyloid deposition and somatostatin homeostasis in the brain.  相似文献   

Cruzain, a cysteine protease in the cathepsin family, is pivotal to the life-cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent in Chagas disease. Current inhibitors of cruzain suffer from drawbacks involving gastrointestinal and neurological side effects and as a result have spurred the search for alternative anti-trypanocidals. Through sequence alignment studies and intra-residue interaction analysis of the pro-protein of cruzain (pro-cruzain), we have identified a host of non-active site residues that are conserved among the cathepsins. We hypothesize that these conserved amino acids play a critical role in structure-stabilizing interactions among the cathepsins and are therefore crucial for eventually gaining protease activity. As predicted, mutation of selected conserved non-active site amino-acid candidates in cruzain resulted in a compromised structural stability and a corresponding loss in enzymatic activity relative to wild-type enzyme. By advancing the discovery of novel, non-active-site-based targets to arrest enzymatic activity our results potentially open the field of alternative inhibitor design. The advantages of defining such a non-active-site inhibitor design space is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: We report the cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a cdc2-related protein kinase, named PFTAIRE, that is expressed primarily in the postnatal and adult nervous system. We have demonstrated by in situ hybridization and indirect immunofluorescence that several populations of terminally differentiated neurons and some neuroglia expressed PFTAIRE mRNA and protein. In neurons, PFTAIRE protein was localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cell bodies. The anatomical, cellular, and ontogenic patterns of PFTAIRE expression in the nervous system differed from those of p34cdc2 and cdk5, which are expressed in brain and several other mitotic tissues. Proteins of ~58–60 kDa coprecipitated specifically with PFTAIRE from cytosolic protein preparations of adult mouse brain and transfected cells. These proteins appeared to be the major endogenous substrates associated with this kinase activity. The temporal and spatial expression patterns of PFTAIRE in the postnatal and adult nervous system suggest that PFTAIRE kinase activity may be associated with the postmitotic and differentiated state of cells in the nervous system and that its function may be distinct from those of p34cdc2 and cdk5.  相似文献   

Conformational transition describes the essential dynamics and mechanism of enzymes in pursuing their various functions. The fundamental and practical challenge to researchers is to quantitatively describe the roles of large-scale dynamic transitions for regulating the catalytic processes. In this study, we tackled this challenge by exploring the pathways and free energy landscape of conformational changes in adenylate kinase (AdK), a key ubiquitous enzyme for cellular energy homeostasis. Using explicit long-timescale (up to microseconds) molecular dynamics and bias-exchange metadynamics simulations, we determined at the atomistic level the intermediate conformational states and mapped the transition pathways of AdK in the presence and absence of ligands. There is clearly chronological operation of the functional domains of AdK. Specifically in the ligand-free AdK, there is no significant energy barrier in the free energy landscape separating the open and closed states. Instead there are multiple intermediate conformational states, which facilitate the rapid transitions of AdK. In the ligand-bound AdK, the closed conformation is energetically most favored with a large energy barrier to open it up, and the conformational population prefers to shift to the closed form coupled with transitions. The results suggest a perspective for a hybrid of conformational selection and induced fit operations of ligand binding to AdK. These observations, depicted in the most comprehensive and quantitative way to date, to our knowledge, emphasize the underlying intrinsic dynamics of AdK and reveal the sophisticated conformational transitions of AdK in fulfilling its enzymatic functions. The developed methodology can also apply to other proteins and biomolecular systems.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies and the immunoreceptors to which they bind can contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Spleen Tyrosine Kinase (Syk) is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase with a central role in immunoreceptor (FcR) signaling and immune cell functionality. Syk kinase inhibitors have activity in antibody-dependent immune cell activation assays, in preclinical models of arthritis, and have progressed into clinical trials for RA and other autoimmune diseases. Here we describe the characterization of a novel triazolopyridine-based Syk kinase inhibitor, CC-509. This compound is a potent inhibitor of purified Syk enzyme, FcR-dependent and FcR-independent signaling in primary immune cells, and basophil activation in human whole blood. CC-509 is moderately selective across the kinome and against other non-kinase enzymes or receptors. Importantly, CC-509 was optimized away from and has modest activity against cellular KDR and Jak2, kinases that when inhibited in a preclinical and clinical setting may promote hypertension and neutropenia, respectively. In addition, CC-509 is orally bioavailable and displays dose-dependent efficacy in two rodent models of immune-inflammatory disease. In passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA), CC-509 significantly inhibited skin edema. Moreover, CC-509 significantly reduced paw swelling and the tissue levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines RANTES and MIP-1α in the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model. In summary, CC-509 is a potent, moderately selective, and efficacious inhibitor of Syk that has a differentiated profile when compared to other Syk compounds that have progressed into the clinic for RA.  相似文献   

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