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Fire-setting to open up mines has been used on hard rock since prehistoric times. In the copper-mining district of Cabrières, the existence of metre-sized spherical or sub-spherical cavities, sometimes spaced along the same vertical in an ore seam, has usually been ascribed to this method 12; 13 and 20. Two AMS 14C dating of micro-charcoal found in dolomite and of burnt ore breccias related to extraction in these cavities give the ages 3830 ± 40 BP, cal BC 2340–2130 and 3900 ± 40 BP, cal BC 2480–2280, which is the first evidence in France of the use of fire-setting in prehistoric mines.


L’abattage, ou l’ouverture des mines, par le feu, a été pratiqué dans le cas de roches dures depuis la Préhistoire. Dans le district minier cuprifère de Cabrières, l’existence de cavités sphériques ou sub-sphériques métriques, parfois échelonnées sur une même verticale le long des filons minéralisés, a été classiquement attribuée à cette technique 12; 13 and 20. Deux datations 14C par AMS des micro-charbons de bois récoltés dans les brèches de dolomie et de minerais brûlés liés au dépilage minier de ces cavités ont donné les âges de 3830 ± 40 BP, cal BC 2340–2130 et de 3900 ± 40 BP, cal BC 2480–2280, confirmant, pour la première fois en France, l’utilisation dans les mines préhistoriques de l’abattage au feu.  相似文献   

In every species other than mammals xanthine oxidoreductase behaves as a dehydrogenase, never as an oxidase. In three mammalian species, the enzyme acts intracellularly as a dehydrogenase, but its class-specific ambivalence allows its extracellular conversion into an oxidase.


En dehors de la classe des Mammifères, l'oxydoréductase de la xanthine ne se comporte jamais comme une oxydase. Chez les Mammifères, une ambivalence de la molécule permet l'expression d'une activité déshydrogénasique (NAD) dans la cellule, et d'une activité oxydasique en dehors de la cellule.  相似文献   

The optical rotatory dispersion of copolymers of O-carbobenzoxy-L -tyrosine and benzyl L (or D )-glutamate as well as benzyl L -aspartate, dissolved in nonpolar solvent, has been studied. Moffitt's equation permits the determination of b0 coefficients whose variation, with varying composition in amino acid residues, suggests that the molecules of poly-O-carbobenzoxy-L -tyrosine have a helical structure similar to that of poly-(benzyl L -glutamate). Results obtained from infrared spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction show that the copolymers possess a helical conformation in the solid state, even when they are very rich in carbobenzoxy-L -tyrosine residues. The value of the b0, coefficient for poly-O-carbobenzoxy-L -tyrosine may be explained by a regular stacking of the chromophore groups around the helical backbone. The ordering of the molecules of this polymer in a purely helical structure seems favored by the insertion of a small number of foreign residues in the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Investigations on blue-green pigments of insects have shown the presence of three main bile pigments in Lepidoptera: pterobiline (the most frequent), phorcabiline I and sarpedobiline.


Les recherches que nous poursuivons sur les pigments bleu-vert des insectes montrent l'existence chez les Lépidoptères de trois pigments biliaires principaux; la ptérobiline (la plus fréquemment rencontrée), a phorcabiline I et la sarpédobiline.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra of poly-L -alanine in trifluoroacetic acid-chloroform mixtures have been investigated and compared with those of a model amide (N-methylacetamide). The purpose of this work is to determine the nature of peptide-acid specific interactions responsible for the helix-random coil transition of polymer chains. Analysis is made in using amide (A, I, II, III) and acid (νC?O, νOH) vibrations which are specially sensitive to molecular interactions. We examined a model compound to determine the spectral characteristics of the different complexes or species formed between amide and acid. At a low acid concentration, hydrogen-bonded complexes: ? (NH) C?O…?HOOCCF3 (1) are evidenced but no association between amide NH and acid CO groups (complexes A) is observed. For higher acid concentrations complexes (I) are progressively changed into ions pairs and free ions, which result from amide protonation by acid, according to the exothermic equilibrium (I)?? (NH)COH+, ?OOCCF3(II). Amidium and carboxylate bands are localized between 1680–1705 cm?1 and 1620–1625 cm?1, respectively. If the cation band is always clearly seen, the anion band is only observed for the most acidic solutions. For the polymer, a gradual complexation of type (I) is observed for all acid concentrations. From our results, the assumption of an (A) type interaction seems very unlikely but cannot be excluded. Moreover, proton transfer—similar to that observed with a model amide—is never evidenced since, in particular, the amidium band characteristic of protonation is never seen. In contrast to previous investigations, we conclude that the helix-random coil transition of polypeptides is not due to the protonation of the peptide functions. This transition does suggest a strong interaction by hydrogen bonds between polymer and acid molecules.  相似文献   

The lagoonal Cenomanian formation (Lower Cretaceous) of clays of the region of Baugeois (north of Angers) has supplied an exceptionally well-preserved fossil flora: leaves, woody structures or/and reproductive organs of pteridophyta, gymnosperms and angiosperms. A well-preserved fossil plant found in a quarry “Le Brouillard” (8 km from Angers), has allowed a detailed morphological and structural study of this species. A comparative study with extant plants has confirmed an undoubted link between the contemporary genus Dioon (an endemic cycad from Mexico) and the fossil species. However, features observed on the lower epidermis of the leaflets, present a similarity with some Jurassic Bennettitales. This discovery, added to other common features shared by these two orders, raises questions about their relationships, thought to be different from a phylogenetic viewpoint.


La formation lagunaire cénomanienne (Crétacé inférieur) des Argiles du Baugeois, au nord d'Angers, a fourni une flore fossile riche et exceptionnellement bien conservée: feuilles, structures ligneuses ou/et organes reproducteurs de ptéridophytes, de gymnospermes et d'angiospermes. L'excellent état de conservation d'un fragment de plante fossile, récolté dans la carrière Le Brouillard à 8 km d'Angers, a permis une étude détaillée de la morphologie et de la structure foliaire de cette plante. L'étude comparative avec des plantes actuelles a démontré l'existence d'un lien de parenté entre le genre Dioon (cycadale endémique du Mexique) et le fossile, mais des caractères originaux observés sur l'épiderme inférieur des folioles, présentent des similitudes avec certains genres de Bennettitales du Jurassique. Une telle découverte, ajoutée aux autres caractères communs préalablement décrits par d'autres auteurs, soulèvent à nouveau quelques questions sur les relations de parentés entre ces deux groupes supposés phylogénétiquement éloignés actuellement.  相似文献   

The activity of chitinases extracted from various organs of different fish, amphibians and reptiles was estimated as a function of pH by using “native” chitin as substrate. Three types of chitinase activity were recorded, suggesting the existence of three different chitinase types: Type 1: (optimum pH; 4.5, no activity at pH 1.0) was found in various organs, such as intestine, pyloric caeca, pancreas, liver, spleen, etc.); Type IIa: (optimum pH; 3.0, weak activity at pH 1.0) was obtained from the gastric mucosa of fish and one species of urodele; Type IIb: (optimum pH; 3.0, strong activity at pH 1.0) was found in the gastric mucosa of reptiles and batrachian anura. Chitinase activity appears to be adapted to the pH of the digestive fluids. A tentative scheme is presented of chitinase evolution among lower vertebrates.  相似文献   

Preliminary Study of the Effects of Impoundment of LG-2 Reservoir (James Bay Territory, Quebec) on the Net Seston and the Zooplankton of Impounded Rivers and Lakes The effects of impoundment on the biomass of net seston and zooplankton in lakes and rivers of Northern Quebec were investigated from 1978 to 1980, before, during and after the completion of LG2 Reservoir on the River La Grande (53° 54′ N, 76° 78′ W). In lotic stations, a 41–77% decrease in net seston was observed due to sedimentation of mineral particles (36–80 mg/m3 in 1978 to 10–21 mg/m3 in 1979). The ratio of organic to total seston increased from an average of 0.18 before the impoundment to 0.65 after. The flooding phase brought about a trophic upsurge; the biomass of the zooplankton increased by one to two orders of magnitude at the various sites; the greatest increases occurred in the central stations near the dam, the smallest in the upper stations near the inflow. In lake stations, no significant difference between years could be detected; the mean zooplankton biomass for all three years ranged from 6.59 mg/m3 to 34.34 mg/m3. Spatial variations between lakes were however significant. Results are compared with those in other natural lakes in Canada and reservoirs in the United States. Comparative examination of phytoplankton biomass before and after impoundment of LG2 Reservoir suggests that bacterioplankton and allochthonous organic material are key elements in the pelagic food chain after impoundment.  相似文献   

Modes of aggregation fo alanine-, norvaline- and valine-contaiing dpepetides with the general formula R1? C1O1? N2H2? CHR2? C2O2? N3H3? R3 have been studied in CCl4 solution by using infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies. Solutions of the pure L isomer and of the racemic mixture do not give identical data. At a given concentration, the racemic mixtrue is more aggregated than the pure enantiomer, and the difference, negligible in the case of alanine derivative, increases wiht the bulkiness of the side cahin R2. The results show that a selective interaction takes place between enantiomeric molecules, resulting ina dimer associating tow inverse configurated C5 conformers. The stabilizaion of this dimer proceeds from two symmetrical and intermolecular H3 … O1 hydrogen bondings.  相似文献   

The presence of a nuclear DNA polymerase activity has been demonstrated in the mouse testis by a cytochemical method. The enzyme was present in the nuclei of the various cell types of mouse spermatogenesis, including spermatozoa. The nuclear activity increased during meiotic prophase and then decreased in spermatids and spermatozoa. A peculiar attention was devoted to the properties of the nuclear DNA polymerase present in spermatozoa. All four deoxyribonucleoside-triphosphates were needed for optimal activity; the acid-insoluble radioactive product obtained by polymerization in situ was completely removed by DNase, but not by RNase nor by pronase. The reaction of polymerization was DNA-dependent, sensitive to high concentrations of KCl and not affected by NEM nor by PHMB.  相似文献   

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