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Gap junctions increase in size and abundance coincident with parturition, forming an intercellular communication network that permits the uterus to develop the forceful, coordinated contractions necessary for delivery of the fetus. Lindane, a pesticide used in the human and veterinary treatment of scabies and lice as well as in agricultural applications, inhibits uterine contractions in vitro, inhibits myometrial gap junctions, and has been associated with prolonged gestation length in rats. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether brief exposures to lindane would elicit sustained inhibition of rat uterine contractile activity and myometrial gap junction intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Lindane (gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) is a commonly used pesticide that bioaccumulates in mammalian adipose tissue. Lindane inhibits gap junctional intercellular communication and oscillatory contractions of pregnant rat myometrium in vitro. The present study investigated the role of oxidative stress in lindane's inhibition of myometrial function in mid-gestation pregnant rat uteri. Lucifer yellow dye was microinjected into cultured myocytes to assess gap junctional intercellular communication. Lindane exposure (100 microM) resulted in a time-dependent, biphasic inhibition of dye transfer. This pattern of inhibition was also seen upon cell exposure to the pro-oxidant, tert-butyl hydroperoxide (100 microM). Lindane's initial and secondary-onset dye transfer inhibitions were reversed by cotreatment and pretreatment with the antioxidants, alpha-tocopherol (25-100 microM), diphenyl-1,4-phenylene diamine (10-30 microM), and superoxide dismutase (100-400 U/ml). D-mannitol (100-300 mM) also reversed lindane's initial dye transfer inhibition. Nitro blue tetrazolium reduction to formazan (measured spectrophotometrically) was elevated upon exposure of cultured cells to lindane or tert-butyl hydroperoxide, indicating the presence of reducing agents. Lipid peroxidation, assessed as thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, was also elevated in lindane-exposed cell cultures. alpha-Tocopherol reversed this elevation. Finally, uterine contractility was assessed by measuring isometric contractions of uterine strips hung in standard muscle baths. Pretreatment with alpha-tocopherol prevented lindane's abolishment of uterine contractions in vitro. These data support the hypothesis that lindane inhibits uterine contractility and myometrial gap junctions by establishing an oxidative stress environment.  相似文献   

Connexins (CXs), a large family of membrane proteins, are key components of gap junction channels. Among a cohort of patients with nonsyndromic hearing loss, we have recently identified three novel missense mutations in the GJA1 gene and GJA1 pseudogene (ρGJA1) as likely being causally related to hearing loss. However, the functional alteration of CX43 caused by the mutations of GJA1 and ρGJA1 gene remains unclear. This study compares the intracellular distribution and assembly of three CX43 mutants expressed in HeLa cells with their wild-type (WT) counterparts and the effects of the mutant proteins on those cells. Localization assay of WT CX43 reveals a typical punctuate fluorescence pattern of a gap junction channel between neighboring expression cells. Additionally, immunoblotting analysis of the transfectants confirms the production of mutant proteins, in which their distributions along appositional membranes are determined using immunofluorescent staining procedures. Furthermore, dye transfer assay results demonstrate that gap junctional intercellular communication is less in HeLa cells carrying mutant GJA1 or ρGJA1 gene than in WT-expressing cells. The results of this study suggest that the three mutations in GJA1 or ρGJA1 that we previously reported result in at least partial loss of normal functions carried out by CX43, which may form a basis for the mechanism contributing to hearing loss in patients.  相似文献   

Mechanisms that regulate the size and shape of bony structures are largely unknown. The molecular identification of the fin length mutant short fin (sof), which causes defects in the length of bony fin ray segments, may provide insights regarding the regulation of bone growth. In this report, we demonstrate that the sof phenotype is caused by mutations in the connexin43 (cx43) gene. This conclusion is supported by genetic mapping, reduced expression of cx43 in the original sof allele (sofb123), identification of missense mutations in three ENU-induced alleles, and by demonstration of partially abrogated cx43 function in sofb123 embryos. Expression of cx43 was identified in cells flanking the germinal region of newly growing segments as well as in the osteoblasts at segment boundaries. This pattern of cx43 expression in cells lateral to new segment growth is consistent with a model where cx43-expressing cells represent a biological ruler that measures segment size. This report identifies the first gene identification for a fin length mutation (sof) as well as the first connexin mutations in zebrafish, and therefore reveals a critical role for local cell-cell communication in the regulation of bone size and growth.  相似文献   

Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is overexpressed in ovarian carcinoma and acts as an autocrine factor selectively through the ETA receptor (ETAR) to promote tumor cell proliferation, survival, neovascularization, and invasiveness. Loss of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) is critical for tumor progression by allowing the cells to escape growth control. Exposure of HEY and OVCA 433 ovarian carcinoma cell lines to ET-1 led to a 50-75% inhibition in intercellular communication and to a decrease in the connexin 43 (Cx43)-based gap junction plaques. To investigate the phosphorylation state of Cx43, ovarian carcinoma cell lysates were immunoprecipitated and transient tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43 was detected in ET-1-treated cells. BQ 123, a selective ETAR antagonist, blocked the ET-1-induced Cx43 phosphorylation and cellular uncoupling. Gap junction closure was prevented by tyrphostin 25 and by the selective c-Src inhibitor, PP2. Furthermore, the increased Cx43 tyrosine phosphorylation was correlated with ET-1-induced increase of c-Src activity, and PP2 suppressed the ET-1-induced Cx43 tyrosine phosphorylation, indicating that inhibition of Cx43-based GJIC is mainly mediated by the Src tyrosine kinase pathway. In vivo, the inhibition of human ovarian tumor growth in nude mice induced by the potent ETAR antagonist, ABT-627, was associated with a reduction of Cx43 phosphorylation. These findings indicate that the signaling mechanisms involved in GJIC disruption on ovarian carcinoma cells depend on ETAR activation, which leads to the Cx43 tyrosine phosphorylation mediated by c-Src, suggesting that ETAR blockade may contribute to the control of ovarian carcinoma growth and progression also by preventing the loss of GJIC.  相似文献   

Gap junctions are specialized membrane domains containing tens to thousands of intercellular channels. These channels permit exchange of small molecules (< 1000 Da) including ions, amino acids, nucleotides, metabolites and secondary messengers (e.g., calcium, glucose, cAMP, cGMP, IP3) between cells. The common reductionist view of these structures is that they are composed entirely of integral membrane proteins encoded by the 21 member connexin human gene family. However, it is clear that the normal physiological function of this structure requires interaction and regulation by a variety of proteins, especially kinases. Phosphorylation is capable of directly modulating connexin channel function but the most dramatic effects on gap junction activity occur via the organization of the gap junction structures themselves. This is a direct result of the short half-life of the primary gap junction protein, connexin, which requires them to be constantly assembled, remodeled and turned over. The biological consequences of this remodeling are well illustrated during cardiac ischemia, a process wherein gap junctions are disassembled and remodeled resulting in arrhythmia and ultimately heart failure. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Gap Junction Proteins edited by Jean Claude Herve.  相似文献   

Astrocytes are extensively coupled through gap junctions (GJs) that are composed of channels mostly constituted by connexin43 (Cx43). This astroglial gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) allows propagation of ions and signaling molecules critical for neuronal activity and survival. It is drastically inhibited by a short-term exposure to endothelin-1 (ET-1) or to sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), both compounds being inflammatory mediators acting through activation of GTP-binding protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Previously, we have identified the GTPases G(i/o) and Rho as key actors in the process of S1P-induced inhibition. Here, we asked whether similar mechanisms underlied the effects of ET-1 and S1P by investigating changes in the phosphorylation status of Cx43 and in the molecular associations of Cx43 with zonula occludens (ZO) proteins and occludin. We showed that the inhibitory effect of ET-1 on GJIC was entirely dependent on the activation of G(i/o) but not on Rho and Rho-associated kinase. Both ET-1 and S1P induced dephosphorylation of Cx43 located at GJs through a process mediated by G(i/o) and calcineurin. Thanks to co-immunoprecipitation approaches, we found that a population of Cx43 (likely junctional Cx43) was associated to ZO-1-ZO-2-occludin multiprotein complexes and that acute treatments of astrocytes with ET-1 or S1P induced a G(i/o)-dependent increase in the amount of Cx43 linked to these complexes. As a whole, this study identifies a new mechanism of GJIC regulation in which two GPCR agonists dynamically alter interactions of Cx43 with its molecular partners.  相似文献   

Zonula occludens (ZO)-1 is emerging as a central player in the control of gap junction (GJ) dynamics. Previously the authors reported that ZO-1 localizes preferentially to the periphery of Cx43 GJs. How ZO-1 arrives at GJ edges is unknown, but this targeting might involve we established interaction between the Cx43 C-terminus and the PDZ2 domain of ZO-1. Here the show that despite blocking the canonical PDZ2-mediated interaction by fusion of GFP to the C-terminus of Cx43, ZO-1 continued to target to domains juxtaposed with the edges of GJs comprised solely of tagged Cx43. This edge-association was not abolished by deletion of PDZ2 from ZO-1, as mutant ZO-1 also targeted to the periphery of GJs composed of either tagged or untagged Cx43. Additionally, ZO-2 was found colocalized with ZO-1 at GJ edges. These data demonstrate that ZO-1 targets to GJ edges independently of several known PDZ2-mediated interactions, including ZO-1 homodimerization, heterodimerization with ZO-2, and direct ZO-1 binding to the C-terminal residues of Cx43.  相似文献   

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are exogenous compounds that mimic or inhibit the action of estrogens or other hormones. Nonylphenol, an environmental contaminant distributed along the St. Lawrence River, has been reported to act as a weak estrogen. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that rats that were fed fish taken from nonylphenol contaminated sites have altered spermatogenesis and decreased sperm count. The mechanism responsible for this effect is unknown. Gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) in the testis is critical for coordinating spermatogenesis. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of nonylphenol on GJIC and connexin 43 (Cx43) in a murine Sertoli cell line, TM4. Cells were exposed for 24 h to different concentrations (1 to 50 microM) of either nonylphenol or 17beta-estradiol. GJIC was determined using a microinjection approach in which Lucifer yellow was injected directly into a single cell, and GJIC was assessed 3 min postinjection. Nonylphenol exposure decreased GJIC between adjacent cells by almost 80% relative to controls. A significant concentration-dependent reduction in GJIC was observed at nonylphenol concentrations between 1 and 50 microM. Cx43 immunofluorescent staining was reduced at both 10 and 50 microM doses of nonylphenol. Cx43 phosphorylation, as determined by Western blot analysis, was reduced at both 10 and 50 microM concentrations, which may explain, at least in part, the inhibition of GJIC. In contrast, no effect on GJIC or Cx43 protein was observed in cells exposed to 17beta-estradiol at these concentrations. Cx43 has been reported to be phosphorylated via the p38-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. P38-MAPK activity was assessed in both control and nonylphenol-exposed cells. A dose-dependent decrease in p38-MAPK activity was observed in nonylphenol-exposed Sertoli cells. Protein kinase C activity was also measured and was not influenced by nonylphenol. These results suggest that nonylphenol inhibits GJIC between Sertoli cells and that this is modulated via nonestrogenic pathways.  相似文献   

Connexin 43 (Cx43alpha1) gap junction has been shown to have an essential role in mediating functional coupling of neural crest cells and in modulating neural crest cell migration. Here, we showed that N-cadherin and wnt1 are required for efficient dye coupling but not for the expression of Cx43alpha1 gap junctions in neural crest cells. Cell motility was found to be altered in the N-cadherin-deficient neural crest cells, but the alterations were different from that elicited by Cx43alpha1 deficiency. In contrast, wnt1-deficient neural crest cells showed no discernible change in cell motility. These observations suggest that dye coupling may not be a good measure of gap junction communication relevant to motility. Alternatively, Cx43alpha1 may serve a novel function in motility. We observed that p120 catenin (p120ctn), an Armadillo protein known to modulate cell motility, is colocalized not only with N-cadherin but also with Cx43alpha1. Moreover, the subcellular distribution of p120ctn was altered with N-cadherin or Cx43alpha1 deficiency. Based on these findings, we propose a model in which Cx43alpha1 and N-cadherin may modulate neural crest cell motility by engaging in a dynamic cross-talk with the cell's locomotory apparatus through p120ctn signaling.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the pesticide lindane (gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane) inhibits gap junction intercellular communication in rat myometrial cells. The present study tested the hypothesis that lindane and the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) inhibit gap junction communication in rat myometrial and liver WBr-F344 cells by the common mechanism of increasing phosphorylation of the gap junction protein connexin43. We evaluated changes of connexin43 phosphorylation using Western blot of standard SDS-PAGE gels and cell immunostaining, and we monitored gap junction communication using microinjection and transfer of Lucifer yellow dye. Exposure of rat myometrial cells to lindane or TPA nearly abolished dye transfer but did not alter the electrophoretic mobility of connexin43, and neither lindane nor TPA increased phosphorylation of connexin43 as assessed by immunoblot with anti-phospho-connexin43 (S368) antibody. However, TPA increased punctate immunofluorescence staining of phospho-connexin43 (S368) in myometrial cells whereas lindane had no such effect. In WBr-F344 cells, lindane and TPA inhibited dye transfer. Lindane increased immunostaining for phospho-connexin43 (S368) in WBr-F344 cells without altering the abundance, electrophoretic mobility or phosphorylation of connexin43 as detected in immunoblots. TPA intensified a slower migrating connexin43 band and increased phospho-connexin43 (S368) in immunoblots, and intensified phospho-connexin43 immunostaining at WBr-F344 cell interfaces and nuclear regions. These results show that phosphorylation of connexin43 at serine 368 occurred in cell and toxicant specific manners and was independent of changes in electrophoretic mobility in standard SDS-PAGE gels. Moreover, lindane inhibited gap junction communication in myometrial cells by a mechanism that was not be explained by changes in phosphorylation of connexin43.  相似文献   

Gap junction communication in some cells has been shown to be inhibited by pp60v-src, a protein tyrosine kinase encoded by the viral oncogene v-src. The gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) has been shown to be phosphorylated on serine in the absence of pp60v-src and on both serine and tyrosine in cells expressing pp60v-src. However, it is not known if the effect of v-src expression on communication results directly from tyrosine phosphorylation of the Cx43 or indirectly, for example, by activation of other second-messenger systems. In addition, the effect of v-src expression on communication based on other connexins has not been examined. We have used a functional expression system consisting of paired Xenopus oocytes to examine the effect of v-src expression on the regulation of communication by gap junctions comprised of different connexins. Expression of pp60v-src completely blocked the communication induced by Cx43 but had only a modest effect on communication induced by connexin32 (Cx32). Phosphoamino acid analysis showed that pp60v-src induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43, but not Cx32. A mutation replacing tyrosine 265 of Cx43 with phenylalanine abolished both the inhibition of communication and the tyrosine phosphorylation induced by pp60v-src without affecting the ability of this protein to form gap junctions. These data show that the effect of pp60v-src on gap junctional communication is connexin specific and that the inhibition of Cx43-mediated junctional communication by pp60v-src requires tyrosine phosphorylation of Cx43.  相似文献   

GJA1 (also known and referred to here as connexin 43 and abbreviated CX43) is the predominant testicular gap junction protein, and CX43 may regulate Sertoli cell maturation and spermatogenesis. We hypothesized that lack of CX43 would inhibit Sertoli cell differentiation and extend proliferation. To test this, a Sertoli cell-specific Cx43 knockout (SC-Cx43 KO) mouse was generated using Cre-lox technology. Immunohistochemistry indicated that CX43 was not expressed in the Sertoli cells of SC-Cx43 KO mice, but was normal in organs such as the heart. Testicular weight was reduced by 41% and 76% in SC-Cx43 KO mice at 20 and 60 days, respectively, vs. wild-type (wt) mice. Seminiferous tubules of SC-Cx43 KO mice contained only Sertoli cells and actively proliferating early spermatogonia. Sertoli cells normally cease proliferation at 2 wk of age in mice and become terminally differentiated. However, proliferating Sertoli cells were present in SC-Cx43 KO but not wt mice at 20 and 60 days of age. Thyroid hormone receptor alpha (THRA) is high in proliferating Sertoli cells, then declines sharply in adulthood. Thra mRNA expression was increased in 20-day SC-Cx43 KO vs. wt mice, and it showed a trend toward an increase in 60-day mice, indicating that loss of CX43 in Sertoli cells inhibited their maturation. In conclusion, we have generated mice lacking CX43 in Sertoli cells but not other tissues. Our data indicate that CX43 in Sertoli cells is essential for spermatogenesis but not spermatogonial maintenance/proliferation. SC-Cx43 KO mice showed continued Sertoli cell proliferation and delayed maturation in adulthood, indicating that CX43 plays key roles in Sertoli cell development.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which v-Src disrupts connexin (Cx)43 intercellular gap junctional communication (GJC) is not clear. In this study, we determined that Tyr247 (Y247) and the previously identified Tyr265 (Y265) site of Cx43 were the primary phosphorylation targets for activated Src in vitro. We established an in vivo experimental system by stably expressing v-Src and wild-type (wt) Cx43, or Y247F, Y265F, or Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants in a Cx43 knockout mouse cell line. Wt and mutant Cx43 localized to the plasma membrane in the absence or presence of v-Src. When coexpressed with v-Src, the Y247F, Y265F, and Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants exhibited significantly reduced levels of tyrosine phosphorylation compared with wt Cx43, indicating that Y247 and Y265 were phosphorylation targets of v-Src in vivo. Most importantly, GJC established by the Y247F, Y265F, and Y247F/Y265F Cx43 mutants was resistant to disruption by v-Src. Furthermore, we did not find evidence for a role for mitogen-activated protein kinase in mediating the disruption of GJC by v-Src. We conclude that phosphorylation on Y247 and Y265 of Cx43 is responsible for disrupting GJC in these mammalian cells expressing v-Src.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):2077-2088
Connexin43 is a member of the highly homologous connexin family of gap junction proteins. We have studied how connexin monomers are assembled into functional gap junction plaques by examining the biosynthesis of connexin43 in cell types that differ greatly in their ability to form functional gap junctions. Using a combination of metabolic radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation, we have shown that connexin43 is synthesized in gap junctional communication-competent cells as a 42-kD protein that is efficiently converted to a approximately 46-kD species (connexin43-P2) by the posttranslational addition of phosphate. Surprisingly, certain cell lines severely deficient in gap junctional communication and known cell-cell adhesion molecules (S180 and L929 cells) also expressed 42-kD connexin43. Connexin43 in these communication-deficient cell lines was not, however, phosphorylated to the P2 form. Conversion of S180 cells to a communication-competent phenotype by transfection with a cDNA encoding the cell-cell adhesion molecule L-CAM induced phosphorylation of connexin43 to the P2 form; conversely, blocking junctional communication in ordinarily communication-competent cells inhibited connexin43-P2 formation. Immunohistochemical localization studies indicated that only communication-competent cells accumulated connexin43 in visible gap junction plaques. Together, these results establish a strong correlation between the ability of cells to process connexin43 to the P2 form and to produce functional gap junctions. Connexin43 phosphorylation may therefore play a functional role in gap junction assembly and/or activity.  相似文献   

We used a timed-pregnant rat model to track changes in myometrial contractility during pregnancy and labor and to correlate these changes with upstream signaling events. Myometrium was harvested from CO(2)-euthanized rats. Although contraction amplitudes increased at 16 and 20 days of pregnancy, contraction incidence and area under the force curve were inhibited, consistent with the myometrial quiescence of pregnancy. The Ca(2+) sensitivity of contraction was decreased at 20 days of pregnancy and this was partially reversed in labor. The protein content of h-caldesmon (h-CaD) was increased in pregnancy. A 40-fold increase in the signal from a phospho-CaD antibody specific for phosphorylation at an ERK1/2 site occurred during labor. ERK1/2 activation increased significantly at the onset of labor. Myosin light chain phosphorylation (LC20-P) increased significantly in labor compared with the nonpregnant state. Thus we conclude that the increase in CaD protein content during pregnancy may contribute to a suppression of the contractility of pregnant myometrium. Conversely, CaD phosphorylation, through an ERK1/2-mediated signaling pathway, as well as an increase in basal LC20-P, is suggested to contribute to the reversal of inhibition and promote contraction of the uterus during labor.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that the gap junction protein connexin43 is translated as a 42-kD protein (connexin43-NP) that is efficiently phosphorylated to a 46,000-Mr species (connexin43-P2) in gap junctional communication-competent, but not in communication-deficient, cells. In this study, we used a combination of metabolic radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation to investigate the assembly of connexin43 into gap junctions and the relationship of this event to phosphorylation of connexin43. Examination of the detergent solubility of connexin43 in communication-competent NRK cells revealed that processing of connexin43 to the P2 form was accompanied by acquisition of resistance to solubilization in 1% Triton X-100. Immunohistochemical localization of connexin43 in Triton-extracted NRK cells demonstrated that connexin43-P2 (Triton-insoluble) was concentrated in gap junctional plaques, whereas connexin43-NP (Triton-soluble) was predominantly intracellular. Using either a 20 degrees C intracellular transport block or cell-surface protein biotinylation, we determined that connexin43 was transported to the plasma membrane in the Triton-soluble connexin43-NP form. Cell-surface biotinylated connexin43-NP was processed to Triton-insoluble connexin43-P2 at 37 degrees C. Connexin43-NP was also transported to the plasma membrane in communication defective, gap junction-deficient S180 and L929 cells but was not processed to Triton-insoluble connexin43-P2. Taken together, these results demonstrate that gap junction assembly is regulated after arrival of connexin43 at the plasma membrane and is temporally associated with acquisition of insolubility in Triton X-100 and phosphorylation to the connexin43-P2 form.  相似文献   

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