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Relationships between egg size, egg components, and neonate size have been investigated across a wide range of oviparous taxa. Differences in egg traits among taxa reflect not only phylogenetic differences, but also interactions between biotic (i.e., maternal resource allocation) and abiotic (i.e. nest environment conditions) factors. We examined relationships between egg mass, egg composition, and hatchling size in leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) because of the unique egg and reproductive characteristics of this species and of sea turtles in general. Albumen comprised 63.0%+/-2.8% (mean+/-S.D.) of egg mass and explained most of the variation in egg mass, whereas yolk comprised only 33.0%+/-2.7%. Additionally, leatherback albumen dry mass was approximately 16% of albumen wet mass. Whereas hatchling mass increased significantly with egg mass (n = 218 clutches), hatchling mass increased by only approximately 2 g for each 10 g increase in egg mass and was approximately 10-20 g greater than yolk mass. Taken together, our results indicate that albumen might play a particularly significant role in leatherback embryonic development, and that leatherback eggs are both capable of water uptake from the nest substrate and also possess a large reservoir of water in the albumen. Relationships between egg mass and egg components, such as variation in egg mass being largely explained by variation in albumen mass and egg mass containing a relatively high proportion of albumen solids, are more similar to bird eggs than to eggs of other non-avian reptiles. However, hatchling mass correlates more with yolk mass than with albumen mass, unlike patterns observed in bird eggs of similar composition.  相似文献   

Theoretical treatments of egg size in fishes suggest that constraints on reproductive output should create trade-offs between the size and number of eggs produced per spawn. For marine reef fishes, the observation of distinct reproductive care strategies (demersal guarding, egg scattering, and pelagic spawning) has additionally prompted speculation that these strategies reflect alternative fitness optima with selection on egg size differing by reproductive mode and perhaps latitude. Here, we aggregate data from 278 reef fish species and test whether clutch size, reproductive care, adult body size, and latitudinal bands (i.e., tropical, subtropical, and temperate) predict egg size, using a statistically unified framework that accounts for phylogenetic correlations among traits. We find no inverse relationship between species egg size and clutch size, but rather that egg size differs by reproductive mode (mean volume for demersal eggs = 1.22 mm3, scattered eggs = 0.18 mm3, pelagic eggs = 0.52 mm3) and that clutch size is strongly correlated with adult body size. Larger eggs were found in temperate species compared with tropical species in both demersal guarders and pelagic spawners, but this difference was not strong when accounting for phylogenetic correlations, suggesting that differences in species composition underlies regional differences in egg size. In summary, demersal guarders are generally small fishes with small clutch sizes that produce large eggs. Pelagic spawners and egg scatterers are variable in adult and clutch size. Although pelagic spawned eggs are variable in size, those of scatterers are consistently small.  相似文献   

Support for macroecological rules in insects is mixed, with potential confounding interrelations between patterns rarely studied. We here investigate global patterns in body and wing size, sexual size dimorphism and range size in common fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) and explore potential interrelations and the predictive power of Allen's, Bergmann's, Rensch's and Rapoport's rules. We found that thorax length (r2 = 0.05) and wing size (r2 = 0.09) increased with latitude, supporting Bergmann's rule. Contrary to patterns often found in endothermic vertebrates, relative wing size increased towards the poles (r2 = 0.12), a pattern against Allen's rule, which we attribute to selection for increased flight capacity in the cold. Sexual size dimorphism decreased with size, evincing Rensch's rule across the family (r2 = 0.14). Yet, this pattern was largely driven by the virilis–repleta radiation. Finally, range size did not correlate with latitude, although a positive relationship was present in a subset of the species investigated, providing no convincing evidence for Rapoport's rule. We further found little support for confounding interrelations between body size, wing loading and range size in this taxon. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that studying several traits simultaneously at minimum permits better interpretation in case of multiple, potentially conflicting trends or hypotheses concerning the macroecology of insects.  相似文献   

A recent increase in comparative studies of the ecological and evolutionary consequences of brain size in birds and primates in particular have suggested that cognitive abilities constitute a central link. Surprisingly, there are hardly any intraspecific studies investigating how individuals differing in brain size behave, how such individuals are distributed and how brain size is related to life history and fitness components. Brain mass of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica was strongly predicted by external head volume, explaining 99.5% of the variance, allowing for repeatable estimates of head volume as a reflection of brain size. Repeatability of head volume within and between years was high, suggesting that measurement errors were small. In a 2 years study of 501 individual adult barn swallows, I showed that head volume differed between sexes and age classes, with yearlings having smaller and more variable heads than older individuals, and females having smaller and more variable heads than males. Large head volume was not a consequence of large body size, which was a poor predictor of head volume. Birds with large heads arrived early from spring migration, independent of sex and age, indicating that migratory performance may have an important cognitive component. Head volume significantly predicted capture date and recapture probability, suggesting that head volume is related to learning ability, although morphological traits such as wing length, aspect ratio and wing area were unimportant predictors. Intensity of defence of offspring increased with head volume in females, but not in males. Barn swallows with large heads aggregated in large colonies, suggesting that individuals with large heads were more common in socially complex environments. These results suggest that brain size is currently under natural and sexual selection, and that micro‐evolutionary processes affecting brain size can be studied under field conditions.  相似文献   

Brain size, brain architecture, and eye size vary extensively in vertebrates. However, the extent to which the evolution of these components is intricately connected remains unclear. Trinidadian killifish, Anablepsoides hartii, are found in sites that differ in the presence and absence of large predatory fish. Decreased rates of predation are associated with evolutionary shifts in brain size; males from sites without predators have evolved a relatively larger brain and eye size than males from sites with predators. Here, we evaluated the extent to which the evolution of brain size, brain structure, and eye size covary in male killifish. We utilized wild‐caught and common garden‐reared specimens to determine whether specific components of the brain have evolved in response to differences in predation and to determine if there is covariation between the evolution of brain size, brain structure, and eye size. We observed consistent shifts in brain architecture in second generation common garden reared, but not wild caught preserved fish. Male killifish from sites that lack predators exhibited a significantly larger telencephalon, optic tectum, cerebellum, and dorsal medulla when compared with fish from sites with predators. We also found positive connections between the evolution of brain structure and eye size but not between overall brain size and eye size. These results provide evidence for evolutionary covariation between the components of the brain and eye size. Such results suggest that selection, directly or indirectly, acts upon specific regions of the brain, rather than overall brain size, to enhance visual capabilities.  相似文献   

Overall measures of mandibular molars reflect the combined size contributions of the component cusps and ridges. Until now, the size hierarchy of primary and permanent mandibular molar cusps remained unclear. This paper utilizes the relative plane surface areas (basal area dimensions) of the individual molar cusps, as assays of cusp size to demonstrate cusp size variations within populations, antimere cuspal variations, sexual dimorphism, and, the heritability of cusp size. Duplicate dental casts from 199 pairs of like-sexed twins provide the raw dats. Defined anatomic landmarks on the occlusal surfaces were reduced to X-Y rectangular coordinates prior to the computation of the basal areas dimensions. The results establish a cusp size hierarchy specific for molar type, i.e., five-cusped molars with a distal fovea and distal marginal ridge (5fd), five-cusped molars without a distal fovea and without a distal marginal ridge (5o), and four-cusped molars (4c). Sexual dimorphism in cusp size is apparent in 5fd molar cusped but not in 5o molar cusps. However, males have a significantly higher frequency of 5fd molars. Females have a higher frequency of smaller 5o and 4c molars which have fewer crown components. Moreover, female 5o molars have cusps as large as or larger than 5o male molor cusps. Right-side-left-side differences exist between antimere cusps based on relatively low correlations. The mirroring of molor types occurs infrequently. When observed, most intrapair differences for cusp size, using F-ratios, indicate a low component of hereditary variability.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that intron and genome sizes in birds are reduced in comparison with mammals because of the metabolic demands of flight. To test this hypothesis, we examined the sizes of 14 introns in a nonflying relative of birds, the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), and in 19 flighted and flightless birds in 12 taxonomic orders. Our results indicate that a substantial fraction (66%) of the reduction in intron size as well as in genome size had already occurred in nonflying archosaurs. Using phylogenetically independent contrasts, we found that the proposed inverse correlation of genome size and basal metabolic rate (BMR) is significant among amniotes and archosaurs, whereas intron and genome size variation within birds showed no significant correlation with BMR. We show statistically that the distribution of genome sizes in birds and mammals is underdispersed compared with the Brownian motion model and consistent with strong stabilizing selection; that genome size differences between vertebrate clades are overdispersed and punctuational; and that evolution of BMR and avian intron size is consistent with Brownian motion. These results suggest that the contrast between genome size/BMR and intron size/BMR correlations may be a consequence of different intensities of selection for these traits and that we should not expect changes in intron size to be significantly associated with metabolically costly behaviors such as flight.  相似文献   

Dacus tryoni (Frogg.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the main tephritid pest of cultivated fruits in Australia. D. jarvisi (Tryon) is also able to infest these fruits. Some factors influencing the rate at which D. tryoni and D. jarvisi exploit patches of host fruits were examined to determine whether one species may have an advantage when they exploit the same fruits in the field. Measurements of the intrinsic rate of increase, ovariole number, clutch size and egg size and the influence of body size on these parameters were made for both species in the laboratory. Up to 10 weeks of age D. tryoni produced twice as many eggs as D. jarvisi, most during a peak 3–5 weeks after adult emergence. The difference in fecundity up to 10 weeks can be explained partly by the higher number of ovarioles in D. tryoni (38/ovary) compared to D. jarvisi (27/ovary). In addition D. tryoni produces smaller eggs than D. jarvisi and distributes them in smaller clutches; 3–4 eggs/clutch vs 10–15. In both species there was a positive correlation between ovariole number and body size (as measured by wing length). By contrast, egg size remained constant over a broad range of body sizes. The influence of these life history differences on the interaction between D. tryoni and D. jarvisi in the field is discussed.
Résumé D. tryoni Frogg est la principale téphrididae nuisible aux fruits cultivés en Australie. Cependant, plusieurs autres espèces de Dacus, dont D. jarvisi Tryon sont susceptibles de contaminer ces fruits. Quelques facteurs influant sur le taux de contamination de fruits ont été examinés pour déterminer si une espèce peut être avantagée lors de l'exploitation des mêmes fruits dans la nature. L'influence de la taille de l'adulte sur le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque, sur le nombre d'ovarioles, sur l'effectif des pontes et sur la taille des ufs a été examinée au laboratoire sur les 2 espèces. Pendant les 10 premières semaines, D. tryoni produit 2 fois plus d'ufs que D. jarvisi, la plupart étant pondus entre la 3e et la 5e semaines après l'émergence. La production de D. tryoni diminue rapidement après ce maximum. D. jarvisi ne présente pas ce maximum précoce, et la production des ufs se fait au même rythme entre les 3e et 7e semaines, avant de diminuer graduellement. La différence de fécondité au bout de 10 semaines peut être expliquée partiellement par le plus grand nombre d'ovarioles de D. tryoni (38/ovaire) contre 24/ovaire pour D. jarvisi. De plus, D. tryoni forme des ufs plus petits que D. jarvisi et l'effectif de chacune de ses pontes est plus limité: 3 à 4 ufs contre 10 à 15. Chez les deux espèces, il y a une relation directe nette entre le nombre d'ovarioles et la taille du corps de la femelle (mesurée par la longueur de l'aile). Par contre, la taille des ufs est indépendante d'une grande gamme de tailles du corps des femelles. Les caractéristiques biologiques de D. tryoni le rendent capable de contaminer rapidement les bouquets de fruits qu'il vient de coloniser, ce qui réduit les disponibilités pour les autres espèces susceptibles de contaminer ces fruits. Dans le cas particulier de D. jarvisi, D. tryoni a peu d'impact sur son niveau de population, puisque D. jarvisi peut exploiter aussi son hôte d'origine, Planchonia careya: Il ne tend à entrer en compétition avec D. tryoni que pour une ou deux générations tardives en été, quand l'hôte partage (la goyave) est souvent abondant. Néanmoins, si les fruits sont rares à cette époque ou si les 2 espèces sont obligées de partager leurs hôtes pendant plusieurs générations (hors de l'aire de Planchonia), D. tryoni aura un avantage certain.

胡明行  谭群英  杨道德 《生态学报》2013,33(6):1778-1783
尖吻蝮(Deinagkistrodon acutus)野生资源日益枯竭,食用和药用压力巨大,亟需开展人工养殖。目前尖吻蝮的人工养殖技术还不够成熟,大多数养殖场采用半地下室饲养尖吻蝮,有关该条件下尖吻蝮的繁殖特性报道较少。为促进尖吻蝮的人工养殖,2010年4—9月,在湖南永州市对半地下室圈养的尖吻蝮成体的体型指标、窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重等繁殖特征之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:圈养尖吻蝮成年雌体产单窝柔性卵,平均窝卵数为23.0±7.8(13—37)枚(n=23);将产后雌体体重和窝卵重相加记为产前雌体体重,采用SPSS 13.0软件处理数据,设置α=0.05和α=0.01,发现产前雌体体重分别与窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重均呈显著相关性;产前雌体体长分别与窝卵数、窝卵重、卵重无显著相关性;窝卵数与卵重无显著相关性,卵重分别与卵短径、卵长径均呈显著相关性。产前体重在1000—1200 g之间的雌蛇所产窝卵数和单枚卵重的数值均较大且最集中,这保证了雌体繁殖输出后代的生存优势,对尖吻蝮人工养殖挑选雌性种蛇有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

1. Temperature-induced egg size variation and its effects on successive life stages in the carabid beetle Notiophilus biguttatus were examined.
2. In the laboratory, across temperature regimes, egg size and number were inversely related; number of eggs and total egg mass were higher, but egg size was smaller at high temperatures.
3. Food intake rate was shown not to be involved in the temperature effect on egg size.
4. Within the higher temperature regimes, among females, egg size was negatively correlated with number of eggs and with total egg mass.
5. Data on egg mortality and egg development time did not explain why at low temperature eggs were larger than at high temperature.
6. Larvae hatching from eggs produced at a low temperature were heavier than larvae from eggs produced at a high temperature, irrespective of temperature during development.
7. In a prolonged outdoor experiment (January – July), encompassing the main breeding period of N. biguttatus , egg size decreased and both egg production rate and total egg mass increased in the course of the experiment.
8. In the field, an effect of seasonal change in temperature on adult body size was found; teneral beetles that had their juvenile period early in the season were larger than those that had their juvenile period later in the season.
9. The results of the study suggest a mechanistic explanation in which the egg size response to temperature follows from a difference in temperature sensitivity between two processes in oogenesis; adaptiveness of the temperature response was not clarified.  相似文献   

Populations of marine benthic organisms occupy habitats witha range of physical and biological characteristics. In the intertidalzone, energetic costs increase with temperature and aerial exposure,and prey intake increases with immersion time, generating sizegradients with small individuals often found at upper limitsof distribution. Wave action can have similar effects, limitingfeeding time or success, although certain species benefit fromwave dislodgment of their prey; this also results in gradientsof size and morphology. The difference between energy intakeand metabolic (and/or behavioral) costs can be used to determinean energetic optimal size for individuals in such populations.Comparisons of the energetic optimal size to the maximum predictedsize based on mechanical constraints, and the ensuing mortalityschedule, provides a mechanism to study and explain organismsize gradients in intertidal and subtidal habitats. For specieswhere the energetic optimal size is well below the maximum sizethat could persist under a certain set of wave/flow conditions,it is probable that energetic constraints dominate. When theopposite is true, populations of small individuals can dominatehabitats with strong dislodgment or damage probability. Whenthe maximum size of individuals is far below either energeticoptima or mechanical limits, other sources of mortality (e.g.,predation) may favor energy allocation to early reproductionrather than to continued growth. Predictions based on optimalsize models have been tested for a variety of intertidal andsubtidal invertebrates including sea anemones, corals, and octocorals.This paper provides a review of the optimal size concept, andemploys a combination of the optimal energetic size model andlife history modeling approach to explore energy allocationto growth or reproduction as the optimal size is approached.  相似文献   

Within the salamander family Plethodontidae, five different clades have evolved high levels of enucleated red blood cells, which are extremely unusual among non-mammalian vertebrates. In each of these five clades, the salamanders have large genomes and miniaturized or attenuated body forms. Such a correlation suggests that the loss of nuclei in red blood cells may be related, in part, to the interaction between large genome size and small body size, which has been shown to have profound morphological consequences for the nervous and visual systems in plethodontids. Previous work has demonstrated that variation in both the level of enucleated cells and the size of the nuclear genome exists among species of the monophyletic plethodontid genus Batrachoseps. Here, we report extensive intraspecific variation in levels of enucleated red blood cells in 15 species and provide measurements of red blood cell size, nucleus size, and genome size for 13 species of Batrachoseps. We present a new phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus based on 6150 bp of mitochondrial DNA sequence data from nine exemplar taxa and use it to examine the relationship between genome size and enucleated red blood cell morphology in a phylogenetic framework. Our analyses demonstrate positive direct correlations between genome size, nucleus size, and both nucleated and enucleated cell sizes within Batrachoseps, although only the relationship between genome size and nucleus size is significant when phylogenetically independent contrasts are used. In light of our results and broader studies of comparative hematology, we propose that high levels of enucleated, variably sized red blood cells in Batrachoseps may have evolved in response to rheological problems associated with the circulation of large red blood cells containing large, bulky nuclei in an attenuate organism.  相似文献   

Aim The goal of this paper is to examine the relationships between body size, biomic specialization and range size in the African large mammals, which are defined as all the African species corresponding to the orders Primates, Carnivora, Proboscidea, Perissodactyla, Hyracoidea, Tubulidentata, Artiodactyla and Pholidota. Location The study used the large mammal assemblage from Africa. Methods The degree of biomic specialization of African large mammals is investigated using the biomic specialization index (BSI) for each mammal species, based on the number of biomes it inhabits. Range size for each species is measured as the latitudinal extent of the geographical distribution of the species. We have analysed our data using both conventional cross‐species analyses and phylogenetically independent contrasts. Results There is a polygonal relationship between species biomic specialization and body size. While small and large species are biomic specialists, medium‐sized species are distributed along the whole range of biomic specialization. The latitudinal extent–body size relationship is approximately triangular. Small‐bodied species may have either large or small ranges, whereas large‐bodied ones have only large ranges. A positive correlation between latitudinal extent and biomic specialization is evident, although their relationship is better described as triangular. Main conclusions We found a polygonal relationship between species biomic specialization and body size, which agrees with previous arguments that small‐bodied species have more limited dispersal and, therefore, they may come to occupy a lesser proportion of their potential inhabitable biomes. On the other hand, large‐bodied species are constrained to inhabit biomes with a high productivity. A polygonal relationship between species latitudinal extent and body size in African large mammals agrees with previous studies of the relationship between range size and body size in other continents. The independent study of the macroecological pattern in biomic specialization highlights different factors that influence the body size–range size relationship. Although body size is usually implicated as a correlate of both specialization and geographical range size in large mammals, much of the variation in these variables cannot be attributed to size differences but to biome specific factors such as productivity, area, history, etc.  相似文献   

Body size, mortality, and longevity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The body-size dependent relationships of mortality and longevity are examined for birds and eutherian mammals. Differences between mass exponents for maximum recorded longevity and survival times for fractions of original adult populations confirm the age-dependence of mortality in both classes and a size-dependency of population-age distribution. The potential number of offspring produced by a surviving fraction of a mammalian population appears to be a size-independent ecological constant. Social structure would be more likely in larger animals since greater continuity would be provided when a higher proportion of the population consisted of senior, experienced animals, as described by the ratio of time for survival of 1 in 1000 to maximum potential lifespan: t0.001/tmax = 0.91 m0.32/2.94 m0.20 = 0.31 m0.12, that is, the expected lifespan approaches the maximum as size increases.  相似文献   

Freshwater cyclopoid copepods exhibit at least a fivefold range in somatic genome size and a mechanism, chromatin diminution, which could account for much of this interspecific variation. These attributes suggest that copepods are well suited to studies of genome size evolution. We tested the nucleotypic hypothesis of genome size evolution, which poses that variation in genome size is adaptive due to the bulk effects of both coding and noncoding DNA on cell size and division rates, and their correlates. We found a significant inverse correlation between genome size and developmental (growth) rate in five freshwater cyclopoid species at three temperatures. That is, species with smaller genomes developed faster. Species with smaller genomes had significantly smaller bodies at 22 °C, but not at cooler and warmer temperatures. Species with smaller genomes developed faster at all three temperatures, but had smaller bodies only at 22 °C. We propose a model of life history evolution that adds genome size and cell cycle dynamics to the suite of characters on which selection may act to mold life histories and to influence the distribution of traits among different habitats.  相似文献   

A model relating relative size of the posterior teeth to diet is suggested for forest and savanna primates and Homo. Relative tooth size is calculated for the South African gracile australopithecine sample using posterior maxillary area sums and size estimates based on four limb bones. A number of limbs were shown to be non-hominid. Comparisons show the South African gracile sample apparently adapted to a very heavily masticated diet with relative tooth size significantly greater than any living hominoid. Periodic intensive utilization of grains and roots combined with scavenged animal protein are suggested as the most likely dietary reconstruction.  相似文献   

Mario Díaz 《Oecologia》1994,99(1-2):1-6
The niche variation hypothesis predicts a direct relationship between intraspecific variability in feeding ecology and the variability of the morphological traits related to feeding behaviour. The following study tests this prediction by measuring in captivity the seed size preferences and the morphology of 9–11 individuals of seven specialized granivorous bird species. The average seed size preferences of these birds have previously been shown to be related to components of bill size. The ranges of seed sizes selected were related to the mean bill sizes of birds in a way that paralleled the patterns found when analysing average values. Bill and body size variability were not related, however, to the range of seed preferences after controlling for the significant mean-variance relationship showed by morphological traits. Thus, results do not support the niche variation hypothesis. the significant effect of average bill size on diet variability was consistent with the direct relationship between bird size and ecological plasticity expected on the basis of the shape of the family of functions relating seed size and seed profitability for different-sized birds. These findings suggest morphological mechanisms for ecological plasticity whose generality and evolutionary significance merit further research.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that organisms living in heterogeneous environmentswill exhibit phenotypic plasticity. One trait that may be particularlyimportant in this context is the clutch or brood size becauseit is simultaneously a maternal and offspring characteristic.In this paper, I test the hypothesis that the burying beetle,Nicrophorus orbicollis, adjusts brood size, in part, in anticipationof the reproductive environment of its adult offspring. N. orbicollisuse a small vertebrate carcass as a food resource for theiryoung. Both parents provide parental care and actively regulatebrood size through filial cannibalism. The result is a positivecorrelation between brood size and carcass size. Adult bodysize is an important determinant of reproductive success forboth sexes, but only at higher population densities. I testthree predictions generated by the hypothesis that beetles adjustbrood size in response to population density. First, averageadult body size should vary positively with population density.Second, brood size on a given-sized carcass should be larger(producing more but smaller young) in low-density populationsthan in high-density populations. Third, females should respondadaptively to changes in local population density by producinglarger broods when population density is low and small broodswhen population density is high. All three predictions weresupported using a combination of field and laboratory experiments.These results (1) show that brood size is a phenotypically plastictrait and (2) support the idea that brood size decisions arean intergenerational phenomenon that varies with the anticipatedcompetitive environment of the offspring.  相似文献   

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