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A spatio-temporal study of genetic variation in the Danish pine marten ( Martes martes ) populations from the Jutland peninsula and from the island of Sealand was performed using 11 microsatellite markers. Samples obtained from 1892 to 2003 were subdivided into historical (prior to 1970) and recent (from 1970) groups. As compared with the historical samples, there was a significant loss of genetic variation in the recent Jutland population, but not in Sealand. Effective population sizes were estimated using Bayesian-based software (TMVP). Historical effective population sizes were 5897 (90% highest probability density, HPD, limits: 1502–6849) in Jutland and 1300 (90% HPD limits: 224–5929) in Sealand, whereas recent effective population sizes were 14.7 (90% HPD limits: 10.9–23.5) in Jutland and 802 (90% HPD limits: 51.8–5510) in Sealand. Significant genetic differentiation ( F ST) was found between the two historical samples, between the two recent samples, and between the historical and the recent sample in Jutland; whereas the F ST value between the historical and the recent sample in Sealand was not significant. The significant genetic differentiation between the historical and the recent samples indicates changes in the genetic compositions over time, and the higher F ST values between the two recent samples, as compared with the two historical samples, indicates that the populations in Sealand and Jutland have drifted apart within a short time span. No deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was found within populations, indicating no further substructuring.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 457–464.  相似文献   

Understanding the social organisation and spacing patterns of wildlife populations is an important aspect of conservation management and applied science. The present study investigated the spatial ecology of pine marten (Martes martes) inhabiting conifer forests in Ireland, the largest habitat resource available for the species. It represented the first study of pine marten spacing patterns in Irish conifer forests. Pine marten (n?=?7; five males and two females) were live-trapped and radio-tracked for between 4 and 10 months from March 2008 to March 2009. Mean annual home-range estimates (95 % fixed kernel) for males (150.7 ha) were generally larger than those of females (90.2 ha). There was considerable inter-seasonal overlap in home ranges (approx 85 %) with less inter-sexual (12.0 %) or intra-sexual (11.8 %) overlap, although the sample size of individuals for comparison was small. Pine marten home ranges were stable from season to season. Core ranges varied in size from 10.6 to 104.1 ha, and as a mean percentage of home-range area were 22.9 and 42.5 % for males and females, respectively. In terms of forest management, potential under occupancy of available space by pine marten and vulnerability of very small core ranges to clear felling practices needs further research to determine any impacts on individuals and populations.  相似文献   

We report the first record of the parasitic nematode Skrjabingylus petrowi in Ireland, the fifth record of S. petrowi outside Russia. Twenty-three of the nematodes were removed from the skull of a male road kill pine marten Martes martes from Co. Tipperary. The spicule lengths measured in the male nematodes removed ranged from 410 to 500 μm, which is in agreement with the range of 410 to 605 μm previously recorded for S. petrowi. This investigation presents further evidence that anatomical measurements are required for the accurate diagnosis of Skrjabingylus spp. and that S. petrowi has a host preference for Martes spp.  相似文献   

The pine marten Martes martes was once considered one of Ireland's rarest carnivores, but is now recolonizing many of the areas where it was once extirpated. It is important to monitor its population expansion so that conservation management decisions can be made regarding the status of this species. In this study, we investigate the use of fur snagging devices as a method of estimating pine marten presence and abundance in lowland and upland broadleaf woodland. We investigated whether these devices reliably detected presence, and how quickly. It was found that hair traps functioned very well in detecting pine martens on all survey transects and was essential in their detection in the most isolated site. A survey length of 6 days was sufficient to detect pine marten in all survey sites, with most detections occurring within the first 4 days. The hair traps functioned equally well as scat location for detecting pine marten and had the added advantage of there being no confusion as to the origin of the sample. Live trapping was used to verify the estimates of relative abundance from hair traps. There was a trend for the number of hair samples per site and the number of times animals were trapped per site to be positively correlated, although this was not significant. Hair traps do provide a real alternative for the monitoring of pine martens in both lowland and upland broadleaf woodlands, overcoming many of the disadvantages associated with scat location.  相似文献   

Habitat segregation is considered to favour the coexistence of sympatric pine martens Martes martes and stone martens M. foina, the latter being displaced to agricultural and urbanised areas. Subsequent to the report of pine martens in cultivated areas of the western River Po plain (NW Italy), we reviewed all available information on the presence of this species in plain areas of northern Italy and, for two study areas, applied a non-invasive PCR-RFLP method for the identification of Martes species from faecal mtDNA.A total of 24 pine marten records were collected, grouped in the western part of the River Po plain. The number of records showed an exponential increase from 1988 to 2007, the percentage of woods in a 10 km2 wide circular plot surrounding the location of records being inversely correlated to its distance from the 300 m a.s.l. contour line. In the two study areas, 36 out of 119 “marten-like” faeces were assigned to the pine marten, whilst none belonged to the stone marten. In the best monitored area, the pine marten was present almost constantly.Our results suggest that the pine marten is expanding its range to include cultivated areas which were previously considered a prerogative of the more synanthropic stone marten.  相似文献   

Although typically considered as a forest specialist species, the European pine marten (Martes martes) is an example of a number of species that have recently been found to also live in fragmented landscapes. Considering that habitat fragmentation and loss is a major threat to the persistence of mammal species in such landscapes, we investigated the association between habitat characteristics and genetic diversity across four pine marten populations occupying contrasting landscapes in France with different degrees of forest availability and fragmentation. Bayesian and multivariate clustering methods evidenced the presence of three genetic clusters and isolation by distance between populations was found at the national scale. We found an overall moderate level of genetic variability, but no evidence of a bottleneck or deficit in heterozygosity in any of the populations. No pattern of isolation by distance was found within the populations, except in the one located in the Pyrenean Mountains which appeared partly isolated from other continental populations and also showed a lower level of genetic diversity. No obvious association between the pattern of genetic variability and the pattern of forested habitat characteristics was found. We discuss the possibility that pine martens show greater behavioural plasticity than typically expected allowing them to adapt to different habitat types.  相似文献   

On the Island of Ireland, pine martens (Martes martes) exist at the western edge of their global geographic range in the least forested region of Europe. The species has undergone substantial declines in abundance and distribution during the 20th century. Here, we report on the first cross-jurisdictional (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) survey that aimed to investigate current pine marten distribution, assess any recent historical change and provide preliminary estimates of population abundance.A standardised non-invasive survey technique that used scat-based transect surveys and DNA analysis to confirm scat identity was deployed in 258 10 km national grid squares during 2005–2007. In the Republic of Ireland, an occupancy rate of 59.6% was found. Comparisons with historical data indicated that a range expansion of pine marten had occurred over the last 30 years. Indicative core population range extended to over 50% of the land area with population abundance estimates of 2740 individuals.In Northern Ireland, an occupancy rate of 56.7% was determined with the population largely concentrated in western areas. There was little or no evidence of any recent expansion from core population areas (18% of land area) despite recent increases in forest cover and full legal protection. Population abundance estimates of 320 emphasise the critical requirement for action to conserve this species.The pine marten is one of the rarest wildlife species in Ireland and, based on our studies, an evidenced based conservation strategy that promotes a sustainable future for the species needs to be developed.  相似文献   

The use of non-invasive genetic sampling (NGS) has become increasingly popular in wildlife research but needs well-planned sampling strategies and reliable laboratory protocols. In this study, we planned to assess the reliability and success of species and individual identifications of sympatric martens (European pine marten Martes martes and stone marten Martes foina) by genotyping non-invasively collected faecal samples. First, we developed a novel and accurate multiplex panel of 15 microsatellite loci, selected by cross species amplification of 41 loci. The application of this panel facilitated species distinction, discarding the presence of putative hybrids. Then, we assessed the impact of sample collector skills on the lab protocol performances. The faecal DNA quality was evaluated by (a) the success of polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism identification of the two Martes species and (b) the genotyping success and error rates of individual pine marten identifications. The survey was conducted over all the sympatric range of the two species in the Iberian Peninsula by three groups of sample collectors with different experience: expert wildlife biologist, trained volunteers and technical staff from natural parks. Results show that the different expertise between sample collectors significantly influences the success rate of pine marten individual genotyping, but not the species identification success rate. Based on our results, we recommend conducting sampling by experienced field biologist to maximise the quality of NGS and ensure accurate genotyping success. Application of our methods to field collected scats can be used in a cost-effective way to investigate distribution, patterns of genetic diversity and structure as well as to estimate population abundance for sympatric martens.  相似文献   

DNA identification of mammal species occurring in the diet of a predator is potentially a useful approach to remotely monitor the distribution of multiple species. This is important in Ireland, where it has been shown that the combined presence of the introduced bank vole and greater white-toothed shrew impact the distribution of the indigenous small mammals, the wood mouse and pygmy shrew. Direct monitoring of these species and their interactions requires trapping, a labour-intensive and costly approach. In this study, we applied an indirect method by genetically testing the presence of small mammals in pine marten scats collected during the National Pine Marten Survey (2005–2007) to map their distribution. We also included additional scats to investigate if less common prey items, the red squirrel and grey squirrel, could also be detected. This study demonstrates that all target species were genetically detected from pine marten scats. This strategy could be implemented as a monitoring programme for indigenous and introduced mammal species.  相似文献   

A potential of discriminant analysis is demonstrated in a case study of the common marten (Martes martes L., 1758) ecological niche within the Central Forest Reserve and its buffer zone. The analysis is aimed at identifying how the probability to encounter a marten's footprint along a walking route depends on the relief and other parameters of the environment discerned by remote sensing. The analyses that were done individually for each of the eleven months from a three-year observation period have revealed the pattern of the species spatial distribution and a measure of its association with the environment to be dependent, to a large extent, on the weather conditions. In general, associations with the environment do increase under unfavorable conditions. The methods are suggested that integrate outcomes of the monthly analyses into a general map of habitat types. The technique presented has wide application opportunities in studying the ecology of populations and solving problems of practical ecology.  相似文献   

Using four types of markers, the genetic variability of sable and pine marten inhabiting Western Siberia was examined. Izoenzyme and restriction endonuclease analysis of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene fragment, as well as the ISSR-PCR and analysis of microsatellite variation, revealed a low differentiation level of sable and pine marten and confirmed the hybrid origin of atypical representatives of these species. The hybrids were characterized by an increased heterozygosity level and were genetically closer to sable than to pine marten. In atypical martens, the presence of mtDNA haplotypes of eastern sable was identified. This could be the consequence of the reintroduction of the Barguzin sable in the 20th century. In Western Siberia, the introgression of genes between sable and pine marten was massive and symmetrical. It apparently occurred in the past and continues in the present.  相似文献   

Scent marking was studied in pine martens (Martes martes) in female-female and male-female pairs. Results show that agonistically dominant individuals generally had higher scent marking frequencies. However, environmental familiarity can modify the social relationship, whatever the previous social experiences, and, consequently, marking activity. Despite important intra-and interindividual variations, the subjects appeared to react to physical and social modifications by an increased marking rate. One factor affecting marking activity in both novel and established pairs was the activity level of the conspecific partner. the data support the hypothesis that pine martens react in the same way to physical and social modifications, but with different response levels. The discussion focuses on possible functions of scent marking. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The food habits and habitat use of pine marten ( Martes martes L.) on the Balearic Island of Mincorca were studied from March-August 1990. In a 28.2 km2 area, a series of hiking trails/forest roads were used to collect pine marten faeces bi-monthly and study te species' differential use of habitats. A total of 28 different food items were identified in 723 faeces. Small mammals were the most important food overall, constituting 34% of the volume During March-April, small mammals were the principal food consumed (63% of volume), followed by birds (19%). In May-June, birds were the main food (40%), then small mammals. Plant material and insects were the most important foods in July-August, both made up 68% of the pine marten diet. The abundance of certain foods and the degree of difficulty in obtaining them appear to be important factors that govern pine marten food selection in Minorca. Habitat use was studied along 12 routes totalling 32.6 km. Pine marten showed preference in March-April for Coastal Shrubland habitat, while during May-June they were found most in the Upland Pine type. During July-August, the Upland Pine and Open Pine habitats were most frequented by pine marten. According to bimonthly food habits data, habitat use seems largely determined by the abundance and availability of their prey items in the available habitat types. Martens may concentrate hunting efforts in areas different from when they are not hunting. The Minorcan pine marten differs from continental populations in its wide use of shrublands, in addition to forests.  相似文献   

In transitional mixed forests in northern and central Belarus the influence of intensified felling on the diets of red foxes Vulpes vulpes L. and pine martens Martes martes L. was investigated in two model forested terrains with sandy and clay top-grounds. A total of 1904 scats of red foxes and 1624 scats of pine martens were analysed over two periods differed by logging rate. When logging rate was conservative, red fox and pine marten diets were found to be similar, but under heavy logging feeding of the predator species shifted. In both model woodlands we found the same pronounced dietary trend of higher consumption of rodents, first of all, Microtus voles. The dietary changes were well related to the registered increase in Microtus vole numbers and total number of rodents in felling areas. The increased preying on rodents caused lower consumption of other food items, particularly medium-sized mammals (year-round) or/and birds or/and fruits (in the warm season) or/and mammalian carrion (in the cold season). In the conditions of intensified felling the food niches of the red fox and pine marten diverged mostly because of the great difference in the species structure of rodents consumed. Red foxes turned to preying on Microtus voles more frequently, but less on bank voles Myodes glareolus; while pine martens increased their taking of Microtus voles, continued foraging for bank voles and began taking slightly more of Apodemus mice. Before heavy logging dietary similarity between the red fox and pine marten was high and did not vary considerably through seasons and study areas, whereas after felling was intensified their diet overlap became lower.  相似文献   

The American mink (Neovison vison) and pine marten (Martes martes) are the most common mustelid species in mountain forests of the Southern Urals. The bulk of the diet (85.3%) in the American mink consists of small mammals (35.8%), insects (22.7%), gastropods (14.1%), and fish (12.7%). In the pine marten, the main components comprising 79.6% of the diet are vegetable foods (29.8%), small mammals (27.0%), and insects (22.8%). The low diversity of their food spectra is accounted for by landscape and ecological features of the study region. The abundance of rodents is low, their distribution has a mosaic pattern, and other kinds of food are more abundant near rivers and streams, which explains the preference of both mustelid species for riparian biotopes. The breadth of trophic niches in the pine marten and American mink are 1.67 and 1.62, respectively, and the coefficient of their overlap is 0.75.  相似文献   

We studied factors affecting density and spacing patterns in the pine marten Martes martes population inhabiting temperate forests of Bia?owieza National Park, eastern Poland. From 1985/1986 to 1995/1996 marten densities ranged from 3.63 to 7.57 individuals 10 km?2 (mean 5.4) and were positively correlated with abundance of forest rodents in the previous year. The rate of marten population growth was inversely density‐dependent and positively related to rodent density. Annual mortality rate averaged 0.384 and tended to be negatively related to marten densities. Mean annual home range of males (2.58 km2, SE=0.24) was larger than that of females (1.41 km2, SE=0.20). Seasonal home ranges also differed significantly between males and females. Both sexes held the smallest ranges in December–January. Female ranges increased in April–May, whereas those of males increased in June–September when they were mating. Fidelity of pine martens to their home ranges was very high. The mean shift between arithmetic centres of seasonal ranges was 0.25 km, and the ranges recorded in two consecutive seasons overlapped, on average, by 87–90%. We observed very little home range overlap between neighbouring male (mean 4–6%) or female (mean 6%) marten. Year round the neighbouring individuals of the same sex neither avoided nor attracted each other. Females attracted males only during the spring‐summer mating season. A review of other studies has documented that winter severity and seasonal variation in ecosystem productivity were essential factors shaping the biogeographic variation in pine marten densities between 41o and 68oN. The density of marten populations increased in areas with mild winters and lower seasonality. Maximum population densities (indicative of habitat carrying capacity) were correlated with mean winter temperature. In Europe, male home ranges increased with decreasing forest cover in a study area, whereas female ranges varied positively with rodent abundance.  相似文献   

Genetic individualization based on non-invasive sampling is crucial for estimating the numbers of individuals in endangered mammalian populations. In sable (Martes zibellina)-poaching cases, identifying the number of animals involved is critical for determining the penalty. In addition, investigating animal numbers for wild sable populations requires genetic individualization when collecting several samples in neighboring regions. Microsatellites have been demonstrated to be reliable markers for individual identification. Thirty-three microsatellite loci derived from Mustelidae were selected to develop a genetic individualization method for sable. Three reference populations containing 54 unrelated sables were used to calculate allele number, allelic frequencies, and the polymorphic information content of each locus. The data were subsequently used to assess the validity of a combination of twelve loci for sable individualization. We defined twelve polymorphic loci that were easy to be amplified and genotyped. Four significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed among the 12?loci in the three populations. The match probability of an individual from the reference populations with a random individual based on the 12?loci was 1.37?×?10?13. Using the combination of the twelve loci provides sufficient power to individualize sables considering the levels of microsatellite polymorphism observed. These loci were successfully applied to a case of sable poaching and provided valid evidence to determine the penalty. The genetic individualization of sable based on these loci might also be useful to investigate the numbers of animals in wild populations.  相似文献   

European pine martens (Martes martes)were once distributed across much ofwestern Europe. A combination of factors, suchas persecution, trapping, and habitat loss haveled to sharp declines in the species' numbersand range and, as such, local populations havebecome more vulnerable to extinction. Toevaluate the influence of these factors on boththe level of genetic variation and populationstructure, we genotyped pine martens fromacross much of their current distribution. Continental M. martes populations werefound to have a higher level of geneticstructure and lower genetic variation thantheir North American sibling species, M.americana, sampled throughout Canada. Thedifferences among mainland populations of thesespecies may lie in greater levels of habitatfragmentation and persecution experienced byEuropean martens, though it is difficult toexclude more ancient processes such as theinfluence of glaciations. Among islandpopulations of the two species, the Scottishpopulation revealed a similar level ofstructure and variation to the M. a.atrata population of Newfoundland, howeverIreland was more differentiated with lessgenetic variation. Our work usingmicrosatellites also extends previous mtDNAevidence for the presence of M. americanahaplotypes in England, raising the possibilityof hybridization with M. martes. Thesefindings may influence current discussions onthe status of English martens and theappropriateness of proposed re-introductions byrevealing that some indigenous martens persistin England, despite the presence of somepotential hybrids in the region.  相似文献   

Marten (Martes americana) carcasses were collected from trappers in three regions of Alaska. Stomachs were examined for the nematode parasite Soboliphyme baturini. Both prevalence and intensity of infection exhibited an increase from north to south. Prevalence was higher in adults (compared with juveniles) from the two mainland study areas. Prevalences in these two age classes were similar for the southeastern region. There were no sex-specific differences in prevalence. No pathologic changes were observed in the gastrointestinal tract. Impact of the parasite on either individual animals or populations was not detected.  相似文献   

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