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C. K. Pallaghy 《Planta》1971,101(4):287-295
Summary The correlation between stomatal action and potassium movement in the epidermis of Zea mays was examined in isolated epidermal strips floated on distilled water. Stomatal opening in the isolated epidermis is reversible in response to alternate periods of light or darkness, and is always correlated with a shift in the potassium content of the guard cells. K accumulates in guard cells during stomatal opening, and moves from the guard cells into the subsidiary cells during rapid stomatal closure. When epidermal strips are illuminated in normal air, as against CO2-free air, the stomata do not open and there is a virtually complete depletion of K from the stomatal apparatus. In darkness CO2-containing air inhibits stomatal opening and K accumulation in guard cells, but does not lead to a depletion of K from the stomata as observed in the light.  相似文献   

Abstract Cytoplasmic concentrations, fluxes of K+, Na+ and Cl and microsomal membrane lipids were investigated in a salt-sensitive and salt-resistant variety of Zea mays. The salt resistance of Protador relative to LGH (salt-sensitive) appears to be related to higher K+ fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, and lower Na+ and Cl fluxes and cytoplasmic concentrations, when grown in NaCl. There were no apparent differences in the simple chemical composition of root microsomal membrane lipids between the two varicties, neither were these affected by salt.  相似文献   

In the present study, the involvement of phospholipase C and D (PLC and PLD) pathways in the asymmetric divisions that produce the stomatal complexes of Zea mays was investigated. In particular, the polar organization of microtubules (MTs) and actin filaments (AFs) and the process of asymmetric division were studied in subsidiary cell mother cells (SMCs) treated with PLC and PLD modulators. In SMCs treated with butanol-1 (but-1), which blocks phosphatidic acid (PA) production via PLDs, AF-patch formation laterally to the inducing guard cell mother cell (GMC) and the subsequent asymmetric division were inhibited. In these SMCs, cell division plane determination, as expressed by MT preprophase band (MT-PPB) formation, was not disturbed. Exogenously applied PA partially relieved the but-1 effects on SMCs. In contrast to SMCs, but-1 did not affect the symmetric GMC division. Inhibition of the PLC catalytic activity by neomycin or U73122 resulted in inhibition of asymmetric SMC division, while AF-patch and MT-PPB were organized as in control SMCs. These data show that the PLC and PLD signaling pathways are involved in the transduction and/or perception of the inductive stimulus that is emitted by the GMCs and induces the polar AF organization and asymmetric SMC division. In contrast, division plane determination in SMCs, as expressed by MT-PPB formation, does not depend on PLC and PLD signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Double labeling of microtubules and actin filaments revealed that in prophase subsidiary mother cells of Zea mays a monopolar prophase microtubule "half-spindle" is formed, which lines the nuclear hemisphere distal to the inducing guard mother cell. The nuclear hemisphere proximal to the guard mother cell is lined by an F-actin cap, consisting of a cortical F-actin patch and actin filaments originating from it. The microtubules of the "half-spindle" decline from the nuclear surface and terminate to the preprophase microtubule band. After disintegration of the latter, a bipolar metaphase spindle is organized. The polar F-actin cap persists during mitosis and early cytokinesis, extending to the chromosomes and the subsidiary cell daughter nucleus. In oryzalin treated subsidiary mother cells the prophase nuclei move away from the polar site. Cytochalasin B and latrunculin-B block the polar migration of subsidiary mother cell nuclei, but do not affect those already settled to the polar position. The prophase nuclei of latrunculin-B treated subsidiary mother cells are globally surrounded by microtubules, while the division plane of latrunculin-B treated subsidiary mother cells is misaligned. The prophase nuclei of brick 1 mutant Zea mays subsidiary mother cells without F-actin patch are also globally surrounded by microtubules. The presented data show that the prophase microtubule "half-spindle"-preprophase band complex anchors the subsidiary mother cell nucleus to the polar cell site, while the polar F-actin cap stabilizes the one metaphase spindle pole proximal to the inducing guard mother cell.  相似文献   

Relationship between iron chlorosis and alkalinity in Zea mays   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mengel, K. and Geurtzen, G. 1988. Relationship between iron chlorosis and alkalinity in Zea mays . - Physiol. Plant. 72: 460–465.
Maize ( Zea mays L. cv. Anjou 21) grown in nutrient solution with Fe-EDTA and with nitrate as the sole nitrogen source showed typical Fe-chlorosis symptoms after a growth period of 14–21 days. Alkalinity in roots, stems and leaves of the chlorotic plants was high. Transferring the chlorotic plants from the nitrate-containing nutrient solution to a solution of (NH4)2SO4 resulted in a regreening of leaves within 2–3 days which was associated with a decrease in solution pH, a decrease in alkalinity of plant parts, a translocation of Fe from roots to tops and a release of Fe into the outer solution. Similar effects were obtained when Fe chlorotic plants were transferred to a dilute HO solution with pH 3.5.
Spraying chlorotic leaves with indoleacetic acid or with fusicoccin led also to a regreening of leaves without having a major effect on leaf alkalinity.
Interpretation of the experimental results is based on the assumption that nitrate as sole N source leads to a high pH level in the apoplast resulting in the precipitation of Fe compounds, probably Fe oxide hydrate. Ammonium nutrition has the reverse effect since it lowers the apoplast pH and this can result in the dissolution of Fe compounds. Application of indoleacetic acid as well as fusicoccin supposedly stimulates the proton pumps in the plasmalemma of the leaf tissue. The resulting decrease in apoplast leaf pH in the microenvironment also leads to a dissolution of Fe compounds in the apoplast and thus promotes the uptake of Fe by the symplasm.  相似文献   

Raschke K 《Plant physiology》1970,45(4):415-423
Stomata of Zea mays L. respond to changes in hydrostatic pressure in the water supply of the leaves almost instantaneously and in all leaf parts simultaneously. Therefore, the leaf is a hydraulic unit. The stomata are part of it and their aperture is controlled by the water potential in the water-conducting system. Stomatal aperture is not uniquely related to the relative water content of a leaf. The relation depends also on the humidity in the air and is different for the upper and the lower epidermis.  相似文献   

Summary The voltage- and time-dependent K+ current,I K + out , elicited by depolarization of corn protoplasts, was inhibited by the addition of calcium channel antagonists (nitrendipine, nifedipine, verapamil, methoxyverapamil, bepridil, but not La3+) to the extracellular medium. These results suggested that the influx of external Ca2+ was necessary for K+ current activation. The IC50, concentration of inhibitor that caused 50% reduction of the current, for nitrendipine was 1 m at a test potential of +60 mV following a 20-min incubation period.In order to test whether intracellular Ca2+ actuated the K+ current, we altered either the Ca2+ buffering capacity or the free Ca2+ concentration of the intracellular medium (pipette filling solution). By these means,I K + out could be varied over a 10-fold range. Increasing the free Ca2+ concentration from 40 to 400nm also shifted the activation of the K+ current toward more negative potentials. Maintaining cytoplasmic Ca2+ at 500nm with 40nm EGTA resulted in a more rapid activation of the K+ current. Thus the normal rate of activation of this current may reflect changes in cytoplasmic Ca2+ on depolarization. Increasing intracellular Ca2+ to 500nm or 1 m also led to inactivation of the K+ current within a few minutes. It is concluded thatI K + out is regulated by cytosolic Ca2+, which is in turn controlled by Ca2+ influx through dihydropyridine-, and phenylalkylamine-sensitive channels.  相似文献   

Cosgrove DJ  Hedrich R 《Planta》1991,186(1):143-153
Mechanosensitive ion channels in the plasma membrane of Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts were studied by use of the patch clamp technique. Stretch-activated (SA) channels in outside-out patches were analyzed for channel conductance, kinetics and ion selectivity. We found three distinct SA channels, permeable to Cl, K+ and Ca2+ and distinguishable from spontaneous (non-SA) channels for these ions on the basis of conductance, kinetics, and voltage-dependence, as well as sensitivity to membrane stretch. In the attached patch configuration, light suction (2 to 10 kPa) reversibly induced channel opening with multiple amplitudes and complex kinetics. The open probability for SA channels increased nonlinearly with pipette suction. In guard cells in situ, these SA channels may mediate ion transport across the plasma membrane directly, as well as influence the activity of non-SA channels via effects on membrane voltage and cytoplasmic calcium. Through such effects, SA channels likely influence volume and turgor regulation of guard cells, and thereby control of leaf gas exchange.Abbreviations EK equilibrium potential for potassium transport - ECl equilibrium potential for chloride transport - SA stretchactivated Dedicated to the 80. birthday of Franz HedrichSupported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to R.H. and a Department of Energy grant to D.J.C. gratefully acknowledges a John S. Guggenheim Fellowship and Fulbright Kommission Senior Professor Award. We thank Ingrid Baumann and Angela Schön for technical assistance, and Klaus Raschke and Heiner Busch for spirited discussions and support.  相似文献   

The exudation rates of fluid and potassium ions from isolatedmaize roots were determined before and after excision of certainlengths of root tip. The results of this study suggest thatexcised maize roots possess the ability to absorb potassium(and presumably chloride) ions and concomitant amounts of waterover a considerable distance (10 cm) from the tip. Moreover,the observed power of absorption of ions and water into thetranslocatory pathway decreases in passing from the tip towardsthe base of the root. Both light and electron microscope techniques were used to examinethe anatomy of primary roots similar to those used in the physiologicalexperiments. The principal observation was that the xylem vesselsnear the root tip contain membrane-bounded cytoplasm with organelles.The number of mature xylem vessels, i.e. without cytoplasm,progressively increased in transverse sections cut from 1 to10 cm from the root tip; above 10 cm from the root tip all ofthe xylem vessels were found to be completely mature. It isevident that prima facie a connexion exists between this singleaspect of root anatomy and fluid exudation from excised roots. The uptake of tritiated water by roots and its transport intoexudates was examined. These data were analysed on the assumptionthat the exchange of external labelled water with the exudatewas achieved by the fluid exudation itself; this analysis indicatedthat an operational volume, similar to that of the total xylemvolume within the root, must become labelled during the formationof the exudate.  相似文献   

The identity of sorbitol (d-glucitol) from maize seeds was confirmed by GC/MS of the TMSi-ether and by co-chromatography with authentic sorbitol. Sorbitol was found in seeds and silks but not in pollen or leaves. Both endosperm and embryo contained sorbitol, but endosperm accounted for most of the sorbitol recovered from intact seeds.  相似文献   

Our previous studies showed that Brewbaker and Kwack salts, which have been widely used in pollen germination and sperm isolation, are not appropriate for the maintenance of isolated maize (Zea mays L.) sperm cells. In the present study, we have characterized the effects of each BKS component salt on the integrity of isolated sperm cells using hemacytometry. At 0.01 and 0.1 mM, there were no differences in cell number between control and any salt-treated cells except a 22% decrease with 0.1 mM MgSO4 at 48 h. At the 1 mM level, cell number decreased with time in the presence of Ca(NO3)2 and MgSO4, with loss of integrity of most cells at 48 h, while KNO3 and H3BO3 had little or no effect. Further characterization of calcium-induced reduction in cell integrity using flow cytometry showed that depletion of possible residual free calcium by addition of EGTA to the suspension medium improved cell longevity and viability. Exposure of isolated sperm cells to 1 mM calcium had no effect on cell integrity and viability in 5 h; however, only 12% of cells remained intact at 24 h. The reduction in cell integrity was hastened when cells were pretreated with the calcium ionophore A23187 prior to exposure to 1 mM calcium, with a 54% reduction in cell number at 1 h and complete cell lysis at 24 h. However, depletion of cytosolic free calcium by pretreatment of cells with the calcium ionophore followed by resuspension in the presence of EGTA resulted in rapid reduction of cell integrity as well. These results collectively suggest that maize sperm cells are sensitive to exogenous free calcium; however, a certain level of cytosolic free calcium is necessary for maintenance of integrity. Mechanisms of calcium-induced reduction in cell integrity are discussed along with possible roles of the sensitivity of sperm cells to calcium in fertilization.  相似文献   

K. Raschke  U. Kühl 《Planta》1969,87(1-2):36-48
Summary Leaf sections were exposed to CO2-free air, thus excluding interference by the CO2-sensitive system in the guard cells. Stomates did not close in response to change from moist to dry air, whether it passed over the leaf or was forced through the intercelluar spaces. In contrast, the stomatal apertures became narrower if the water potential in the liquid supplying the leaf was lowered. Of solutions with the same osmolality, those with the higher viscosity produced the larger responses.Transient stomatal movements in the opposite direction to the final response were observed upon any sudden change in the water status of the leaf sections, whether caused by varying the moisture content of the air passing around or through the leaf sections, or by varying the water supply. Increased load on the water supply caused temporary opening movements, while improvements in water supply led to closing movements of varying duration. When dry air was forced through the leaf sections, non-sinusoidal oscillations with large amplitudes were sometimes observed.It is concluded that the guard cells are tightly coupled to the water-supply system of the leaf and only indirectly to the conditions in the atmosphere by a negative feedback of transpiration on the water potential in the water-conducting system.  相似文献   

Eun SO  Lee Y 《Planta》2000,210(6):1014-1017
Actin in guard cells is assembled in a radial pattern when stomata are induced to open under light, but the filaments are disassembled when stomata are closed under darkness or by abscisic acid (S.-O. Eun and Y. Lee, 1997, Plant Physiol. 115: 1491–1498). To test if signals that open stomata commonly generate the polymerized form of actin in guard cells, leaves of Commelina communis L. were treated with a potent stomatal opening agent, fusicoccin, and the actin organization examined by immunolocalization techniques. When stomata were induced to open by fusicoccin, hardly any of the filamentous form of actin was detected; instead, the actin resembled that present in guard cells that had been treated with an antagonist to actin filaments, cytochalasin D, and showed a sharp contrast to the long filaments developed in illuminated guard cells. Furthermore, treatment of illuminated leaves with fusicoccin disintegrated actin filaments that had already been formed in the guard cells. Preincubation of leaves with phalloidin, which interferes with fusicoccin-induced actin depolymerization, delayed fusicoccin-induced opening during the early phase. These observations suggest that the prevention of actin filament formation and/or depolymerization of actin filaments may accelerate the stomatal opening process in response to fusicoccin. Received: 1 October 1999 / Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

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